(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

crystal: I think the talk is oso intended for daddies. They will benefit by participation so tat they dun feel "left out" during the preggie stage & motherhood.

Bubbly: Yah, most guys need motivation, encouragement & coaxing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon: My HB is more eager to have a kid than me, anticipation over years ler .. so he's very keen with his own "lil precious".

So often I told him he should be "mummy" & I'm "daddy". Maybe I should worry if I'm gonna be left out next time .. LOL!

The BHG sales came at the right time .. I've completed most of my purchase. I'm penging with bf-ing stuff.

For me, left with 2 months to plan & prepare for work & home .. while dec waiting to pop .. starting to feel "bu she de" my tummy & the cute baby movements *_*

Aiko: I've not gotten a CL yet. It's a bit late, so we might be going for plan B - w/o CL T_T

Seems like I need to plan for my confinement as well ..


nateM: I was just browsing thru the TMC's list of things that they asked us to bring yesterday:

1) bedroom slippers (for those sharing rooms)

2) cardigan/dressing gowns

3) maternity bra without support wire

4) personal nightgown (front open for bf)

5) PE bags for soiled clothes

6) sanitary towels

7) socks

8) disposable underwear

9) magazines optional

10) cds optional

haa.. yalor milo, dont knw wat to prepare for food too. but prob jus get those frozen stuffs. wat is the warming shampoo tat u get?

Debbie, heard tat it will stink the bathroom. so i didnt get either. see wat CL says when she comes. hehee...

lilsunshine & crystal, hehe i think i belong to you girls also! i am the being left out one!

all these years my hubby was the one who attended classes with kaeden, bath him, read to him and play with him. i will be the one researching and HE is the one executing... good mah, balance up so at least daddy feel more involved with the upbringing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry, the link and description:

Warming Shampoo for Confinement

This warming shampoo was created for mothers who wished to wash their hair during the confinement month. Made with pure essential oils of Lemongrass, Ginger and White Camphor commonly used in Chinese Medicine tradition to warm the body, this wash will limit the exposure of 'wind'. Lemongrass, Ginger and Camphor are known for their relaxing & warming properties. This shampoo also contains pure Canadian Honey, Calendula Flowers and Shea Butter to further moisturize and soothe your hair. Enjoy! Note: To be used only after delivery and not during pregnancy. For more information, see our notes on 'Confinement'. Read reviews on this product.

This product is made by Spring Rain Botanicals, exclusively for Little Dreamers


milo, hahaha ^5 hahahha.... we are the researcher they are trhe executors hahaa

ooo.. die my CL still tell me to buy 20 packs fo this.. wonder if i can dont get it or not.. i dun wan be SMELLY!!!

milo, crystal & lilsunshine: im already left out. nowadays, every kind of greeting or kisses go to princess first instead of me. sometimes i will be skipped too! what to do... haha

morning mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so many posts this morning! so hard to catch up these days!


were you the one who bought the lemongrass confinement showergel and the ginger cream or smth similar? i just realised the promotion for the package is over alr! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i need a big bag too as i sure to bring alot of barangs with me. better than not bringing enough LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. pyjamas

which mommy managed to buy pyjamas during bhg sales? i went to the one at tampines and didnt spotted any at all! ended up buying 3 more sorella nonwired bras to wear. very comfy and good deal at $38 for 3 pieces [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws, hahaha.... i tink i need to stock up on chanel as well hahaha.... wonder if ethan will be confused by all the smell then hahaha...

eoneon, hahhaha u ke lian le hahaha... at the moment now i still get attention hahaha prolly will be left out onli after ethan is born ahhaa..

milo: all these years, my HB's enthusiam is TOYS! (luckily is toys. Phew!!) Now, still think of buying toys for himself .. Next time, he'll be busy with his lil princess & his toys. Does it mean I got more freedom .. hehe shall see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I haven't buy any dao feng cao yet. Didn't know it's smelly >.< I'll most probably wanna wash hair to prevent oily scalp. I heard hair loss is common after birth. So must take care of my hair.

