(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Dewdew - whoohoo got your page![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jiugui session - I cannot make it if its on 28May cos I'll be going to MBS to stay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, LOL! England never been so 'powderful'! My feet are getting bigger thou.. sad.. already giant feet, now even harder to find shoes.

whisp, prob lack of sleep?

Melissa, you go there huat ah...... Ha!!! Ha!!! Have a lomantic stay okay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

Ribena, ha!! ha!! My English is getting worst also. Ha!! ha!!! SO England more powderful lor. My feet also big leh, I only wear flats now cos need to carry Alexis. Ha!! ha!! Bata is my best friend now, their flats are cheap and comfortable[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, i hope it's not PMS. My "auntie" yet to return, and i'm not looking forward to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, not sure whether is it lack of sleep. though i'm pretty sleepy now...zzz...

Can i still take panodol after drinking coke? i still have around 4 hrs before i'm going back home to bf my gal. the headache is really bad, feel like puking... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mommies who pm me, I sent out the files you wanted. If I miss out anyone, please let me know hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

dewdew: heehee.. im not alone.. but ur hb will help you, isit? so nw i really stay with my dad.. meet every weekends can also make him miss me and baby mah.. heehee

esquare: im on leave on 6 jun. any mummies planning to meet that day? im ok with bishan.

Talking abt being brainless, I'm experiencing that too! I've had not 1 but 2 bimbotic moments of going down the wrong way on an escalator! And this has never happened before! So embarrassing! Good thing I was not carrying my boy! Ok I think I go take a nap first before I fetch my boy. Seems like feeling abit funny now. Still not much appetite.

mummies, huggies ultra giving out samples. go here to register.


pauline, yes, my hb will help me. he loves our gal alot. but sometimes he doesn't help lah, will stare and stone instead. lol... what to do... but he doesn't scold our gal at all, she can do no wrong, his little precious. lol!

mel & eon, if jiu gui session is this friday, what time can u stay out until? i can only meet after i go back to my ILs. maybe about 8+.

halo mummies!

yest njoyed gathering so much that my boy knock out on way back hm in train, then reached hm didnt want to sleep until 9pm!

Hub 'blamed' me went out too late that it disrupt his sleep routine cos my boy sleep by 7pm :p

Start solid:

Today my boy start his 1st solid

Maybe I am more daring this time for #2, I prepared carrot puree for him n let him tsate for 3 to 5 mouthful, he seems nt use to it and whail after 5 mouthful :p

I also add rice cereal into his milk too, maybe I add into my EBM 150ml, he hungry after 1.5 hour later and I am surprise so give him another 100ml FM

Ju: hope u feeling better, I hate stomach flu too!

Aiko, is ur gal better? Update us wat ur PD said, higs and take care!

Stefie: welcome back frm ur family trip![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey can pm me ur itinerary too? thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hiaz...we also plannig family trip next yr to US/canada :p

Rainbow: u went cruise ah? hee i didnt knw if nt yest will ask u how was it, welcome back too for ur 1st family trip too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh, welcome back too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and so envy u had a good 'mini honeymoon' with u r hb, hiaz...dunno when will me n hb hv this chance, we want to chk in hotel to njoy like a nite stay, spa etc coupletime, see this yr can happen or nt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah so many gatherings, hiaz..i also want ot go bbq and jiugui leh but gt 2 kids very difficult[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But I will go for 6 mth bash in June[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon: Forgot to reply on this. Which type of food coloring did u use? Thx for the offer to use yours but I think I wanna get some of my own for future use too. Can keep long or not? Is it easy to remove? I thot food coloring will stain easily. I'm thinking of those that we use to make the konyaku jelly. Is that it?

Ribena, yup better tag names during bash, it will better

BTW, will there be any activities during the bash?

EG: mini spree organise/BP? weaning talk?

My #1 thread, the mummies organise some weaning talk frm Nestle

We even had a competition , most heartwarming family photo contest, best dress baby, best dress family etc..and it was so fun.

The family photo contest can submit thru FB via our Dec wall:0

Mummies, how u guys like the ideas/suggestions?

mangogal, wow! that sounds like fun, but a lot of coordination work. ok, maybe once we settle on a venue, we can decide what we wish to have in conjunction with the gathering?

Finally have e time to log in.

Mangogal, yeah went cruising but without bb cos they says requirement for bb is at least 6 mths old. My whole family intend to plan another cruise trip in nov.. haha. To be frank, it's abit bored lor. Cos for adults, it's either eat or gamble but we did make a trip to port klang jusco so not so bad.. If u bring yr number 1, there's lots of kids program but i heard gotta pay for their registration.

