(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

know how u feel, curiousgal.

me oso feel disappointed every time AF reports for the past 3 cycles liao...

so are u waiting for O in this cycle, or u r in the 2WW, waiting to test for BFP?


Hi curious gal and pinkie pirate,

Thanks a lot! Mi hope for my next AF soon... I have been feeling crampy since last night, mbe AF could be reporting soon. But, I also vomitted my breakfast this morning. I have been donating my meals to the toilet bowl every day this week. Think i am too generous, whahahahaha! But, really feel xin ku lo. Anyway, is a blood test necessary for mi now? I dont pin any hopes, but just want to have a peace of mind that I am normal. Dont want to be having pregnancy symptoms, when I am not preggie.

yes yes, I agree wif curiousgal, the O part is really confusing. I jus noe tat after 2 weeks from your menses date, can BD liaoz.

Pinkie Pirate - i feel funny becos every mth I will experience 'wet' days but this mth totally 'dry' manz...so i feel something not right & hope to find out wat could be wrong wif me?? :)

elina, i am waitin for O tis month... hee :p but tis month is a slim chances of gettin preggy.. cos frm CD 14 - 18, hubby overseas working.. so i haf bring earlier to CD 11 & 12 to work hard lo.. hopefully, his sperm can stay longer n survive, O can be earlier.. if nt, will try again after CD18 lo..

hi FA, i really having a big confusion on tis thue i 'hamtump' every month.. every month frm CD10 onwards, i try alternate or at least every 1 other 3 days.. if situation permits.. heheheheh :p but sometimes too tired, lazy will make me nvr work hard too..

hi sheryl,

if u wan, perhaps u can see a gynae.. cos ur sympton sounds like having MS to me.. maybe u can check n see if u r preggie or nt.. if u r, y cant detect etc...

pinkie pirate, tell u a funny thing, i just do the BBT for tracking when my AF to report, cos i do not know how to read BBT, i only know my AF chun chun report 2 days later my temp drop, so i use teh BBT to track when AF report only.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I saw may's posting that she has 30 days cycle, but she O late this month on CD21, is it mean that she will 35 days for this month cycle?? I scare if i like her O late, by covering only CD10 to CD18 is not enough..

Ofcos, May, hope ur AF not coming n keep my 14 days after O as mystry..

I am still consider to start to track O date n to know more on BBT, but scare it will bring me more stress on TTC, delimma delimma delimma..

prawnmee, dun stress... if doing tt will make u more stress for ur ttc-ing.. i rather u dun and jus BD based on the CD days calculation..

anyway the gynae tt i went to, told me tt if u do more, u haf more chances.. so instead of calculating the O days, u shld jus try more often to increase ur chances..

hi hi .....

was in the wrong channel .. hahaha

everyone here . JIA YOU... including me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey all am in my CD17 just want to check .. I BD on CD 14 - 15 and my tempreture then was pretty high.. but now its like normal at 36.6 .. does this mean .. conception not successful?


Prawnmee, yes definitely if your cycle is not regular, then you should BD over a longer period of time.

As for tracking O day, I guess it depends on your personality lor. For me, I find it less stressful if I know what is happening, I rather know than keep wondering and wondering when is AF due, when is O day, did I BD on the right day, etc. Also, I want to make sure that there are no health problems that can affect ttc. And most importantly I track my O day because DH and I don't BD very often, so I don't waste my chances if possible.

Actually the first cycle that I chart BBT, I was quite stressed, until my cycle ended up 45 days. haha. But after that, no probs, no stress.

If you're the type who is quite relaxed, still quite young, and can slowly try for 6 months or a year, then tracking your O day is not so important. Just relax and BD when you feel like it. Most gynaes won't tell you to track this and do that and they won't explain to you about all the details about LP and all that. That's because sometimes it can add stress and affect ttc. Most gynaes just tell you to BD more and just want you to relax and if cannot conceive within 6 months (or a year if you're young) then only they will see if there is anything you need to change or do.

hi ladies, I'm also TTC.. just started tracking BBT last month and like pinkie pirate, my cycle was extended because I think its due to stress.. as for this month, I'm at CD15.. trying to BD every alternate day since CD10 since I still not too sure how to read my BBT and my OPK is forever negative (never once that the test line is darker than control line) hence, I think I will stop trying to use OPK.. din know TTC can be so many information to learn.. hope to learn more from you ladies

hi, I have come back to give bb dust to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I m currently 14weeks preggie.