Other alternatives for Da fong cao would be ginger and lemon grass, boiled for 2 hours then mixed with more water. My colleague said Da fong cao must make sure that all windows are closed are you bath, for ginger and lemon grass it is okay. So lazy me may just get the ginger and lemon grass, cos smell nicer also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eon eon, your hubby looks more friendly than my hubby. My hubby has the owed him $$$ look[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No need sian lah, this weekend can join us. The avent barrier balm very ex, $18.50. I tell my hubby we can look for alternatives.

Cindy, just tell your princess, must turn. And do tell her mommy want to sleep already, so we sleep together okay. So far it works for me, she only kicks when my alarm clocks ring[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea, me me i bought pjs from the bhg at bugis. i will post up the pics in facebook after i wash them.. very sweet designs hahaha..

crystal, i bought 30 pcks of these last time! ended up never use and throw away lor. my advise is buy maybe 10 pcks bah, if u like it then ask hubby buy somemore? else so wasted leh

muddypaw, i think perfume also no use ah.. imagine smell of herb + ginger + sesame + milk + sweat.. aiyo.. our own concoction of mummy no 1 ah!

eon, its always good to be left out cos the bond between babies and daddies are harder to foster than babies and mummies :p *my excuse for being lazy!*

mummies, wat do u girls think of jus wearing a nursing top with bottom in hosp huh? can serve the same purpose of open top pj?

lovebyte, confinement shampoo can work bo?

wa all the fast forward talk to confinement!

stefie, haha think my princess knows when i having scan, coz she seems to only turn 1-2 days b4, and i start to feel alot of discomfort from her stunts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm trying to count the number of hours i slp in the next few days LOL

milo, the website abt the confinement shampoo, is it good? wa seems to have alot of items we need leh! haha btw how is yr PJ hunt?

milo, good idea!! i stay near to Chinatown can ask my DH to go and get more if needed anytime hehee... HHAhhaha u make me LOL le hahha mummy no. 1 hahahaha

i tink nursing top and bottom also can le.. jsut issit uncomfortable for u? cos u got to sleep in them also ...


how much are the pjs? $30+ for 2sets right? aiyo i missed the sales alr since its only valid until yesterday! are they from young hearts?


try to talk to your baby. one of my gf also had a breech baby and the baby turn before she went for labour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea, yes its 36++ for 2. it was very good disc cos original price is $32.80 for 1 set. if u buy 1 set u get 20% off, second set is $50% off. if u buy last weekend BHG even throw in additional 10% off. yes from young hearts.

Milo, think I'll skip da feng cao too.. Cos I bought e horse mane shampoo, lemongrass shower gel, ginger cream & lavender cream to stock up already.. I think e boiling part abit ma fan and heard when drying ourselves, our towel will hv black stains cos of e herbs.

sunshine, my hub is also like a big baby playing with his TOYS! and now he got his companion to play with so most of the time i jus sit there and watch my show while the 2 of them play/argue/cold war with one another... quite amusing!

i got oily scalp also and da feng cao really is not my choice to wash my hair with! hope this warming shampoo can help!

crystal, must share share your pj pic hor? ya lor.. any med hall shld sell the da feng cao so keep the wrapper jus in case hubby dunno wat to buy.

cindy & crystal, i am still hopeless with my pj hunt becos i hate wearing dresses to slp! half of my butt will surely be exposed lor :p so thinking of nursing top (to serve the breasfeeding purpose) and a bottom like the pic, feel soft enough bah.


cindy, i also dunno whether the shampoo is good or not leh so will buy one bottle to try first. maybe get hubby to guinea pig first LOL

rainbow, all ur loots work the same way as the confinement shampoo? i think shld be ok la hor? the da feng cao not only make towel dirty, clog my drainage hole also leh. so er xin!

andrea, yes i'm the one who bought the lemongrass shower gel + ginger cream + lavender cream combo. i think the package was available end of august - beg sept. now shd be over liao.

my mum will be helping me buy the da fong cao for shower. if stinko, i'll just slap on the snake camphor powder. lol... but i haven't buy shampoo yet, will check on milo's link on the shampoo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think i need to make my way to BHG to get more things... i haven't got my disposable undies yet!

yvaine, forgot to thank u for your wellwishes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

milo, yeah. Is from originjamu.. Was told e horsemane shampoo get rids of oil on e scalp!! I'm using the ginger cream for my lower back pain and it works.

