(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Saw all your posts on rental of babies' toys. May i know where do you all normally rent them from? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My FIL is so worried that I cannot take care of bb alone (which I had done many times when hubby is travelling) that he ask me to let bb stay over tonight (bb slept over last night, I normally only allow bb to sleep over Mon & Wed night).

He say very troublesome for me to bring bb home and moreover tomorrow I will also be bringing bb home too.. so why don't let him stay over tonight. Actually I dun see how the 2 reasons link to each other.

But he keep repeating himself for many times that I finally relented. Sometime feel myself too soft hearted.

Yes my bb like flipping and tummy time... while doing her tummy time I will put her favourite pacifer or toys a distance in front of her den she tried to reach it,after afew weeks she started to crawl 2-3steps to grab her toys!

My elder daughter started to flip about 5 months, crawl about 6 months+.

Think every child is different ,as long as our bb are healthy it's ok lol

So many babies doing Gong Xi Fa Cai! My girl also like to bai nian lately! *keke* Here's a pic:


Sick: Flu & Cough

my girl kena the seasonal flu...so ke lian...need to eat medicine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I shun bian asked the PD if Fenugreek is affecting my baby, she say NO. *phew* She says it is perfectly save to take Fenugreek. Some how her answers sort of put my mind at ease! The past few days I was so paranoid that Fenugreek is causing my girl to be cranky! :p Anyway, I sort of see an increase in milk supply by a bit. I can yield an extra 100mL a day...which can satisfy her 1 feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charliebrown: you are very observant! Yes he has the tendency to turn his head to the right. I tried to turn his head but he will turn back himself. I think it is because I cradle hold him with my left hand and his head will turn towards his right to lean on my breast haha.

Hair dropping: according to my fren whose daughter is already 6 months, hair dropping became significant for her when her daughter was 4 months old. But quartzie don’t worry, the hair will grow back.

Sito: wow! Ur baby is really fast! Can crawl at 4 months!!! Really amazing!!!

Rachel: I am intending to send my baby for music and those classes for right brain stimulation too haha. For music, I will send him for piano class when he’s 3-4 years old. I wanted to sign up for the igenius school but my hubby says he don’t believe in such things cos his friend who is a teacher told him that such infant teaching are not proven to have result…sob sob.

Toy rental: http://www.rent-that-toy.com/

Jasline: I just placed an order to rent an exersaucer yesterday. Today delivered liao. U pay cash on delivery, so it is safe. The lady was nice deliver at night for me coz no one home in the day.

Vernie: You rented which exersaucer? Me also intend to rent the exersaucer after the jumperoo. Hehe!!

Jasline: Ya.. the lady very nice one.. pay cash is safe... what toy u order?


Yea I also wanted to let him learn piano but provided he will have interests in it. I want him to learn becoz I like it n don't get the chance to learn it when I was young. Haha. No proven on infant teaching? Har...abit discouraging to hear that. Kekez. Hmmm. But let them learn whatever they can, if not take it as parents n bb bonding, or get the chance to let them interact with other kiddos, meanwhile I also can learn from teachers how to teach my boy in interesting ways....

Haha. I seems to be finding all kinds of excuses to send my bb to those classes.

Rachel: So fast thinking of how to groom your baby ah. I also intend to let my boy learn music...either violin or piano. Hope he got the interest. Must let him listen more music to stimulate him. Don't know when is the best time for them to start learning.

Rachel: Same here!!! I also wanted to learn when I was young but didn't get the chance hahaha. I find that my boy is quite responsive to music so hopefully he will have interested in music when he's older. As for those shichida & igenius classes, I will still send him for those when he's older regardless of what my hubby say kekeke.

Ann: This is Ian looking a bit stunt sitting in the exersaucer for the first time! LOL! He dare not move around but he was amused by the music coming from one of the toy. Tomorrow gotta show him that he can turn around and play with different toys. Think the seat is a little big for him, need to pad the seat with towel tomorrow. I placed myself in the waiting list for the jumperoo. Maybe when u return, i can get it. Hee!


vernie: I am also thinking of getting this toy for my boy. But not sure if he can sit well in the exersaucer or not. When your son sit in it, how's his back? Can he sit straight? Need your feedback. Thanks.

bbbliss: My boy has to lean forward a bit. The Rent-That-Toy lady told me I can place a pillow in front of his chest if the seat is big for him. I didn't put anything in the pic above. Tomorrow will place either a pillow or towel and see.

Vernie: I see. Thanks for the feedback. Will rent 1 to let my boy try. Nowadays my boy wants people to play him. Hope this will keep him entertained.

Hi mommies,

Carter's is having 50% off xmas apparel and I interested to get some bibs & clothes for my baby as I have friend coming back from US. Anyone interested to buy together so that we can get free domestic shipping? http://www.carters.com/carters

If yes, please PM me. I will place order by this Sunday or anytime before once I've got enough items to waive the shipping. The amount to pay would be the price stated in the website x 1.4 for exchange rate. Items should arrive in mid-Nov.

morning mummies !

babycoco: last time go out often with my maltese, so got to look nice ! plus last time other then HB (then BF) and my dogs, free time is still my dogs. hahaha so got lots of time to touch them, brush them, etc.

