(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie - ya lah, true... anyways we diverted our holiday to melbourne instead. i was considering between a HK disney trip and a family trip to melbourne. my sis came back recently to surprise my dad for his birthday. her birthday is end oct, so my dad thought of doing the same - surprise visit on her birthday. my parents going first, then me and my family will join them a few days later. more of a family total reunion sort of trip. we'll probably take a few days to drive out to the country and back. hopefully it'll be restful. with 2 kids in malacca 2 weeks ago it was quite tiring. but this time with more family members around, hopefully less hectic.


Re: cake avenue

I agree tat purely fondant isn't nice cos too sweet n sugary, nice to look at only.. Tats y I requested for them to use cream finishing n only drop the fondant decor on the cake when they deliver to me. So u get to hav a nice design cum yummy cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if gettin a grp discount, I Wana join too!!! I want the choc cake!

Yvaine/ roz- ya my hb also tinks no need to spend so much

on cakes but he did allow exception for 1st bday hee... And cos we always throw a party for our elder's bday which

includes min 30-40 pax, we can't escape hitting a $100 for it.

Pine garden is nt too bad too, did a two tier for her 5th bday

wf Disney princess theme n it looked superb!

On a sadder note, my Chloe down wf super stuffy nose n phlegm.. Poor ger can't breathe properly n us choking on her phlegm. Pd says lungs stil ok bt phlegm v thick, gota take alot of med.. Super heartpain... Must hav caught the bug at the clinic when she took her jab last week..

Yvaine, with 1 Alexis I already buay tahan, imagine with 2 kids, worst lor. This time round your family will be with you which is good lor. My Chiang Mai trip, hubby's colleague took turns to take care of Alexis, so we can have our meals. So not so bad lor. MEL is nice, just plan and look forward [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

God's child, poor mine. Hope Chloe will get well soon. Baby sick, mommy more heartpain than we get sick ourselves.

1st year Birthday party:- Wow some mommies really spend alot for their babies birthday. I guess I will just give cakes to her classmate and some small presents. The most a small family gathering with small simple cake bah. Will do more when she has her own friends.

bubbly: steady leh you. didnt even carrier zaizai?

eh, im very affected even though i know i shouldnt. and i foresee more to come!

chey also doesnt have anything she likes in particular. im making what i like loh. lol

stefie: must be careful leh. dangerous to drive when you are not feeling too good.

leelee: im still waiting for ecreative and pine garden's quotes. the most expensive thus far is cake love couture! $550 for 3-tier. faint!

yvaine: so nice to have surprises.... enjoy your trip!

mummies: cake avenue reverted le. said even with group orders also cannot give discounts as its company policies. thus far, the quotes are 2-tier is $327.50 and 3-tier is $382.50 ((rough estimation). the ultimate price depends on the design.

stefie: for us our logic is that there is only one 1st birthday so must do it for chey. subsequent ones will be family celebration with a small cake until she has her own friends to invite for party. hehe...

Eon Eon, thanks for your concern. I am extra careful if I drive in this condition.

wow then must take more pics for Chey's party[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess would be very special one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We are more simply person lah, would save the money for her future instead[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Cos every year my birthday already no different (Since I was young), just makan with hubby, not even cake.

stefie: yes, have to be extra careful.

its just me lah. i just think i need to do a 1st birthday for chey. then after that small affair among the three-some! lol

stefie - melbourne: ok lah... don't know why a lot of my friends seem to like melb... i studied there before, that time very difficult. i just got married, had to fly off 7 months later cause it's company sponsored, stayed there 1 year... so miserable and homesick that time. anyways melbourne city is so stuffed with asians now. out of 10 faces i think 5 is asian student... hahah. i agree with you, our first birthday celebration liekly to be a small family affair. unless the jiejie really really wants a party (more for jiejie than meimei!!!), hahaha... (actually she's already planning who to invite for her meimei's bd party!!!)

wow almost $400 for a cake!!! *gulp*. i thought the price range was 200+ just a while back... i can imagine how grand the cakes will be. have seen quite a few on this forum. nice.. but still, a bit hard for me to swallow. must really savor every bite hor!

