(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

hi all MTM,

my package with my gynae is

$650 include (ask me to sign up during wk 12)

- scheduled visits

- vitamins such as iron & calcium

- ultrasound

- urine test

does not include

- fish oil vitamins

- blood test

- unscheduled visits

then delivery normal is $800

something like tat..

is tat expensive?

is the package ok???

maybe can share your package?

i still tinking to go Dr Lawrence ang at sun plaza?

yest i call his clinic, he pick up e phone & ask me to hold...then he was scolding his kid ...

at first i tot i called wrong number. I put down the phone and call again. And is he ask me to hold again and continue his scolding. Then he came back and say the clinic had closed.



hi mama,

ya type too fast..lolz..thx thx


i mean i called ard 7pm..so the clinic is closed for the day..

not closed down..


it seems reasonable.. tat time when i see Woody also abt like tat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

keke how come he so weird and no image one... haha.....

fumiko and suika,

ar really closed rite?! no wonder i dont see that clinic at sun plaza anymore leh..did he say y closed?


woody's package can go see him anytime u wan...no appt oso can


fumiko says oni closed for the day....i think i stick back to woody better ba


I seen woody twice. 1st time is pap smear early this year. Then the 2nd time is last mon on my pregnancy.

hi mtm,

did u all do pap smear during your first visit to your gynae?

normally during which week then we do pap smear?


if i am not wrong, if u are preggy, u cannot do pap smear leh... not sure if i am correct...

MS - Morning sickness... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ohhh icic..lolz..

goin to learn more abbreviations...

v sleepy..wanna sleep

btw..do u all still wear jeans?? my jeans a bit tight..is it dangerous to my 5 wk old baby??

i v scare will miscarriage during 1st trimester..

have u all tell ur frens??

dunno shld tell or not...


i only got 1 brand new home pregnancy kit. we bot 2 becos scare the 1st time do wrongly and result shows invalid. but who knows use 1st time, bingo liao. lol.


yes, u cannot do pap smear when u preggy. otherwise, i would have done mine liao cos of my prolonged menses-like cramps (mentioned earlier in this thread). it carries a risk of miscarriage!

hi gals,

have spoken to my hb. he's agreeable to have dr. woody as our gynae and we intend to see him next week when i shd be around 7-8wks, hopefully can hear heartbeats this time. ahhh, his equipment very old huh, so cant take those 3d or 4d scan??


usually, one tries to avoid travelling during the 1st trimester cos its very vulnerable. but i do have a gf who travels to europe during her 1st trimester (albeit, she din know she's pregnant before the trip though).

2nd trimester onwards till before 32wks is relatively safe for travelling. best to double chk with ur gynae again lah.

btw, japan in autumn is lovely. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think whether to tell ur fren or not is very much subjective. it depends on ur personal comfort zone.

for me, i did announce on fb to my frens that i'm preggy. its just sth i wish to share with frens. even if sth bad happens *touch wood*, i think that doesnt erase the fact that the baby did exist at one point in time but thats just me lah.


ya, I thk pregnant u don't do pap smear. After you delivered baby about 1 month or plus later gynae will ask u to do? (mummies correct me if i'm wrong)

I'm sleepy too. Yawn!! I still wear jeans. if u feel your jeans is uncomfortable then don't wear..So far only told some close friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh icic...

cos my fren say she did pap smear ...


need to buy more jeans..

sigh...v scare super duper fat during pregnancy..

cos already v fat now...hahahah


so hv u check on his package yet? coz i heard prices increased


last yr was $550 for his package oni


his m/c very old....can oni get the normal scan which u wun b able to figure out where is where when bb is bigger....juz rem he's a man of few words....if u can take that then u'll b fine under him....

i'm now on jeans that's 2size up my usual size....coz still not slim dwn n it's tight again

angel, thanks for the reassurance. i'm going in spring to catch the sakuras. should be early 2nd trimester.

autumn would be last trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fumiko, usually you won't do a pap smear while pregnant as the pap stick may damage the baby and cause miscarriage. it's not worth the risk, unless you are very high-risk for cervical cancer.

thx all..will not do pap smear..

jus remb...i v sotong..

when doc ask me abt my family medical history..

i totally forget my hubby side....

only tell doc on my family side


if u let ur doc noes that u're preg, they will not do the test for u....oni provided it's critical no choice


ahhh the scan cannot make out where is where?? aiyo... not sure whether to think twice or not. i started to upload the baby scan onto my fb and intend to update the progress leh.


oh yes, spring must be very lovely with all the cherry blossoms too. i been to japan & europe, both during autumn and find the weather and scenery beautiful. but then again, i think visit any country is nice during either spring or autumn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] are u going by package tour?? my style is f&e but perhaps if preggy, better to go by package tours hence not so stressful for the mtb.


dont worry, when the gynae ask abt family history, they prob only want to know fr ur end. my gynae not interested to know abt my hb's end.