So tempting to get the rental toys but dont know if my bb wants to play, as she seems kinda lazy to even stretch her hands to grab anything. music also doesnt listen for long, prefers someone to talk to her.

I think my boy is a little slow in some of his developments as compared to many BBs here...hmm..or maybe my boy is a little lazy? hehee.

His hands is still clasp tightly most of the time and then he can hardly grab things on his own, though he only swipe his arms at the playmobile on his rocker.

When put him on the playgym, his hands just rest at his side, he dun wan to move them to touch the stuff on top of the playgym leh...

And I'm wondering cuz everytime when he's lying down on the bed, we'll put the beanie pillow on his chest, will that hinder his ability to learn to flip?

junie: same same with me lor... but i am thinking bb is probably pampered by us. as when bb "negh" we press buttons and pull toys to have music for bb to listen, so inturn they know, i "negh" mummy will get the music on for me. i "negh" again mummy will hug me ! hahaha

Hi mummies.. my bb also havent flip yet~ but since she is eating & sleeping well then let nature take its course.. she dun even clasp her hands together leh. i think maybe her hands too short? haha

jastine: i just started my fernugreek last nite. i hope can increase just like u!

i realize my bb doesnt want to latch on now... used to latch her every nite but now she simply refused and cries if i try to put my boob in her mouth! sad... dunno is it my milk not nice or wad. she still drinks my ebm though. thinking to stop BF after bb starts solids...

rachel, irene, bbliss

maybe should let baby experience as many musical instruments before deciding? Yamaha has this class for kids 3 years onwards, where they are exposed to music and various musical instruments - it’s more play than serious learning. Kindermuzik also has classes for newborns. You’ll never know whether your baby likes learning music or any particular instrument. Some are born musically inclined, some are not. IMO, don’t force your kids to learn to play just because you were deprived of it when young – let them experiment. For all you know, they may want to play the drums, classical guitar (which is very nice), flute or may grow up to be a classical singer. I know coz I took piano lessons when young – not forced but I wanted to when I was 10 when I saw a musical performance in my school. But I stopped at Grade 5 – lazy lor. But hubby was forced by his parents to learn and he completed Grade 8. He grew to love it. He played for his church and has since learned to play by ear. At one stage he wanted to play jazz, which he said is more difficult to master. Hubby’s bro was forced but he dropped out coz the teacher was strict with him and scolded him for not practising – yes, needs to practise/play a lot. So you see, the most important is the child’s interest and passion. I’ll not be forcing my baby but hubby already has plans to let her take music/piano lessons. For all you know, she may turn out not liking music at all! Hahaha!

Oh ya, if your baby grows up to be musically inclined, it can be either really musically-inclined or good at maths – there’s a connection according to studies J

toys rental

I’m also interested to rent one but dunno whether my baby’s interest can be sustained. She has so many toys oredi! Oh, if any mommies looking for nice toys for baby, try Lamaze. Hubby bought this black-white spotted doggie and baby love it to bits. My guess must be the colour combo – babies like black, white, red at this stage, I read.

aiya! dun worry mommies. my baby also not that fast in developing her motor skills. but she excels in the voice dept - she's getting very loud! and also very kaypoh

irene: i wanna buy some carters stuff...PM u later...

mrslong: My boy also not interested to touch the toys at his playgym…only lie there looking at them. The only toys he likes so far is Sophie the Giraffe (he likes to lick it) and the Lamaze elephant (also lick / bite the elephant’s ears until so smelly!). Just intro exersaucer to him…will see how it goes. Now that he knows how to grab things, everything also grab – his hanky when I am feeding him, my hair, my finger, my skin (when he touches my arm, he tries to grab by the skin and it can be painful!), his own pacifier (after that cry coz dunno how to put back into his mouth! *sigh* )

ica, my bb also KPO! she likes to look all over and when adults talk, she looks at the person who is talking as if she understands.. haha! i also realize, if i to pretend to cry, she will pout her lips and wanna cry too!

i tot they only like black, white, red when they are newborn. so i started buying toys with more different colors as she grew. no wonder whenever i change her diapers, she likes to stare at my pillow! it's black and white stripes la..

Think need not worry so much abt flipping etc

My #1 was a big size bb with heavy head..he lifted his head later than his peers, walked later too... but now at almost 3 yrs old.. he is running like his peers le..

My 3.5mth old #2 also not lifting his head much yet.. not flipping yet.. only knows how to turn his body from side to side.. but his knows how to use his feet to switch on/off the musical criblight I attached to the side of his cot..Gave me frights in the nights so many times when I heard music coming from his cot.

mrslong: my boy also not interested in toys. Whenever I put him in his playgym, he will ngek. He only likes to watch tv. I scared he become couch potato next time. Haiz

It's always so much fun to read about the things babies do.

Vernie your bb so cute, take out pacifier then cry cos dunno how to put it back.

