(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

congrats to all the mummies who already popped.

Chris, for the disposable panties,if your weight <70 maybe you can go watson and get their cotton disposable panties 5 for 3.95 and if you are watson member can early point and + using posb master got 3 % rebate

If you wan to get from guardian, that is also cotton disposable panties just that watson only up to Size L and I need a bigger size so I get the FW size. With passion link card you also can earn points. If you have shenton medical card will entitle for 5% additional discount.

Piggydog, For my #1 my waterbag leak too. Then I wait for gynae's clinic to open and walk in for checkup. Cos I leak at 6am. I think I should just walk in the 24hr clinic at TMC. And can do check up straight away.

Yesterday, I encounter contraction at 3 am till 6am I always pondering shall I call the emergency line. But I think still bearable so ask hubby to send me to the tmc 24 clinic to check. Just to get a peace of mind.

Cos I nv really experience contraction kind of feeling before. If really false alarm then can go home to sleep again.

I guess I did the right thing ba, cos gynae said, if the contraction continue bb may wan to come out soon. Yet I only in my wk 35. So she give me 2 weeks to bed resting at home.

So currently a bit bored to be at home, esp so used to go work on daily basis.


clover, I also want to get stuff from drugstore.com. But think may have problems collecting from u coz think e items will arrive during my confinement, so never mind, u go ahead.

am hoping the USD continues to be low compared to SGD.... am looking forward to online shopping when bb is out *rubs hands*

Btw, can anyone share what US brands/websites are good for baby stuff? Clothes, toys, etc. I've only shopped at target, amazon, drugstore, beauty.com.

angelkkk, I agree w/ Jewel. I'm also supposed to look into medical insurance for bb. So far, AIA/GE/NTUC etc offer a Shield type of insurance... Medishield-enhanced. Am thinking whether I shd get a comprehensive hospital/illness

plan for bb, but am confused by the insurance things out there. Anyone can share what they bought or what medical insurance their current kids are under?

Waterproof/incontinence pads

No prob, just sharing what I know.

Jolyn, aren't u on bed rest?? Why still moving? ard??

hi nov mummies,

i would like to ask.. for elective caesarean, is it full body anaesthesia or just lower half?

if it's lower half only, is it like epidural + more?

which is better? can i decide instead of my gynae?

appreciate your advice...

hi mummies...just to check..do u have any preferred brand of dry shampoo e.g. Klorane Dry Shampoo or Batiste Dry shampoo?

am gg buy dry shampoo to stock up for confinement...

Whim: is the waterproof pad u bought fr guardian hot? It feel so hot nowadays. I sweat after food n when stress at work. Was dabbing my forehead while typing on keyboard. Aiyo!! Macam I damn stress like that.

Hehe! Just borrowed a table fan fr my colleague. Told her to lend me for 2wks. So shiok now!!

clover, $20 for 1st 6mths, no off day, from 7ths month onwards is $360 with 1 day off. This maid more experience than me on bb things..still can remind me what i hvnt buy..so i no worry nw..

ya i think javaniny popped.. saw from her FB..

congrats & tk care!

retro & sophia oso eh... congrats all ...!! haa lost count liao :p

piggydoggy, ya my waterbag oso never burst.. gynea pinched it burst when i was at delivery ward...

twinfish.. hmm i working, if not i oso will go early de.. i can only reach there by 650pm.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

then go dinner then wait wait wait for my turn..

shimmery this question was posted by someone like last week or so.. we mostly think gg epidural (half body) is better then total GA. lesser side effects, better for ya health & ya hubby can go in n acc u..

u shd decide & gynea gv u advices..

jolyn u oso. .then u when gg back? i gg back on Valentine's day! haaa hope i still be intime for co's lunar New Year treat :p

oh Jolyn u got HL, then shd rest at home mah, but true oso proper passdown then u will hv a peaceful mind, i hv nt yet done :p

twinfish.. gd luck on the maid.. hope i can meet a good one too ..

on the insurance thingy, same as jewel.. i got ours from Prduential, their medishield is nt bad.. life insurance etc nt so impt for NB.

ya OneEgg, if got contractions shd c gynea asap esp if bby still premature.. normally taking oral medications can curb the contractions..

