(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

thanks ladies. it's comforting to hear that u all also sleep deprived these days.. guess it's normal for our stage

weishy, can we still do mani and pedi now? i read a book that says it's not advisable esp during 1st tri. As for hair, i think colour and perm treatment not advisable right? (i hear from colleague)


jessica, wow.. you are pregnant with your 3rd one? and ur 2nd was 15 months? you will be really very busy...

and i guess u need to be extra careful since CHristophe is very active now... will take a lot of physical effort from u


sorry, i mean getting those "preserved sour stuff" from Spore, am asking a friend to bring over, she's coming for a holiday.

all the preserve sour stuff in Aussie is "product of china" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so, anyone got reccomendation?

Hi mummies, thanks for the fb creation.

Add me - fb: [email protected]

Not sure is it real, my #1 now also keep wanting me to carry him and stick to me whenver I am at home, he also want to make sure i do that otherwise will focus to stand on my thighs near my tummy and jump. My parents also told me that its normal cos they can sense u have another baby.


u sahm? u seem very active in the thread u still early stage no discomfort i guess? Or are u working at this time?

Ladies who is still so active> any secret to keep up? reading the thread also giddy so not replying much.

ladies> can add those website link that you all post into the fb page as most likely will miss some. still very uncomfortable now.

Tinkerstar-no la dye hair no no.others oki [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i do everything even foot reflex wakakkaka

Leo baby-noooo I wished!!!!working but now still taking unpaid maternity heheheh


count me in..today going to koon again..very giddy & pukey again

i think i will clear all my leave by these few weeks..on leave AGAIN..

congrats to the new mtbs..will read through the posts and update the chart after i feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

late afternoon yday puked out my pasta..throat hurts so much..sigh*

after that had curry that my mum prepared and needless to say..throat on fire

Later going for my gynae appt... Just discovered that I ve brown spotting in the late morning. Super Sian now. Hope things going to b ok.

pinkyluv and ladies> if u eat pasta, pls do without the cheese as it is diary product and our stomach now should stay away from diaries.

Things to stay away includes beans and cabbage that generates a lot of gas.

stay away from dairy products> I am drinking Anmum since my #1, when I know i have #2, I start drinking anmum twice daily.


Milk products are known to cause indigestion as told by my doctor friends. Also one of the gals posted that her gynae also said so abt milk being a product to avoid. I am also stopping my anmum consumption for time being as ms now more often.

When i saw ur pasta pictures, my first thot was sure will throw up. And I was waiting to heard from u if u had thrown out. My guess was rite. But of course it also depend on ur stomach gas build up lah. if u build up a lot always make sure u munch the dry stuff to keep the stomach acid down. also eat slowly (it does works for me) to allow the food and gas to exchange place. if you eat too fast, food goes down and the whole lot of gas rite at bottom later it will push all the gas out together with the food.

Also i suggest u see dr to get mc lah instead of using your leave. once u giddy and pukey dr will give mc one. Save ur leave for other matters lor.


Apparently the dairy content in anmum is not as bad as cow milk and cheese. I guess its because it formulated for us and it not the animals milk.


Also stay uprite for a period of time to allow food to go down and gas to comes out. don't lay down straight away.

I have seen in a tcm program before that a small boy with digestion problem for days and tcm just ask the mother to steam apple with honey to give to the boy and he recovered immediately.

Did some read up abt apple and honey and true enough i does have many helps. Found that we should eat an apple BEFORE meals to help indigestion and i will do that from today as i always do it after meals.

I have drank honey lemon water for last few days lunch and apparently i feel ok so honey does helps as its stated to have enzymes to helps with food digestion. so i may also drink before food or after food not sure yet guess will try both ways. so far i drink during and after food.

Just some research done to see if it does help u. again depend on individual as all of us has different hormone levels that is causing different ms symptoms. Also bear in mind that some honey are just syrups so make sure you buy the rite stuff.

Hi Mummies,

Hi Hi, can I joined too :)

Nick: Jokris

Age: 27

Gynae: Dr Loke K.H.

Hospital: ESH

Baby #: 2

EDD: 22 Sep 2010

Location: Pasir Ris

I have a 13mth old ger at hm.. keep sticking to me and refuses to let hubby carry her =(

I heard that gers will stick to daddy more right.. not true for my case thou..

Oops! I've been drinking milk everyday cos we read somewhere that calcium is impt in first trimester...will start taking honey today.

Betw, I sleep easily these days! Even on weekend, I took afternoon naps, and knock out again by 9pm. Symptoms of this pregnancy - lots of gas, keeps burping & sleeps alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiao pang,

If what u have been doing everyday does not give u problem as u may not have any ms issue then stay on what you do good for yourself.

If u cut away milk and start honey and do feel a lot better that means it may be better so u have to be ur own judge and not do what everyone suggested.

i am craving for spicy and sour stuff, anyone?

also, keep thinking of the Maggi brand Assam laksa flavour instant noodle, bad food huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

true...i read tt ribena worked for everyone, so we went to buy a bottle last nite, end up it didn work for me...heex...i just wolfed down Burger King's new spicy cheesy burger...just waitin for my afternoon nauseous to kick in...

Hi aussie bb,

Mi too!!! I have been taking tom yam soup and hot and spicy soup. But my hb is quite worried abt it. Cos he's afraid tat it will be too spicy or sour for the baby. But i juz cant stop myself cos tat is the onli food tat i feel like eating. :p

hi aussie bb..i'm sucking my 5th preserved sour plum liaoz...i have cravin for tom yam but these days i'm beta off with porridge...seems to be able to stay in stomach longer. Have alternate between Duck Porridge, Pork Porridge, Fish Porridge...

