(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


it depends on individual. If u dont want AF to come. must pump 4-5 times & latch 2-3 times a day ROUGHLY.

once u drop the number of pumps + latches - AF will shortly come.

happened to me - my hb had dengue when my girl was 5 mths old & at the hosp cannot pump so easily - pump noisey mah & 4 bedder paisay lor. I used manual pump - supply dropped alot cos hard to pump & was not home to latch my girl also.

after that less than 1 week ordeal - my AF came shortly after. I continued to BF till 22 mths. I stopped pumping at 12 mths & only latched from then till 22 mth lor. my AF faithfully came every mth after that incident hiaz!

i also have avent manual which is not bad & i subsequently bot medela harmony the manual one to clear blocked ducts.

I find after a while whatever the pump u need to change some parts - cos it gets lined by our milk fats & the suction is not so good after a while.

This round i will change the valve & valve flaps for my medela & hope the suction improves - or I will get fresh set of plastic parts.

ameda is just as good mah - its comparable to the PIS adv lor.

very popular too. I got mine from US la so its $460 only thus i bot medela lor. SG now $599 onwards. I eyeballing the new one Alison has. its so small & neat! $799!

Ya I heard avent manual one is good. But I scare use manual one will cause my fingers to get cramp :p

Yeah this time round I gonna order and replace all the all the parts for the ameda pump. Cos I test the motor is still in working condition. So no point buying another pump.

Yeah.. The freestyle good hor.

I also tempted. But my ameda no spoil. No reason to upgrade. Somemore I not working.. better dun anyhow spend. Haha.


think she either go slp le, or drinking lots of water to ensure enough pee later!

heee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello everyone,

TCCing for one next yr hopeful for a healthy one rather than to choose the sex of the baby. My elder one was a boy born in year of monkey... anyone knows if it's good to get a tiger?

starlight manual is good for SHOPPing & to clear ducts. or when i am watching TV in the living room during the day (no one around except my maid) good to be in airy living room - baby can have fresher air.

but i try not to use often -washing pumps not my CUP of tea - i washed mine for 12 mths everyday!

BB dust i not very sure.

I am sure you can pay for the repairs - but my SIL'd one has gone thru 3 kids - not sure if she did any servicing or not.

its a lower risk it wont spoil easily which is why pple still dare buy from US.


is it? hehe this kind of thing dont believe too much lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


okie i see if my bro is going to states nxt year then ask him to buy for me.

Welcome candy...


actually they say tiger for girls might not be so good. During festivals esp weddings, most tigers (esp girls) got to hide and cannot be jie meis.

But to me.. got baby can already. Be it boy or girl and which year.

But I would rather avoid a dragon :p Cos dragon year a lot of babies and very hard to find a school :p

Candy, no matter what horoscope also your kid..

we all tried very hard here.. no matter what horoscope is all great gifts from god. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


its common - but one wont abort just because of that right?

my dad's monkey & i am tiger -we spent 1st 10 yrs - him scolding me

2nd 10 yrs -me contradicting him

next 10 yrs learning to respect each other

& only after I got married which is after 30 yrs old our relationship improved & when i gave birth - & he retired its very nice now.

I dont think its monkey clash. more like MEN's EGO & traditional chinese ways of children shoudl be seen & not heard kind of theory he had which didnt agree with the maybe tiger & more rebellious nature in me haha!

Hi BB dust, vic, tigerbb, vio, starrlight..

r u all already 2nd x mum? or 1st time or even 3rd x mum? how many kids already? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah i heard tiger for girls ming ku.. but my friends all tigeress all very gung ho leh and doing well where got ming ku... i think its the shen cheng ba zi lah in which she is born ..cannot be all tigress all ming ku.. anyway i dont really believe, got bb can liao..health more impt than anything else [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vic... very interesting. will learn what life path for us (or for our kids). Hope this time round was successful... the last time i tried for 6 years!


Tiger for girls ming ku meh? I heard they say they are more fierce only. But sian la.. my cousin is a tiger (female). She always want to participate in weddings as jie meis but always kena forbidden.

Ya lo. Tiger good. See Hello Kitty..So damn cute! :p


I tried for like 11 months then I got my baby. Dun give up!

Can always visit Vic Ma's Huat Huat Pte Ltd to get the ovulation strips to help pin point your ovulation date .. I use her OPKs and strike one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah that is what the older generation believe in.. ming ku loh for girls..

but okie lah tiger is the fierce ones so wedding time those tiger must avoid loh wait clash.

starlight my time my friend & i cannot be her sister's bride's maid cos we both tigers -taboo to go into the wedding couple's room & have our reflection in the mirror - i had to walk in close my eyes & quickily turn & run out.

starlight, hello kitty is tiger meh? lol!

if wait for good horoscope.. can wait until white hair leh.. i got 2 dragons at home.. dont see they are good leh... lol!

sorry girls...talking to my auntie just now...thanks everyone for their well wishes...i will spread baby dust once i've gone to the gynae hor...and dun worry...i may be CLQ, but i will take good care of myself..MIL has officially banned me from housework...

wahh... Huat Huat? Any information? Sorry, I kinda late when all of you had already know... can share? mayb tis time round would be faster... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lately, was retrenched and 'very free' now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good news already huh? Congratualtions!!!! a bit late... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls take great care and be a queen at home...


Oh....okok, let her zzz liao then test later! Huat gao gao!


I am expecting #1 now....its a tigress. Initially, I am quite particular about zodiac but now I feel that healthy bb is very impt. Whether good or bad, will depends on the upbringing and the discipline of the child. Ttc is already very tiring so if we got a kid, its a blessing to us...

Ohhh... Vio! Congratulations!!! yes i agree with u... how many weeks ah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tried 1 yr! its like so sian i tot what's wrong with my body!

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

UK opks available 26/11/09, pre order

UK hpts 30 available

US OPKs available while stocks last.


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hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.


normally they dont want tigress to be jie mei cause they scare "chong dao" but since u not pantang and others not pantang then its fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and ur wedding over liao lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tiger is cat family mah. Hello Kitty also cat. Can la. Same same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tat time I tell myself if I got a girl I buy hello kitty for her. If boy I will buy garfield :p hahaha


Vic Ma is our resident Ovulation Strip seller.

A lot of us buy the OPK from her to pin point our ovulation dates.

vio i used to feel sian lor #1 girl. cos my hb's family very tradition & i must have a boy i told myself even though they didnt insist. (but now i very KC dunno #2 is what! - my bb didnt let open legs tues jsut past - i have to wait 1 more mth)

but actually its kinder to have a girl 1st as they are more wen rou. ( can prep you slowly for motherhood) Chances of mothers of 2 boys to have #3 very slim (unless accident) cos - they are up to their necks with the boys' mischief! completely exhausted!

I am a very proud tigeress too!


bbdust mummy,

eh.. no leh.. mine i check with the shifu, cos pig and dragon good to have tiger as friends.. so we go ahead with it.. and whats more he only say cannot have horse and snake.. so we take it as fine lor..

