(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Junie, my PIL are going to china in early Nov like 8 - 11 days so i need to take care of Keila. i do not really like to take leave to stay home... i was thinking if I should join them for the china tour but its kinda of long though... my girlfriend and I were thinking of going somewhere too (maybe seoul) with keila without hubby...but still initial discussion phase only so let me know if any of you are keen...



i think on that day after the party HP guys will go flat just clearing up after the kids..really can imagine the kids running and chasing each other and snatching TOYs....

Eliss>> Thanks for the info. but I doubt my HB & ILs allow me to bring Isaias overseas on my own lor...

Anyhow, I'm trying to plan a trip either with just my HB or together with Isaias, hopefully, with my limited leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn: Sorry about the Bday Bash... I can't attend last minute due to an exam that morning i am taking... I give up my slot to the next mummy.


I bought a Care Bear Tee (from New Urban Male) for myself at the Robinson's Expo sale recently, hehee.

Will wear that at the BD bash.

I bought a Care Bear Tee (from New Urban Male) for myself at the Robinson's Expo sale recently, hehee.

Will wear that at the BD bash.

Anybody planning a playdate next weekend? Hubby is going out of town again for a few weeks.

Wonder what activity to plan for Isaias for

the weekends that the HB is not around.

dear all, tigger_mum (Veron), together with her son Ryan and her hubby will be replacing Diana's family for the bash. Diana, I have transferred the refund to your bank account already =)

Junie - go HP la...

tomorrow I am going to bring Keila to Bare Your Soles Charity walk together with hubby and PIL la... they still accept walk in registration... if you mummies are keen... register before 8am. Venue Gardens by the Bay East (Rhu Cross). Registration fee applies

Planning to go HP this Sun with the HB.

Tmrw hv plans liao lor.

He'll be away for the next 2 weekends.

So only next weekends no plans le.

Any mummies keen to check out Pirates of the lost wonders at sentosa on 24 june (sun) morning?

We are bringing Isaias there that day.

Junie: I always wanted to bring Kayden to POLW but his cough is not getting any better. Hai.. if he does recover, I really don't mind going.

Ann: hopefully by 24th June, Kayden would have recovered.

So far Chelsea is ok too.

Am thinking of going there @ abt 10.30am.

Junie - I am keen to join too on 24 June. Will you mummies be getting wet to watch over the kids at the water play area? Or your hubs will be doing it?

Actually POLW = Port of Lost Wonders. Not Pirates. Just brought Skyler there last Fri and he totally love it! Also must try the Lava Choco Cake at Port Belly. Super yummy!

suntan: Ya, I realised that after I posted the msg, haha!

vernie: I should be joining in Isaias & my HB to play in the water play area if permits (depending on my "da-yi-ma", haha).

I intend to eat at Port Belly for lunch after the play.

junie: haha..ok...me heavily preggie, so will just sit by the side and watch...anyone not planning to get wet, come join me at the side... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so tempted to go loh..but most prob hubby working n need to go so far..=.=!! bring tt lazi bum go sure have to carry him alot..

i go bck ask hub then confirm again...

Vernie, they have kids meal at Port Belly. Their fries are unsalted, so its good for the kids. skyler love their macaroni. Their chicken wings also not bad.

Isaias loves french fries.

He had his first taste of french fries only about 3 weeks ago from MacDonald's and he loves it.

Would be good to have unsalted and less oily french fries for Isaias to enjoy.

Is the food prices @ PB reasonable?

does anyone have recommendations for a good school bag for tods? apparently, there is a market for fake skip hop bags (homigawd!) and well, since my daughter went all crayon-creative with her skiphop ladybug, i thought maybe i should get her a new one.

any recommendations?

nice...french fries..i have a snacker at home...always stealing potato chips while his dad is sleeping..

n he love junk food..

go hm "po loh soh" his daddy..^^..

i saw online the food like very delicious..

The pricing is ok. Their kids meal goes by side dish, main course and dessert. So you can choose your choice of the side dish, main course and desserts. I tried a few combination before and Skyler's fav is the fries, macaroni and ice cream.

POLW outing

Date: 24 June (Sun)

Time: 10.30am

Venue: POLW Sentosa

1. mrslong

2. Chelz

3. Ann (TBC)

4. babycoco

5. MrsC

6. AK

POLW outing

Date: 24 June (Sun)

Time: 10.30am

Venue: POLW Sentosa

1. mrslong

2. Chelz

3. Ann (TBC)

4. babycoco

5. MrsC

6. AK

7. Lasery2k

POLW outing

Date: 24 June (Sun)

Time: 10.30am

Venue: POLW Sentosa

1. mrslong

2. Chelz

3. Ann (TBC)

4. babycoco

5. MrsC

6. AK

7. Lasery2k

8. ecym (TBC)

thanks mrs long.

was wondering if there are any other mummy bloggers in the midst. if you are not one now, maybe you should be cos you ladies sure do have some wonderful ideas!

POLW outing

Date: 24 June (Sun)

Time: 10.30am

Venue: POLW Sentosa

1. mrslong

2. Chelz

3. Ann (TBC)

4. babycoco

5. MrsC

6. AK

7. ecym (TBC)

can't go liao..the little 1 got chicken pox..haiz.n the best part is he pass to the maid also...=.=!!

Oh dear. Hope Luke recovers soon.

Where did he get it from?

Isaias has not has his chicken pox jab. HB aid no need le if the jab is not permanent. As in, jab already may still hv chicken pox.

totally gt no idea xia junie...the monday he went to get the MMR + chicken pox jab..then this week got it...i guess must be the virus in the jab bah..

ltr gonna bring the both of them go see doc...can see gt abour 20 - 30 of the red spots on him...hope it won't grow anymore...

we go GP jab for all his vaccine..

just came bk from the doc. he say is those fake chicken pox...develop after vaccine those kind..not the full blown de..

will go off after like 1-2weeks...heng nt full blown kind..if not i will faint.