Jia You together every1, don't give up hope, it also took us quite awhile of wasted cycle time too!

Use the fertilityfriend BBT chart, it really help us alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & also the advise shared here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJmom2008 aka TTCingmrschoo

JJmom, congra, how nice i can annouce my pregnancy too, but wat i can annouce now is only my AF has just reported early this wk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] do u use OPK to track your O day?? may be i should try to understnad my BBT.. How many cycle have you tried??

curiousgal, i also dunno i will get more stress by using BBT & OPK or not, i scare later i do so many homework but still get negative result, i will have greater disappointmnet.. i oredi very bad mood for whole wk everytime my AF reported..

pinkie pirate, u sound logic too, i will decide within this 2 days whether to use OPk or not..

i Bought 10 stick of the OPK ... totally never use.. feel that its alittle too ma fan.. ahhaha

pee in a cup and all .. very troublesome... sigh ... so this month i give it a rest.......

hi ladies... my cramps are finally better nw.. fm the initial stage of waking up in pain 5times a nite, the last 2 days oni 3times n 1times nia. but juz nw i mouth itchy told my mum today no pain, den 10mins late gt the cramps again. hoping it'll be lesser n lesser. CD30 today n AF still nv report.

celia p (sugarfly)

During O, temp should be low. If temp is high, it means O is over...

Moon (paseo)

You can buy from me. I bought 100 OPK/ PTK ...left 80 now..just PM me.

Pinkie Pirate is correct cos my doc also asked me to try and see him half yr later if unsuccessful. So nowadays, I do charting and OPK. I am now at CD12 & has been testing using OPK twice per day, morning and night.

If I follow novakido friend's method, BD exactly on 2nd week after AF, that means we should BD on CD 15 onwards...I think I better not take any chances, maybe I can start on CD15 to increase the chances..

Seems like most of the ladies here are showered with baby dust already...so happy for all of you. I was telling this lady who did facial for me today that getting pregnant is like winning lottery cos its not so easy (especially for working ladies). Imagine we got to work, cope with the stress at work & try to get pregnant at the same time...so those working ladies who are pregnant, you guys are v v v lucky.

pinkie, thanks for sharing the info.

any recommedation which shows a more accurte results? Pregnancy strips or pregnancy kit?

For pregnancy kit, can it be reused? or 1 time use?

anyone there who are showered with baby dust but have no idea when is the exact date of the 1st day of last menses?

In this case, how does the gynae help to "predict" the due date of the baby as it may not be accurate?

the more i read the more blur i get! *faintx* anyway hubbs said once AF ends then jus keep doing... -_-" i really peifu u all being able to monitor ur cycle & ovulation so closely!

*salutes everyone*


if u have no idea when is the LMP, the gynae will estimate ur EDD according to the size of the baby. Even when u know ur LMP, ur EDD might bring forward depending on the size of baby. For my first child experience, my gal was estimated depending on size cos I can only roughly rem the range of my LMP.

Pregnancy test kit can only be used once. The strip that Pipi bought is normal strip used by doc. U will need a container to contain ur urine then dip the strip in to tets. For home pregnancy kit like clearblue, it is more easy. U can hold it and let it run under ur urine. But it is more costly.

I bought the strip from babydust.com and going to test it first. If it is positive, I will use clearblue to double confirm after 1 or 2 days.


Just something to share:

AF ends is still consider the "SAFE" period. U will most likely be fertile 7 days after AF ends. To increase the chance of TTC, most of us will:

1) Check Ovulation using Ovulation Test Kit (If u see two red lines means u will ovulate 24-36hrs later)

2) Take note of discharge (milky thick means u are ovulating)

3) Fertility Calculator (It tells u roughly when u are going to ovulate)

4) BBT - Body Temperature

5) Medication like Clomid (only prescibe by gynae)

I used 1-3 to TTC. Now waiting for news hoping will miss my mense this mth. I read somewhere that, to have high quality sperm, it will be advisable to BD alternate days.

hi may,

how is the delivery of the pregnancy strip done?

transfer $ online then, they will deliver via post?

Is there any min order quantity?

hey may! thanks! yeh noted that must try 7 days after... hehe... wads BD ?

hmmm maybe il buy some ovulation strips ba... but find it a bit troublesome... *sighx*


u are welcome.

BD = Baby Dancing aka Love making.

