(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Go to CC/PG has its pros & cons. I am glad we let Isaias attends daily PG for 2hrs.

Else at my ILs plc, he will be exposed to the TV every moment of his waking hr!


anyone tried Freesia Balloons? they have Mylar Balloon bouquet for $20 (normal $30) self collect.

i am also organising didi birthday now so sourcing balloons, bouncy castle and facepainting too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pea, vernie n DQ: tks for the info!

Vernie: I'm using freestyle for both no.1 n 2. N I swear by it! Must have !!!

DQ: congrats!!!! Welcome to the mother of 2 club, it's going to be an exciting experience! Hee Hee!

I now pump 4 times a day lor... But it's wierd cos no matter how I arrange the time, it will either clash with meal times or my sleep time. Cos it's either 6am 12 noon 6 pm n 12 mn or 5am (yawn) 11 am 5 pm n 11 pm.

#2: frankly I have mixed feelings about no.2 now that she's out. I feel that my hubby treats us differently compare to no.1. I am sure it's not cos 'Zhong nan Qing nu', I think it's more cos the excitement is gone, n probably I have a good helper thus he quite hack care about a lot of things n I feel v sad sometimes. I would think maybe having 1 is enough. Not sure if it's cos I'm expecting a lot from him? Also i think their age gap is very close n K is at an age where he needs constant attention least he jumps n knock onto something. It's really quite tiring taking care of a toddler going thru terrible 2 and a new born. But nevertheless I they are all my sweetheart and are the ones keeping me going. : )

Talking: mummies who have sent their kids to cc, does it really help to encourage the kids to talk?

Morning mummies.

How was Mother's Day for you yesterday? It is like a same old Sunday for me. Working as hard as any other Sunday. Now I know why my mum say mother's day is like any other day. Haha!!!

Hope this week will be a good week for all.

Kepsis: After Kayden went to cc, everyone notice alot of difference in him. He is more socialable and more talkative. Sometime too talkative till I wanna faint. Haha!!

Kepsis: I think it is great to have children of close age gap. Now you will be very tired and xin ku, but after that, you can sit back and enjoy them tog. My frd has a 3 and 4 year old children (both boys and closed shop liao), actually, by this age, she is really very happy and not that tired anymore. So Jia you!

Agree with Ann, I think going to cc helps in speech development too. The downside of going to cc is the usual illnesses- the major worry for us. My son was bitten once by a child in the cc, teacher said cannot tell me who is the child..very heart-pain, but have to bear with it. I keep telling myself he will do better in cc than being at home, or being looked after by PILs or Parents, anyway, they cannot help too. Kepsis, maybe if you are worry, you can try out half-day cc for your child first, if there is anyone looking after your child.

Mother's day is the same. DO and DO. haha! No rest leh!

kepsis: my bb has been in school since 3 mths old till now ... (infant care to now toddler class) kids in sch are very independent and more vocal indeed... my bb made me sing songs to her on the mrt/bus ride... and i become so popular with the regular bus passengers and drivers. hahaha! becos i have to sing with her and with actions! omg!

and all these PILs & Parents of ours cant help much.


*wave*...i had same issues with tt...luke will make me sing n action with him on the songs too...he's expose to too much barney liao...then most of the songs got action de..

eg..Mr. Sun, wheels on the bus..the green grass grows all around, itsy bitsy spider, lu bi lu song....

n most of the time end up we had a tonnes of adults peeping into my phone screen and us being the entertainment on bus/ mrt.

many a times when he start swipping at my phone and poking to a video which he wants...many heads will start turning n look at him...=.=!!

mother's day : erm...went shopping with hb and his friend..hahaha

really admit defeat in shopping compare to the 2 guys..they are really shopping king..