Jewel >> thanks for the info. so hospitalization is the first one must have.

Yes, Whim. me too.

wondering what medical insurance from which co. they bought for their kid.

shimmery >> i think better to check w ur gynae first. there are 2 types. as far as I know, if you chose GA, ur hubby can't accompany you and you may not know once ur baby out. if you chose epidural, hubby can accompany and u can also see once ur baby out.

mine is epidural that is chosen by Dr.

shimmery, based on my understanding C sect you can opt for GA or epidural. you already said it is elective mean it is decided by you already :p

for me, i going to opt for Elective C-sect even though gynae suggestion is induce... reason simple since not natural liao why bother go through Induction which may ended up with emergency C sect...might as well go straight to C sect ...no need to put myself and BB through suffering / distress of induction :p i will opt for GA ..cos i dun like the idea of injection into sprine ...esp when i already have backache quite often prior to pregnancy... if you want to see your bb asap and not worry about the side effect of epi ..epi would be a choice for you... anyway go discuss with your hb and gynae if your hb want to go in see...epi is the only one...

Whim, ya came back to work to settle some misc stuffs for a day.. becos i have been MIA from work since 07/10.. Last week when im not ard in office, heard there was a mess.. So hand down properly at least i can have a peace of mind if i popped anytime :p

Clover: I nay wan to chip in. Been using the calendula cream on myself. Now hav to buy again. Hehe. When do I need to give u the order?

Mummywong>> ya! I m feeling the same way. So mix up in feeling.

OneEgg>> I think I also nd a big size one. Cos according to my hubby, whn I sit on the toilet bowl, the toilet bowl will disappear under my butt. So I nd a BIG size one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Meiyun>> U may wan to reconsider getting a dry shampoo. Heard fr sm pple, it is better nt to wash at all than to use dry shampoo. Can b vry itchy n also cause sticky hair.

Shan, Dimple, did u received any letter frm hosp? or no letter at all? last time visit i asked dr. adrian, he said dun worry, already help me register smt like this..


I didn't really plan for VBAC since this gynae oso recommended c-section.

Is ur gynae optimistic abt u goin for VBAC? I just wonder if i shld give it a try.

Shan.. Five* I will be going back to work on Valentine's Day too, balance 1wk to be taken thereafter.. Ya lor, tomorrow i will be good stay home and rest then shall see how for next week.. Gotto play by ear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OneEgg, yes if it's real contractions.. It will cause you to be further dilated and del the bb prematurely.. Im currently on oral medications every 6hourly to stop the contractions till my 37wks.. Im currently 35wks + 3..

congrats to Sophia, retro21 and Seagal on ur bb's safe arrival! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so exciting now tt mummies on our thread are popping! hope i don't end up being on of the last ones like last round Aug 07 MTBs, i was waiting till 30/8!!

re ring/donut pillow, i think can buy fr hospital..i know NUH sells it, it's good for sitting after birth cuz of stitches and also piles! i have a preggie colleague DEC MTB who's sitting on it now also cuz she has pain in her tailbone..


most bb clothes unless there's a major sale, US not nec cheaper! so must wait till sale + good exchange rate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Old navy stuff i like for their bb swimwear , gymboree is good but bit ex!

drugstore.com is good for vitamins and also desitin/lansinoh. i just ordered some medela spare parts for my breastpump with a spree organiser..much much cheaper!

any mummy with iphone has free kickcounter to recommend? i'm trying to be diligent and monitor daily, but the ap i have isn't very good..


I guess must know the particular sinseh. For my case, my friend specifically tells me to look for this particular one. Especially the clinic have different sinseh on different day.

In any case, Chinese medication take time to 'tio' the body rather than cure the symptoms only.


This one that I went to is at Simei East Point basement 1. Must look fir Sinseh Huang Hai Lian who is there only on Monday and Thursday.