I used Babycentre Ovulation Calculator also. Cos I kiasu. Must know ur cycle day to use this. Here's the link:


It tells u a rough range u are going to ovulate. I will start using the ovulation strip during that period of time till I get the 2 red line. If u are not getting the strip, during this period of time, notice ur white discharge. If it is Egg White Thick and Sticky, then u are ovulating. That's the day to BD.

But not 100% will kena lar. It increase the chance only. Hehe.. I learn from here and this mth is the 1st mth TTC. So am waiting for the news.

wa such a cute name... aha! okie... thanks for the link! wil take note! but my cycle cn be quite erratic at times! menses irregular... so im nt sure if i can go by cycle counting... im thinking of going to see a gynae to check things out... we also newly ttc... jus got hitched in feb... hee...

gd luck to u!!! and everyone else!!!

oh dear Pi Pi ... i tot ovulation is when the tempreture is high and mucus is clear....

gosh have i been getting the wrong info......


Egg White = clear, not cooked egg white colour leh.

High temperature is also one of the symptom, I am not using Temperature Charting Method so I dun notice temperature.

morning ladies! TGIF and a long weekend ahead!!!

CD31 liao and my AF still nv report. still having abit cramps but at least i finally managed to sleep throughout the nite yesterday.


Waiting for ur good news, ya!

RE: Gastric/Preggie

I have been feeling bloatedness for 3 days. Keep farting (pardon my language) and burping. Feel like puking as if something is at the end of the throat. Now still early to tell leh.. CD28 DPO08. I dun dare to take gastric pills worry that if I am really preggie, might be harmful to the foetus. Drank ginger tea but dun help. Trying to relax and dun think about it.

Morning ladies..=)

The waiting game is killing me.. I'm now CD28.. I have a 30 day cycle..but no symptoms at all lei...tink quite low chance...

Hi May, just realised we are in the same CD and we are both 30 day cycle wan..hee..so coincidental..you might have a chance since you feel bloated..heard that it's one of the symptoms..me nothing at all..haiz...

i m CD 29 today..

i have always been an irregular.. 1st round clomid 28 day cycle.. sore breast, mood swing, nausea and all kinds of signs.. but no leh..

this round 2nd cycle of clomid, today CD 29... no symtops.. except for the strenuous exercises i did on CD 26 and had some brown spotting.. then nothing till today...

ya..the waiting guessing game is really no fun...


Yes.. same same as me CD28 and 30 days cycle..

I have got gastric problem. So not sure if it is preggie or gastric. Gastric attack last Thurs and I popped 2 pills last week. So have doubts on it lor. I called my gynae this morning. He ask me to go back to him after I miss my mense for 1 week. I am impatient to wait till then, think I miss 2 days will go test with pregnancy kit.


Maybe stress late leh.. still got small hope.


Dun lose hope, we can all try and try until we succeed.


hey ladies... lookin forward to the weekend too.. :p

all the best to those who are ttc-ing.. make use of the long weekend.. dun over-tire though... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi May & 4evaluv, all the best.. i hope u can come back with good news nxt week.. meanwhile, dun stress too much n try to relax...

i am lookin forward to my new cycle even though chances are slim.

hi May, was told wait till CM was sticky and stretchy .. and clear... then thats the best time and it would have meant I have ovulated.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm i am CD 17 only (am a 30/31 day cycle) looog 2 weeks wait for me..

but is it true that if suceesful the trempreture will remain high?

cause i dun feel anything at all.


wat is considered a high tempreture . mine is about 36.6 normal and when O is about 37.2 thereabouts...

CD16 ah? i wont be able to start on CD16 aldy.. cos hubby nt arnd... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u mentioned u saw somwhere that BD on alternate days will have higher quality sperms.

But the quantity will be lesser... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then what...

Quality vs quantity...

irene chan,

ya.. it is like if u BD everyday, will have lesser quantity and the soldiers are not fully charged to start swimming. So alternate days should be better bah. haha. Can't rem where I read also, cos had been reading of all these articles in the web.

CD16 ah? i wont be able to start on CD16 aldy.. cos hubby nt arnd... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


start on CD 16 ? I tot CD 14 - 15 is crucial? cos thats when my CM was clear and stretchy .. at the moment its .. kinda cloudy. can advice... ahhaha so excited......

I bd on cd 9, cd10, cd12, cd14, cd15, cd17 .. am i well covered?


may... we have been trying since jan i think and we tot we have covered all grounds if we strike around those 3 or 4 days... but it was unsuccessful .. these couple of months we have grown very very dissppointed.. u?

but are my dates correct?