Lasery: no LIKE button lei ~! wahahaa! now i make a point to my gal ... no hp viewing video during meals/bus/mrt rides. only can view them at home after meals as part of her play time, so she either choose to play her toys/ride on/ipad/lego/dolls/ball games/slides basically her play time is her options...no restrictions to playing anything! include everyone at home playing hide n seek/crawl crawl/sing songs with her. hahaha!

Shoppin~! lolx my hubby prefers shopping himself and so am I... becos shopping with each other will always happens the same way - we tell each other "this one not worth it lar! Online cheaper!" wahahaha!


hahaha...ya i will tell him tt also.."he will really ar"...okie okie we go hm check..we went robinson sale yesterday at expo..

got some flashcards and clearance toys for the boys (mine & my sister's son)

then they bought shoes, under garment, bolster & pillows !!!..

the damage of things for myself = 0..

phone: mine will go dig my bag for the phone..if not he will tell me..mama, phone pls..

sometimes when go out he will volunteer to carry my bag...after he feels heavy, he will put the bag dwn n dig for my phone then 1 hand lift my bag n tell me." mama, take...nah"

relationship with daddy,

any tods here nt so gd in relationship with their daddy? just simply refuse to greet him or even acknowledge his existance? only accept him when he need things..

Lasery: Hahahah! Mine very good relationship with his papa, always asking "papa leh?"

I also love shopping for my boy...sometimes forget to shop for myself too! Then I have to buy some working clothes cos I put on weight after giving birth and most of the skirts I cannot wear liao!

Lasery: u have to teach ur Prince not to dig ur bag so openly... becos when older i always have this worry of my kiddo actually wanted to take only her toys or my hp out then push or pull my PADS/cosmetic/or maybe something shouldn't be out ! then i would be omg lor ! Plus i also dun like my kiddo nvr ask me then go directly to my bag to take anything... when older i worry when i slping or not around kiddo become habit turn stealing... since already used to just take from mummy bag mah...

my gal is having very good r/s with her daddy... doesnt need any sweet talk or need things then daddy... but lately my hubby also learning how to discipline her when she not suppose to do something eg. when her daddy call for her, she only turn her head to look at daddy, which my hubby prefers n wants her to acknowledge by answering then just looking at him. so he will call her again then ask her to repeat after him "yes daddy, what can I help you?" or just a simple "yes, daddy"


haiz...all my jeans cannot wear loh..then i had to give to my MIL..clothes i gave some to my maid..but recently she also put on alot of weight then the clothes send bk to philipines.


already experiece tt liao loh..but heng happen at home..he was curious what's inside my working bag and start flipping everything out when i was bathing...

n he took a pad (neon pink packaging) n start running around the hse..=.=

now i will keep my pads in a small comestic bag or those cute cute HP pouch. even when he dig it out still gt another layer of protection.

the only things he will aim inside my bag is my wallet n HP..i really pity my wallet..when he was younger he will chew on it (teething) or start taking out all the cards inside n puting them back as toys..

my son n his daddy like 2 curse star...

eg, daddy will call him to hug hug / wanna kiss him..he will push daddy awy n get angry...or at nite when saying gd nite ..he will just walk to his daddy n say nite nite..then walk into the rm. whereas every 1 else got hugs n kisses..

another case is he just refuse to let his daddy touch mummy...n daddy just love to disturb him with tt..

lasery: I see mine really can play rough with his dad. Riding on his back, or after bathing, they will have the standard tickle routine.

The wallet thing. Dunno why they like our wallets so much. Think they like to play with the cards in the wallet. Kenji likes to pull out the cards and do the "beep" sound. Cos he saw me do that on MRT and bus.

Then recently, I taught my boy to say branded names like "LV", "Gucci", "Prada", "Miu Miu", etc cos he was playing with my wallet. I ask him to buy for me next time! Muaahahah!

