(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


thanks for the tips..i agree, more work and am afriad of allergy too. think must go home n brainwash my mil.


Diana: ya pong piah has same filling like ma ti shu except the pastry is softer...ma ti shu pastry more crispy...u believe in tis too? Haha my mum say my generation all got do so my gal she oso wanna do...my gal dun really drool now except when she purposely play blowing bubbles...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure if coincidental leh...

Hmm, what's the idea with the pong piah? Let them lick it then they won't drool ah?? :p

For mummies who leave baby at nanny or MIL's place during the day... am wondering whether you buy separate equipment to put at caregiver's place? Eg. high chair, playmat, rocker etc. Wanted to get my girl a high chair so she learn to sit properly at the table. I should probably get another one for caregiver's place too? Ai ya, 2 sets of a few items! Xiong ah...

Sharon, yup.. they increased $2 at one go! I am getting from another mummy tml @ $39 expiry 2012, u wan? U also staying JW? I can pass to u along the way if convenient..

JanO, my mil is looking after my baby but we stayed together. As n when I will go to my mum hse, so there also got additional set like rockers, high chair, playmat.. actually if u dun mind can get used items which is what i did la,cos my bb only spend at the most once a week at my mum's place..

For mummies feeding enfalac, I have checked with meadjohnson tat actually enfalac is for infants up to 12 months and enfapro is for 6 months onwards. The formulation for both is almost identical except that carbo and protein is higher in enfapro. So, even after 6 months, ur bb still can be fed with enfalac, no issues with that.. but of cos if wanna switch to enfapro also no harm la

hi there,

4 months have passed, and yet i still trying to cope with motherhood life. Since the day of delivery, I have been experiencing mood swing till today. It could be due a series of Unfortunate events....

I thought i could have natural birth, but due to some complication, i ended up with c-section. Then, follow by my terrible confinement period.(maybe due to my post-natal depression) After confinement,I thought i finally can settle down at my MIL's place. However, due to my some miscommunication between my SIL, MIL and hubby (we have rented out our own flat), my MIL was unable to take care of my baby and i ended up have to stay at my mum's place with my baby. I was very upset coz this will affect the daddy & baby bonding...

Due to my post natal depression, i was unable to control my temper, and resulted in several arguments between us (argument arise due to conflict with MIL) I always thought that having a baby will strengthen our relationship, but somehow or rather, things are just not moving to what i have expected.

sorry for ranting out here. Coz is terrible to keep everything in my heart...everyone out there thought Im feeling so blessed and happy after delivery..but in fact im just wearing a mask to work everyday...

sharon, ok, tot u leave nearby since u r so familiar with the vicinity around me.

Bluesoda, i think it is evitable to have conflicts since living under one roof. I guess i m having a similar situation as u did.. luckily for me is during delivery, i tried hard enuff to avoid e-csect..

my confinement was also a diaster and i end up crying almost everyday.. imagine no breakfast prepare, lunch was tabao food from outside and oni dinner was cooked becos my fil is back from work.. Then I have to take care of my baby, my mil simply didnt help except bathing him.. i didnt call home to complain to my mum cos i know she will worried.. My hb will just said his mum is like tat lor and wat can i do?

I duno if ur hb understand what you have been going through, maybe you should have a good talk with him again, cos men are just slow animals.. they are insensitive to our feelings at times.

Staying at your mum's place might not be a bad idea cos at least u know ur bb is well taken of.. Just make an effort to ask ur hb to visit u more frequent lor..but this is not a long term solution..

Starting cereal/puree:

I personally believe there's no need to rush to start before 6months. Wait till bb can sit up properly, if not we'll run the risk of bb choking. From birth till now, bb has only learnt how to drink. Bb needs to learn even simple actions like swallowing semi-solid. Furthermore, how are we to know that bb's digestive system is ready for such food? In addition, we also have to watch out for food allergies. Mummies keen to start early can perhaps check with bb's paediatrician to get the green light. Otherwise, milk is just as good for now. ;)

Junjun: thanks for the info on enfalac...i was wondering abt the same qn as well...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluesoda: i completely understand how u feel...i oso ended up with e-csect...after bb came more conflicts with hubby than b4...i also tot bb will strengthen relationship but it turned out otherwise..maybe we r both stressed over new responsibilities...hope it gets better for me n for u over time...pat pat...


