(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

I have always loved CNY. It is my fav festival ..

i guess 2010 is a different story..

2010 is the only year when I dread the reunion dinners , the food smell, the travelling

and i got close relatives all the way in pasir ris, serangoon, adjunied..

now these places feel like pure nitemares



i think i read that 8week is the peak for MS.. i tink i am getting it already.. feeling really bad now!! nausea non stop but lucky is nv vomit out.. cannot stop putting things into my mouth but my tummy feels so bloated!!!


we have 33 mtbs =)


How about sunday brunch or lunch

shall we reserve 21 March..no hubbies ok ?..cos our 1st gathering mah..we need to get to know one another 1st

Lunch later

hope i can at least eat something. the good old hubby took leave to celebrate our Pak Tor Anniversary...so din turn him down ;)

i also got problem for the CNY as i don know how to sit in the car together with my IL without making them find disgusting with my burping n puking.

Leo Baby: can u tell me about this "gas" thingy u mentioning? i tihnk i having this problem..

leo baby

im not too sure if medicate oil can be use. but for my 1st preggy,i did use till my friend tell me that bb might feel cold inside.so i stop using from there.

Optimus Prime, you're really funny!!! Same here actually, abt smell. Even smelling my own dinner is bad...

If only there is an on/off switch on my nose! My sense of smell is all haywire now. On Friday, the smell on a pork dish I usually like turned me off. I haven't tried chicken rice and I usually love chicken rice!

So far, no puking for me yet but I find myself eating all sorts of strange things (like fruit cake)for my meals...

As for telling pple that I'm pregnant, well, if people come straight out and ask, I won't lie, but I haven't told many yet. I am thinking that CNY may be a time when everyone will ask though, cos although I am not showing yet, I'm going to wear something with an empire waist for the first time in years...

Linda, take heart ok? Think positive. I know you can't help but worry, yet worrying's no good for your baby. I found out abt my pregnancy on like the 1st day of my period, and I was worried that it could just go (like if not implanted properly etc). But I told myself I can't worry, so instead, I try to channel all that energy into telling my baby to grow well etc...


I think the gas is build up from our stomach acid. When i start wanting to vomit or puke i know the gas is building up so I would eat small amt of so tah biscuit. At nite i stoped eating rice. I get mu hubby to eat noodles and tapped a bit from him and eat the vege and meat it small mouthful. Sometime before sleep i will eat the so tah biscuit again. The last few times my tummy grew very big with the gas build up inside i realise i ate too fast and too much rice and too much food. so i adjust. Ladies you have to learn ur pattern and adjust accordingly make small changes.

Actually i think the stomach acid is produce when hungry or empty. Some ppl feel the hunger but for me no it is the gas that tells me so i take the biscuit to bring it down first then inject the proper food in at slightly later.

leo baby: oh i tink so i having this problem.. my tummy is so bloated i don think its the bb, prolly is the gas u mentioned. it makes me feel so uncomfortable at the gastric area.

mayb i am really eating too much.. hahahaa didnt have this problem with having #1...

Optimus-wow urs quite bad le....me just feel like eating sng sng stuffs

Pinkyluv-4 yr n above should be fine.u can even book a night stay there.friend tried n commented not bad

Pure yoga~me going now can help to chk how much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think prenatal yoga is at 1630 so if working then quite diff to go le.group % will ask heheheheh

mine I less than $200/ mth cos few yrs ago contract Liao .n international heheheheh :p cheaper then though .

They're at taka n raffles place (chevron hse)

Gathering-if I can make it i would.lunch or dinner?

Hello mummies!

Same here, everytime after meal, will have something like acid boiling inside my stomach. I am going to get "Mylanta" which the doctor prescribe for me during my #1 pregnancy.


Gambate mummies who are having MS.


Hubby said give this a miss, but my heart "itchy itchy" haha, see how.

Oscar test it to give parents a peace of mind lah. although ratio for younger parent is lesser but i have heard cases so if you do need that peace of mind then do lor.

Is medicated oil safe? Yesterday i having bad stomachache and i dont dare to take medicine..hubby rub medicated oil on my tummy,,

Me too....loads of gas in my tummy dat's why my tummy looks so big!!! I'll hv the nauseous feeling when I'm hungry but now I start to dread eating.....really scare if the so call MS coming to haunt me!!!!!!

Linda> i didnt want the folic acid from him cos i got my supply from polyclinic oredi, which is much cheaper. Dun worry, i also cant detect HB yet.

Creative ways to dodge the question "Are you pregnant?"

Look angry and act defensive.

Ask the other party, "You are saying I'm fat, is it? IS IT?"

*turn head and stomp off*

For the past few weeks, I will feel pukey after I cough (stubborn cough which simply refuses to go away, n I always end up coughing n pukey at the same time which is v often).

since this weekend, the feeling to puke is stronger! Even with no cough, I still feel pukey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just now while I was bending over n putting seat belt for my son, I ve super strong urge to puke. If I die die control myself, I would ve puke on his head!!!!!

