(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Re raycop

Gave up trying to reply on fb. iPhone kept hanging.

Ok, most of u hv seen the fb post ya? So price is $100 off from retail $398 if we gather 10 sets. But those who wish to wait for tangs citibank cards closed door sale may hv the same price.

We will hv to send The sets to one mummy house- central

location better. Then we collect there.

For those who are interested in raycop, here's more info: http://www.raycop.co.

Would u all want to order or go tangs to buy?


The haze is really horrible. My throat is sooo itchy now.

Amoroux, have emailed u. Hopefully the haze will b better tmr. I want to go shopping!!

Thanks cherish.. Can call in or must q there??

Cath I heard frm my colleagues he's gd.. But q is vv long.. Must q to get no? Sigh my bb just vomited again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zinc, i never been to that clinic before but saw some mummies recommend this pd in other websites. The one i went is in rivervale mall (as besides my mum plc) but it closed today. q is also super long. i think most children clinics hv long waiting time. if want to play safe, u may want to go to the one cath recommend?

Zinc- My son c e pd at Paediatric Centre at Rivervale Plaza. No callin of appt. Dr Zainal is a vr nice , patient doc. My boy lyks him alot.If I'm nt mistaken they open tonight. E other 1 Cherish goes is kidsclinic at Rivervale Mall bt den q vr long n u haf to go n q for q no.

Re: Air purifier

I'm using e 1 from Novita bt honestly i dun find any difference leh. My bought 2yrs back.

zinc, mine also dr lim. ya, horrible q. saw jolene reply, can go to the pd at rivervale plaza. go see pd and hope ur bb will be better after that.

PD recommendation

My kids are seeing Dr Appan for their allergies, respiratory problems as well as eczema. She is really patient and thorough and very assuring.

Dr Appan

The Children's Medical Centre

Blk 508 Bishan St 11 #01-386 s570508

Tel 6353 8050

Re Air purifier

I'm also using one from novita.. Need to use e essential oil to make room smell gd!!


Did u take e stop bf-ing pills? Gd?

Elise, mao tun is the word. But I hv decided on my plan and it should work if I bring it up to my boss near Xmas period. Just thinking abt my plan makes me happy already.


I kaypoh. What's your plan???


I'm planning to go to T3 tmr. Bring my #1 there to play and kill a couple of hours. Also wanna do some shopping there since it's gstX2 free till the end of Oct. Give me a holler if you girls decide to go there for lunch. I'll pm you my number. I should be there at about 1p.


nv take. but i bought it le. very expensive =(

2 small pills for 2days dosage , each time half pill cost nearly $50 ._________-


im ok wif ur order. Tangs oso can so long as mummies wif Tangs offer can help to get.

Sheryl, y your pill so ex? I bought from Kk is 2 pills for 30plus and the pills need to break it into 2. Half in morning and half at night for 2 days.

mummies, u all saw the news just now or not? Graco is recalling back some strollers from the year 2006 leh. u all stay tuned for the 10.30 news.

See below for the news.


Trisha Mummy, i also have a Raycorp at home, but i also do not know leh, whether got spare parts or not. i will email and see whether they reply me or not.

Sales exclusive distributor

Service centre information

Vax Appliances

6Tagore Drive

#03-04 Tagore Building

Singapore 787623

Tel) +65 6455 0005 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +65 6455 0005      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Fax) +65 6455 4010

Email) [email protected]

Jenn I'll use my annual leave plus childcare leave to take every Wednesday off. On weeks that have a public holiday I won't take Wednesday off. There are quite a few Friday holidays next year. I'll also keep some days for block leave to go holiday if needed. I think in total maybe I need to beg for another ten extra unpaid leave days so my plan shd work out fine. There will be certain weeks which will be busy and I can't take off anyway. My total leave entitlement is 36 days a year.


Your benefits are too good. You should not leave your job. And if there are any lobang at your workplace, pls let me know. I can do ANYTHING! And willing to do ANYTHING! ;)


Are there side effects to taking the pills? Take two enuff alr ar? So fast??

Haha I read e graco news and it seems that besides car recalls, stroller recalls are kicking in too! Wads w e manufactuers these days?!?


I bought frm unity pharmamcy w gp memo


Ya. Enuf. Shld stop within 4days or so. E medi nw sittin on my table


Ware gt gst free shoppin?

