(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

mummies, if you are using the teething rusk for your baby, just be careful and remember to watch him/her. I was at Ikea last nite with friends and let my baby just chew on it. I was watching her throughout but suddenly saw this piece in her mouth. Its quite a big piece and we tried to take it out by getting her to open her mouth but she didn't. I didn't want to force it cos I scared wait she suddenly swallow it...Scared me.....then she after a few secs spat it out herself, so it was a close shave. Can't imagine if she had swallowed it! I will think twice about giving it to her now. Either that or a few minutes of it then I better remove.


hpc> i thought the teething rusk was quite hard as in it wont break off easily but it will get softer. i find baby bites more dangerous that you cannot let yr baby eat themselves else they will bite 1 big piece & swallow.

mummywong. Yah. It is very hard but cos when she chew on it, with saliva it does get soft and I think my girl chew very hard cos teething, so a chunk came off.

mummywong: when i know im expecting with #2 till now i still carry my #1. Cos i'm a sahm, so during day time only i and her, no choice got to carry her, bath her etc. But when i carry her i try to sit dwn rather than standing. During the 1st tri i felt tireness and nausea but still got to take care of #1 myself as my helper not here yet. Think bcos its #2, this time round i'm not as careful as 1st time. My #1 wans my attention even more now, think is bcos she knows tat she's gg to be jie jie soon, mummy dun have so much time for her anymore..sometime i felt so sorry for her leh. So now i tried to spent more time with her and bring her out whenever i can. My appetite now is getting better..yes, im shock and cant accept the fact at 1st but think is fate ba got to accept. No leh, cant feel any movement now. During #1, i can feel it at 17 weeks. Think got to wait for another few more weeks ba. Next appt maybe can know the gender if bb corporate, so excited :p

Mummywong, jia you jia you for #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juv06> ic..oh u are SAHM ah. u send yr helper back? i remember previously u hv a helper when u had #1. true hor, seems like most mummy not as careful when having #2 cos more experience. my boy always kick, climb on my tummy (like stepping stone) when i carry him now, also always struggle when i bathe him (too active?), i also worry when have #2, maybe cannot carry him liao..alot of people say you can feel #2 movement earlier than #1, so thought u can feel liao..any guess what's the gender hee..Did u have MS when having #1? same symptoms?

mummywong: This is my 4th helper, haiz long story..1st helper after my confinement said dun wan to do anymore, 2nd one, shout and argue wif me and anyhow tk care of bb, 3rd one said she cant tk care of bb at nite etc and tell many lies. So this is the 4th one, so far so good but hv not let her take care of bb during nite time yet. Ya, my gal oso likes to jump a lot now..so got to be very careful..I got a feeling is a girl oso, duno y...but i hope for a boy then i can close shop liao..haha. Yup, #1 i hv MS..#2 much more better, only evening time will feel nausea..


don't feel bad, it's normal. i also feel tt way when my gal prefers daddy as she laughs loudly whenever she sees him even though i spend the entire day w her. but when i go out w frens shopping, then she misses me n won't drink or sleep.

juv, congrats... n hope ur helper is better this time. mine always slacks if i'm nice to her. only wants to carry bb n play w him. sad.. have 2 be mean then she does hsehold chores without me tellng.

btw, anyone know of any cream for mosquito/insect bites. dunno why lately my boy keeps having strange bites on his leg n hands. dunno what insect doing it.

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

Juv: Congrats!!! That's a fast one.. i'm thinking of trying end of the year.. but at the same time.. i'm contemplating if i should change job anot.. Sigh... Dilemma...

Hi, Juv

Congrats!! Woh....... hehe..... small age gap, growing up together will be good too!

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Hi, count me in for Birthday cum Christmas bash!

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB


Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your baby is a blessing to you. Yes, will be tough and tiring but endless joy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hammiebao : I have transferred the money for the float to you.. U dun have to sent out. U can pass it to me when we meet the next time.

This week was a tiring busy week.. and finally tml going to Penang for me short break liao.

