(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Mummywong10: Yes, bcos this is not good for his development.i am not wan to force him do anything i just hope he can develope well. the tip toe issue oso is my concern. thanks for your sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


baby2010> aiz we mummies always very worry over our babies, i everytime also bu fang xin when i leave with the maid. if u are uncomfortable with certain things the nanny do (and u pay her), i think u can bring up to her.


My colleague also say so, no need too worried as quite normal, as long as they no pain no cry should be ok, so we decided to monitor few more days see how..thks for sharing. btw, ur kids cracking knuckles sound not every time right? last for hw long?

During my son time, I think it is my sister who heard it first and she told me abt it. She say she heard it at times when she carry him lor...now my gal same thing, at times when I carry her I will hear the sound but not alway so I think so be ok ba.

My sister tat time worry that she might hurt him and unintentionally crack his knuckles or what lor...

The sound is only a while nia. like mayb a crack sound when we carry her up lor...then no more le...

mummywong10: ya, my hubby say he will tell nanny tonight but i tell him dun so strict. i told my mum..she is saying very hard if u not allow use walker bcos nanny will busy to take care and no time to do her thing wor.. unless take care by own. if i can , i oso wish to do oso. haiz.. i hope nanny is ok if we tell her this issue. update u all again on monday

baby2010> ya as u say, is very hard, but maybe u can tell her dont put yr bb sit in walker too long, its true when they want to do thing, put in walker is the best choice, and actually put in walker "safer" than put on bed/sofa? maybe u can share with her yr concern though maybe she might not listen to you, as they'll say they hv more experience than u, that's the problem of letting other people take care of yr bb. the walker bought by u? else u take walker home haaa....


Since I also put my baby with nanny, I will say sometime for nanny, u got to close 1 eye. reason being, although u pay her for taking care of ur bb, but she is nt related to ur bb at all, so if u lay too many rule, she might just tell u she quit. Quitting will be easy. But she dun quit but she start to dislike ur bb due to things u all as the bb parents do or say, she could easily took it out on ur bb. So why risk it. In my opinion it is good to maintain a good r/s with the nanny, at times suck up to her if required. At least, u know that by making her feel good, she will nt hv any bad feeling, and will return the goodness u given to her to ur bb.

My nanny is good like I always say, but there are still things tat I may not like her to do, but if it is minor, then I will keep quiet. If not, I will tell her in a nice way.

Remember nanny is not related to us or our bb at all, not like our mother or MIL, even if we anger them, we can be sure tat they will not take it out on thier grandchildren lor.

Diana: Yes, my mum oso told me same as u mentioned [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i know..actually my nanny quite good and take care of him very well.

Mummywong10: No lor..the walker is her son's one..and she keep till now.almost 8 years lioa ler..i received a walker as a gift but i dun wan to use at all. hope the problem can solve.

my bb knuckles wil also hv crackin sound at times. Do share here if PD sy anything, ok? Initially i m nt so concern as i tot i rem my nephew also had the same problem n his pd sy its ok wor. Nw that mummies mention it, i also start to worry liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

enmummy : Thks for sharing , shall try when Bb gets better cos dunno why out of sudden she has high fever..haizz...hopefully she gets better..

Need Advice!

Frozen breastmilk in Freezer (normal freezer) how long do you keep it for? I read 3-6 months but have been throwing them at 3 months, anyone been using for longer like 4-5 months and your baby is okay? thanks!

I went kids clinic this morning for Jab. The way they work is go from 9-10am to get queue no if u dun hv appt made prior. And they will ask u to go hm 1st if they know they expecting alot of crowd and they will call u wheb your turn is reaching. If for That particular day not alot of ppl they will let you wait usually around 1 -2hrs

For me I din let my boy have the pacifier and walker and he is doing fine. He can sit, crawl and just yesterday he kangho he let go of his hand and Stand without support for a couple of sec and He can hold on to the side of his gym, cot or playpen and Walk. Just need to be careful cos during his learning phase a Few bumps haha. PD kept reminding us to be careful and be watchful cos he kept exploring new things everyday and He dunno what is fear and pain lol. IMHO I dun think walker is a good thing though I have used them when I am young haha cos walker will get in their way to use their instinct and ability to explore and learn new things .. well that's just my personal opinion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or maybe my boy just kanjong to learn all these on his own

Most impt every baby progress differently so what other bb can or cannot do dun apply to one another so only use other experience as gauge and not comparison

Gift my secondary PD told me in her opinion bm shod not keep longer than 2months

Diana - same thinking as me for nanny, really there are things i don like her to do, eg. using walker but as much as i don like, i cant control if she use it for my ger cos im not there to see. If i control too much, indeed if she's not happy my ger is in her hands. At times really is close one eye. Nothing beats taking care of the bb ourselves so we can do wat we deem right but how much choices we have since we are FTWM.