Update on baby,

Seen Gynae today. Baby at a good weight of 3.245kg @ 36 weeks + 1 day. But I'd lost about 700grams in 10days (dunno why). Gynae say, we can try to hold for 01.11.10 but I'll go back to see her one more time next week. She say no need to take jab for baby's lung since scheduled on 38th week.

anyone's #1 giving them more issues now? my 3 yr old boy keeps on complaining about his car seat now..we changed the car seat he was using in my car to the one he gets in daddy's car (since it's a toddler one and front facing only, and the one in my car is for infant until toddler so has backward facing option)..bn hoping he'll stop complaining, keep praising him for being a big boy, but now he keeps telling me he's a small boy, and wants his old car seat back! grrr...think we'll have issues once mei mei comes and sits in "his" old car seat!

Thanks PTB7476, angel kkk and shan!

reason i asked is cos my first one was induced (yes PTB.. high chance of c-section after induction) and i had to undergo emergency c-section. Cos i chose epidural, dr just up the dosage. but problem was I was having allergic reaction to epidural so when dosage upped, i started throwing up non-stop.. (-_-)"

so this time i'm considering GA and i also learnt my lesson to ask ppl for advice cos if i had known induction has high chance of c-section, i wld have opted for c-section from the start...

Thanks thanks again for all the help n advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twinfish: no letter..the nurse said the hospital will sms mi..but no sms so far..i tot of asking him/her during the appt this week.anyway,it's not like they really "book" coz no 1 asked mi how many bedder etc..wht if no bed!lucky mi date is not a HOT date..if 20/10/2010 then si liao!

@lilyn, hb and i anticipated that our 3yo gal wld get sticky to me. Turns out she is sticky to my MIL so everyday when I take her home, she cries and wants my MIL. she even made my MIL promise not to look after the baby.

But good thing is my mother is helping to involve her in prep for baby (e.g. fold baby nappies, ask her opinion on what colour baby clothes n socks to bring to hospital, let her try to assemble manual breast pump). Now she says she is a big girl and can look after bb brother..

haha.. kids..

induction> think sometimes is luck? my sis and sil both had induction but give birth naturally. personally i would think it's another chance to try before going under the knife. some gynae will help to use suction after induction if mummy no strength right? i also agree c-sec with epi rather than GA. for me, i would want to try natural with no epi first (same as twinfish), but as this's first bb, and usually labour pain longer, hope can tahan...

Jovialz, yr bb is gd wt. Dun worry. Oh, the sinseh too far for me. I get lost in the east easily.

Orangebb, by Friday, can? Not sure still have bulk discount f e cream. U check?

I'm getting also more dha pills for myself n no.1.

agreed induction depend on individual and luck... for me it is because BB size else i will try for natural too... induction is not natural to me liao :p anyway will see how ...scully BB decided to choose his own birthday and come naturally before C sect date then i will try without EPI hahaha

Congrats to seagal, Irene, Sophia, and babywonder,

Rest well n take care. Did I miss out anyone? My gynae will be away wed n thurs. Will see him on fri. Hopefully bb can wait. I was having regular contractions when I did my ctg ytd but gynae said still not in active labour.

Thanks shan... I m always a blur mummy.. cos Dont know wht to react... lol

Jolyn, ^5 ,me too. Gynae advice me minimum Wk 37 then will be better. Then did you do bed resting...?

I see Chris... alright la... perhaps easily for delivery... that's why my hubby always comfort me with.


I think u shldn't worry too much abt the statistics! I thot Zoe Tay just gave birth again at 42? As long as u're healthy, I think u shld be fine.

Agree with clover tat ur bb wt is good! Mine was only 2.1kg @34wks. I hope he's put on some wt when i go for my appt tml..

Anyone keen to split US GNC fenugreek pills with me? One bottle comes in 200 capsules.

US GNC fenugreek 610mg pills in 200 capsules: U$14.49

SG GNC fenugreek pills in 100 capsules: S$29.60

So it's no brainer that supplements cost cheaper from US websites. I will be honest to say that u can buy fenugreek seeds from local shops n make your own tea to drink n it's the cheapest way from what I heard. However I rather not be swarmed with a NB n preparation there and then, so will get in capsule forms. A mom prolly take 6-8 pills a day n abt 3-4weeks to establish milk supply. So minimally 6 x 21 days = 126 pills. I dun need so much myself.