Haiz... Been popping a lots of mint mentos to make myself better. Hope that will not affect my sugar intake too much.

My tum also looking v BIG now. I asked my hb if it's really bigger now he said it's still the same!!! So, either he's blind or I am.

So sad to say this... but my boy's sweaty head makes me feel pukey also. His milk breath also makes me feel pukey....

Oh dear, I'm such a bad mommy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Optimus Prime> Yes I use that way of answer before and it works. dont need to stomp off also can work. Who says we must definately answer a question with an answer. Post a question back that will embarass them. hehe.


*turn head and stomp off* is for the drama-drama effect lah. When turn head, must "heem" (Hokkien. Don't know how to say in English) a bit also. :D


I can talk crap now means MS hasn't set in for the day yet, which is a damned braddy good sign! :D

Optimus Prime: hahaha u are cute!

Mango: i don dare to eat much curry this time round.. last pregnancy i had soooo much curry craving end up my son had such bad jaundice. i dont know if it links but my mum keep blaming me for taking so much curry .,. haha


Sabo lah! You say CURRY! Now I wanna puke!!!


I know ADS supposed to be alternative word for MS, but stand for what again har?

Advance Dxxxx Syndrome?

Acute Digestive Sickness?


thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am thinking of lunch =)

ladies , Gathering how abt 21 March 2010 Sunday Noon Lunch @ Vivo City Marche or Suntec City Kenny Rogers ?


i ordered curry chicken with fried bee hoon for dinner since morning and the kind mother has prepared

Optimus Prime

no worry, me too..my boy's sweaty head do makes me pukey esp after a day @ the playground yday


u r right ! i tried pasta for lunch , baked in cheese..so happy can eat that too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got both cheese & tomato. the menu said minced beef but i can't stand the tot of beef and they replaced with minced chicken

& no ribena there, so i tried this Passion Fruit drink..wow, can drink also


optimus prime, oui this type of thing cannot say one *touch wood*!!!


So envy of all of u, can take chilled drinks. I haven been taking any since pregnancy is detected, cos gynae said so and my hb keeping a close watch on me. So even my ribena is room temp one.. :s

optimus prime

ADS= all day sickness

i was thinking y my gal's smell make me wan to puke.now i know y liao.


don think curry got to do with jaundice.as i didnt take any curry but my gal also got jaundice.


don think i can take,just imaging the food also make me wan to puke liao.

phyphy: ya i dun know hw true is it.. they said cos curry alot of coloring thats y like that ZZ

but i am fine with all food thou no food makes me sick. i only feel nausea when hungry hehe

curry wont cause jaundice meh? Thgt curry is yellow due to the "huang jiang" powder. Thgt this consist of the yellow colouring jus like papaya and carrot?


Hv to count me out for 21/3 lunch cos I'm watching Disney on Ice.

Oh I love pasta too! Prefer cream sauce but tomato is fine too. Aglio olio is out cos no garlic pls! Urgh...

will taking hormone pill makes one feel nausea?

medicated oil on stomach ok? i used to rub my nose when nausea instead of stomach, of cos effect on stomach will be better.

optimus:ure real funny ehheheh :p

Disney on ice :u think its worth going ma????got after matinee type?

pinkyluv:nice lunch u hv there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u looked so slim le

medicated oil:eek:ki la if nto try eucalyptus oil or peppermint essential oil [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Can i Join??

This my #2. My #1 is at boy at 26mth, also a sept baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Havent visit a doc yer, tomorrow will be my first visit.


Hi chris [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] join the club mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my girl's nov 07 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good age gap for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hihi, ya... want to close shop liao so better get a sibling for my boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All Mummies,

Can i join? I juz visited the gynae and is confirm to be 6 week pregnant. Shld be sept baby rite?

May i noe what do you do if u r veri hungry but dun feeling like eating anything? I'm always hungry nowadays but i dun feel like eating anything.

babyT :added u liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we hv 6 frends in common le :p

chris:hehehhe hope so for u man [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep tryign is no fun.btu girls are generally better sex :p

weiting:think initial part body is in a mess to cope with pregnancy...preparign etc....just eat/drink wat ever that make u comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: bubbleblue1

Age: 28

LMP: 8 Dec 09

Gynae: Dr Fong Yang

Hospital: TBC

Baby #: 1

EDD: 15 Sep 10

Location: Buangkok

ladies maybe can update urself like this???? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mango : ur tot of curry rice make me drool~~~

Pinkyluv : Envy!!!u can have cold drinks!!my mil forbid to have cold drinks..I think I feel like a prisoner~~

Dear ladies,

so happy to have met all of u in this forum,all of u are so encouraging and positive..too bad cant meet up with u all..*sob*Sob* coz' I am ordered to go back to taiwan this sunday already because my mil and husband thinks I eat too much junk food here..

my hb stays in taiwan,so I have to go back there...no frens there..gonna be a long year ahead..