Bb fair

Gt change of plans.. Tml aft vaccine muz bring bb Hm den go expo all thx to e haze.. Mil forbid bb to be out so long! Thank god too


Anywhere in the airport! You get back 2 x the gst of your shopping. Want to go and buy my bird nest from eu Yan sang there. Hee.. hee...

Ok I think we wait a while more for tangs to go sale n see how. If tangs sale is not as good then we order direct Fr supplier. Haha yesterday I was bugging him to give $238, he die die don give. In fact I also think $298 is pretty good price. I personally don like the new model cos it's bulky.

I'll ask him the question on spare parts n if can clean soft

toys ok?

Psi is real bad. I just brought bb back Fr some light shopping. Aiyo. Wanted to buy exersaucer n first few years' swing. Somehow I'm just into swings. Since I'm closing shop, felt that I din give my both kids sit in swing like missing out something like that. Cos when I was single, I love to get those baby swing as presents for bb shower. Then when my bb time, no swing , very sad. But the swing is $119. Hubby asked me to think abt it. If really want, go back n buy other days.


Since closing shop le why don't you just rent? Will encourage you to buy if you are planning for #3. these swings can't last long. Think max is 11kg only leh. Buy the auto car instead. That one can last longer and both boys can play. Just my opinion lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, you received the Robinsons voucher yet?

Cath, how abt bargaining for more freebies?

Mummies, my SS also dropped leh. Pump n pump only collect a little bit nia. Nn soft soft whole day, let down only after abt 30 mins of pumping. I think the medication is affecting my ss. No wonder bb so pek cek during initial latching. Cannot imagine if I had to give fbm for two weeks, ss sure drop like siao.

Amoroux, I will give tmr a miss. Cheek still swollen n dunno y always feel tired. Help me check out exersaucer deal can?

Rabbit, I manage to fix the bumbo play tray but my bb likes to sweep the tray clean with his hands. Wadever toys I put on the tray will end up on the floor in seconds. He will attempt to pick his toys up but his hand not long enuf. So funny!!

Xiao xiin, maybe u strike lottery again?!

Elise my annual leave is 24 days, childcare leave is 6 paid and 6 unpaid days as per labour law, so total 36.

xiao xiin

thanks for explaination on humid/dehumidifier!!

Does anyone knows where can we get Maclaren or Combi stroller? and which one is good?

i think KP don't sell Maclaren right?

Xiao xiin

Ya that s what I did. Asked for free filter. He said 298 is the lowest he can go to.


Ya got the voucher yesterday! That's why super tempted to start the killing. Haha. Hmmm. Was actually thinking if don wan le can still sell abt half price but rent wise 1-2 months is already more than half the price. Now trying to see got 2nd hand or not.

I thought today haze is worse than yesterday....can smell the "burning smell" early at 6am...now thinking if I shd proceed to the expo later in the afternoon...Sigh..

Haze Haze goes away..dun spoil my "shopping day"..

Tywong, not possible. Haven't done it. Too dry. Wahaha!! I'm so tired that I can sleep through bb's ngeks. Bb then give up n sleep on his tummy.

The chao da smell is strong!

Rabbit, so u really bot it for $39.90? Me so naive, thot I can use the tray to let my boy feed himself. I put his magmag on the tray then he swept it onto the floor. Luckily it's no spill.

xiao_xiin, no wor.. i got it at $49.90. still consider cheap. because i check online, all selling at $60 plus and above..

haiz.. yesterday nite i broke down.. angry seeing baby and myself. my baby refuse to finish her milk. only drink 70ml. i very tired of all these fuss. i think maybe nuk teat probably not working. although, during the day, bb finished up all her milk peacefully and 1 hr before i was giving her some water, she still take it without fuss.

maybe because i also didnt slept well last few days as bb keep waking up. mood is bad enough. then yesterday bb slept all the way till 4am. i finally have a good straight 5 hrs sleep.

Morning Mommies

A mommy girlfriend sent this to me. Apparently this poem is written by a kindergarten aged girl to her own mommy. Wanted to share with you. Enjoy!

Take Time 

Take time to hold me on your lap, to joke with me and make me laugh.

Take time mommy, this time will go so  fast.

Take time to give me extra hugs, to teach me a nursery rhyme and song.

Take time mommy, I won't be little long.

Take time to tuck me into bed, to read that story you know by heart.

Take time mommy, soom these days will part.

Take time to exclaim over what I color, to admire the things I make from clay.

Take time mommy, I'm growing up and away.

Take time to imagine or make believe, to play some childish or silly game.