But really afraid that hubby cannot cope with baby. These few days have been asking my hubby if he can cope a not. Ytd i emphasis.. at nite have to be alert even though he's asleep.

Have to tell him what to do if bb wakes up in the middle of the nite.. whether to feed or not.. then if she sleeps thru.. the next morning what time must feed. If not will screw up the rest of the day feeding..

Looking forward to the break and yet.. worried that he cannot cope with bb. and also gettin to miss her already...

Bam: don't worry so much, your hb will be able to cope. They will gear up when you are not around. Most of the times, we are around so they think they can relax.


I also recommend Studioplay. My neighbour with a 10mth old bb went there last month, and the pics were very cute. I'm going with my bb next month too. My neighbour told me that her photographer was very patient and kept making her child laugh/smile.

happy ocean

I'm a single child mommy. Con is that there's nobody to share jokes with, complain to, quarrel with, or cry with at home. Very lonely. Which is why I intend to have 2 kids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Should get ur hb to agree to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats juv! take good care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB

20. Whitecookies + BB Ashlyn + HB (maybe)

Chris.. matthias also broke my heart last night. I was trying to make him sleep, he kept crying and i carried him. When his dad comes in, he opened his arms wide, wanting him to carry. When my hubby goes out of e room, he turned to look at e door and starts crying again. U r not alone.

Congrats juv! take good care k!!

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB

20. Whitecookies + BB Ashlyn + HB (maybe)

21. beehappiee + bb Jensen + Hb

junvis (junvis) - Go n apply la! I gt d card free. Tt time when they contacted me I turn them down coz I dt wat any free for 3 yrs card, I'll 4gt to terminate 3 yrs later n kan na subscription charge when they know abt my concern they waive it for me d best part is free forever. I dt know k they still do tt but no harm trying.

Congrats juv! take good care k!!

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB

20. Whitecookies + BB Ashlyn + HB (maybe)

21. beehappiee + bb Jensen + Hb

22. nana + hubby + bb Hannah

juv, congrats to you!! close age gaps kids are really good! like my aunt's 2 girls who are very close to each other! my age gap with my young bro is 10 yrs old. so i do feel very lonely when young. luckily got neighbour frens to play together!

my Preferred day / date / period :

Choice A : Oct 29 sat - Oct 30 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Nelotte + hubby + bb Aiden

4. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

5. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

6. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

7. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb keira

8. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

9. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

10. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

11. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

12. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

13. Bam + Hubby + bb Alycia

14. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

Choice B : Nov 12 sat - Nov 13 sun

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. piggydog + hb + bb keira




Choice C : Dec 10 sat - Dec 11 sun

* pre-xmas bash as well, gift exchange ??

1. Wendy / Plasterger + hubby + bb Charlotte

2. Diana + Hubby + Son + bb Sheryl

3. Christine + hubby + bb Mathias

4. Jun + HB (TBC) + BB Xhin

5. Shan + Hubby + Son + BB H

6. Shoppiee + Hubby + bb

7. piggydog + hb + bb

8. Koori + hb + Daughter + bb Kellie

9. janiviy + bb cheyanne + hb(maybe)

10. juv_06 + Hubby + bb Claryce

11. jklyn + HB + BB Regine

12. happy ocean + hubby + bb Ler Yi

13. Cookienmonster + hubby+ bb Benjamin

14. piggypang + hubby + bb Jayden

15. mrs lee + hubby + bb krista

16. Twinfish + hubby + bb Shayne

17. Bam + Hubby + BB Alycia

18. Tubao + Hubby + helper + daughter + bbtwins(Elaine+Erika)

19. Jollymummy + Hubby + Daughter + BB

20. Whitecookies + BB Ashlyn + HB (maybe)

21. beehappiee + bb Jensen + Hb

22. nana + hubby + bb Hannah

23. Bluesoda + Hubby + bb Ashlyn


Thks received ur PM and hv sms her le.


Thks for the recommendation, will consider but their charges are slight off my budget.