Jiu GUI session :

Depending on place and time..

Korean BBQ..

I am fine only can't on tue and Thursday..


Wow ur son sleep so early..

We trian all our kids to sleep at 10 previously now 9pm..Coz we are training no1 for primary 1 next year..

Furthermore hb comes back at 7 and if they sleep early then hb will have no time to play with them after dinner..

6M bash

I also wanna join.. If i bring a GF & HB along, ok? Cos my GF finally graduate n gt time for me.. Aldy arranged this meetup with her long ago...

Korean BBQ

When n where? I want!!! I like BBQ n korean food lo.. And yes, hope to have childcare arrangement. Like wat Mango says, not easy to arrange with 2 kids...

Bishan Meetup June 6

I wanna join, tentatively... (if HB overseas then i cant)

Bringing BB rite? So where was the previous meetup plc?? So excited..

Btw, ask u hor...? When u bring ur BB to gathering with stroller, do they stay in guai guai if u stop to eat? Mine only stay inside when shopping n moving abt. Once stopped must carry lo... =(


Good le.. Ur boy sleep at 7pm.. Til wat time? Mine sleep at 9-10pm til 3-5am with occassional feed at 12-1am..


I gt ur enfa but so small ah?? Like stingy le.. Sms me 98330332

Yvaine> someone posted that got taka sale from Thur to Sun, not sure what's on sale though..

6 June> Count me in. J8 sounds good. 

6 month bash> So funky.. Count me in! Better go block out the date on my calendar.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Drinking / Korean BBQ> very difficult.. Baby gotta go everywhere I go.. :p

dbaby, @ gathering mine didnt want to stay in the carrier nor stroller.. so gotta just put her on the chair to wade, or just struggle carrying her...

mangogal, that's a lot of interesting activities... we could have tt planned..

at least urs slept at 9pm. mine napped at 9pm, woke up at 9.30. slept at 12am.. my mum was nagging away... u make her "xim hong" so she cannot slp.. bleh...

dec mum, thankx for the play mat info.. i think yishun has one japan home too.. i'll drop by there to take a look..

lee, i'll be gg philips sales in the noon unfortunately.. cos gotta wait for my dad to knock off.. if you could wait i'll post up the prices for u.

dew, isetan member sales start at 8.30? i'm so tempted to go down early for the sales!!! but i didnt recieve any sales mailer this time round did u recieve any?

sat's drinking session will start around what time?? i wanna go too!!!

tml i'm gg isetan and tangs sales.. anyone wanna go tgt?


ya, like wat klitz says, jus peel n mash can le. no need steam de.


i think my boy n urs same.. i dun knw if i can managed him in my arms while sitting.. he wans to haf 'motion' then hapi. haiz... but still wanna try..


TCC having 1-for-1 main promo. mmmm... can consider for 1 of our gathering... =)

btw, airport gt stroller for rent?? thinking of bringing my BB n #1 go fetch HB frm airport to give him a surprise...

Korean BBQ.

I brought bb before .. Tough to eat unless u egro bb at the back..the japanese way..

I may bring either no1 or no2.. Let's see the timing..


When are u going for cruise again? I want to go too.. But will bring my boys[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let's go together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dbaby, airport has stroller for rent. but i got it after the immigration.

Yup. TCC has 1 for 1 promo.. we can consider for our gatherings... airport's TCC is gd... hehe.. but very far off..

my bb sleep at 7.30/8.30, wakes up at 5.30/6.30 ... middle of the night sometime wake up at 12 plus or 2 plus for dream drinking .. but day time, he only cat nap 15-30mins here n there.


maybe i can call n check with airport tml.. =) dun think i can manage to bring stroller with 2 kids and taking bus lo. shall see my 'adventure' level tml..

Mangogal: PD says it's the common cold. Not that serious but she kept whining. Lie down, sit down, carry also cry.. haiz.

6 month bb bash sounds fun! By then my girl would be 7 months already... but she's a bit small so I guess she may look younger than 6 months..