Sorry to hear of your predicament.

Just want to share that I was like you too - expected natural delivery for my #1 but ended up as ec-sect. Worst thing was no clear reason given by gynae, I never went back to her for #2. Yes, the expectation of birth process did not match reality as we won't know what would happen, but congratulate yourself that bb is healthy. Has your c-sect wound fully healed yet? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not sure what miscommunication you had with your in-laws and you ended up staying at your mum's place with bb. Can your hubby stay tog with you at your mum's place too? Or if finances are not too tight, perhaps you can send bb to infant care in the day and bring bb back MIL's home every evening, so your hubby, you & bb are tog.

Having a bb is a BIG adjustment, not only for you, but for your hubby and bb as well. Think of your bb as a new team member. And it's gonna take time till everyone in the team gets to know one another and gel. You will get there! Try your best to talk it out with your hubby abt issues bothering you to sort out the unhappiness, and be open to his comments too.

Are you under any dr's for for your PND? Maybe can visit dr for review and get advice on how to control mood swings.

Just my 2-cents worth... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bluesoda: hang on there, mommy. We are here to help each other. Let me know if there's anything I can help ya? Having a baby not easy but when baby is healthy and smile at us, all worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe u want to consider counselling for post-natal depression? It's gud to have some help regarding that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JanO, normally if can take ppl's hands down de so that you dont have to purchase 2sets at a go.. Baby will outgrown these items, would it be a waste after that.. I gt hands down, so some put at my mom's place, some put at in-laws place..

Hi Bluesoda, i share the same situation few days back.. I have been facing differences with hb and sometimes quarrels with regards to mil's issues.. Recently we just started 1war, i almost give up on this marriage, but thinking back what will happen to my precious.. Esp when we quarrel, i broke dwn into tears in front of bb.. she seems to know.. she will keep on staring at me with that pair of innocent eyes.. It pains me and upon seeing that i told myself i will bear with it for my precious and no joke even my life.. Nothing matters more than her.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having a baby is really an adjustment in life.. Try to work out the difference, i believe there is always a way out.. Do rant here, we are all here for one another..

I agreed with jollymom n jolyn, we need sometimes to adjust to motherhood life. Bluesoda, Im sorry to hear u ended up c sect. But those passed alr, you don keep on thinking about it and make urself unhappy. I need to face my mil too, but no choice, I have to depend on her to tk of my bb in order to go out and work. Don let in laws prob influence Ur relationship with ur hubby. Before this I also quarrel with hubby due to mil end up few days we didn talk to each other. I even think of bringing my bb back to malaysia. Aft tt we sit down and talk about our prob and it helps. Cheers up, think about ur little precious.

Bluesoda, if u r having severe depressing thoughts, better to air it out then keeping it in. I think what we all fail to expect in in-law problem when baby is born then also husbands take longer to adjust to the newly-minted statue as a daddy.

Bluesoda, *hug* don't worry, the forum is for all of us to rant. Being a mother is tough, furthermore got to deal with inlaws etc. I think there's something abt giving birth that changes the person, I don't quite feel like the same person I was before I had the baby.

Try and do an activity once a week to get yourself feeling like the same person again. If u're worried abt daddy-baby bonding, ask the daddy to take care for 2 hrs as u leave ur place to get some fresh air. I know it will not be easy leaving baby alone with daddy at first.

PND could also be due to hormones and the changes our bodies go thr, how abt taking some vitamins coz our bodies are still going thr changes. It took us 9 mths to get to the baby, sure will take some time to adjust back. Take care!

