(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hey Jo, tks. I'll check out Abbott's website. Not going to worry abt it, just eat as normal. Your weight will disappear after birth, if not, we can work out together and try to lose them.

Jollymummy, ur story is interesting. I do hope that the second birth will be less traumatic for u. You prob will be checking into the hospital once contraction starts so that they may monitor for signs of rupture. Hopefully, your gyne will be ard, ask him to delay his holiday lah.


Jollymummy - i also was induced, but mine was earlier at 37weeks due to some complications. Tik mine was induced for 2days, after like more than 20hrs of induce then labour....nearly cant get bb out, she came out thru forceps but lucky my gynae was very supportive of my natural birth, she suggested i try natural then csection if no choice. My bb was 3.37kg at 37weeks birth, i cant imagine if she goes full term wat size will she be.

ptb7476, thanks for the KK webby, its indeed useful..

Jollymummy, no problem. my fren is keen, same location as me. Bedok.

Hi Jollymummy, I'm interested in the pilate course, but I've nv do it before, sat aftn is ok for me but I have to see where the location be as I'm staying central.. thanks !!!

jollymummy, i'm staying at bukit batok. pls inform me the location and timing for the prenatal pilates.i'm fine with both weekdays/weekends. 10x

HI Bing,

Thks for the TCM physician contact. Will go to him/her. ;)

Hi Ueno,

Thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually i've just paid a small deposit ($20) for a chinese massage lady. Her rate is $420 for 10 sessions. I tink she should be not bad lah. Did check with her and she also does pushing back of womb during massage. But she doesnt give jamu pills. This time round, im going to a tcm physician to get a special tonic to brew to drink after delivery to clear the 'bad blood' in the body. According to him, if didn't clear the 'bad blood' it will cause the body to have lotsa wind and cause other problems. I didn't know during my #1 and only had jamu pills given by the malay massage lady which seems to expel the winds and helps to clear bowels but didn't really take away the bad blood and wind in the body. Felt very weak so for this #2 i already plan to do a better confinement eg. taking more tonic.


Yup, it's 40+3.

I've already asked him to confirm his availability so am waiting his confirmation only.

If he's not available, I may not sign up for his antenatal package and switch to my 2nd choice gynae. *fingers crossed*


Ya, babies grow esp fast in 3rd trimester. My belly wasn't that pronounced even in T2 but suddenly in T3, it just expanded a lot!

What complications did you face when delivering your 1st baby?

Are you using the same gynae for your #2?

Mrs Lee, Hammiebao & Nana:

Ok noted. Think long weekend that's why they haven't revert yet. Hope to get a reply tmr. =)

angel/fashion spree: good luck to ur amnio test! hope everything is fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: lightweight mummies

do eat more n healthy foods and hope bb will grow healthy n deliver at full term with no complication. jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: heavier weight mummies

dun worry, let's us all slim down together after delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now most importantly is bb n us healthy with no complication till full term n delivery also smooth smooth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jollymummy my 2st 2 are singletons, my first one, i was only 1cm dilated after 12hours so had to operate... my second one, the gynae said i was too nervous cos wen he came to check on me, I had nightmare from my 1st experience cos for 12 hours every alternate hours he will put his hand inside me to check the dilation, i cannot take it, 2nd one i got really terrified... so my 2nd gynae ( a diff one fr the 1st) i got realy freakish so he striaghtaway told me hubby that he think i shd just proceed to have the CSect...

Dear Jo, Thanks for giving me the info on mothercare stollers updates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] arigato

Jollymummy ar, you are very luck to have a gynae who is pro VBAC one, think alot of gynae here still not very pro on VBAC leh.. my gynae tells me its better i go for csect, cant blame him though cos mine is twins and i csect 2x liao so he is worried of uterine rupture..

Koori: Mine came out at 38weeks also, via c-section, @ 3.72kg. Like you, can't imagine if I kept it till full term what kind of weight she'll carry!

Jollymum: No, not boring. And your first gynae must be a female right? Somehow, I'm not so lucky with female gynaes. I had bad experiences with with 2 who have bad bed-side manners.

Strange huh, if by 39 weeks the baby's not engaged, shouldn't she prep you for c-section? My case was a planned-c-section. Gynae had to attend an overseas confernce plus my baby did not engage because my placenta was in the way, not low. The placenta assumed that position since 34wks so doc said to monitor it first but did prep me for c-section. So by 37wks when things didn't change, he confirmed that it's definitely a c-section case. So I settled on a date in 38wks and delivered. I only feel disappointed that I couldn't try natural but didn't regret cos it was so nicely done and painless.