actually i agree with koori, at the end of the day, we just have to weigh and choose the best option for our child and at the same time, for hubby and family...since we are working mom.

as much as i wish too...i hope to stay home and look after my baby myself too..but due to financial expectation and all the housing loans etc, living standard in SG is getting higher and higher...so had to go out and work and share hubby burden...

but think on the bright side...many times, i see my girl is more independent and more sociable.i am sure if i stay home, i will not have the courage to bring her out and interact..haha i am super lazy...hence as compared to being cooped up at home at all times, probably she get more interaction when she goes nanny place...

i also leave a walker at nanny place, my nanny says she only let her sit there in the noon time after her porridge, cos she also need to eat lunch...

i also asked my mom if it is ok for the walker...she told me all of my sibling including myself sat in walker before and that was how we learn to walk ! so i just shut my mouth off hahaha

but at home i did not have a walker...i let my girl just sit in the playyard and let her explore..but then she is super lazy just refuse to crawl until i made her lay flat

baby2010 > maybe just tell the nanny nicely...explain to her why you all hesitate on the walker...

totally can understand..

we just told our nanny bit and pieces..everyday abit abit...on asking her to feed my baby on milk at least 2 feed at her place, so that at night when we fetch her, we can give her one feed..and not the entire day she only drank once...

she kinda of not convinced at first. give the kind of face like why are you teling me what to do...and even say back, say that is how she raise her 2 children...so the next day we explain to her, if daytime she did not eat fully she will wake up at night for milk. we are working very difficult for us if we keep having disturb sleep...

Chris, Don't worry too much abt it.. just think of it as getting a chance to sit down n rest ur feet.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe if u carry ur boi boi more u'll lose more... my boi boi is my wt loss machine. need to rock to sleep, rock to drink...haha!

Thanks Wendy! I vote for Four seasons.. Guess we will be busy exchanging info And we got enough babies to entertain each other... Dun need to go for kids gym... Hee

Thx for the consolidating. Function room seems better as it's limited to just our group. We can bring our own toys along for entertainment.

Jts: baby attended her first national day parade yesterday! She found the 21 gun salute funny instead of being frightened like I thought. The fireworks dazzled her. She was so stunned!

Lucky bb cooperate. Just covered her ears alot. Dun think she appreciates any of the items on stage. But she could follow big items like the helicopter flag in, red lions parachute jump, all the nice red vehicles that drive in, bubbles n confetti. The fireworks totally awed her.

good morning mummies, remember my Avent Manual Pump broke last week?

I managed to replace it cos my cousin actually sells the Avent Manual Pump parts and now I sort of got myself a new pump! She has a few more sets that is available and even the parts separately. So if anyone needs to get it, can PM me and I can give u her contact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Added mine ....


my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB

20. Whitecookies + BB Ashlyn + HB (maybe)

21. beehappiee + bb Jensen + Hb

22. nana + hubby + bb Hannah

23. Bluesoda + Hubby + bb Ashlyn

24. Monyetnakal + Hubby + Toddler J + BB Meredith

Seems like many prefer the function room at Four Season. In that case, I should call my contact (she lives there) for more info. We have been using the function room over the last 4-6 years for church events, youth events etc. So should be no problem in getting it. I will ask her for December 10th/11th. What I remember, the room can only be booked 2 weeks before or something. I will clarify soon ya...

gathering on aug 12, count me in too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is it a lunch / dinner?

im abit lost, haven't come in for a long long time... can someone enlighten me what is choice A, B and C?? hahaha...


I might not be able to make it on 17th Dec, coz I have bought a Groupon 90 min outdoor photography by lumiere photography and tentatively we have booked 17th Dec coz previously the dates we are talking about for the party is on 10th Dec mah....heehee

I will let you know again ok...

RE: Birthday Bash

Function room sounds great, and im okay if it's on 17/12 as i might have company treat on first week of Dec'11.

RE: Falling sick babies

I think i read somewhere in other threads that babies that fall sick often will have more immunity while those that seldom fall sick or have not fall sick since birth are weak.. Is that such logic?

I think what ppl say by immunity is that when bb fall sick the body learns to combat the germs. So the more they fall sick, the more the body builds up the immunity level. So the bb body becomes stronger n more resistant to germ attacks.

my bb has been LS since Sunday till now. The worst part is, his butt very red and I think he is in pain whenever I try to clean. Especially I need to prive open the butt n clean the inner side, He will struggle and cry pathetically. really heart pain to see him like tat. Today already LS 9x.

Now I'm only applying nappy rash from desitin after every clean up. Any other brands which is better?