Deon - we did it opposite. first yr for elder gal was family affair coz she didn't really know much. but 2nd yr onwards we did do parties cause she enjoys them and knows what's going on. but still, small scale ones lah... enjoy the planning, it's fun!!

Stefie - u take care too since u aren't well.. ya lor, baby sick mummie super heartpain... i cant work well and in no mood for anything actually.. super grouchy...

Eon - oh dear, no more grp discount ar... sad... pine garden is not bad too,famous for their lychee martini.. just a tad too much cream imo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will most likely get cake avenue for the first bday still, the pics on FB look reali better as compared to 4 years ago when i used them...

Re : RUnny nose med

can i check which med do ur give? If giving zyrtec, whats the dosage u r giving and the weight of ur baby? the pd ytd mentioned that i can stop chomine after 5 days to switch to zyrtec cos med if used too long loses its effectiveness.. but i forgot to ask her the dosage...

Yvaine, yes leh. MEL okay only. Cos we went to New Zealand first then Australia (MEL and Perth), nothing as good as New Zealand. The Great Ocean road nothing much lah. Some Ah Mo Australian don't like Asian cos they think Asian snatch their jobs.

Part of the reason why I find no need to have big party for Alexis cos this year already spent alot for our holidays. No budget liao. So just some family gathering one and as simple as possible lah.

Your no. 1 so cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i like Pine Garden Lychee Martini cake!! v v yummy, its light and fluffy.. I did a Sesame Street theme cake for no 1's first birthday, till now she is still playing with the little characters that came on the cake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But i dare not tell my hub i paid $100++ for that cake, :p

May get the same one for no 2.. mainly cos i wanna eat the lychee martini cake again haha...

Babies/kiddos sick

hope the babies and toddlers who are sick get well soon. Really heart pain for mummies to see them suffering. Rather we fall sick then them right.

My no 2 turns 9 months old tomorrow and I still have not given her proper solid food (arghhhh).. proper as in porridge with vegs and fish/pork/chicken. Jia lat, we are wayyyyy behind.. I see all the nutritious food the other babies eating here and i feel v guilty.

Maybe cos I'm tired out with planning for no 1's menu since she was 5 months old.. now with no 2, i v laid-back and bochap.

I just bought the si-shen brown rice porridge, shall let her try later with fish and potato puree. I think she will close her mouth after a few tries, she prefers instant cereals from nestle!

Oshgosh, no worries. At least you try. I guess you may want to try our food on Leah, if she is interested. Like Alexis loves cooked rice when we are having our meals. We just gave her bits by bits of white rice. We are not having competition here. So better don't read or see too much, it will make you more upset. Just take everything as a pinch of salt. For what you know Leah eats everything. Jia you okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh - i also like their lychee martini!! yum! that's the one i paid $95, for a two-tier cake. also sesame st theme, and same thing, we still have the little toys around. as for the solids, me also quite slack. like u, i also feel a little bad for not thinking too hard about K's meals. but more because i'm worried if i don't let her try more varied tastes in the beginning, she might end up becoming a fussy eat like her sister. but i guess, however hard (or not) we try, sometimes it's in the child as well. some babies love to eat while some babies are not so interested in food, period. we just try to do what we can within our resources and limits. don't feel bad ok... we encourage one other!

stefie - ya lor, u all 'celebrate' oredi, bringing her on so many nice trips. not even 1 year already globe trotting... so many chops on her passport liao, what more can a little baby ask for leh... hehehe.. and enjoy continental breakfast buffet with mommy daddy some more!

Yvaine, ha!!! ha!!! The continental breakfast is in the tour package lah, if on our own, we will not take the breakfast. Travelling is more for daddy's sake lah. Anyway for under 2 years old, tickets are 90% off, so it is best time to bring babies on travel and they will not ask mommy and daddy to buy toy yet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes yes must utilise the infant fare as much as possible! for us, cause we had a promo deal for emirates to melb, we paid 738 for adults, but child is 528, and infant still gotta pay 260... but overall still a good deal so cannot complain.

how come traveling is for daddy? your hub loves to travel? how about you?