Don't worry, I'm sure this time the gynae will handle you better. My gynae already sound me out that if everything is fine, I can go for VBAC. So I hope, there won't be any changes. Ha ha.. maybe we can try to pep talk our little ones to be cooperative! Do you already have a gynae in mind? I heard TMC has quite a lot of pro VBAV or natural gynaes.

NovemBB, Amber: No worries, just happened to have info on that.

re: C-section

hmm...think i may sound insane, but im actually hoping i will run into some situation, like bb cannot engaged, placenta blocking..not too serious cases that will "force" me to go for c-sect. had actually opt for c-sect(cos had heard of many long/bad labour hrs before delivery...really scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_scared.gif]) n had talked to my gynae since 1st appt(just in case he is pro-natural delivery).

i know there will be the bond, feeling of satisfaction, quicker recovery etc if able to do natural delivery..thus am still considering since till edd is still quite some times back. gynae had also asked me to think abt it 1st..

Hi ladies...

Din read on all the posts , too many.. Anyway a lousy day to start off my week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh ya PTB, my CL agency is PEM confinement.

He told me normal charge is 1.9k, +100 if ya hse hv staircase, +100 if required to cook for family, +100 if need to wash laundry for family


but CL thru agency they can change for u wor. if by words of mouth, ur fren might like but u might not. den end up u will either have to do confinement on ur own or bear with the lady for a mth.


I also interested.. but I got slip disc b4 so certain steps I may not be able to do.

Like Nana, I'm staying at Bukit Batok. I can do Mon - Fri after work, Sat preferably pm.

excited ley!! tml gonna visit bbC again!! think tml Bam can help me update gender le. most prob will b able to confirm bbC is a boy or gal already.

booking CL thru agency, like holly said.. they can change for u if u don like.. no extra cost.. for my CL, it was recommended by our cousin, so shd be ok.. but the agent who came tld me, only depends, coz somtimes, this pax like her but the other doesnt, still a matter on heng /sway, but the good thing is they can change for u lo..

thru' agency, the cost might be slightly higher, n gotta pay levy.. all more proper lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hv fun holly n good luck on the gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ckcs, if u nid the agency #, let me know, i PM u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan... PEM doesnt seem any cheaper cos got hidden cost like 100 if ya hse hv staircase, +100 if required to cook for family, +100 if need to wash laundry for family

anyway will see :p still early and most likely i will go through agency too since no one can recommend me their CL

Hi mummies,

there is a spree for motherhood.com m there is a sale now, ending 31may. do check it out if u wana order some maternity clothes.

holly: good luck on able to determine gender tomorrow! so excited for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_happy.gif]

Ueno, where is the spree? Am lookin for maternity wear, cant fit into any of my jeans anymore.. sobz..

Holly, good luck n have fun! do remember to talk to the baby to co-operate oh! :D

ueno, thanks.. its quite cheap, comparing to singapore. But may i check if its ur first time ordering? How long will these stocks arrive and by which mode, cos i cant find the details from the thread.

i hope bbC will co-operate. oh well.. though i am quite prepared for a boy... haha.. but still excited. at least after tml, i will know whether i should wash my #1's clothes or give them all away. WHAHAHAHA!

Holly, feel so excited for u. Muz keep talking to yr bb to co-operate wit u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ueno, did u order fm this web b4? Cos scare the measurement might b diff.

ueno, thanks.. im tryin to order, but cannot submit the orders in the page. Error "Your username/password combination was invalid, or you do not have permission to post to this topic. You may revise your username and password using the form at the bottom of this page. "

Ckcs, there's measurement chart to refer, but in sizes not length tho.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies engage help fm TMC parentcraft on breastfeeding? Like to noe wen to start engaging their svc? On the admission date, the 1st day of delivery?

As my 1st one i didnt manage to let my son latch on well so end up he stick to formula milk. So tis time ard i wan to make sure i do the correct way of latching.

Jollymummy - got high BP & high protein in urine at last stage. Gynae say must induce to take bb out 1st cos will have risk for both bb & mother. Since at 37weeks should be safe to take bb out so suggest i immediately admit. Its the same gynae i using, she is really calm in complications and gave firm advice which i tik its important. I felt comfortable with her so went back to her this time.


The website u recommanded, the price and design seem reasonable and nice. How about the quality? It is ok also.

Since u have order before maybe can advice us.

Thank you.

Mrs Lee, i rem one mummy who oso ordered thru some taiwan website and ended up the measurement is diff as wat i tot. So i tot if ueno did order before, mayb she can advice us.


Oh dear, so sorry to hear your 1st 2 births are so traumatic for you. Actually you can still try VBA2C if you get the right gynae. But since you have already decided on c-section, then maybe you won't be so nervous abt the birth and can look fwd to it instead. =)

Yes, you are right. Lots of gynaes here seem to pay lip service when it comes to VBAC.


