(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

mvh: u are not alone. My boy too. Throw up the feed when I burp him. Think 50 percent of the feed gone. I have to bathe in the wee hrs n change his clothes .

Some times kena my bedsheet. Use to change 2 to 3 times per day . Then become once per day... Slowly become once every 2 days. Now is once per week.


Eino, yr boy also? I haven't burp her already merlion at times. Does yrs cry n cry after that? I too lazy to shower in wee hours, somemore she cries so loud.. Change my shirt n wash e shirt already wanna tear e whole house down.. Then change her shirt also screaming.. Sigh..

mommyxuanx & mamyvelle, me too. Fully EBM. Will occationaly bully my boy by forcing him to latch. He will cry out loud and refused to latch on. Yesterday he suck a few times and its painful. 1st time leh. Last time won't pain. Think I'm going to have sole nipple soon.

My porr 3wks old boy having a cold. Sigh, so small have to take medicine liao. Not sure where he get it from.


thx for the recipe for salmon...

no one have cold at home? probably nv cover enough??


maybe i tam jia.. but i am not like tat when i preggie also.. haa... so i concluded is BF.. i do have some frens got big appetite while BF too..

my bb just had his 6in1 jab yday.. now weight 5.3kg & 53cm..

sianz.. yday my maid spilled 60ml of my milk.. so heart pain.. frustrated when she tell me... already so hard to catch up with my boy's demand & she so careless... til today i still quite fed up to see her..


ur gal got shallow stomach or just colick? not recover yet? my #1 used to be more colicky.. always puke milk... & nv drink so much also.. takes time to outgrow it.. hang on there!

i read this article, its very useful for us..


if we pump or latch at longer interval, our milk will become diluted..it will cause Lactose intolerance to the baby..so we need to make sure we pump out the milk fully and the next interval to pump is between 2-3hrs.. same for latching, if baby suckle only 5-10min, better empty the breast by pumping, and wait for next latch.


i sent my ameda pump for repair le. mine is the motor connection loose. 10mins n the problem solved. the place really quite ulu de...

re: breastmilk

my supply also very low, one pump only 80ml n i pump every 4hours. so supplementing w fm. plan to stop feeding ebm after i go back work.


I also try latching on in hospital then during confinement tried a few times, he kept pushing me away and cry, so sian of trying, then give up... so far I've been expressing out and supplement with FM.

2 days back (abt 6 weeks old) i tried to latch on again, surprisingly he latch on without any fuss and carry on sucking.

Alibaba.. I dunno if she has shallow stomach or colick leh.. Colic will vomit milk meh? My #1 also colic but din vomit or split milk.. Wat r e symptoms for shallow stomach? This morning she vomit beancurd milk again.. Jialat.. Dunno this consider serious or not..


I think my colleague son also have shallow tummy, forgot what she told me,

dunno must add something to the milk or change milk to lactose free...

did u check with pd, maybe they'll have suggestion...

I think it's more of shallow tummy instead of colic issue as she always merlion.

re: immunisation jabs

i've brought my boy for his Hep B 2nd dose jab when he's 1 mth old. Do you gals know if the next jab is at 6 weeks or 3 months old? I'm getting confused with the immunisation schedule and I forgot to ask my PD...


I bring my ger for hep b 2nd jab yesterday. Cos oledi over 1 mth, can only opt for 5 in 1 according to the nurse. Next jab will b first for 5 in 1 when she is 3 mth old. I send her for immunization at polyclinic.

Hi, i will like to know more details for injection taken in Polyclinic, heard that some of the injection is FOC, can anyone guide me, i also get confuse with all the injection.thank you

MVH: nope.. my boy din cry.. he only starts to "throw up" last 3 days..

whether EBM, FM or latch.. he will throw up.. so now I always stand by one towel .. just in case he merlion..

Mdm yip: i get where you're coming from.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But as parents, we will tend to worry too much. Thanks for your assurance though, you are right on that point that ifc would have closed down if they cannot handle.

yvonne: Totally understand all your worries.. Are you still doing confinement?

Scent: Good Luck and update use [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mvh: my boy also vomit out milk after drinking..

Hi Mummies

I had a tin of Mamex Gold step 1, 1.5kg letting go @ $58, bought from supermarket @ $68. LO switching to Step 2 now. Exp Date : 11 Mar 2012

Interested parties, please pm me. Thank you!

