(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

brought bb to jab today. Bb is nw 3mth n 2 days. Wt 6.2kg, ht 62.1. Ht is 50 percentile bt wt is 25 to 50 percentile. I find it strange, cos my bb looks vry chubby. Legs looks lik lotus roots leh. If he put on more wt, he will lk lik over wt. The doc at poly also doesnt answer most of my qns. Dont knw wats the white spots on the gum, jus tell me to monitor n c him again next mth. Dont knw y bb reduce fd or slp longer, dont knw y bb vomit more. Haiz, everything dont knw. Wonder if i shld go pte pd to c again.

Chris, my bb was 3mths and 7 days when we brought her to polyclinic. Her wt was 6.4kg and doc said she is 75-90 percentile leh... Why so different?

My bb is very chubby, but then she is not drinking much, now only 90ml every 3hrs, lesser than the amt she had in her 1st mth. Dunno why.

Koori - i dun haf the habit of swaddling bb since his full mth.Ya veri scary esp when they r learning to flip and noes how to flip over but duno how to flip back...

Jo-grobag,hw much does it cost.i went to read up,it seem like a jacket blanket. Veri hot? and thier hand is left freely open, ur bb wont flip over?

i'm juz afraid tat bb wont like it,tat all.

I feel my bb like veri choosy. The pouch and carrier wich i buy,he rejected all those. Onli accept the sarong sling wich my helper brought wif her frm indo.

Clothes - my bb hates to b in romper.he can cry till horase. We change it off den he is fine..

mummies : help needed. my boi has very serious milk rashes.. dun wan to bring to PD coz they sure ive steriod cream. Anyway to improve?


I'm fine with tmr. Ok also if you wish to postpone. I just texted Hammiebao, maybe she's busy so didn't see forum today.

Faster to text me, as might not be in forum tonight liao.

Sharon - i use CB caludula cream,calming cream n aloe vera cream on him.it works for me..did u try?

i oso switch to CB bodywash for my boy


Since the attendence for 2molo is poor, can we postpone to this friday or nx wed?

Friday - 25/02/2011

1) Diana

Wednesday - 02/03/2011

1) Diana (TBC)

piggy > mayb cos my bb is boy? U feeding her 90ml of bm? Did u try to increase? My boy is also reducin his milk intake. Mak me vry worry. Sometimes 1 day only tak ard 600ml plus!

East Side Mummies Lunch Gathering!!!

Mon, 28 Feb 2011 @Changi Airport

1) Jollymummy (with bb & tot)

2) Naf (with bb?)

3) Jo (tbc)

Tenderhearted, Scubababe, Ueno, Holly:

Since you mummies are staying in East, wanna join us for lunch?

Other mummies not staying in East can also join in if you are free! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloe: not hot, they have a few togs to choose from,some are tshirt material. The sleep bag is safe. It depends in where you get it from. Mothercare sells them and you can get disc if you have A membership card.


u not alone... my bb also feed abt 600lm plus per day oni. 5 feeds of 130ml each. sometimes dun finish also... ya lor v stress wen bb dun wanna drink...


my bb also had serious milk rashes all over her neck. i use aloe vera gel v good, few days gone liao. dun use powder on affected areas


geo bag sold in mothercare is abt $70 plus. they comes in diff thickness tats suit ur room temp. chk it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trismom > wat do u do whn bb cant finish milk? Force thm by tryin a few times? Trick thm to drink? My bb nw slp for long hrs, therefore only feed 5 times. U too? Do u wak bb up to drink or u wait for bb to cry for milk? I usually will wake bb up, if its more than 4 hrs. Bt pd sy no nd.


exactly... my bb nvr cry for milk. oni i wake her up to feed which my hb say v cruel... my pd also say no need but if dun wake her up den no need drink milk liao meh...

wat i will do if she dun finish is i will leave it in the warmer 1st den try pat her to zz wen she half asleep den try feed again. sometimes work sometimes dun.

Taka avent trade-in,

Any mummies has got idea how e promotion works for e bottles trade-in at taka Bb fair?? Thanks..


hope everyone is doing great as mummy..

been away for awhile..

check if anyone feeding goats milk, karihome? I changed from naan to karihome and my ger poo seem lesser.. not sure if she is constipated.. but goats milk supposed to help and better.. been a mth since the change.. before was mix bf and naan.. she is almost 4mths old.. any comments?