Yvaine, wow really good deal. Australia airport tax is one of the highest Liao. Hubby loves to travel, me just 陪太子读书, tag along lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he has ren for almost 1 year Liao.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

im officially sick liao since yesterday. was feeling so terrible but i struggle to spend time with chey with my mask on. this cheeky girl attempted to pull my mask away several times! lol....

yvaine: yes, we are opposite. our plan for her 2nd, 3rd and 4th birthday is to maybe go for a short trip as a three-some celebration in a foreign land.

im busy with getting quotes everywhere now. hehe

gods child: yes leh. that was what she said. so no choice loh. dont need to combine orders liao.

gods child, osh gosh & yvaine: i like the lychee martini too!! hmm... slurps!

osh gosh: like what stefie said, dont be too stress out with the food planning. i have to be more hardworking as unlike other babies, milk is not the main for chey. she drinks only this much. so i need to find supplements for her. yes, try our food at times. i do that from time to time. chey likes it! but not those which are too salty or with too much seasoning though. not too good. i usually sit chey together with us to have our meals together whenever possible. she prefers it that way.

Hi Mummies,

Posting this here on behalf of Mangogal. Its about out 1YO Bash for our babies.

She has checked out Gymboree.

--> 10 babies $370 additional baby $15 per child, --> MAX 25 babies in the gym during playtime

If we have 25 babies the total cost will be $370 + ($15*15). Each baby = $23.80

No limit for adults so both parents can accompany the baby

1 hour playtime 12:30pm to 1:30pm.

1:30pm to 2pm will be 30mins of snack time.

Food not provided and they only allow finger food, they will set up table,chairs, cups and plates for the babies and a free goodie bag.

Should we go ahead with this or any other mummies have other suggestions?

We are looking at either of the first 2 weekends of Nov.

stefie - hahah now he gets to enjoy so much travelling, make up for lost time. good good... you're a good wife to accompany him lor. and alexis "tan deo"...

Eon - don't get too confused with too many quotes wor!! hhaahah... the planning and anticipation is part of the fun, really. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


RE: 1 yr bash

Hmm... i personally feel that the maximum of 25 babies is a bit limiting. say, what if we have more than 25 mommies and babies joining? a bit "cruel" to say "first come first register first served" leh...

i know it's not easy to find a good venue and not easy to organise something of this scale. i just wonder if we could book a large function room in someone's condo, and set up a play area, perhaps also rent some toys or slides... i'm sure some of us have those big toys (think little tikes etc) that we can also 'contribute'...

this way, there's no limit to the numbers... because from past experiences, the numbers cannot be confirmed even at last minute de... babies fall sick, something crops up etc... so the number is very fluid. if we fix it at 25, what if someone falls sick and cannot attend. then it'll be quite a waste and if so last minute, we also may not be able to get other mommies who initially wanted to join but are out of the 25 seats to attend.

just my 2 cents lah...

Hello all.. how's everyone doing?

Well my boy completely recovered. He kept having fever on and off.. and even no fever, his body feels abit warm. Now ok, back to IFC. Phew..

He is also very sticky to me these days. Don't even want my hb. If he is with someone else and he sees me, he will cry out for me. I guess it's a phase? But only at home. If outside, anyone carry ok coz i went for my cousin's bb full moon, alot of the relatives carry him, he was ok.

Btw, on cakes.. i was at Northpoint and saw this shop that sells very cute little cakes and cookies. The whole shop very very pink, so I assume got alot of girlish cakes? Maybe can have a look. Here's the link I found.


Oh, is it ok for my boy to eat fish from fish and chips? I was at Manhattan fish mkt and let him try the fish meat. He loves it and wanted more. I didn't want to give him too much but he kept asking for it. It's Dory fish. Recently he's been taking only cereals, didn't go school and we didn't cook porridge also.

hi Jul!

yes separation anxiety peaks right about now... so it's quite normal!

good that he likes fish! but not so sure deep fried fish coated with lots of oil and salt and seasoning is the best for him though... how about trying some homecooked ones at home? olive oil will be a healthier and safe alternative if you wanna try pan-frying...