Bluesoda: *hugs* having a kid is a big thing. No matter how dependable the baby is, do remember to put your hubby first. Remember to rekindle your relationship from time to time. The communication web grows bigger once you have a new member in the house. And effective communication is the key to healthy relationship; quarrels are inevitable but don't let it grow. Have a good talk with your hb, out of house without kid. Settle one at a time. Once relationship with hb ok, start getting him involve in your girl's growing up moments...so on and so forth.

Of course it's easier said than done but it's not impossible. Take care and Jia you!

Forum is for you to air your frustrations, so don't bottle up. Need a listening ear, just pm me. I can make time. Cheer up!


big hugs.... I agree w Jo to put hb first. Try to put things on the right track then bb. U can share w us n we will always have a listening ear. Take care!

bluesoda > mayb u wil feel better to knw tat u r nt alone. I hd csec too aftr tryin natural for almost 36 hrs. Life as mother is nvr easy. Aftr gav birth, found tat i hd thyroid, thn childhood asthma came bk n i was rush to a&e alone, cos hubby has to sty hm to tak care of bb. Goin bk to wk was tough, given new role whic i cant agree on. Scolded n quarrel w hubby too many times till i 4gt liao. Gt to slp in diff rm fr hubby cos hv to tak care of bb. Bt i stil feel vry blessed to hv my little bao bei n is alrdy thinkin of havin a 2nd. :p bt hv to wait, due to csec. Lik many mummies here sy. Anythin is worth it for our baobei.

Bluesoda - hugs, its a major change to our life with bb now so take things slowly ok, good to have a talk with ur hb to work things out. I tik i also got bit PND after no.2. Was alone with bb during day time for almost 4mths during maternity and had to manage bb/ pumping/housewk and night feeds. Really not easy and fell sick few times over last few mths. Recently just broke down and screamed at hb for not helping with hsewk, been keeping to myself for mths and exploded liao. Hope things work out well for u. Rember bb is there to smile at us whenever we are down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bluesoda: *hugs* I totally agree with mommies here, its truly a very big adjustment in life after having a BB... Well,I went thru loads of tears too and end up feeling upset everytime and worst thing is I will unknowingly scold my hubby for nothing sometimes..haizz.. When my BB was born, she had to be kept in ICU for 11days n had to go thru all tubes n needles n back home i had to face all the SILs/MIL/FIL... Confinement wasn't easy for me too n i had an e c-sect as well,imagine nt enough rest during confinement n somemore having so many inconsiderate ppl getting in n out of my room... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Well, even nw I still face such issues (nw getting more remarks on BB as well) but i just try hard nt to listen nor react...

Dun bottle up ur frustrations else u will suffer, y not choose to be happy n thinking how u wanna bond with ur little precious n ur hb together rather than focusing on those unnecessary stuff *_* (Im still learning too)

Let's all Jia You Jia You!!!

Bluesoda: HUgs... its ok to rant out here... JIAYOU!! am sure we will pass this stage. Most imptly let it out so that u dun bottom everything within urself...

Thanks everyone for the encouragement n support! I feel so much better now! At least I know I'm not alone.

Jollymummy> no I did not see any doctor n not under any medication.

Jolyn> my rship with my mil was quite strained now. So is impossible to stay with her anymore. I broke down once in front of my baby.. Den she smiled at me.. It really pains me..

bluesoda, glad u r better.. rembr to smile often... tell yourself u can overcome everytin..u gotta be strong for u got a lil one to take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

true, gotta pay attn to hubby as well though we are so overwhelmed by the new arrival & so bz w them. I, too hv the same issue, often i got so engrossed and expect my hubby to help out, if he doesnt i get upset & fussed. after all , men are nt as attentive & selfless as us mommy, so gotta face it. im tryg to remind myself not to neglect hubby and my elder boy oso.. each got their own needs.... we mommy are really super woman eh.. gotta take care of all aspects.. sighz, anyone rembr to tk care of ours? :p

cheer up gal!