Tris mom,Jo - thanks ya! will pop to mothercare n take a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] veri desperate to find a way to curb him frm fliping.

Milk intake - my baby boy is forever a hungry baby. Ever since he recove frm his milk strike,his milking time all go haywire. Gv him 180ml (5 scoope of powder),2 hrs later, cry n ask for more,gv another 100 ml (3 scoope of powder).Finally doze off for afternoon nap and he wont slp more den 4hrs.

Jz tonite, 8pm gv him 180ml,and 915pm another 100ml den manage to KO to slp.

Trismom: we hav the same prob. My bb will struggle or scream half the feed. But eventually lost or we'll make him into sleepy state n he'll b able to drink all. We still wake him up for nite feed. He drink so much faster n without fuss most of the time when dreamfeed.

Just ystd example,

At 10am, I came out fr my room to find my maid trying to feed the balance 30ml w spoon n syringe after struggling w him.

At 3pm I latch him whole 2hr plus, n at last he is sleepy n I only manage to pump balance 50ml, indicating that he drank!

At 9pm, I went for quick shower. When I came out after 10min, he had been dreamfeed 120ml n suckdry the bottle within that 10min!!

By doing all this coaxing, tricks, dreamfeed with him daily, he is able to consume 600ml which seems underfed.

Diana (september)

My friend commented Dr Lily Aloe Vera gel quite good, can find in BP section I think around 16each tube..

My BB's neck got redness along the folds... I put CB Calendula cream after bath but after awhile still red.. and I never use power.. is it better to use Aloe Vera?

Trismom, I mean my bb same as urs, drinks only 600ml. But my bb very seldom vomit out his milk. Mayb coz he drinks so slow, his milk already settle down deep inside him. Hahaha!

I dont burp him for long also. After while will put him down. He'll cryout even when sleeping hAlfway if he needed to be burp.

My bb also got redness fold on his neck, armpit, diaper area. I think due to hot weather nowadays. I dab powder n apply it to him. Is it not advisable?

I wan to get the dr lily aloe too.

chris, I nvr wake bb up to drink. Will wait until she cries. 60ml can be bm or fm. It makes no diff to her. I usually will make 100ml, and she can't finish loh..Then, dream feed or awake, also makes no diff. She still drinks abt the same qty.

She still gains wt and have "lotus" hands and legs despite drinking lesser qty than during her 1mth. So I just let her be...

Feeding: i try to keep to the 4-hourly interval. sometimes baby only get sleepy 3.5hour after the last feed. if we dun wake her at around 4hours, she will then wake up around 4-5hours and then be very hungry and frustrated. at least when she semi-drowsy at 4hours and drinks, she is less agitated.

Chris: I think 5 times a day feed is normal for babies this age. Mine drinks 180ml x 5 now.

Feeding baby,

Wow 5 times! My bb still about 7-8 a day.. 3-4 hours interval.. And twice in between 10pm-10am (I dream feed him around 2-3am if not will engorge badly at 6am..


Is aloe vera gd for rashes? my bb also rashes almost everywhere.. seen PD, use so many types of cream including calendula cream also cannot work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies...

Anyone got good recommendation to cure flu and cough.. I'm still down since eve of CNY.

Took 3 rounds of medications.. still like that..

And i'm sick of taking the medicine already...

Bam> how about drinking luo han guo? u see different doc to try different med? drink lots of water & have good rest. maybe your body "overwork"

For those who brought ur bb to bb when they had flu .. were you given medicine? I was told there is no medicine for below 6 months. If that is the case see pd for wat?

i have seen 2 docs.. 1 repeated visit.

Maybe the virus in office is ongoing.. Everyone is sick and i have to look after bb at nite.. now she also got is from me. her cough also quite bad.. just brought her to PD last nite and she is on medication. and she is not drinking much.. sigh.. heart pain and tired....

Hammie: let me know if u are buying? can i tongbang? me got the gel from watson. Its call Jorubi. Not sure if its good. Am worried dunno if its ezcema?

Tris Mom: i didnt apply powder.. His is mainly face onli.. then will be scaly and peel scare dunno isit ezcema?

