(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Tat time your wedding you got get those fengshui uncles to calculate dates for you? If have, they would have tell you which zodiac to avoid during wedding etc.

My wedding was no tiger and cow.



yah got shifu then its okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] like that no prob. my wedding is no chicken and tiger.

BACK fm lunch..today all sour stuff..mee siam n lime ice-cream..nw tum bloated like no one's biz..greedy me.

welcome candy!!!

xzz.if u nt pantang then nvm lah.

bb dust - i'm considering sheila loh...but when must i book ar???

candy - thanks...haven't confirmed yet...just tested faint line...

da jie - haven't koon...dunno how to koon...


u can call now then ask the nurse, she will advise u when to go down and see her. u not going back to ur bow tie gynae?

my package starts from 16 weeks at 2.6K inclusive of vitamins and delivery.

starlight _ i have to wait for 1 mth.

my detailed scan will have alot of chance to try to see cos i recall 3 diff doctors scanning station & then a session with my gynae 4 chances to try.

last tues we shake the fellow -it just wont BUDGE! SHY!


Tell your baby to open leg big big while u wait for your turn.

My baby legs are wide open during the scan. Its so obvious its a ball and a tiny pole sticking out. want to mistaken it as umbilical cord also cannot hahaha..

bb dust - ok...i see dark line then i call..mwahaha...nt going back...dh dun like him...he say he like bo chap...the package can use medisave to offset?? RH bill u roughly know?

hahaha..starlight...okie tonite i go back go talk to bb..'bb ah bb ...tomolo open leg wide wide & show time okie "..*-*

vic...next time yr bb shy shy must gek some coughs..force bb to move ard then maybe chances of seeing the gender will be higher.




sheeshhhh dont tell him anything wait he keep tinking abt it though ur shi fu said its okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vic, woofy,

yeah cough and laughing out loud will move baby.

Haha.. tats wat I did during my detail scan. Cos initially baby was facing down and inwards. Can't scan the face.

I went out for a walk, cough and laugh then baby really turned.

xzz..yup..my dh side also pantang..things like which animal will clash with me( horse ) or dragon ( my dh ) ..i juz diam diam..wait a lot of unnecessary hoohaa ...


go zzz nitex.... test later and tell us okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah that is what i did also, laugh and he turn, laugh and he turn

bbdust mummy,

i missed the 招财猫 yesterday leh.. hehe.. the feeling of feeling the bb kick is so exciting.. kekeke.. this is the 2nd time i get to feel bb kick.. LOL!!!


think more of bb moving ba.

think 3rd tri can feel the kick more! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust mummy,

hehe.. yah.. bb just happen to kick and then glide past.. haha..

that time my colleague's bb kick so hard that both me and her jumped together.. haha..


Good nite! Hope u get a darker line later!

BB dust,

Ya....wats most impt is bb is healthy. Thats what all mummies wish for.


Thanks, am 22 wks now....


haha.. YAH.. I WISHING.. and HOPE WISH CAN COME TRUE.. hehehe... no lar.. last nite we "molesting" bbdust mummy's tum tum.. then the moment i touch touch, bb kick then move.. hehe..

bbdust mummy,

when i feel that time he moving sideways woh.. thats y when hsien come over, she oso can feel bb move.. hehe


u still wearing heels.. tsk tsk tsk..

guai guai, change to flats k... change to a dry one first bah..

bbdust mummy,

hehe.. of cos lar.. most bois like gals to sayang de.. whereas, most gals will want guys to sayang de..