I brought my boy to polyclinic for 2nd hep dose today.. i'm not sure for pd jabs but for polyclinic, it's like that (You can refer to page 56 of the health booklet)

1 month hep b dose (2nd dose) - $16.31

3Months - DPT/DT + oral sabin = 4 in 1 (FOC) top up with prevenar $87.40 = 5 in 1 (jab only no oral)

4 months - 5 in 1 $87.40

5months - 5 in 1 $87.40

5-6 months - hep b (3rd dose) - $16.31

1 year - only for hep b carriers

15 months - mmr FOC

18 months - 5 in 1 $87.40

DTPa/IPV/HIB/oral sabin = 4 in 1 (1 jab + 1 oral intake) - FOC at polyclinic

DTPa/IPV/HIB + prevenar = 5 in 1 (Injection) - If this jab is taken, there will be no oral intake

DTPa/IPV/HIB + prevenar + hep b = 6 in 1 (Injection)

The rest were not gone through with us...

I hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went shopping today, saw lots of heels and wanted to buy, but all my size out of stock..My hb says lucky arh, because he says i look like i am going to buy on impulse.. which is so, as me being caged up for so long, wanted to buy something so much. So tomorrow i am dumping my hb at home and going shopping myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bought my girl for the 6in1 today . She is 7 week old ... Now have fever Liao . So cranky. Think I no need sleep Liao. She grow 2 kg since birth n pd say good .

Re throwing up

My girl also like to throw up . But pd say as long as got weight gain is ok . Yesterday brought her to shopping , hubby carry her in a lying down position, she suddenly throw up like a fountain n the milk go up n down on her face , for a second we can see her face but only milk !!! Like milk mask ! But she didn't cry ...

Eeyore, I m bf my gal leh.. Unless she drinks alot of foremilk then might cause lactose intolerance.. But most of her poop r orange in color leh.. E color is okay rite? Sometimes a bit green la but very little..

Just now try to wipe her n change for nite nite.. Juz finished she merlion again... She was fed 1 hr ago n hence all e curd stuff comes out.. Got to change mine n her clothes.. Very tired of this process Liao..

I remember someone mention buying bb digital weighing machine rite? Issit sunflower? how much issit n where to get ah? I m worry abt my gal weight gain since she merlion every day.. Next pd visit is abt 1.5mths later.. So wanna monitor her weight closely.. Any recommendation? I also dun have normal digital scale which someone mention carrying bb n weigh..

White_lady, ya e fountain moment is very scary..i can see e gush of milk coming out of my gal's mouth each time.. Sometimes milk flows out of her nose too.. But my gal will cry n cry.. I think uncomfortable for her n hard to breathe if flow out of nostrils..

Mvh: i don know about bb digital weighing machine but i went harbour front center and saw e normal digital weighing machine selling at 88. U know near e breadtalk there? I think can weigh urself and bb den minus off? See you so worried about ur girl, hope she faster outgrow this ..

Penguin, thanks for yr info.. Wow habour front a bit too far for me.. Yes quite worried coz today she merlion 3times Liao.. Dunno her milk intake is ok or not.. E only way is to weigh her lor then I can more or less assured that she is growing..

Mvh: sorry for that.. Hmmm.. U got bring her to pd? My boy didnt poo whole of yesterday and today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hoping this midnight to see him poo..

MVH, just go carrefour or ntuc xtra to buy normal digital weighing scale... its cheap n accurate. As for merlion, why dont let yr girl wear those toddler waterproof bib? it may help u reduce effort to change clothes... i let my boy wear bibs now cos he pukes like 10-20ml at every feed due to burping....

n_g: thanks! Any idea if opt for 6-in-1 jab, is it also 3 months old for the next jab?

MVH: I forgot to add...... your girl looks so chubby.... I don't think u need to worry about her weight gain leh....... :D


U r welcome. Me not sure abt 6 in 1 cos nurse say my ger can only take 5 in 1. She din explain 6 in 1 to me.


Which polyclinic u go? Your rate seem different fr mine. My 2nd dose hep b cost $22. Other jab of 5 in 1 if pay individually cost $91 each. If pay by pkg cost $320. I go woodlands polyclinic.

Mvh, my boy have this merlion symptom too but is because I used teats that have too fast flow, he swallow alot of air while drinking, so easy to puke all out - he have to stop frequently before resuming to drink, if yr bb have the same symptom maybe u wanna check whether is it the teat problem?

If it's not I read that so long as yr baby still produce wet diapers still poop and gets hungry on time she shd be ok even though she vomit.. But still better to monitor and see pd if it keep persisting.

As for poop I think bright yellow orange color still ok?

