(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Ange, I will be going for Dr Terrance Tan during the hospital stay for PD then maybe to the yishun one that Jo recommended...

DHA for bb, my mummy friend who bf takes fish oil and fenugreek regularly.. She also told me to take fish oil for DHA.. So I just prepare a bottle.. I think more or less will help since bb is getting what mummies takes.. Anyway alot of things are not medical proven.. It's really how much we believe in it.. Maybe we as mummy end up being more clever after having the fish oil? Haha.. I got my GNC Triple action fish oil from drugstore spree and its mug cheaper than local GNC..


Hammie: I also think so, just eat everything in moderation sure can help in one way or another! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ange> yr gal same name as VT gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to check the jaundice level need to do blood test but if yr PD never ask yr bb do blood test meaning he can see the jaundice level not high? do check yr bb eye (white part) got yellow or not? if very yellow then serious i think. my CL bathe the bb with "ng kee" (chinese herb) during day 7-12 like that to help reduce the jaundice (according to the CL lah). she said can start bathing the bb with these herb once bb discharge from hosp for few days.

Jolyn- my gynae gave me med for constipation on the day i discharge. I took and no constipation problem. We have stitches dwn there so may be painful if we still need to strain if have hard stools. But the med cant take too much cos in the end i had diarrhoea.. After tat i stopped. U can try asking fm yr gynae..

It s safe for bb

@Jo, yah I was at Gleneagles yesterday too...her PD is Dr Yip Y.Y. After we've seen him, took blood test for bb and he asked us to admit her straight away. My MIL tried to use some yellow water to bathe bb at home but doesn't help at all, in fact became even more yellow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Actually does ginger cause jaundice? My MIL includes ginger in all my dishes, I am thinking it could be the culprit.

morning mummies and mtbs

congrats to new mummies and jia you to mummies who are gog to deliver.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb is 7 days old today.. the first night back home was hell.. lol.. but it got better the last 2 nights.. waking up for milk twice at night.. been monitoring her intake so to adjust accordingly before hb goes back to work.. luckily his boss allow & encourage him to take 1 mth leave.. jia you all mummies.. somehow I always wake up regardless how tired or unwell though hb is there.. guess it's the sacrifice of all mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you!!

got question :

for csect.. anyone got like mensus pain few days after? I started to experience it yday? is it norm? coincidentally I also started to put binder yday.. so dun know if it's the binder too tight or sure got pain..

relief for jaundice :

my myanmar helper who studies nursing back home told me they feed water (boiled before) to bb with jaundice.. so they will pee more often so I started feeding her water yday afternoon.. and her eyes started to turn less yellowish.. not sure if it's true but worth a try?

cheerios!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whitecookies: take less ginger. its good for us, but may caused jaundice for bb. all my elders also know n tell me to start off with lesser amt of ginger, if bb jaundice is ok, then increase intake.

VT...BB passed motion in you :eek: how come ?? i still dun quite understand ...cos they have not eat yet where did the motion come from ? anyway now bb is out and both of you ok...that's the most impt thing...and congrats

enmummy...u also gave birth liao...congrats..err...is the bill really huge for C sect ?

i cant help but notice alot of bb are down with jaundice...is it because of our diet or wat ?? or it is because we are asian so tend to have jaundice ?

PTB7476> it's normal that bb will pass motion when about to deliver, and for fear that they breathe in, so must usually c-sec straight. i heard my friend said bb who overdue will tend to get stress when you give birth to them, they tend to pass motion. sometimes the gynae can faster natural delivery but after that use tubes to suck the motion out of the bb i heard.

jaundice> PD said asian nore common, and usually jaundice peak around bb day 5-7.

constipation> my CL said eat gou ju zi will help to clear bowel. else try taking more fibre (fruits) and prunes?

Congrats to all those who popped!

Jo – Wa! Very good result leh! Too bad I still got 2 to 3 weeks to go, my gynae even mentioned might delay who know later I might become Dec MTB.

Ange – Interesting leh! the fish oil I am taking can continue during BF and the box indicate got DHA good for BF bb also leh!

whitecookies – Your PD is Dr Yip YY? Is he good? I read the documents from my gynae he will be my bb’s PD too.

My CL funny funny today say cook fish+ cheese+mayo for me, I was like western??? But she bought it b4 askg me. Everyday she need $70 for marketg $ I expectg $50 & less.

I gg to face this for another 20+ days??! Jialat. She really no time to tk care of my bb.