Charlie: my gal also ask for "kart kart" then "tee tee" lolx... but for sometime going ready .. she has been the one scanning the card for me when boarding n alighting the bus or mrt... hahaha!

alot ppl so amused by her actions most times...grandma usually will say "ai yo so clever ah"

my gal have no access to my wallet ... even if i ask her to help me bring my wallet she will walk to my bag n call me if the bag is correct before she put her hands in to find my wallet... but maybe i dont like (even my hubby) to touch my things in my bag w/o asking me. if he have to put/take from my bag he will bring my bag to me then drop inside my bag then put my bag away again. or when i m aslp, he will just put it on the table n left me a text msg to let me know there's something left on table for me.

if i have something for my hubby i will text him or i put it at his wallet or use his watch to "giap" the paper/card.

My boy also has good r/ship with papa. Can really play rough and treat papa like a rocking horse. When papa is away on biz trip and Facetime him on Ipad, he will entertain papa. If the grandparents Facetime him, he will press the "end" button and go watch his Youtube videos! LOL!

Mine also love to play with wallets. I think they find it fun taking the cards and notes out and putting them back. So I bought him his own wallet, put 2 pieces of $2 note and some expired cards & used tickets in it for him to play! ;)


Mine one very close to her papa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She used to hold our hand while drinking her milk.

But once her papa comes into the room, she ll quickly let go my hand and ask her papa to hold her hand..

Got 1 time 3 of us playing in her playroom. Then her papa said he was going out to make her a bottle of milk. Then she quickly hold my hubby and said "papa sit, mama go go" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So sad!! I just like her spare tyre when daddy not around!!! sob sob..


aiyo...tt's happening to me at home...but opp...he will ask papa go...coz usually i m the 1 who take him to bed..if i m around at home..he don't even want the maid to take him for nap n bedtime..

super glue to the max.

vernie, gosh..he sure knoes how to choose.


same...when we go out he will say "go gaigai..."then when we walking to the bustop he will go "take bus take bus..."once we reach the bustop..he will ask for the card...so like beannie..he will tap for me while i carry him up the bus.


hahahaha....u teach him all the branded brands...OMG..hahaha...yes yes tell him to buy u the items..must be xiao shun to mama..


Then you must be very proud loh!!

You know stimes i really get jealous when i see them wor ..

haha, so whenever my hubby discipline my girl hoh, i ll try to say "see papa angry loh, mama sayang" ..:p

although this is wrong way to educate, but i just hope she ll get closer with me lol :p


nt very gd...too sticky liao...

he can hit his daddy just because papa hold mama hand..if not his daddy will disturb him n touch purposely touch my face..n he will scream all over n use his little hand n cover tt part of my face where daddy touch...(daddy way of bao chou in using the son to hit mi indirectly)..coz luke will piak on my face to cover it.

nowadays i will ask papa to bring him go class (create more time for them)..i m pushing my boy to him..hahaha

the week be4 papa bring him go class n i wave gd bye to him...he went to sch very reluctantly with papa holding his hand but the mouth still keep repeating...mama go, mama go sch...

was thinking puting him on independent class next term but like tt how to put..hahaha

we have a case of mummy's boy n daddy's girl ...

we shld really find 1 day n take leave together then bring them go out play...really miss those time where they were little n we just kiap n bring them out..while we chit chat n drink coffee/tea.

kiap? what a funny word!!

I see my boy like no preference over his dad or me leh. Haha.

Yeah, lasery, rem those times when I met you and Luke for playdate at Royce, when they were still crawling and could not walk properly yet! Now they are all over the place!

when they were like 1-3mths, very small mah..1 hand can carry liao...hahaha

ya...few weeks bk i brought luke n my sis's son to HP...2 hrs play...the 2 kids so happy run here run there..where as the 2 adults shack until just seat at 1 corner n look at them..no strength..

hey gals!! thxthx!!

actually i've decided to close shop even before i found out bb gender.

reason: i dun tink i can handle more than 2 kids w juz a pair of hands.

as my husby cld b wkg on shift wk, i dun tink i can handle so many without helper at home. hence the decision.