MVH: I also worry abt my bb gaining enough wt anot so I bot a digital weighing scale from JP NTUC XTRA.. endo brand only $30.. Working fine.. Hehhe.. Every now and then we will carry him n weigh then weigh ourselves.. My bb now is 6weeks old.. Gained 2 kg.. Now 5kg plus.. Can't imagine carrying a bag of rice everyday :S

just want to ask whether can we BF if we are sick. Cos I am having a bad cough with itch throat . Everytime he latch on, he will move up n down when I cough badly. Like a shaky meal for him.

CSY, u can read yr thermometer instructions for what is considered fever.... But usually for ear thermometer, 38 degrees then is fever for infants.

Mdm yip, I latch my gal every feed.. She more or less can handle e flow, else she will break from e latch n rest a while.. These few days she vomits those curd milk, half digested ones that she drinks 1-2hrs ago.. This morning vomit less when she scream for milk..

Csy, 37.5 degrees then consider fever.. However if u see that yr bb is constantly uncomfortable, u can give panadol syrup also.. When my gal has her 1st 6in1 n pneumococcal, she din have fever.. Temp hover ard 36.8 to 37.2 degrees.. Her body is super warm.. She was uncomfortable e whole day.. Fussy n can't get to sleep.. So I gave e medicine n after tat she is more settled down..

Ng: i went bukit merah polyclinic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my relative whom works in polyclinic says woodlands one and bukit merah different boss.. Some is under sing health some not..


Green stool is no good..caused by diluted milk intake..better if u pump out the rest after breastfeeding her.. so u have new milk production..and better to feed her or pump out every 3 hrs.. I think u try to feed ur gal EBM for a day and see how..scarly really cause by the foremilk…at least u noe the cause better than keep vomiting now..

That time I have lots of foremilk..occassionally also abit green stool and start to poo from 6-8 times a day to 2 times a day only..i worried so went online to check.. its caused by foremilk because I pump like every 5-8 hrs as im too busy..so now I switch back to 2-3 hrs pump once..now my boy poo normal with at least 4-6times a day..

I didn’t use baby digital weighing machine leh..i used adult one..i weigh myself, then carry baby and weigh again..so far quite accurate because usually I weigh the day before I go to polyclinic and weigh again..

My boy’s poo is orange yellow color..he is 7wks now and already weigh 7+kg..

Vaccination :

I heard that healthway in hougang mall charges only $95 for 6-in-1 jab..and KKH also charging like $180 …I don’t know why polyclinic so expensive..

i have a silly question.. how do you all prepare the milk for FM? the instruction says 1 oz of water is equal to 1 scoop.. so if i need 5 scoops of milk powder, i need to add 5 oz of water..but then when added, the total milk becomes 6-7 oz..then baby will be drinking 7oz instead of 5 oz? will that be accurate? or should we add water to only 4 oz, then add powder so that the total milk intake becomes 5 oz?

Hi sunflower, e green stool is very very rare for my gal. If have, also only 1-2 custard seeds type.. Normal is orange-ish or dark yellow in color.. I dun even have a adult digital weighing machine.. So intend to buy one.. Pumping might be too troublesome for me coz I m alone at home most of e time n need to do housechore plus taking care of bb..

for those whose confinement lady have left and taking care of baby alone, anyone still feeding their baby 100% EBM?

how do u keep up with it?

quite stressful for me coz feeding time is about 2.5hrs - 3 hrs. within this time frame, need to feed baby, burp baby, change diaper, pump milk, wash and sterilise milk bottles...

after done with this cycle, the next cycle starts !!

Re : 6 in 1

my PD charges $135 for each 6 in 1 jab , consultation $35 . So is $170 ( can use CDA account ) ... and my PD say this month take 1 joab of 6in1 , then next month Pneumococcal Jab , then the following month is the 2nd 6in1 jab ... wow , faint lor , like that every month my girl need jab then fever , then we die , haha ... cos they r so cranky ...


mine is 2 - 2.5hrs per cycle..and im 90% EBM..the other 10% latching..i also the same as u, need to feed, burp, change, pump and sterilise..i also need to do housework.. im exhausted, and sometimes depressed..but no choice, we just have to endure another few more mths till their feeding time can drag longer..



for burping, u can try the 'sit up straight' method by Weiling..it works most of the time for me..have ur baby sit up straight while u support the baby's head and neck..wait a while till he moves abit here and there, he will then burp loudly himself within 5mins.. sometimes it doesnt work, just lie him down again for a few mins, then bring him up to sit up again..

last time i took 10-45mins just to burp him..with this method, usually 5-10mins..