Whitecookies: we have the same PD. I was there around 1030, very crowded. Is your girl better today?mine did the blood test in hospital and we got discharged. Yesterday he told me my boy was ok so just continue sun tanning. Try the grape juice- just one large green grape squeeze the juice out and feed. Use syringe or small cup

Vt: the PD assigned to me also Y y yip. Really good PD, experienced and knows his stuffs. Would spent time with patients also. I only used him in hospital after that I changed to another PD I know. I wouldn't mind using him otherwise. Btw, what is the brand of fish oil you bought?

Jo – Thanks for sharing. The fish oil I took is Dhaxtra 815mg. I like this because I am very sensitive to cough or flu anybody around me got it I sure kan na but after taking this touch wood I never fall sick with so many people down with flu in my office.

@Jo, I was there ard 9am...prob missed u...not sure abt her condition today, will call the hospital to check later and probably visit her in the evening. Hope she can come home tomorrow.

Re: PD, i oso find Yip Y.Y quite good....very gentle PD and quite detailed. Just that its a bit far to travel all the way to GlenE each time bb needs to see a doctor.

Hi all, posting to distract myself. Now in labour ward to induce baby. Gynae juz burst my waterbag and check that I'm 4cm dilated... Hope can last without epi all the way!!

Fish oil: I take solaray ( not sure spelling) and it's good for us and baby after we deliver too so shld continue

Whitecookies - Thanks. I am very concern on PD because the PD for my #1 is very jialuk. He do injection for my #1, very badly injured her, my heart pain till don't know how to express it.

scubababe, jiayou n take care!

shan: huh??? so modern? she wanna eat herself ah? $70 too much per day. she goes herself to market? is she boiling herbal soup, cooking vege for you?

shan...$70 per day seem alot... in 28days that is $1960 leh !!! did your CL cook alot of good stuff for herself ?? did she provide receipt for the food bought ?? and her cooking skill in terms of confinement food is limit so that is why today = western food ?? sometime i cant help but wonder are the CL here to take free ride and buy good food for themselve etc at our expenses...ok that's it.. i will not let my CL go marketing herself ...

good luck Scubababe...

mummywong.. bb passing motion in us...sound so disgusting to me hahaha... guess the BB must be very stress to do that

yah i notice jaundice seem to occur quite offend to asian bb ..must be our diet

Oct/Nov 2010 Birth List

Congrats Jeanneloi! Welome BB Elva who arrives on 3 Nov! Thanks for sharing with us your BB's birth details via the online form! Rest well & enjoy motherhood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Oneegg! Welcome BB Zden who arrives on 8 Nov! Thanks for updating us with your BB's birth details on the Birth List too! Share with us your birth story when you can & rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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are u bf'ing? those cramps might b due to ur contracting uterus. when we bf, our body will release some hormones tt allow our uterus to contract back to its original size. n it feels like mense cramp or sometimes worst, like contraction.

So many mummies using yy yip. My 2 gers also under him. Yday also went his clinic ard 930am dunno anyone there lol

My ger got a lump at left side neck duno wats that lei

My EDD is 12th Nov. Now 3 cm dilated. Gynae scheduled me to go for induce on 11th Nov. Should I induce or wait naturally? My amniotic fluid level is good, cord not around baby's neck. I'm scared that if I don't go induce, if baby suddenly wants to come out, I will be at a loss. Have to wait at least 30 min for hubby to come back. Is induce v painful?

Daily Marketing $$

Shan: $70 a day?!?!?! Joking issit? That's too much leh. What she buy? Eventho' my MIL paid for most of the marketing but for all I know the expensive items are kampung chicken, fish (ikan kurau/ang ko li or cod fish) and lean pork or pork bones for soup. Vege are cheap. 1 kampung chicken cost abt $9, vege for 2 meals is less than $6. Balance gone where? Better check.

Ohhh... a fren gave me her meal chart for confinement. Anyone wants it can let me know... can forward over. I follow the chart and it makes life easier for my maid.

holly - thx.. yes I bf.. guess tat's why.. btw, initially bb only wan suckle right nip only.. cuz she cry and cry I gave in and let her be then pump left side.. now.. she dun even wan suckle and cry and always looking for the bottle.. any diff between bottle and latch?!?

we can't shower and when bb cry.. my sweat is like dripping one.. lol.. anyone shower yet.. my mum is so strict and I feel so smelly.. gonna shower tmr regardless cuz bring bb to pd..