now #2 is gal, looks like i needa spend more monie on her! i tot can save monie if #2 is boy, then can wear howie's clothes. altho all quite kiamchye by now!

howie n papa r v close. w papa ard, he dun wan anyone else. always goes.. 'paPA!!'

only time when he prefers me over daddy is slpg time. then he'll go 'maMA!!'

strange way of him calling us. he always empathize on the second syllable like poPO, yeYE, naiNAI. lol!!

kepsis: i tink perhaps like wat u mentioned, having #2 already not as 'exciting' as having #1 for our husbies. my husby used to talk to my tummy more, as compared to this bb.

but then again.... i also lah...

sometimes nva talk to bb. unlike last time howie i everyday chitchat w him!

perhaps now ive more thgs to handle bah.. unlike in the past, too free can 自编自导自演! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charlie: m on my way to teach my gal to behave when she is out with me shopping/dining with my frds/family etc. because I want her to eat herself slowly while i can eat/drink/chat with someone else. and shopping trips, she have to let me view my shops/items and i will bring her to see her things as well. (but for now i keep all my viewings n shopping short n sweet n updates her on my viewings, letting her know that she can have her viewings and playing when i am done with mine... take turns mah... not everything is her viewings or my viewings.

last monday i on leave n brought her to parkway walk walk, i purposely walk into toy store and see how she reacted, and surprisingly she didnt ask me to buy her any toys but she did ask me to bring her over to touch n see a toy doll (i didnt get for her becos she say "不要")


DQ...gratz^^....nice nice #2 is a girl...really can close shop liao..i still comtemplating if i want a #2..=X..自编自导自演 ...so cute..

does any tods here speak with a werid slag? mine does..duno where he learn tt from also..no 1 at home speak with tt kind of slag...

n his chinese is =.=!!

mummies: any bb gal here worn tutu dress/skirts before? is it pricky to skin? or is there another layer within to prevent the tulle to prick/brush against bb skin?

i wanted to buy but worry might prick n itch my gal's skin... but the tutu dress/skirt so pretty!

DQ: ha ha ya come to think of it it's true, I also talk less to my gal initially, till I felt so bad one day... So now I paid more attention to her. N ya with a toddler running ard no joke man!

Kayden has preferences depending on what he wants, like if go 'gai gai' he will look for pa pa, if wanna eat fruits he will look for me, n all other things like milk n porridge he will look for my helper.

Terrible two birthday bash: Are we doing gift exchange this time round??

Preference of parents: I think should be me more ba but now he will also start to stick to papa for play and read storybook. Other than that, he still prefer me to do it. Cause of hubby's back problem, I am the one who normally have to play rough with him, become horse for him to ride around. Haha!!

Kayden also like to play with my wallet and hp. He likes my wallet because now he knows inside got money and money can gets him things that he wanted. When he sees me keeping money in my wallet, he will stretched out his hand and say "Qian Qian". Sometime I will give, most of the time, I will not. But at home when he see coins lying around, he will pick it up and run to his piggy bank and insert the money in. Haha!!

I taught him something which I found super useful. Everytime I ask him "Who pay money?", his reply will be "Papa". Hubby tried to teach him to say Mama but so far still unsuccessful. Haha!!

I think my boy is more sticky & "yang or" when it comes to me.

But when it comes to play time for iphone or ipad, he will always go to papa and says "papa, ipad" or "papa, phone pls". haha.

I m fine with Present Exchange for Bday Bash~! Just like last year!

I saw 2 designs looks simple and have some simple patterns on the sides or the collar area.

but boys are probably restricted to maybe 1-2 designs only.

woa ann...tt's a good 1...i also teaching luke tt...everytime he wants to get things..i will tell him..u go ask papa buy..

yesterday he drama again....when he was bathing half way n i came hm...he stretch his hand n wana walk out the bathe room...keep screaming mama, mama, mama, mama...

i replied him okie..mama come home le...u bathe n wear diaper then we play okie...once i finish my sentence only..his tears start pouring ma chiam like i dump him off like tt..

bua tahan him super drama..