2 wks since i return to work.. so far so gd but really hard to pick up all the stuffs.. haa :p

n menses return, sighz it's a sign tat my milk SS is gg to drop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] same case for me when i hv #1. how i envy my gf who bf, 9th mth then menses return, hw nice.

Bluesoda, are you still bf?

It's been 1 mth since I returned to work. I stopped bf after 2nd wk of working. And I really feel a lot better in terms of mood. I could spend more attention on my hb, myself and baby. I admire those mummies who can handle it all... but I feel happier when I stop trying to be a superwoman. Not trying to advise you to stop bf, but just to say that perhaps you can try and analyse what is making you unhappy, and try to make some adjustments.

Shan, my menses has't return after stopping bf. Not sure when it will "flood" me. Sian also...

haa ya piggydog, aft giving birth my flow was v heavy for #1, nt sure abt this time rd.. gotta use the "heavyduty" ones during in the days during the 2nd-5th days :p

u stopped bf... how was ya flow?

true bf is tiring, be it latching or pumping, I pumping oni coz baby refuse to latch anymore.

i prefer latchg got bondg w baby, pumping is time consuming n gotta wash this n tat, no time w bb.. nonetheless.. wanna be superwoman then must be super hardworkg..

all mummies r all superwoman la..be it got bf or nt.. taking care of bb aint ez at all, n making sure everytin is in pl!

saluate to all us.. :p

Nana, I stopped bf gradually over 1 wk, by stretching the hrs between pump, and reducing the pump duration.

For eg, if u usually pump every 4 hrs and 20 mins on each side, you can stretch to 6hrs and 15 mins each side, and so on. Stretch a little at a time. Don't try to go cold turkey by stop pumping 100%. It will be very painful and uncomfortable

Some people use cold compress and cabbage to ease the pain too..

just realised that my mil never sterilize my bb bottles whenever she feeds him, though i will always make sure bottles are sterilized and are sufficent to last through the nights.. She will take those that are washed, but yet to sterilize one, put water and bring to her room. I understand that she doesnt wana walk to the kitchen, but then at least take the sterilize bottles ma.. I complain to my hb, n he will reply last time (his generation) where got sterilize! damn so angry.. I will always tell him have but maybe boil hot water one and surely he cant remember..

Haiz so scared that the mil mishandling might end up undesirable effects to the baby..

Junvis> do u have steriliser at yr mil place? if have, is it she doesnt know how to use? 1 alternative method u can ask her to use boiled water to pour into the washed bottle & shake shake each time before she used. maybe u can buy a hot water flask which has ready boiled water (keep warm) at all times at her place so that she need not boil water each time?

baby upbringing> i think all mummies want the best for our little ones. i also always "grumble" to my hubby over some small issues that my mil maid or mil is doing. for eg the maid like to carry the bb in sarong & swing & swing while feeding, i feel it makes me harder to feed the bb at night as the bb too used to swinging & i never swing him. then the maid likes to apply those indonesia ru yi oil over the whole body of my bb after shower and changing diapers each time, i saw & told her next time just apply on tummy as i saw some red small rashes on my bb body not sure's it because too oily & the whole body smells of the oil! the maid also everytime feed my bb very long, which i told her if the milk cannot finish just throw away after too long, but to the maid she think it's wasteful to throw away so much BM then she'll keep tapping on the milk bottle to make my bb drinks..so these are all different methods of how the maid takes care of the bb but my hubby feels that as long as she "take cares" of the bb, enjoy the bb's fed he dont care what method she use (be it swinging the bb or what)..

hugs huggie hugs, bluesoda. noble for u as a mother. family support is impt that comes from hb, yr family n his. things will work it out. u not alone...

mummywong, im staying with my pil.. I do have the sterilizer and she knows how to use.. Out of convenient for her, i will always make sure bottles are ready for use at night since she is taking care of my bb at night after i went back to work. I already have the hot thermo flask, but then she doesnt rinse pior making milk!