I'm using the same pd who saw my bb when at tmc.. dr Terence tan.. at Mt A.. anyone know him?!?

not very hygenic..

scubababe - jia you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jazel..how coem your gynae so kanjiong to induce you... 11 and 12 only 1 day diff ..

sophie can email me the chart as reference :p thanks in advance ... email [email protected],[email protected]

Ange...thanks for the heads up... so we made the right choice to c sect instead of induce hahaha..

btw is there any sign and symptom before waterbag burst ..dunno why these few days i feel like shitting ..and urine ..i kept having this feeling like soemthing going to leak like that ... weird feel and worry cos i still working in office

Hi ladies,

Finally I'm able to get out of bed after c-sect, felt like an invalid the whole of yesterday.

Ok, here's my story long story cut short:

Sat 6/11:

3.30 am contractions started.

Warded n monitored by CTG. Dilation 1 cm

Sun 7/11:

Dilation 2-3cm, break water bag, induce, epidural n slow

dilation to 8cm them finally to 10cm. But cervix didn't come

down. Asked to do pushing for 1-2 hrs but still can't see bb

head. By tat time, I'm already lembat n Gynae said if bb head

stuck at birth canal then even more dangerous n even head

can pass, shlder may get stuck cos she's big. So thank god,

there's this c-sect option. In the olden days, think ppl call this

难产. God brought her to our world on mon 8/11, @12.22am.

Other difficulties:

I had side effects during epidural. Neck pain n shivering.

Even as I was operating theatre, I shivered non-stop during n

after surgery in the recovery ward.

First breast feeding experience:

Was tiring after returning to ward n after 2hrs of rest, the

nurse push her in n she latch on nicely... Thank god for tat!

The bf consultants here are v helpful n encouraging... So I'm

getting the hang of it. I bf her every 2-3 hrs. She suckle till

she fall asleep.


Wounds still painful but I manage to get out of bed to wash

myself with help. blood will be discharge from uterus as it

contracts but flow shld be lesser in days to come.

Looking back, the suffering doesn't really matter much compare to the joy we hav now. I look forward to next bf out

of bed.. Heh.

I just did my first massage today and I have to say that it felt really good. The massage lady massaged my breasts and cleared the lumps. When she massaged the breasts, I could see my milk "sprinkling" out..if she didn't get the blocked milk out, she said I will always be in pain. It helps in pumping as well.

For those mummies with massage lady, pls get her to massage ur breasts. U will feel better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HHo> ubought da feng cao? if yes can bathe in it. else at least wipe yr body everyday? its important to keep ourselves clean when we are BF. i shower everyday since my CL is here with the da feng cao and wash my hair every alt days & blow dry after that.

Hi mummies, I just returned frm pd. Baby is doing ok. Pd was surprised he put on 300g and he's only 8 days old. He wakes every 2 to 3 hrs every night and I will latch him then give 30ml of formula milk. Day time mostly bm only. Now I can get 100 ml for both breast every 4 to 5 hrs pump.

Jaundice ok. Pd checked eyes say if whites not yellowish then it's ok. She used 2 forefinger to press the area above bb's nipple to see skin colour under the reddness of bb's skin. She say bb is still ok.

For a premmie, he's doing well. Review on 3dec.

Hho, I shower every alternate day. Can't stand the "chao seng" smell. Anyway my CL is very pro showering... and no elderlys at home to stop me. Hehe. I am using boiled water with herbs.

My bb is seeing Dr Terence Tan too. Feels that he's quite nice. Cos he visited me everyday at TMC, and seems very enthusiastic. Why do you say he is unhygenic leh?

mummies, i m home with bb already..requested to discharge earlier cos miss my #1 and not comfy the bed..haha...

Btw mummies who bd, do u bf on demand? Or stick to a schedule? Like say 2 to 3hours and each time must minimum how many minutes if not will wake bb up? How long do u allow your bb to slp before waking him or her up for milk?

Hi mummies u can boil Ginger water and put white rice wine to wipe yourself daily. after 2 weeks after birth you can bathe on alt days using da feng cao in the afternoon. Try not to wash your hair if u can stand it. Use dry shampoo, powder etc for hair.

Today is my day4, I pump out from

both it's less than 10ml, is it normal? They r nt full breasts la, but after my boy suckle for 10mins lidat.

Piggydog so gd, to hv a helpful & gd CL.

Ya $70 is a lot... Coz she everyday buy fish, am

askg my fil to go buyinstead he's ok.

Next I need to know wat to buy.

Spohia can share the confinement menu? Thx


Hi cherrios,

I feed on demand now but I can't meet his demand so I supplement with fm if he's still crying but only after latching on. My bb feeds more frequently at night. I have to give fm after latching at night otherwise he'll wake up very often like once every hr or 2. Frm yesterday I try to pump every 4 hrs cos I'm taking fenugreek to boost my milk supply.