Phyphy, my daughter will cry at the sight of her daddy approaching.. my hub even have to beg her for a hug.. till today.. none is given!! haha..

Fell sick whole of last week.. for both my pregnancies.. when i become pregnant.. i will kenna weird sickness de.. For my #1, i had a swollen eyelid and had to undergo minor surgery to remove the pus after that found out preggie... this time round.. had so many ulcers at my tonsils; so went to test for pregnancy.. & i was right! Weird siah.. dono issit the hormones thingy..

Leo baby-only hv bit of menstrual cramps feeling looo.

I'm with Cathay pacific [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weishy, yah..actually I aldy like that..now preg..even worse..I do 1hr facial go 2x toilet.. ("p)..you're with cathay pacific?on unpaid leave?or doing ground at the moment?

tinkerstars,I go no bump le..I think I gain weight coz I eat too much.I used to eat 2 meals aday,now 3 liao..and never exercise at all..

jessica!!u are sooo right!!I keep thinking how my bb will be like,driving me abit bonkers liao..should try not to think and relax..

Mango,take care..I had brown spotting 3days ago and went to see doc..it was just some old blood from my pap smear..

Leo Baby,I love cheese super much le!!I m having cheese every morning..and when I m hungry...("p)

xiao pang,soo good..can sleep soo well!!I can lie on the bed from 10pm..then only sleep at 1am..

Jessica,I have been having tons of cramps le..even hip and pelvic aches le..told my gyne liao le..she just increase my dostage of duphaston..

Clare-unpaid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] probs go back n do ground on 20th not firm yet

weishy,heehee..good la..at least got something to do in the office..too bad cant get to see u?but I was soo sleepy this afternoon when I was in the office,so I think office job not for me la..u know cheery lee?

jessica, yeapz..#1..actually I think it is an old injury,I suspect.. I kana hit by trolley b4 during work..so now n then I get aches sometimes,but lately more frequent liao.so far,my gyne scan liao and said it seems fine..at least not that kind of pain pain kind,still bearable aching,I guess..

Saw the gynae and was given An Tai Yao. Was advised to REST more... I wonder if my hb will start treating me like a QUEEN fr today onwards (since he was with me during the checkup).

Btw, my Edd is pushed to 17 sept. According to my gynae, I ovulated late. Anyway, is 7weeks n 4 days preggy as at today. But based on past experiences (for my #1 & 2), I always give birth when I'm 37 weeks +

Mango-yet to ask.but if u found good one that someone had tried before pls book her months before.they're hot like those post natal massage ladies

Jessica -heheh if u dun pt I dunno wat is wat also hehehehe

Clare-tat is for after deliery too very impt ar


I thot I was being super kiasu for wanting to book my fren's cf nanny 1 weeks ago, who knows there are others even more kiasu than me :p

I just book mine today n hopefully she is good (recomended by my gal's teacher)

Spicy food,

not sure if it's really true... When I had my #2, I always like to eat spicy food... And end up my son skin hor super lan4!!! (nanny said I took too much spicy stuff liao)

For those conceiving #2 & onwards,

another old wives tale.... Heard pple say that if ur #1 look like gal, #2 will be a gal (vice versa)

for my case, it seemed a bit accurate. When my #1 (gal) was small, she looked like a boy. In fact, I ve pple coming up to me n ask if she's a BOY. The most 'ridiculous' case that I ever kena is... Some asked if she is a boy even I dressed her in DRESS!!!! Obviously, either she is mad or she thot I'm a bian tai mama!!!!

Anyway, back to my story.... For #2, I indeed had a boy. :p for my #2, he has the 'gal look' so... I'm hoping #3 to b a gal :p but.... As long as healthy, boy or gal nevermind lah hor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessica, how many weeks was that when you did your ultrasound? Mine was similar to yours. Only a black sac can be seen.

I saw online that by 7-8th weeks, can hear bb heartbeat and the body parts will be formed.

not sure if i will get to hear the heartbeat during next visit...

Mango,hopefully ur hb will treat u like a Queen (^-^)

huv to book for confinement nanny liao ah?

Weishy,I m from BA,Cheery Lee is from sin office,guess u wun see her

Jessica**grin**happy to see ur scan!!

Jessica> wow! *happy*

Mango> I hope my hubby will also treat me like queen forever! hahaha... In my dream, yes loh. In real life? hai.... only during the 10mth. Why man are like that ah?


Jokris ; hi hi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur girl stick to u cos hse knows got new bb liao loooo.my girl too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MAngo;oki ma better early than sorry later ...tats wat alot of mommies finally cant find any then go into depression....cos 1st month...no joke if u are clueless with no help at all.....not to mentioned nicely cooked food in front of u daily for a month.some opt for longer days too......very shiok but cant afford [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

spicy food:really ar??????gosh i love tom yum instant noodles....viet noodles ...everythign spicy when i carry lucas :p hope his skin will be "sui sui" next time.....got valcanoe not nice le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

MAngo:bb sex..again really ar????my #1 looked like boy....#2 looked like girl :p chk out their pixs at fb hehehhehe sure u say the same :p so #3 girl lor????

clare:eek:oooo ic heheheh had a friend called MONA also in BA...do u know her?she also delivered nto long ago bah...actually is friend's best friend la :p btu we know each other loooo.

cheery ~really dunno le....dun even knwo those grounds at the chk in.....cos i need their help at times ma....cheery works at whcih dept har????maybe she can hep me sometimes hehehheheh.....eg to print tickets wakakakkaka.