Caro: i like to use the California CC cream. I used that on my son when he had mild rash or mos bites.

Bam: enjoy ur trip and if realli bu fang xin can call back lah....

Vividip (vividip) : I oso wan to order baby cubes but wendy mummy too busy lioa so she won't organize bp again

she told me can order from babyonline , $13.8 per tray.if you interested , you can pm me i share with you the details.

Vividip > baby cube, i am still waiting for the previous order from babyhaven to arrive. don't think will order again, no time to handle.

but i found a sg online seller selling this item, 30cents more only. you might want to consider buying from her online.

she email me after i place order with babyhaven =X

if i knew i would have order locally...sighz


btw, you are not alone ! haha my baby charlotte also the same. recently when she seen her father, and when her father say "gai gai" she will open up her arms to ask her father carry.

Shortlisted venue / cost

1. fidgets / Turf City / min 15 kids / $575-625 weekend price, $500 weekday , (so average ~$39-42 per kid.)

10.00am – 12.00pm, 1 – 3pm, 3.30 – 5.30pm

2. FourSeason Condo's function room. It's quite big and has enormous swimming pool. Located behind Wheelock, Orchard (by nelotte)

3. JWT kids Gym - UE square, Kallang leisure park, / 20 kids / $620 additional $10 every additional child





We are opening a BP for personalized bottle label. I had one already and some mommies interested to get, so a 2nd BP is up now. I found it very useful for my bb. Can be used for milkbottles, waterbottles, sippy cups. Last time, there was this kid who took my bb bottle and almost drank it. He cried when we took it away from him, thought it was his mah coz same Avent bottle. Now my bb use the label, and now the kid knows it is not his hahahaha..

Some other mommies use it to differentiate between their own children, for childcare, infant care, pre-school etc.


You can have a look at the BP and place order here:


Can only take maximum 50 orders this time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hammiebao, sorry leh cant give anymore discount as cost very tight already. Considering have to pay for custom charges as well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mommies,

can i ask if any of ur baby is senstitve (pantang)?

Coz FIL came ov to visit on Tues evening and straight to BB's face, tell her "no need sleep" and since then, BB has difficulities falling asleep at night and day time is cranky.

Last night she suddenly cry in her slp like nightmare like tat.

Anyone got any "cures" to this?

Pls share share?


sheepysheeps (sheepysheeps) : i feel my son oso abit pantang..example: cannot say ..wah u drink milk so fast or u look fat..if not..my son will drag the milk dun drink fast one...

hi Mummies..

My son recently keep want to stand and cannot sit too long time.. jialat..my hubby complaint say he is tiring to make him stand and sit , stand and sit..hahah dun know is it too active lioa..whose baby oso the same?


My son start to eat brown rice about 2 weeks time and last night he is crying when he is pooing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and i found that the poo is abit hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not soft may i know apple juice is good for constipation? if not, what food/fruit is good for constipation? please share!!!! any mummy encounter this before? do i need him to c PD?

Baby2010, from what I understand, brown rice can be harder to how about you try feeding your son fruits like banana or papaya along with or after the brown rice meal, like a snack? And let him drink more water. I give my girl a veg and fruit everyday and she takes yogurt so I guess it helps in her digestion and her poo poo. I understand that using some baby oil and rubbing her tummy in a clockwise position also can help.


Then ur boy abit pantang, then hw u resolve this har? Can share?

The stand and sit.. it will only get worse.. Now is want to stand and then want to sit. But it will come to a stage where BB can pull up to stand, don't know how to sit or try to sit and hit head then scared.

My girl was like tat. Stand/sit/stand/sit. Then dare not sit. Hai... so just got to bear with it.

Once, BB confidenent of sitting down by themselve then no problem le. Of course will still hv accident, knock here and there la. But no choice.

Now my girl can pull cot/table to stand very steady already. Sit down also no issue. But we were tortured by her for a few weeks.

With regards to constipation, my PD says can give BB prune juice - best if fresh. But I lazy to make juice from prunes la... and just the prune juice alone is too big bottle... and must finish within a mth! Too much to finish. So i give BB the Heinz "Apple and Prune juice".