Hi Mummies,

Long time never join the forum as i'm officially moved to JB. everyday needs to travelling between jb and sg for work.. tiring.. and i'm on medication due to hypothyroidism, seldom on my pc nowaday.

1YO Bash- i missed out the 6 mths bash.. hope i can join the 1YO bash this time.

I wishing that i can be the SAHM. Kinda tiring while need to work and look after the baby at the same time.. and due to stress from work and family.. feel like wanna quit the job.. hahahaha


Dory fish ok! Fried dory fish with seasoning, not ok!

Instead of pan frying u can bake in the oven. No oil n much healthier

Yvaine/Grumpus: Oops.. but i gave him the insides. My SIL said ok, so i just gave him a small bite and he asked for more! But gave him afew bites, then I distracted him so that he won't ask for more. I forgot to bring his snacks.

Woolsey: Sorry, maybe i missed something. Why did u move to JB?

juls> as an occasional snack, can lah. anyways, digest finish already, want to worry also can't do anything about it >.< I also give my boy bits off my plate when eating out, just to keep him occupied :D

lovebyte: thanks for the of the 1 year old bash. gymboree is good idea but there is limitation just like what yvaine pointed out. so i think the best will be function room or community club has function room too. i dont think it will be too expensive, right? no idea. never check it out before. just an idea.. lol

jul: i heard many reviews that the cake from icing room is not nice. just good to play with..

yes! super expensive arh!! faint... im hoping the quote from pine garden wont be so expensive.

i dont think that should be a problem since its the inside you are feeding. i tried it several times for chey too. sometimes i feed her the inside of those battered fish, sometimes i feed her the baked/grilled fish that is served on top of the pasta we order.

woolsley: how come you move to jb?

oh dear! will you need to be on the medication for long term? hope not!

Hello! Liz broke out in rashes yesterday, and true enough, it's fake measles after her viral fever. I've found a GP just at my place that she's ok with, so that reduces the need for me to rush to her PD everytime.

Re: 1yo bash

wow, so many of you are planning for it already? I was originally full of energy planning the party, but after discussing with hubby, we decided to drop it as we didn't want to spend so much on it when Liz doesn't know anything. Anyway, we are already bringing her to HK in DEc, so that can count as her birthday celebration.

Juls: I think it's fine to let kiddo try the fish. Everything in moderation.

the 1YO bash is for all the babies from this forum thread.

I agreed that limiting the babies is not the way to go. Hmm anyone has suggestions? I'll checkout fidgets this friday to see how many they can accomodate.

Hehe ok.. I didn't give him alot coz was not sure if he can take. I didn't expect him to like it, so i guess maybe got abit of seasoning that's why he likes it. But his first bite reaction was so funny coz i think maybe it was a little hot. So he was shaking his head, banging the table and making funny faces, abit hard to explain but it was a funny sight. Then thot he didn't want any more but he actually asked for more.

Yvaine: Ya I also suspected it's separation anxiety. My mum abit disappointed that he dun want her.

Juliana: I used to stay in 3 room flat, but it seems like too small for us cos my hb got a lot of stuff so We decided to buy a double storey Terrace at Bukit Indah, Jb. Moving to jb in May this yr and rent out my 3 room flat for extra income. My hb likes the living style in jb and more space for my gal to move aroud in her walker.

lovebyte, just caught your post. iirc, we had about 30+ people for the 6mth bash. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

woolsley: i see.. we go to bukit indah quite regularly de. at first wanted to go this saturday but hubby is on standby so cannot go. else can meet you guys at the bukit indah aeon/jusco shopping mall. his colleague also did the same thing. he bought a house at the leisure farm and commute to and fro singapore to work. its a matter of getting used to bah.

Hello mummies!

Stefie: I agree le.. Alexis has super good life!

Eon: hope you are feeling better today..

woolsley: my SIL is relocated to JB, so, my bro decided to move to JB for her sake.. and my bro drives in and out everyday.. quite tough for him, especially when the traffic is bad..