Take time mommy, soon it won't be the same.

Take time to let me help you work, to teach me the many things you know.

Take time mommy, enjoy me as I grow.

Rabbit, dont get angry with yourself or bb. if get frustrated, ask ur hubby to take over while u go cool down.

my bb also gave me hard time last nite. see him already sleepy, kept running his eyes but he just didnt want to zzz. made me so angry that i threw him to hubby. hubby tried to settle him but failed. i took over after cooling down. bb finally slept aft 2hrs struggling with us. my hubby still can tell me 'look, he's soo cute when sounds asleep' i was like =.='''


you coming to t3 for lunch @ 1pm?? perhaps i can walk over to t3 if you want to meet. =p but my lunchtime is quite short, only 1hr nia.


ya so bad until we sort of quarantine #1 @ home, don't want him to breathe in all the bad air.

cherish, yaya, at first, i pek cek, then pass to my hubby, while i went to pump. then after that, i take over again, by then my hubby can't do much and went to sleep first. as long as my gal continues fuss during feed, my hubby has no ways to calm her down and feed her.. only i can do it.

i feel useless, thinking why my baby is like that. i am so hoping that things can goes back to normal, hubby can feed her, while i settle other stuffs and can rest early.


My colleague told me this morning that Baby Hypermart at Kaki Bukit is having a sale.

During my search for strollers, I went to alot of places to check prices, in the end I bought from Baby Hypermart as well because their prices are much cheaper. On weekends, there's this guy from China who speaks very good english, his name is Long Jian and he's very helpful and straightforward with his advise on what to buy/not to buy. They have Maclaren.

Milk production down! Sianzzzz At all time low coz extra bz at work, and must work from home, got 3 or 4 nights slept late at 1+/2am, then must nurse bb still. Tue & thurs wake up at 5am to nurse. After burping, time to get ready to go to work n drop him at my mother's place.

Then this morning, hubby suggest to start giving bb formula so can leave bb overnight at his mother's place, which is something he knows I do not want to do. Says he dunno how else to help me liao. Help me wash bottles, throw rubbish, not leave his clothes and stuff every where for me to pick up after him, boil water in the morning, make sure doors are locked at night, rubbish is thrown away... all cannot do. Because he is too tired liao. Complain that when he comes home, cannot rest until baby sleeps becos have to quickly finish dinner and bathe and tc pf bb so that i can bathe. Wah lao! I not the same meh? I not tired meh? If must do then must do lor! always trying to farm out his responsibilities.

Told him i told him that i'm concerned abt my milk ss down not for him to find solution. not even to ask him to help out, just say onli lor. for him to sayang me a bit lor... then he wants to tell me long grandmother story of his feelings n dunno wat crap. tell him wat i need, doesn't mean he will give me, just means that he will tell me wat he needs instead. sianzzzz. might as well dun tell him anything. but then he will complain tt i dun talk to him/tell him anything.


Rabbit, really I would also like to know why our babies suddenly do not sleep at night. Last night was the 2nd night that he kept awake from 3am till morning 7am then he fell asleep and I am the one who have to wake up to go work! Si bei SIAN! 2nd night only I beh tahan already, I think if he starts his pattern tonight again, I'll let him ngek alone in the living room!

tywong, for my case i suspect because my bb is not feeding and napping well during the day. feeding because of bottle fuss and not wanting to nap, maybe because got disturbance. so yesterday, she was drinking well in the day and also napping well.. so at nite ah.. no disturbance lor.. can sleep from 10 plus all the way till 4am. unlike last few days, 12am plus wakes up, 3 plus again, 5.30pm and again.

maybe you recall back if your bb is napping/feeding well in the day? because i read from drsears webby that bb have to feed/nap well, so that they can sleep well at nite. which is one of the reason lah.

Rabbit, dont say u're useless okay? u're really great. all babies hv their own patterns and characters. tell yourself, this is just temporary. it wont last forever one =) cool down cool down..

ty, u really bear to leave him alone in living room? heeheeh. sometimes i also say i will leave mine in rm and i just walk off. but few steps away and i walked back to check on him again. hahahah

Jenn, i like th poem!! it's very meaningful leh.


cherish, haiz. ok lah.. just want to rant abit so that will feels better.

we same same lah.. i angry i also told my gal, 'i dont want to talk to you liao'. then leave her 1 side, go do other things. when she ngek, i will still walk back and check on her. haha..