Wow, this da feng cao is really not easy... Imagine it clogs e drainage!!!

Yest attended my hubby's friend bb full month. She's e one who took her own placenta during confinement and she looks good! Her hubby showed me a bottle of the grinded ones as his friend asking for it to try!!

dew, where u got ur combo from? the ginger cream + lavender cream is for wat purpose?

crystal, me is trying to keng a solution out of no solution. haven got time to head down chinatown cos hub simply hate to go there... rest of the places hor, cannot find any pj tat can fit me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

milo, you're so funny!! When i sleep with PJ gowns, my butt tends to be exposed in the morning too lol! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My SIL during confinement nvr wear a single PJ gown to sleep. She sleep in baggy shirt with pants like the picture you posted up. I think that PJ pants is more practical anyway.

andrea, my tummy like no space for her to move much LOL hope shes able to turn more ^_^

thanks for comfort [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, wahaha me too on exposing my butt! haha

but should be ok since will be under the blanket la :p i nv think so much leh LOL

dun even think i will be able to move much after pop :p

the bottom (shorts/pants) in your pic, i also got prepare leh hehe..but need long dress also, to cover my thighs :p

wa waste the shampoo on hubby leh, so wasted T_T

rainbow, ah ic... ya lor the da feng cao herb is sealed in a cloth package and upon boiling, some powdery stuff seep through leh. tat was 4 years ago, dunno now got improved version or not.

i saw the picture of placenta posted on my friend's blog and almost fainted! the processed one look ok?

debbie & cindy, i doubt i will be able to move much too. likely to be sleeping on my back after c-sect.

it jus came to my mind tat wearing pants would mean i would need hubby's help to wear for me! aiyo cham lo

cindy, use a teeny weeny bit to test on hubby hair... sikali adverse effect cause his hair to drop then jialat!


i ll be using my old avent pump,but have not take it out yet from the storage box "gulp",i hope its in good condition! I have 2 sterilizer, 1 is avent anth is pigeon as pigeon can accomodate all diff shapes and size bottles.

I ll be getting a changing table for the 2nd one and a new mattress for the existing cot as the older one will have her own new mattress.

For hospital bag,man it was like 3yrs ago,but i m packing both my husb and my stuff together since he ll be there with me for the whole day,but this time round will save on the spouse night stay as he ll be settling my daugter at night.

TMC has send me a letter regarding my stay as we stayed there previously, i hope i get my single bedded room this time and need not upgrade to the premier room!!

I only wear my pj the 2nd night as the first night i was sleeping with the hospital gown too tired to even change. But pj best to get a front button as its easier to pump and breastfeed.

amuro, ur hub and girl not staying in with you this time round?

my hub and boy is looking forward to bunking in with me leh but dunno Mt A allow or not. i better check with them.

rainbow, so u confirm processing ur?

amuro: When u upgrade to the premier room, do u have to pay extra? If it is due to lack of rooms they should not charge you for the upgrade right?

* our tum tum after delivery

just curious - after delivery, would our tum tum shrink quite significantly? or still will be abt the same size? cos dun tink normal pjs suit us rite now hor? tt's y i also din get any PJs.



i m also tinking of just wearing oversized T (from Cotton On) with hubby's old boxers like now! Heehee :D. but abit UGLY if got ppl visit and i dun hv time to change!


me too... the gown will become tops... all rolled up! Kekekeke :D

the pants u posted from old navy?

it's v comfortable! i just got them. but they are abit heavy too!