Juliana: agree with Muddypaws.. everything in moderation.. :) this trip to BKK, I fed zaizai cheese from the sausage mc'muffin.. he loves it.. then I cheated him with egg yolk (same colour ma), he didn't want to open his mouth thenafter.. hehehe..

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Today I will see my new boss. Hope he is as good as my current boss, if not will have to fish for new job liao.

Yes leh bubbly, cos hubby loves to travel, so he will bear with any nonsense from Alexis.

eon, go go doc and get mc so u can rest at home. u still hv a princess to care for, so get well soon!

stefie, very envious that u are able to travel so often and that alexis is so easy to travel with. i shudder to think at bringing gwen overseas. she's really testing my patience recently.

mummies, i also need to find a new job at the end of the year. now just holding on for bonus sake. haiz... i just got piled with 30 new contracts, and hv no one to help me despite my many requests. i still have 50 contracts on hand to follow up & process and i'm so backlogged i dunno where to start or where to end. and there's so many issues with the system and management, sometimes i just wanna give up. i hardly come in here 'cos really no time. haiz...

but i still think of u all and am looking forward to gatherings! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you everyone!

stefie, good luck with new boss. hope he's as good or better than the previous one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew: sorry to hear about your job situation. I've a few headhunter contacts on hand. If you want, you can drop me a text or msn ([email protected]) to discuss further. Hang in there... I finally got my Aug salary (one week late!). My boss is currently mum about how to get financing, so we're all sitting tight.

eon: do get some rest... i'm still very ill but in office. Feel so bad for passing liz the viral fever and cough. My maid has been taking care of Liz since I've fallen ill, and I noticed Liz getting closer to her. I feel so sad, but yet so helpless cos I'm still ill. I hope to make it up to liz when I get better.

Morning Mummies!

To mummies and bb who are under the weather, speedy recovery to all.

Was on childcare leave yesterday as bb down with fever and flu. Super heartpain to see her little "sian sian look" face with nose dripping and eyes tearing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Guess due to not feeling well, she has been quite "whiny and sticky", has been carrying her to sleep most of the time. Hope that her nose tap will be off real soon.

Back to office today, and trying to give myself a "water parade" as seems like it's my turn to have sniffing nose. *No!!!*

Lychee Martini Cake:

Sounds so yummy, may i noe does it really contains real martini? Suitable for kids to consume?

Mommies, this morning when I bring Alexis to skool, she cling on me tighter few times, before she willing to let go. I guess yesterday putting her to bed and playing with her helps. And my hubby try to siam Alexis, cos he don't want to be Koala. And also he will travel this Friday evening till next friday for biz trip. I guess he means well, don't want Alexis to be upset when he is not around. So another few ladies nights for me, Alexis and my 2 fur kids.

Eon Eon, yes leh. Take MC to rest if needed. I was on MC yesterday, cos my cough was very very bad at night. After taking the new set of medicines, I feel much much better.

dewdew, Thank you. I just saw my new boss, very kind looking. I should see in Oct, cos he will attached to my current boss for 6 months. You can try a road trip up to Malaysia first, Gwen may not be as difficult as you think. Few mommies already travel on flight with their babies, some more to USA. So we can do it so can you. No matter how difficult, it is just passing phase. Things will get better. Jia you.

I will sms you my agent contact. She is quite good, she found me jobs at big MNCs with good benefits (Nokia, Wyeth). If cannot tahan then leave this co lah. Not worth getting upset with them. Throw more nets and hope you find a better job with much better benefit.