What I do is, i give half (abt 70 ml) on day 1. Keep the rest in fridge, then on day 2, take out to unchill then give the balance.

Then bb poops beautifully already. U go try?

baby2010, guess it's normal for bb to explore at this stage. They are all curious cat, kekeke.

I think it's ok to let him stand. Let ur son hold on to some support for the standing part instead of ur hb carrying him to stand cos is really very tiring. My bb will always find all means of support to let himself stand. My leg, bed side, pillow etc and he is doing very well right now. I prevent him from standing using table as support cos sekali he lost balance and kenna hit.

Now he is able to hold his stand without support for 5 second. It's so blessing to see his development

morning mummies !

was reading this article from babycenter this morning on train, find it very helpful...sharing here =)

What to feed your baby

"My son reacted to peas 12 hours after eating. It's very important to follow the advice of introducing new foods individually and a few days apart. That way, if a reaction occurs, you can know what really caused it."

"Leave fruit juice until much later. Once your baby tastes it, it will be hard to get him or her to drink water."

Guide to Firsts: Solid food

Our checklist helps you get

ready to feed your baby

"Season your baby's food. Even if it's just a little cinnamon (never give a baby salt), it will help her develop a taste for adult foods. Our daughter loves garlic, onions, and other foods that most kids don't like, and I attribute it to her getting paprika, garlic, pepper, and other spices in her baby food."

"It is harder, but make your own. If you try baby food, you'll understand why babies make that horrible face. I believe babies become better eaters if their first foods taste good."

"You don't need to heat your child's food. If you never introduce hot food, he will probably be just fine with eating it at room temperature straight from the jar."

"Don't let your own likes and dislikes affect what you feed your child. I don't like cottage cheese, but I gave it to my son anyway and he loved it."

"Don't back off on nursing and/or formula. For babies, solids should be an addition, not a replacement."

When to feed your baby

"Try to have your meals at the same time as your baby. This encourages her to eat, too."

"Don't wait until your baby is really hungry to feed him. If he's too hungry, he'll get frustrated and reject everything."

Handling food rejection

"After a couple of spoonfuls of applesauce, slip in one or two bites of spinach or green beans — anything your baby has been picky about. They swallow it before they realize it's different."

"If your baby doesn't like a food, give him a bite of something he likes after it, or put a little of the food he likes on it."

"Be creative. My baby doesn't accept sweet potato baby food, but loves it when I make a sweet potato in the microwave and mash up spoonfuls for her."

"What they eat from a jar and what they eat from the table later on are totally separate entities. There are foods that my baby wouldn't eat from a jar that she now eats happily from the table. Don't give up!"

"I just assumed that she would open her mouth and eat anything I gave her. She can love something one day and hate it the next. Some days she eats a ton; the next, hardly anything. I just wish I had known to expect this."

"If your baby acts like you're completely nuts when you give him the extremely runny cereal made the way it's recommended for 'baby's first feeding,' try making it thicker. Some children like very smooth, runny food, but others just don't."

"If you wouldn't eat it, why should your baby? I taste-tested everything. Sometimes it was obvious why my daughter wouldn't eat certain foods; they tasted terrible."

Handling the mess

"Buy bibs that dry quickly so you can rinse them out in the sink and hang them up to dry before the next feeding."

"Feed your baby in her diaper — it will be easier to clean up afterward."

"It's okay for babies to be messy! We can always clean them up, but we would do more harm if we never let them try new things."

General advice

"Have the camera ready. The faces babies make while eating are priceless, especially when you give a new food or texture."

"Once the solid food starts, the serious poop starts. It seems obvious, but I was shocked at first and called the doctor, really freaked out. I can laugh about it now."

"Starting solids early doesn't help a baby sleep through the night. Only teaching good sleep habits will do that."