Yes you are very sharp. On hindsight, when I reviewed the whole situation from a few wks b4 birth to day of delivery, I realised I was not prepped for c-section and it was not in my birth plan as alternative too. Yes, it's female gynae. The 'c-section' word was not mentioned by her. She knew I wanted a natural birth, preferable without epidural, and will let me go for natural birth as much as possible.

When I saw her during that last few wks, she only said baby's head is still very high, never engage yet. But never teach me how to get baby to be engaged, like what kind of positions to assume to help baby come down. And she finally revealed her true colours during delivery. Her clinic is very packed, always rushed.

Yes, I've got a gynae already, it's Dr Lai. Not so rushed, clinic not packed bec expensive. Was hoping no need to go to him but seem like no choice bec of my situation.


Ok sure, will update soon. Have you fully recovered from your slipped disc? Some pilates practioners combine pilates with physiotherapy. So perhaps pilates is a good choice for you too. =)


Calling: Shan, Mrs Lee, Nana, Jo, Amber, OrangeBB, Hammiebao & Jewel !!!

May I have your email addresses pls?

Need to send you the details and confirm if you wish to attend. We have to act fast if we all want to be in the same class!

Thank you!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pre-nat yoga @ bishan st 12

hi ladies, the instructor is having problem finding a suitable timing and venue. she has given me these timings.

thurs, 11:00am but i dun think this is a good timing for everyone

so, kindly let me know your preference with the two options as stated below.

option A) thurs: 5:30pm

option B) sat: 12:15pm

duration: 1h

min 6pax/ max 10pax


Irene: No, you are not insane, your fears are valid. Lots of mothers feel the same to. I think both Natural and c-section carries same amount of risk- the worst that can happen to a natural is the mother is not dilated enough, had to be induced, then after long hours of labour pain still can't, amniotic fluid in water bag gets lows, risk of miconium, then give up for c-ection. My friend was in labour for 24 hours before her gynae decided she had to go for c-section.

For C-section, if it's is a planned case, most gynaes should prep you through and tell you what to expect. And if it is planned, the anasthesia is via epidural, dosage is low and only numb waist down, you are still awake abd husband can be with you. I think the risk in c-section is more human related- like over adminstration of drug, doc's unsteadiness, slow healing if its not done properly... In a planned case, I think risk is definitely lower.

My advice is, put your mental health at top priority. We preggies, or new mum go through lots of hormonal fluctuations during preg and after delivery. So if you can't convince yourself about a positive natural birth, then talk to your doc further about your fears and how you derived at your choice. My friend chose c-section for both her deliveries because she said she has very low threshold for pain and is not convinced that she can do it naturally. And whatever choice you made, be brave about it, trust that you have done the right thing for yourself. After you have delivered, you need your healthy mind to make many decisions so better don't overlook it. Don't make way for post natal depressions. I have a friend who is still carrying her bitterness from post natal blues till now.

Shan: Sorry to hear about your bad start, what happened? Hope it's not serious?

Jewel: hope you are recovering from your slip disc. yes, pilates can correct the prob if yours is not complicated. Even after you have given birth, you should carry one the pilates exercise. My friend's slip disc prob is corrected after she took up pilates. It's her 4th year already doing pilates.

Jollymum: Oh dear, I would feel mistreated also if I were in the same situation. Ya, I know what you mean, maybe it's a women thingy- fond of multi-tasking, that's why clinic is always so packed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Never mind, you have made the the right decision not to go back to her. Afterall, we are paying for their professionalism and they should render it.

Good to hear you already had a standby gynae just in case. Cheer up, always look on the bright side, things will definitely be better this time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ha Ha Ha... there are so many similarities in our cases- I was hoping for a natural without epidural also! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, my email add: [email protected] and once again, thanks for organizing the pilates exercise.

Holly: I'm like you, #1's clothes all packed away, wondering if I should wash them or give them away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Now I have to give away. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hey mummies, BTW, I saw my gynae today and he confirmed that baby is a boy. I am suffering from a bit of gender disappointment now(sorry, I know I shouldn't be and should be conting my blessings)but I can't help it. :p Hubby is very happy that we will have one of each so I shall not dampen his high spirits. Oh well... I'll snap out of it soon! Maybe you guys who had boys before can share how is it like to handle them![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mrs lee,

u r a new member thats y cant post. just pm the organiser n she will post yr order for u.


i bought clothes from them when i was in the US. the cutting is quite big cos its from US.


i like their stuff better than those from taiwan/ hk spree. the material usually 100% n its durable.the price is more expensive than them but i like the quality v comfy. its quite a popular site for maternity clothes. The quality is similar to Gap. HTH

btw, the extra 15% will end tmr noon. so if u mummies r interested pls place yr order soon