Morning mummies,

Any of yr kids doesn't play with other kids?

My boy seems to only like to play with adults or by himself when there are other kids around.

When we hv playdates, he will usually play by himself or always go & get the adults to play with him.

Even the teacher in his PG says he doesn't really mix with the other kids, and his temper is no good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Junie: maybe he doesnt feel secure playing with other kiddos... slowly introduce with 1-2 kiddo at a time. And bring him to sit along and get your kiddo to past a toy to the other kiddo etc.

maybe you want to attend GYM lessons like Michelle's Shanelle & my Claire, during the class, kiddo are given time to interact with other kiddo with adult supervision... Pretty healthy n safe activity.

if you are interested you can PM me to find out more.


erm..so far luke don't have such issues..agree with beannie, you might wanna try with just 1 tod at a time then slowly build a friendship for them...

playground and group play areas are good places for children to interact with each other.


M prefers to play with older kids. he only play with those classmates born in early 2010...

teachers said some kids are like that.

He still scared of strangers even though he already attended 1/2 day class for 3 months.

Even go playground play and there are other kids, he will just look at them or try to avoid them.

Xbeaniex: MYGYM is more on motor skills like climbing, exercise, etc right?

Junie: Beary Gym caters gym classes to motor skills as well... like climbing up slope/stairs/holding bars to walk/walking on planks/jumping etc... there's also "quiet" activities like craft working with their fingers by tearing up papers (strengthen their fingers/hands) and bubble sessions to stimulates their focus at bursting bubbles with their ways(grab/poke/step/stretch to burst bubbles etc.)

There's also interesting story telling sessions to allow kiddo to interact with each other kiddo like passing the toy in their hand to another n to exchange their choosen toy with someone else.

kiddo's wrong actions can be corrected n praised/rewarded after that.

there will also be 2 "teachers" with about 10 kids in a class per 90 min. sessions.

my gal actually like the lessons alot but it's my time management lousy thus presently stopping for a while but after settle my new unit would actually arranged for her to rtn to class.

any mummies considering putting your kid in PCF for nursery? my neighbour and a random parent i met told me that the PCF at my blk downstairs is good. personally i've nv considered PCF before due to the feedbacks i heard from a friend working there. but on further research i realize the one at my blk is a premium centre and the fees are higher. anyone knows what's the diff between the curriculum for premium and non premium?


i didn't know PCF also gt premium and non premium de leh....*.*


the curriculum same as the school which luke's attending now..


maybe wanna try holding his hand n guide him along like saying hi to a friend, or shaking a friend hand...then slowly open him up for child interaction?

different child gt differnt way of doing their interation...they chooses their friends too..but at least u know he's interacting regardless to adult or same age tods. ^^

PCF: A primary school teacher friend of mine commented to me last week that never put your son in the PCF. I ask her why. She say after teaching for so long.. you can really see the difference in those P1 students who attended PCF and those who attended other pre schools. Did PCF standard really drop that much?

my boy is very interactive & responsive but only to adults, but ya, maybe we shld teach him to shake hands with other tots, to help him be more receptive to playing with them.

Tks all for yr encouragements.

Charliebrown: yes, that's exactly the centre where my blk is at. The registration is nxt week so I was checking out the school.

Ann: I was told the same thing too. I also came across the mummy's blog posted by Charliebrown when researching I was quite impressed by what they learnt. Her child is in the same centre which was the premium one. So don't know gd or not.



Maybe you can consider to put your girl in PCF nursery for 1, After she turns to N2 or K1, can switch to other better kindergarten.

Just a feedback from my friend. Her son was in PCF kindergarten since N1 to N2. After that she switched him to other kindergarten when he turned to K1 but the teacher complaint that her son writing is very poor because he never learnt writing skill during N1 in PCF.