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Hpc: my son dun like drink water..bcos he just start brown rice on 7th month mean 2 week ago so i hvn't let him try any fruit or vege puree yet..yogurt? special kind one? or normal we can buy from ntuc one? u give her directly when take out from fridge ah?

sheepysheeps (sheepysheeps) : my son can sit without support ..but dun know how t crawl yet seem like he try to crawl but he is still cannot make it..how many month of your gal now? can stand without support? my son keep want to stand and then sit..stand sit stand sit..we can do excersice oso.

for the constipation: so everyday u give her drink Heinz "Apple and Prune juice? if u stop to feed her.is she still can pooing as per normal?


I will suggest to let ur boy develop at his own pace. Coz if he is still not ready to stand as in his leg might nt be strong enough and u let him hold on to something to stand it might end up hurting his leg lor...

In my opinion, all baby have their own milestone and developed at their own pace. No need to worry or hurry them de. Like my #1, he did nt crawl when all his peers are already crawling ard. In the end, when he is ready, he crawl by shifting his bum lor...and he walk without support at exactly 13 months old. ;-)

Baby2010: Agree with Diana that individual babies' development pace is different. But I think since ur bb is trying to stand, u can expose him more.. new activity ma.. kekeke

Baby, ya. my girl can sit w/o support, can crawl slowly. She's 7mths and 2wks+ a bit.

Cannot stand w/o support. But recently she does release her hands to whatever she is holding and will fall on her diapered bum.

We din carry her to stand. Is she want to stand, then we just lightly support her. Or when she want to sit down, we also support her.

No no. Not daily drink. The most is 2 days in a row, then she will poop le. Then if still cannot, i give her another bottle the following week.

She has been on brown rice since 6+ mths (so till now is abt a mth le) but no problems with poop then she constipated coz i changed her milk powder to Mamil Gold. So i gave her the Heinz juice. After drink, almost that day itself can hv softer poop already. Qutie effective on my girl I feel.

Then now, i changed back her milk powder to Enfa and still on brown rice, no problems with poop now even w/o the Heinz juice. Sme times can poop 2,3 times a day!


When I first started my girl on cereal, she tried only plain cereal for 1st week. Then 2nd week, I introduced a veg along with cereal for 3 days, then the next 3 days, another different veg or fruit with the cereal....and more or less, I see she has no allergic reaction to the standard items like potato, apple, carrot, pear, then now it has been 4th week liao and I feel more confident to let her try new stuff without the 3 day rule. Today she is starting to try cod with spinach (She only started on spinach 2 days back and no reaction).

As for yogurt, I gave it to her after my gf who lives in Aust told me over there, all kids will eat yogurt and cheese from 6 months. I bought baby yogurt from market place paragon. Its Muller baby yogurt but quite ex. 6 small pots for like $11,50 I think (you can see my facebook under Isabel album). They have fruits in it but no fruit bits. I let her eat like half a pot a day and I take out from fridge 10 mins before. I didn't check with PD before giving. U might want to check with yours.

Any mummies want sell the Medela Freestyle or Medela Pump in Style Advanced ? Thx ;)


Baby2010, you are not alone. I encounter this few days my girl's poo2 is rather hard also. She can try to poo with her face turning red and yet the poo2 doesnt come out.. The night before, she woke up @3am plus to poo.. I heard she breathes very strong and make abit of noise.. Woke up to find that she is actually trying very hard to get that poo out.. Eventually she did, and the poo was hard. My mil lor, nv take instructions well.. I told her 4teaspoon cereal must go with ard 30-40ml water.. She go and add 6 teaspoons.. and say is i say one.. Damn pissed.. I told her off that if she want to increase the teaspoons she has to increase the milk as well.

Anyway im starting my girl on porridge this coming sun onwards. Starts off with prob 2-3 tablespoon.. Add in Pork fillet, with either sweet potatoes, potatoes or carrot.. Will buy these ingredients to allow my mil to mix and match.. Planning the week after next, will buy threadfin, spinach, and brocolli..

Afterall i think porridge is better than cereal as they tends to be more heaty.

My girl can take cereal well, so starting her off with porridge bit by bit.