Haiz, she also direct the fan "specially" for my boy. For me, i will make sure fan is oscillating and will cover him with blanket. But when hb tells her to use blanket cos bb got a little blocked nose, then she will said wear pyjamas liao still need to cover up meh? wao biang, wat a great granny! Angry manz

RE: Swaddling

Hi mommies, can i check if any of you still swaddle yr baby at night.. Im still doing so, and my girl has been sleeping thru' the night.. Just wonder is swaddling affect baby's growth in anyway.. eg baby should not be swaddle up at certain age le..

junvis> aiz..think they belong to "old" generation where “粗生粗养"? everything no need to sterilise & clean. when i went back Sin during CNY & no steriliser period, the maid got to help me boil a big pot of water & everytime i pump/wash milk bottles the maid will be busy boiling water or putting the pump parts/bottles in big pots which's taking time & space in the kitchen then i would feel so stressful that i'm like wasting people's time & making it so troublesome for them, cause the maid also busy helping my mil cooking for CNY then my mil will casually make a comment like wah so much pots...“我的妈啊"though she didnt mean it.then i faster go & borrow steriliser from friend..is your bb the 1st grandchild? if u have sil/sisters who have kids then yr mil should know its a must to sterilise/pour hot water to the bottles for new born babies? i think the best way is to convince yr hubby to tell yr mil.

Jolyn> i have stop swaddling my bb since wk2-3 when he sleeps as he does not like to be swaddle & likes to stretch alot.

Jolyn: am still swaddling my boi... not too sure can swaddle till wat age or if it affects growth but i think he can sleep better at night.

Jolyn : I'm also still swaddling. She doesn't sleep thru if not swaddled so we continue. Now, we also swaddle her for naps in afternoon.

haiya, she sure knows must sterilise cos when i buy the sterilizer, she commented y buy? just boil water can liao..

i dun mind 粗生粗养, but not at this age when their immune system is still very weak.. we wouldnt know lor, better play safe rather than to be sorry at this least till 2yrs old ba.

Jolyn, I also stop swaddle since week 2.. like mummywong, my boy stretches alot also. and have to carefully watch him if napping cos he really can wriggle from the centre of the bed to the corner one.. ours king size bed somemore, think also not enuff for him to roll, flip and wriggle

Junjun> my mil also like to direct the fan at my ger.. Worse the fan was full of dust.. It seems it was nt clean for many months.. My ger has sensitive nose n nose blocked.. So whenever I saw this, I just switched off the fan

bluesoda> hope u are feeling better after ranting out in the forum..sometimes really need a place (especially nov mum thread) where people agree & understand what u said..sometimes our hubby just dont get what we said also..

Mommies here using cloth diapers like Bumwear,Bumgenius,HappyHeinz?

What detergent do u use? Coz I'm washing mine with adult clothes. Now using Kao Attack. I know the website said have to use no enzymes,no bleach, no softener kind of detergent. So wat detergent to use?

I've been trying to cloth diaper my bb, but my helper said bb's bum red becoz of it. Only tried for 2 days, and both times bb's bum becomes red, she said.

ya, bluesoda.. living under one roof sure got conflicts one, cos ultimately we are being seen as outsider afterall.. this is my feel la, not too sure if u feel so..

Nelotte, i stop using cloth diaper when my bb turns full month, cos it was so tiring to have change n change n change.. But i did not mix with adult clothings cos bb's stuff needs milder detergent to avoid allergy. I use kodomo for laundry, smells nice yeah!

thanks mummywong10! yes im feeling so much better now. thanks for lending your listening ears and advice!! now i know that im not the only one facing such problem...in fact most of us encounter the same problem..


charlene and junjun,

Read that we cant wash cloth diapers with baby detergent. For bb clothes I use Kodomo.

I also read that Pureen H-A-D is good for cloth diaper, but Spore doesn't have it. Only in Malaysia.

I have heaps of cloth diapers. Dun wanna waste hehe, so thats why wanna find out what detergent to use.

