(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Good. You check with ur SIL what is good to take to control BP.

Their product is not bad. It is helping me too. =)


hee... cos Extra Excellence hardly make adver... so when i intro to friends they will think I hard selling. =p


yah i will go check with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least it doesnt taste as jialat as milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i quite like it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


woo okie okie, my friend is giving birth today at KK and i realised her bill came out to be abt the same as my estimated bill

bbdust...really??? wah ...maybe if u can n yr fren dun mind..can share with me the details later on??? **tks in advance**...i only hope delivery charges n stuff like that wun give ma a bomb later on.

woofy and rabbit,

KK didnt give her gynae package de mah so her package is normal delivery, hosp ward stay + operating room + nursery i think then add here add that abt the same as mine wor. her package costs her 3000 plus (there is anther one that is 4000 plus) forgot why the difference.


kekeke tks tks leh girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u will be fine also hor.. how's wedding prep?


stress! prep is like shit. haha. my head sister cannot help me up on the morning session as she has prob applying leave tt day.


did u find alternative?????


yeah i got anther friend also delivering at KK nxt year, her bill also abt 3K plus leh wonder why? her estimated bill a bit complex very chim ah


dont know wor... i also blur why so ex... cannot be her bill same as mine mah? but i clearly saw on her estimated bill sheet 3K+ and 4K+ i was like wah so ex for govt hosp???


Thank god u found a standby, i rem my wedding ah.. my cousin volunteered to be the bridesmaid then hor guess what she wants me to buy her dresses, shoes which costs me a few hundred bucks (i dont want) and on my wedding day, she came so late that my DH already entered the door liao and she didnt do anything for the whole event just sit down there nia so angry wor.

happy boh?? kekek after that go BKK liao loh shop n eat till u drop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladies!


Wah piangz, yesterday my dh say the maid sms him. Supposed to give her mobile to agent...so guessed she has 2 mobiles then. She sms say "sorry sir for disappointing u" WTF? Terminate liao..still sms my dh for F!

bbdust...did yr fren opt for epidural/ class A ward & stuff like that?? the gynae's delivery charges also play a huge part..which gynae yr fren seeing?

alison..hehe..so early today wor ...yr maid wana come back isit.. sms yr dh for wat man..damage is aldy done.

bbdust, her is it one bedded?? got other poosible.. Hers maybe is C-cest? Mine i deliver at tmc, normal deliver without assist with epd 2 bedded plus all other expenses is 3K. My package was $600 starting from 4month...

I also heard from fren, for govt if u at labour ward longer will be more expensive...

bbdust: early meh?? I woke up 7am feed bb leh...then fix my dh breakfast.

XLH: no leh...thinking he like my dh. Bo liaoz lor.

bb dust, KK like black shop leh.. i see TMC and mt A break down not that ex lor.. but that is before cpf deduction?

aw, she likes your DH lor.. maybe everyday wet dreams on him.. lol..

bbdust..no wonder lah ..if u linger ard labour ward for more than duno hw many hrs they start charging hor ..best is go in...contractions come come go go n then pop ..keke ..my dream scenario.


eh nxt year one is normal delivery but today one i dont know yet kekek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for RH, if i stay in the labour ward for more than 8 hrs then the bill will go up. the basic package for 2 days, labour ward + 1 bedder + baby nursery + doc's visit + nursing care + other expenses incurred during operation = $2000 (not inclusive of epi, medication, anesthesia doc etc)

xinyi: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! But really, if she sms my dh one more time for nth, I will call agency. Supposed to hand her mobile to the agent...kaoz...No wonder always giggle like small girl when dh talk to her. PUI!


wah 7am is early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


talk to ur bb then he will guai guai kekek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i will go check her package out again kekek [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how how? should i continue clomid for this cycle?

if yes, then i have to go TCM purchase.

or anyone noe where else i can get it?

woofy, haha.. i also dream that.. water bag burst liao then slowly swim to hospital.. hahaha..

bb dust, DBS ladies card got discount? i long time ago see got some delivery package..


when u go for ward tour then they shld give u liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe u can try again? or u got gynae to check whether its good to eat again?


hahahh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] well done man [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, i think MT A bill size is abt the same as TMC.. That time i compare mine with my collegue, is abt $100-$200 difference.. I choose TMC cos just in case my husband hungry he can go oppsite to buy food n eat..


actually on the first cycle i opt out for the jab, my gyna actually told me to buy the clomid in case for this cycle no result. but i didnt get it. in hope tat i will have luck.

where else i can get it? or i have to go back my gyna to take?

andrea, ohh this i know.. haha.. but my gynae prefer Mt A and i read that Mt A more pro on BF.

is it true that total bill size we can claim CPF abt 80%? i saw some sample bill size.. like can claim alot...

Hi Karen

sorry. I was busy with some work here. Clomid is a controlled drug. U have to work hand-in-hand with your doc.