Hey ladies, just wanted to share with you that Maternity Exchange at Marina Square is having this fantastic party wear promotion. Perfect if you need something nice to wear for the christmas and the new year celebrations.

15% off purchase or a la carte rental of new party wear collection just in......from Mothers En Vogue, Ripe, Seraphine and more. Now till 31 Dec!

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You can view some of the styles on their facebook page! Happy Shopping!


It's still $550 before gst.

Can start package anytime

So nice.. japan is a beautiful plc. with yummy food. Looking for a place to go that is kids friendly. Any recommendation?

angel, i went to europe early this year, in spring too. very nice to drive around (we went f&e) or even walk around with backpacks. i think spring is the best time to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we don't like to go by package, very stressful and rushed. f&e only stressful for DH [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tikey, disney land and disney sea are both kids friendly. i suggest you go disney sea if you can only choose one as it's less crowded and you can play more things. or you can consider to stay in the hotel at disney land [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've had a missed abortion... Water bag didn't grow and empty gestational sac.

Enjoy your pregnancies!


Please take me out from the list. Thanks


i'm oni picturing the worst stuffs to u....dun b scared by it.....anyway, when bb bigger, m/c will not b able to capture full view of bb too


wad happened?


the gestation sac just didn't grow. So gynae said it's a "missed abortion"

Hence I went for D&C this afternoon to clear the womb in case of complications and/or infections.

thanks Fumiko.


oh dear, but i tot u already saw the sac the other day ? u told me urs is 5mm.. u need to seek 2nd opinion? maybe still early to detect?


so sorry to hear that!

did u wait a bit before deciding to go for the d&c? cos i browsed thru a few forums previously and came across similiar encounters like urs. some mtb actually chose to wait out another week or so and see if a miracle happens. i rem reading one that her sac was just growing at a really slow rate and eventually, the baby was saved.

its prob pointless to say this now but i do hope u & ur hb are taking this well. pls take care!

giggler! u here too?


do take care....must go thru short confinement at least 1-2wks hor.....must nurse back ur health


utrogestan is progestrone insert , i tot to insert vaginally, not supposed to consume orally..can u double check with ur gynae?

hi everyone.....went see woody today

bb's abt 6wks now...



edd - 5th Aug 2010

age - 31

child - #2

gynea - Adrian

location - cck

hospital - MtA

LMP - 6th Nov

sunflower & ndp,

if not stable, shd not travel during 1st tri, but i feel perfectly ok, so jus travel lo. I've my travel plan all done up. Haha... I plan to go Vegas during my 2nd tri! I went to HK during 5mths during my last preg. I feel great! Jus can't shop too much, get tired easily.


I tink ur package quite ok, standard rate. Jus take care of urself, dun worry too much. I still wear as normal. Jeans are still ok. If u tink it's too tight, jus dun button. I dun tink tight bottom will harm the bb jus make MTM very uncomfortable.

Pap smear can still be done if needed. I've done 2 PS during my 1st preg, cos i get V infection every month. Gynae nd to check the condition of the area as i wan a normal V delivery.If the condition is not gd, i can't deliver thro V cos will infect bb eyes. Luckily the PS result turn out ok during the last tri abt 35th wk.


Dun worry, u can try again. Must take care of urself now, to get ready for the next try! Jia You!

hi mummies,

sorry to disturb, i have a tin of Anmum Materna for pregnant woman, chocolate flavour (900g) and 3 free sachets to let go. Interested pls PM me. Thanks!

I just discovered that I am pregnant today. Dun feel excited or happy about it cos I'm actually jobless now. But I know my hubby is very happy but he dare not show his happiness due to my mood swing.

My LMP is 01/11/2009.

Had not decided on which gynae to go to.

I am staying in woodlands.

Is there any other good gynae in the north to recommend besides Dr Lawrence Ang?

Not sure if I want to go to a gynae who is always rushing around for my 1st child.


Ladies.... i am leavin the thread... sigh... saw some AF coming liao... lolz... i will update the chart for u gals and let me know who is keen to take over the updatin of chart okie... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy and smooth 9 months ahead.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