Sweetkiss, yr bb also cute, will pout if you pretend to cry.

Lamaze toys - my bb received a lion lamaze toy as a gift. I thought it was quite ugly but she really loves it. How much do they sell these toys? Thinking of getting some more for her.


ya lor, i thot only at NB stage nia but when she started looking at my black ceiling lights, i remember about this. and she'll smile at the lights. same thing happens when i'm feeding her in the room. she'll look up at the lamps and smile coz they're white


my baby likes to lick her toy doggie's nose! i'll shrieked "eeee! dirty" and she'll just smile sheepishly.

oh, another thing my baby likes is animal sounds. once i make the sounds of dogs barking - various eg. woof, yap-yap, arroof and she kept laughing but i quickly stopped coz that interrupted her feeding. lol

ica : i was talking to my bb when feeding some days ago and bb keep smiling too, then i realise i am not suppose to do that when feeding as bb might get excited and get choke with her milk. -.-lll (just too carried away talking to bb)


wow! your boy can use his feet to turn off the switch! amazing man!


hubby bought the lamaze doggie when he was in UK during his trip and it cost GBP8. i see in BP, lamaze toy selling for only $12 but no doggie. i showed him - see, it's cheaper here. there's one mermaid which is very cute but hubby bought another lamaze doll instead (doll's name is Kelly) and baby also likes it, keeps swiping at it. there's also a book, those touchy-feeling zap on kind, about the farm animals. baby also like that

Ica, ya I saw that bp too, but a bit worried about the quality. I was offered wholesale lots of Lamaze by a China supplier, but after thinking about it, decided not to take it because the toys might be defective. Anybody bought from the bp before?

Hi mommies,

Due to overwhelming response, I am closing the order for Carters. Phy, vernie & bbliss, please PM me your orders today.


Irene: PM-ed you already. Thanks!

ica, sweetkiss: My bb also very kaypoh. Likes to look all over and listen to adults’ conversation. He is a boy, also so kaypoh! Both yours are gals. Haha…

babycoco: I bought the Lamaze elephant from Motherworks Great World City for $19.90 (same range as the Lion). More expensive than BP but like what you said, not sure about the source and quality if buy from BP.

music class: I also plan to intro my boy to music classes but won’t force him. Hopefully he will be interested. I was in a way “forced” to learn the piano when I was young. Really hated the exams part but also glad that my mum forced me to go for lessons coz I can play songs that I like for leisure. So, it really depends, “forcing” can end up positive – I picked up a skill. In any case, one really needs a lot of practice to be good. I am so rusty now that I can’t even play a song decently. I just hope I won’t “forget” how to play.

Vernie: Haha!! So cute. Yup.. will inform you when I return it.

Music: My MIL seems to wan bb to play piano.. actually all her 3 kids, she also send for piano lesson but only the youngest one master the skill.. eventhough my hubby learn till 8th grade, but I think his skill still KNS.. haha!! My MIL wanna send the piano (at her house) to our house when she is doing reno.. told her not to cos our house no space and moreover what if bb dun like piano but like rock music.. then might be just a white elephant at my house. Haha!!

Development of bb: Like what Sweetkiss mentioned, they will do the flipping, crawling, etc when they are ready. As long as feeding well, nothing to worry about.

Jasline: Oh.. that's the one which i wanted to rent.. think they have more than 1 set ba since it is still available. Let me know if it is fun for your bb.

Toys: I think my boy like something which can allow him to be active.. he doesn't really like those toys that he just sit and play with.. the next activity he like is watch tv lo.. i realise when i on tv and let him play with his jumperoo, he will not watch tv. Hehe!!


Totally agree with you regarding learning of muscial instrustment. Me too started piano late and stopped at grade 6. I also agreed that piano lessons helps in my math too. My math in primary school sucks big time but in secondary school, its quite ok.

Lamaze toys,

Skyler love lamaze toys too. Particularly the Lamaze inchworm. Sometimes he uses it as a bolster to sleep too.

My boy also lazy to grab things. Sometimes when i put a toy on his hand, he would retract his hand! Lol..



Ya, imagine hubby n I jumped out of bed upon hearing the music..

Last night I switched off the mobile.. But the little one still woke up ard 5am to kick the on/off button of the musical criblight... startled me out of my sweet dreams haha

Toys, to buy or rent

I think it is up to individuals bah. I like the idea of renting. However, if u wanna have more than 1 kid and ur kids are not going to be in infant care/childcare, then it is impt to have toys at home to keep them occupied.. rather than having them watch too much TV programmes.

My elder son only attends daily 2 hour playgroup. And the rest of day he is at home. I let him roam ard the house and play with the toys he has..Some toys I keep in his wardrobe and only take out once a while to let him play, some toys I just leave ard the play area so that he can help himself to them.

In the past when he was still young, I set up different stations for him, the exercise area, the reading corner, the music corner, the art and craft corner.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm getting a 2nd hand fp rainforest jumperoo for my #2...coz he will probably use it for a good few months.. till he reaches 12kg,the weight limit.