Anyone keen to share? *hopeful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dimple...yah if 1st one C sect chances are gynae will advise C sect for the subsequent one unless the gynae is pro VBAC ...then one can attempt vaginal birth but hearsay need to let the womb heal for a longer period before can one can attempt VBAC

HI Cherrie77,

We didnt scold the maid la..cos no point scolding her. I was the careless one. I also haven't told her to mop the floor less wet.

But this morning i was super scared..so i ask my mom whether the floor is wet before i step out. think probia lah. hahaha..

Recently i ate more, hope im not the one putting on weight but the baby. I also hope he will come out only 3kg..otherwise very hard to give birth. Maybe i should eat less? My appetite is good..hard to control. haiz

My next gynae's visit is on 27 oct. Will ask him roughly what's my baby's weight.

Bluesoda, no leh. I hardly visit the BP section. My friend also gave me aome post-partum tea. Must rem to drink red date tea, this tea, that tea. I'm already tired!

twinfish/dimple, got i received the letter from TMC, i hv to fill out some field for admission purpose, i did & mail it back liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u check with the clinic assistant again.

3.2kg at 36weeks?? wow... tat's consider large.. u gg to csect or natural jovialz?

last time for my #1, i full term week40, my boy 3.4+kg.. so if yours full term could be close to 4kg wor...


By right i should be doing bed rest de.. But i wanted to do proper handover of my work stuffs, so came back a day to do so.. Sucha a notti mommy ya.. However i did discuss with HB and parents, and they think it's okay.. So with the positive views of theirs, i went back to settle my work lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Booking of ward

For TMC, i alrdy rec'd letter from them with regards to my booking..

Twinfish, yes do check with your gynae's nurse.. I make my booking thru' the nurse and abt a wk or 2 i recd the letter.. and like what Shan mentioned need to fill up and then mail it back to them..


my #1 been super attention seeking n cranky recently. he had nvr been so cry bb since young. my mom was saying becos im giving birth soon so #1 usually like tis one... soon they will b ok after bb is born. i hope n pray else i also dunno how to handle 2 of them crying at the same x...

these few days.. my feet not swollen anymore..

Is it good sign or not.. cos some mentioned that swollen feet indicates labour is near mah...

bluesoda, thanks for the link. i share my opinion honestly with you. the ingredients in the sacred tea incl fenugreek which will boost milk supply and the rest is to dispel wind... etc. so with more ingredients, the cost is more than the fenugreek pills. the tea is also drank by ladies in the western countries who doesnt follow a confinement diet like us so. our confinement diet is already preventive of wind, constipation etc. correct me if i'm wrong. personally i find it a hassle to boil the drink and i will sure be busy and forget to boil or drink. just my 2cts hor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trismom, mine also extra sticky. spend 2.5h making him nap and 2hrs in the night to make him sleep and i have to be in the same room as him. its a wonder i havent throw my son out. haha.

water retention

i'm starting to experience water retention... but only in my left foot. so weird hor.

Oh, some question regarding maid...

1. For those mummies n daddies who r working, leaving maid at home, how Do u provide their food? Give them some monies each day? How much?

2. How to control their hp calling when both hubby n I r working, though in laws will pop by often. We hav hse phone though which we r requesting foe detailed billing


Have you ever done any sort of surgery under GA ? I did and i'd suffered for close to 1 and half days of vomiting and giddiness lor. Then for my 1st child I'm C-Sect Epidural which I didn't suffer those side effects except a bit of shivering. GA will affect baby too, that why my Gynae encourage epidural.


1st one C Sect, gynae will generally advise CSect cos risk internal rupture during contraction at the old wound site especially if the 2 pregnancy is close together. But there is still possibility of VBAC. Yes, it'll be at the same place.


I'm going for CSect so weight the bigger the better, easier to care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby was a big baby at 8.6 pound while his brother was 10.4 pounds back then. Convert to about 4kg and 4.8kg.


Bluesoda> i am intending to get the Sacred tea too. last time i saw there's a thread under BP selling Sacred tea but i think it has ended. mayb we can purchase together from rebecca to get some discount.