Is it advisable to steam food and then freeze them into cubes for storage? How to reheat them? What about fruits? Can freeze then let it thaw?

dbaby, u not taking train? ya.. take bus quite hard with two. i took bus with one, also quite a bit of hassle.

aiko, i steam my food and freeze them. will drop it into the avent via cup storage cups and put into the bottle warmer to heat up. or if i cook with porridge i just drop the cubes into the porridge when its about cooked.

i havent tried freezing fruits though...

its supposed to be most nutritious for the bb to eat freshly prepared food everyday. but its too much of a hassle to prepare every single ingredient daily, though i'm a sahm. old folks would say tt freezing food would have a lot of air. so its up to u to decide. oh ya, i would use finish the purees within a week. excess i would eat them up.

Klitz, I received e mailer from isetan but I threw it away ;p

Esquare we planning to go again in nov so can bring bb. But warn u first hor. I got more than 10family members gng... Kekeke


I gt direct bus but depend lo.. Haven decide cos its a challenging task.. Hee =)

Food puree/Cereal

All the talk abt tis makes me so guilty yet so frustrated. Til today, i still haven succeed in feeding him a complete meal f rice cereal lo. Less than 5 mouth n screaming le!! And he will keep reaching forward to grab the bowl or spoon!!

dbaby> I hvnt seen any stroller rentals in t he public area. But if you got direct bus, then should be OK with two kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] depending on how long the ride is. Would be a nice surprise though, yah? Do you have a carrier to use with #2?

freezing purees> yup that's what I do. Will steam, puree, let cool before pouring into the VIA cups to freeze. To thaw I will actually leave it out or put in the fridge. usually will serve at room temp.

But last weekend I tried the ice cube method..poured the puree into my regular ice cube tray, cover with cling wrap and when frozen, I popped them out and put into a Tupperware. I would have to say that this is really a very convenient method and the portions are small (usually about 3-4 cubes/feed, my ice cube tray makes mini cubes haha), not much wastage. The other day it was hot so I ate one of the apple cubes, wah so shiok!

klitz, yes i received the isetan mailer, that's why gonna chiong at 8.30am. hehehe...

jul, i hv my house coming up mah, so need to buy all the household essentials. :p since got sale better buy first! haha...

Klitz, I also din receive isetan newsletter this time round. Am not goin to scotts but parkway one as just going to get some weaning stuff from combi an munchkin, they will have same discount as the one at scotts.

Dbaby, the stroller is near the trolley at T3 carpark when I went on Sat. I took a picture and posted in my fb.

Roz, hehe I shall try doing the apple puree to freeze too...yest I just remove the carrot and butternut squash from the tray...a bit difficult to remove then saw it cute like ice but mine is quite big. About 25-30ml per cube...


yes, i gt a carrier.. if nt i dun think i dare to think of goin out with 2 of them... hahaha.. bus journey abt 45mins i guess.. (peak hour)


okok. i go check it out.. wats ur name on FB? or u rather tag me in tt pic??

Dew, ya alot of planning, but makes the 6 mth bash more interesting and meaniful[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] well if u all find it too hassle, maybe just hv the family photo and best dress bb contest?

hee then some mummies or rather the daddies can volunteer to be the judge[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Florence, Esquare and Dbaby

Hiyo tonite my boy sleep at 9pm again! He didnt nap alot actually, so I tease him must be yest see too many pretty gals cant sleep well ah? :p THink today he is on grow spurt, every 1.5 hour cry for milk cos usually 7pm I give him a feed FM 150ml he will finish all n zz till midnite for next feed n tahan till 6am next day..

But just now 7pm he didnt finish only drank 50ml then stopped sucking n spit out teat..who knws at 8:30pm whines again for milk finish 100ml only then at 10pm whine again and finish 150ml finally and zz!

Florence, I am so tempted to join u tomr but seeing my boy didnt nap well today hiaz hv to give a miss tomr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But wat time u gng? or I join u for 2 hours shopping?:p

Rainbow, wah u so onz gng for cruise again! good la relax and do nothing is good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I saw that too and so tempted to go and buy.. I already have 1[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still very good condition .. But I am very tempted to buy a smaller hot water flask...


U are 1 lucky mummy .. Bb sleep thru.. Mine wakes up of milk often.. I am so zombified..


I was talking about my hb ex girlfriend hor.. Today hb went to her parents shop and saw her.. She ask my hb why I get fatter after every pregnancy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] " I am fat huh?"

My hb say no leh.. She is not fat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah biang.. She is the skinny type of course lar!!

Oil after three my size not bad Liao lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think I better stop eating[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gathering at Bishan on Monday

Please let me know who is coming .. So I can prepare food .. No need to potluck coz mummy with bb very difficult to prepare food and bring over..

