(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Bbt = basal body temperature. It is the temperature of your body when you 1st wake up. Taken at teh same time everyday. It can tell when you ovulate and when AF will come. My AF very zhun. Come liao. Hohoho.

Yeah, yeah, I gg for holiday. 1st long holiday since birth of my DD.


5 days. I hope my DD cooperates. ;p


Actually, if jackpot then will be dpuble happiness mah. Now got to come back and jia you. Just discussed with hb and we decided to stop clomid this cycle bcos he will be gg on night shift. If I on clomid, O day and AF very zhun and all the fertile days are not good. Hohoho. Rest this month.

me back...had tom yum yee mee...too kiam for me ..sigh..nw OD on honey lemon to quench my thirst.

rabbit...tell yr dh to start massaging for u ..my dh also v nua initially..must ASK him then he do..nw he auto liao..keke ..his turn to REMIND me to let him rub the oil...this way dh can participate in the pregeancy in a way *-*


I try la. haha. I super tired and start to feel gan jiong as the day is nearer. I am like 19 days away from the actual day!

so scary.

liz..dun scare yrself sily by tinking too much ..rem to enjy yrself on yr big day..oh n plenty of zz..if not actual day look puffy not swee swee.

Liz, going on mar 17 - 20.. towards the end of 2nd trim..

no lor.. that day tigerbb say the promo.. i busy lah.. i sms my DH 1st, but main thing is my SIL lah.. i after work sms her.. she nv turn on her hp lor, next day then return call saying because she onleave.. then i say her lah "onleave must off hp? you miss super good deal." make her feel guilty lor. i made my effort check for promos every now and then...

group trips more troublesome, need to gets everyone's agreement. then when she called me, she was outside.. getting passport details is another time dragging thingy..

end up the tix cost $214 per pax lor, can get even cheaper one..

tigerbb, by the time i booked, jetstar good price tix all snatch off liao.. should say thurs nite already gone.. left tiger airways.. i 1st time booking tiger airways.. WTH they need everything. kns..

then i thinking since 6 of us go.. no need to buy extra baggage weight for all 6 of us.. i wanted to select 3 only.. they very smart lor.. 1 select = all are selected. i thinking forget it.. if excess, go there then buy.


ya, very fast de...

wahh.. tot they allow u to choose who can excess, who cant.

jetstar i know cant coz default same for all de.

hmm.. nvm la.

will be fun de! hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello ladies, wana ask when can we detect pregnancy? my menses is a day late, but i try to test with the hcg trip, hardly see the line, but after some time, seem to see an faint line, is it +Ve or juz evaporated line ?


true.. coz the jetstar really cheap! :p

hotel wise, if dun mind, can go for those hostel else apt for all to stay together? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


By right I am not suppose to O as my egg stop growing at 13mm.

But recently I feel wetter than previous month cycle.

megg, try to retest it with clearblue.

tigerbb, nah.. me & hubby not into sharing rooms.. plus HK can easily find a $50/per nite hotel, 4 star somemore..

Liz, i got asked him..

rabbit, clearblue more accurate? or i am testing too early? today onli first day menses late. my menses cycle quite haywire, nt sure if i shld wait or nt, coz today already cd37.

Hey ladies...my maid is finally gone. Now I am the maid..to my son n dog. NB! hahahaa! Whole day only ate 2 slices of overnight pizza...dun even have time to pump milk!!!

Gab super cranky today....kaoz! Now giving myself half hr break before ironing.

megg, yes clearblue is more accurate.. you can try testing 2 days later if you want to wait..

aw, can i call you maria? whahaha.. you yourself want to have dog.. now you have to train the dog.. what a busy mum.. train dog and baby..


tonight get a clearblue.

test tmr morning!

waiting for bbdust from u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haaa.. then go for that. its very cheap le.

tot HK acc quite ex wor.

hi awbb!

haa.. no choice.. intend to get part-time maid to help?

xinyi: super tired now...been awake since 7am. Non stop doing hsework..now pumping milk.

Hsien: ya...thinking of doing that. feel like sleeping now hahahaha!

XLH: ya lor...all babies. But Gab today really (*^%&(%(. Cry cry cry...then I buay tahan..carry him n do hsework hahahaha!


haaa.. think better get one fast ba.

not good to overtax urself with hsework, bb and a pup!

can go crazy sia..


icic... nice nice.. are u gg to stay one night @ disneyland? very pretty there!!!

hsien: ya...but every other day also need to mop floor mah. If Gab not cranky hor...think the hsework is not a big issue. also cos the maid didnt wash so many clothes wor...sigh~ I wash until siao.


alison its pump/latch. very minimum to sustain supply is 5 times a day. but it wont increase supply (which mean no stocking up might be possible)

diff pple have diff # of times trash hold.

mine i went down to total 5 times a day - my mensus came back ARRGH! so sian cos i was so enjoying no mensus still!