* shampooing...


u tried the warming shampoo before? me also v worried. i really need to wash hair everyday. i hv long hair. haben go trim abit. but still will be long. also oily scalp so i wash hair everyday.

if the warming shampoo reali ok for us to use everyday, i want to buy lei...

* disposable panties


i just got 2 pkts (5panties each) from watsons. disposable cotton types. 2 for $7.50. not watsons brand but i tink something like MINE? or MIME. for your consideration too. :p


u gg to take your own placenta huh? signed up alr huh?


is it like stomache? cos yday nite while trying to fall asleep, i got stomache, like wanna go toilet. so scared!!!! me oni cmg to 28wks lei.


i also duno wat to prepare since im not getting any CL. have to rely on my mum n mil. but they both working. so i m also tinking of getting ready some stuff myself to convenience them.

so mayb i can get ready those GINGER / RED DATES / LONGAN / SEASEME OIL lor. anything else?

can i buy those herbs from medical hall first? like 1week before?

milo/cheryl, i still hesitating lei.. dunno whether wanna send it for process or not..

CL - my friend gonna due in Feb next year looking for CL.. anyone has good ones or any angecies to recommend??

Hi Mangogal

Cos weekend is the day where HB no need work ma.. then can bring me for my indulgence. hehehehe..


Actually the spread not really a lot. But food wise, not bad. I wont recommend the oyster though cos HB ate n told me nt so good. Luckily i avoid cos i knw i sure puke if i eat tt. $45++ for wkend dinner. DBS/POSB/UOB gt 15% dis & UOB gt 4 dines & 3 pay.

Spread is as follows:

Complimentary 1/2 Lobster (Grilled)

Ala Carte Buffet Crab (6 diff style, cooked when order)

Salad, Sushi, Cold Seafood, Soups, Deep Fried Items, Drunken Prawns, Fried Noodles, Plain Rice, Fish, Chix, Redang, Live Station for Pasta. Dessert got Fondue, Ice Cream, Cakes (Durian cake is nice but i didnt eat) Not really a very big variety but i find OK la..

PJs/BHG Sales

Oh, i didnt see the PJs. If not maybe i might get. Keep wanting to buy but everytime forget. hahaha.. But really worth going lo.. cos everything like so cheap.. i wld haf keep on buying if nt for my grandma nagging at me..


Yes, the sorella bra is cheap & worth rite.. I also like it. very comfy. i think after birth, it shld be soft enuf to pull down and nurse ba.. unless nursinng in public under the shawl or nusring cover then a bit tough la.. but if in nursing rm or at hm, i think ok la...

Hospital Bag

i also haven pack. but i dun knw why, keep having the feeling i am gonna deliver in Nov mid. Plus grandma wake up today n told me she dreamt tt i gave birth liao and my lil boy looks so much like my gal... hahhaa =) (while i was typing tis, lil boy keep kicking me inside)

cheryl: If I'm not getting CL, hope to plan & get things ahead too. Gotta plan my meals as well. HB wants to learn & do cooking by himself, so I oso need to plan my menus for him to do marketing. We're new birds .. everything on our own .. so worried T_T

cheryl, yup the pants is from old navy and its so comfy that i have gotten 2 pcs of the same one! abit heavy but good hor? at least can fit me till edd

as for the warming shampoo, it is recommended by my friend, haven try it before. quite ex to use it to wash everyday leh. abt 20+ for a 2 oz bottle. me stingy, got 1 to try first, since its from sin, if really good then place order again.



like the mummies sugg, u better decide soon if u wanna hire a CL ba. our edds quite near rite? so it's more nearer to xmas, year end. duno if it's more diff to find CL or not.

but if no getting CL, means u r saving a sum too. n since HB so ONZ... yea, with proper planning n coordination, guess everything will be OK de.

but i m only worried cos we new birds, when baby out, we be so hands full that we duno which to start? besides confinement is one month, how long can your HB take leave? or his working is flexible?

hor really, when HB says wanna cook for us, really sweet la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