Chloe: i did try aloe vera n CB C cream but dun seems to help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bam, my boi also got cough but not serious one only occasion cough and sometime i wonder is he mimic his dad cough or really coughing... ...think both me and him got it from my hubby who is down with flu as well. so there is medication for infant. but alot of people kept tell me no medicine for infant ...see also no use

sharon & jewel my boi also get rashes on off on off... was told to clean them diligently dun always apply all sort of cream cos that will make it worse and soon the bb skin may become sensitive in future etc

so i only use CB cream when it become very red else i wont apply i just clean them

orangebb > hw long does it tak for ur bb to recover fr milk strike? Did u do anything to hlp?

Feeding > i also wake my bb for milk, cos he doesnt cry for it. I tink its ok to hv only 5 feeds if the qty is sufficient. Bt mine is too little. I m also tryin to adjust his timin sn tat i cn dream feed him. Nw i also dont dare to bath him aftr his milk, even if its alrdy past more than 1hr. Cos sm of the milk wil still cm out. Cn only bath him if he wakes at least half an hr b4 his nex fd. Bt tis is vry rare. Therefore Sm days i only bath him in the evening. Haiz.

Bam - I tik rest is impt to recover. I also sick since

Cny and on antibiotics but still coughing and voice still not back to normal. Try take rest whenever u can

Ptb - I brought bb to pd cos she was having flu and cough, just wan make sure her chest lungs is not congested. She was given med for cough but no med for flu cos she can't take. She was given nose drops to relieve her blocked nose. Occasionally I will use the pigeon nose sucker to remove her mucus.


my menses just came this week for 1st time n i experienced super heavy flow. i wonder is it a norm since no periods for such a long time. does anyone has similar situation b4?

down with flu, feeling too restless to take care bb n hub is in reservist. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] need moral support from here to keep myself going.

Koori and ptb,

my bb oso down with flu n cough. oso given nose drops to relieve nose block. She will cry every time i feed her the med using syringe. Do u know better way to feed the bb with med so she wun be so upset?


PD did give medicine for my gal when she is only 2 months plus when we brought her to see PD for her cough and running nose. But I so far did not feed her the medicine, coz I do not want her to rely on medicine and so far, even though I do not give her the medicine, she recover on her on. Even the PD say that he give me the medicine to stand by as he know some parent do not feed the baby medcine as baby usually can recover on their own de.

cough - hv to see if they are really coughing like if it is persistent kind of cough. coz baby at this stage tend to 'play' with their saliva and get choke at times thus they will cough.


I want to get the gel if u all getting, coz my gal neck is also reddish but we hv been putting powder on her lor...I guess their neck is reddish coz the milk flow down to their neck when we are feeding them and mayb we did nt clean or wipe them dry as we did nt noticed it, thus after sometime it kind of becoz a rash lor..


Try honey with lemon or honey with apple vinegar (苹果醋).


When my menses last month on Vday, it seem like normal to me and not super heavy lor...if u r concern, mayb u want to google and check the net for more info?

ahko > I mix the med w milk. But mus mak sure bb finish the milk. So mayb u will lik to mix the med w 50ml of milk in 1 bottle n fd bb w this bottle 1st, thn the balance of his fd, put in anthr bottle to fd later. jus in case bb can't finish the full milk. Hope this hlp.

cough n flu:

Seems lik many ppl getting sick nowadays. My hubby too. I hv bn having prolong cough n running nose since I don't even rem whn liao. Super long. Nd rest, bt no chance to rest. Lets all hope we will recover fast fast. Ahko, jiayou! U r nt alone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris, thanks for ur suggestion. I will try that out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

One more mommy here down with flu and cough too.. Looks like it's the 'season' now..

Need to take care of baby, really dont know hw to have ample rest to recover.. Have been using mask and try to avoid baby as much as possible.. Feeling sick also keen to go to work just to avoid passing the germs to bb.. Last time is as many days of mc sure whacked.. haha..

Told my colleagues i rather come to work to pass to them.. Oops.. so bad ya..

Mommies, rem to take care and drink lotsa of water ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ueno: i saw that u are ordering the maidenform waistshaper in the spree section. Can share later how it feels once u get it? I'm also looking for one. My tummy still flabby, now can almost fit into my pre-preg clothes but when I sit, such an ugly sight, fat everywhere..