Whisp, poor mine. Take care. Drink some liang teh. It will helps. Babies will recover much faster than adults. So no worries on them lah. We must take care of ourselves first, then have energy to take care of them. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks stefie! yah, must take care of ourselves in order to take care our precious.

hubby bought durian mooncake for me yesterday, but i rejected saying i can't afford to fall sick now. hehee he surprised that i can reject the yummy DURIAN mooncake. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking of job, i super buay tahan my boss, really no compassion one that guy. i've sms him yesterday saying that i couldn't go to work as my girl was sick, he still kept smsing me regarding work which is not related to me in the first place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that's not the first time, when i was hospitalised while pregnant with my bb and during confinement, he did the same thing to me, bombarded me with sms regarding work, not a single word on how I am feeling. So much for working for him for 9 years liao. if not becos i'm familiar with the work and colleagues (thus sometime can chin chai a bit when i need to take urgent time off), i really feel like throwing the letter. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

EonEon: my new house will be at Nusa Idaman and will completed next yr. Now renting a double storey terrace for temp stay. Sure, we can meet up if u come to Bukit Indah. long time never c u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly7: If go by Tuas still ok, not very jam. Via woodlands really needs to wake up early. Normally my travel journey will be ard 1 hour from Bukit Indah to Eunos, still quite ok.. at least i can rest in the MRT. Just need to wake up early at 5.15am.

dewdew: same here. i feel like to quit my job as well. endless job and lots of pressure coming from the management. But for the benefit and bonus sake, my husband ask me to stay till i really wanna close factory.

i am given 2 days mc to rest. i think im really 活该! i should be resting but the moment i finished my consultation, i went to ntuc to get grocery to prepare chey's puree! but cant stop putting her and all related in the first priority. now can rest liao.

thanks mummies for the concern. am really sianz at myself. keeps falling sick. hope can really recover fully soon.

stefie: your current boss is leaving arh?

you have to take care too leh.

your alexis has no nonsense at all loh. your hubby & you can really enjoy all the travelling.

dewdew: very envious hor, i also am very envious of stefie's constant travelling.

you can bring gwen too. like what stefie said, start with road trip to malaysia first. test water mah. we tested a few times liao. ok so far. next will be test water with sleeping in a foreign bed.

seems like a couple of us need to find new jobs hor. haiz, so sianz right? im also not really looking forward to this job hunting process but no choice, gonna move means gonna move. will just miss my boss and the super shiok working hours. eh, i sounded like i have already found a job and moving on. lol

muddy: good that you have gotten your salary. this type of situation is damn stressful. i hate not knowing when i can get my salary. the least a company can do is to pay promptly.

you rest well too! go home to rest if there is nothing urgent. no choice, we just have to accept the fact that we are not the primary caregiver. so our precious will sure be closer to the primary caregiver de. just have to spend whatever time and effort we can to bond loh.

whisp: hope your princess has a speedy recovery.

woolsley: okok, i will let you know. but then hor, i dont think i have your number leh. pm me your number?

Eon Eon, rest more lah. Once better can prepare more purees for Chey. Miss a day or two also okay one. Drink more water and Liang teh okay. Take care[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Is Chey at your mom's or with you now?

My boss retiring lah, next year 63 years old liao. He can happily travels and cut grasses (Golf) lah.

Thank you. I am much better, heng hubby around these few days. So I can rest better. If alone sick and have to take care of sticky Alexis is not easy.

Alexis has been very notti and vocal these few days (ever since during our Thailand trip, I think stimulation bah) not that guai like that time you mommies saw her.

No need to envy me. Once you set your target holiday, nothing can stop you. Things are not as difficult as you think. Just go with the flow lah. Before you know it, you, chey and hubby are happily on holiday away from SIN. See how the Ah Mo do it, everything like so simple during travel. So can we[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See Chris is going to Taiwan tomorrow liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If your current co is okay, then stay lor. Cos next job maybe better or worst. It is like 50-50. Anyway Good luck hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


stefie: hehe, cause i was thinking do now then tonight dont have to do loh. going to take a nap now. later going to my parents' to see chey. have to cut down the contact time else im afraid she will kena from me. persistent virus. visited me 2 weeks back. must have miss me so visiting this week again.

i see.. retirement liao. haha, good loh! can travels and cut grasses. lol

really arh. i cannot imagine little alexis being naughty leh.

yes, planned liao. booked liao. waiting for the dates nia. yup! i am trying to brain washed hubby to go on more trips. his concern is on chey loh. very very paranoid.

not ok here. there is a xiao ren trying to kick me out! keep trying to stab me all over!!! im covered with wounds liao. thanks! i need lotsa luck leh.

