(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Kaoru, cheap!! Today's charges is only $35 for consultation n x-Ray. The lousy q&m charged me $60+ for the same thing plus two bottles of gargle. Dr johari just told me to use warm salt water, help me save money. If u r ntuc member, u will be charged member price which is even cheaper. If u have linkcard, can get points also.

Peck I agree. Put bb in stroller n go shopping. Go downstairs walk walk also good.

Tywong, hi5! His nurse that Adeline woman huh? Ya lor, so stuck up. I was late bcos I couldn't get a cab in Sengkang. Stood under the hot sun for half an hr with my bb. Her reaction "make appointment already best is dun be late" as if i want to be late lor!! Y make this kinda unconstructive comments? Somemore the way to 5th floor is so complicated. But once inside the room, dr johari take over, she has no place to make any more comments. So still ok la. I dun need to see her silly face. *bleh!**

btw, my surgery is next Monday 10am. My turn to be hammy face. Heehee


Hi ladies

HArdly come in now...super duper stress lately, cos my bbis rejecting all my EBM, I threw away almost 90% of my EBM last week as I do not like to keep frozen stash. I tried FM but he takes in only 60ml before pushing away. The only way to get him to take milk is thru direct latching. MIL is not very pleased with direct latching..she kept saying I am not feeding him enough..even when I latched every 2 hrs. Imagine her pushing the handkerchief/pillow case into my bb mouth, when he was looking for my breast. What is wrong with latching my own bb??? I was so boiling mad but I could not do anything..so infuriating!!

Seriously I am so stressed up by MIL (other long stories which I do not want to rave here)..that I feel like telling her to back off and let me handle my bb in my own ways.

Can I ask you mummies:

If bb drinking 10-15 min (1 breast) every 2-3 hr, is it sufficient? I agar agar that he is taking abt 3-4oz cos each time I can pump abt 3-5oz for each breast.

raleigh - I shared yr sympathy..feel lie telling MIL "kiang dui hor..meh gei kiang"..(smart will do, dun be too smart). Imagine she told me she wanna cook porridge for my bb because he is not drinking enough. We just started cereal on Monday and bb is only 19 weeks old!! In fact, I was not keen to go with cereal so soon..cos I know once bb starts solid food, it will mark the start of the end of my bfdg journey *sob*

mummies who hv cut down the number of times u express, do you still feel hungry often? hahaha.

i am now expressing only about 4 times a day but appetite has not gone down leh. am so worried that my weight will go up instead of down

Good evening mummies

Baby fair @ Expo on 22nd October, Friday

Meeting point at Expo taxi stand next to 7-11 counter at 1100hrs






@ Amy, Cherish, Missbluey, Sheryl

Hope to bump into you if we are still around when you reach

@ tywong, Tigerbaby

Do let us know if you will be joining us...? Btw, I work in Tg Pagar too, @ Tower Fifteen opp Keppel Towers. Please drop me a tinkle when you meet for lunch?

@ BluBeri

Looking forward to hearing good news from you soon...

Any more mummies joining?

@ Xiao Xiin

Glad things turn out well for you! Should you change your mind to join us at the baby fair do let us know.

Looking forward to the baby fair, cos we can exchange ideas, experience and opinions...

Re Pigeon/NUK Teats

Mummies who are using the above, have you changed to the size? Cos I am still using size S and wondering if it's time to change. Tot size M is for >6months babies? Am I wrong?


The Nuk teats. Can they fit the Avent bottles?


Me too. Down to 4 pumps now. SS has dropped. The last 2 days I don't get the "emptied" sensation even after pumping for almost 1hour. How ah?


Check with you whether my baby sleep alot anot?

530am: Drink Milk

545am: Sleep

730am: Wake up to go to my mother place

800am: Sleep

900am: Drink milk + playing

11am: Sleep

130pm: Drink milk + Playing

220pm: Sleep

430pm: Drink Milk + playing

600pm: Sleep

730pm: Drink Milk + playing

10pm: Sleep

until the next morning 530am and repeat.

He seems to be sleeping alot. But if i no ask him to sleep, he will feel moody. and keep rubbing his eye.

my hubby told her liao, but she is like no care or listen type leh.. even if she listen, is like everyday oso got different things pop up. or ya. she oso re-freeze the thaw fbm, which we did told her before cant be re freeze.

my boy is a big drinker.. as long as u stuff anything into his mouth, he will take. but i got to control lo, if not by 5 mths, think 300ml liao.. haha..

ru yi oil.

mil pour the oil on her hand, then apply on his back, chest and stomach..

haiz.. i can only rant here, as i already choose to close one eye liao... to prevent from any unhappiness..

Raleigh & bebe75, we r in the same clan. Speechless DILs clan. I think we will have to endure till our babies r 18 mths then quickly send to childcare. If we were to take baby away from them and send to infant care now, I think it will be another war again. Raleigh, somemore our work env so stressful... Sigh,..

There seems to be a baby fair again in December but I think this is targetted at international vendors/products.



The growing demand for baby products and services worldwide called for a targeted trade exhibition that provides a good and reliable source of quality baby care products and accessories. Answering this need is a new exhibition, the Singapore International Baby Products Expo 2010 (SIBPEX), which will be held in the Singapore Expo from 9 to12 December 2010.

This baby products exhibition is expected to attract over 150 international exhibitors from more than 18 countries to participate in this inaugural international show.


Baby fair @ Expo

I tried to call Vivacious Media Pte Ltd who is the organizer for the Baby Expo but they are not able to reveal the participating vendors till a day before the event.

@ bebe75, Raleigh & FRIENDS

I am having the same issue with my mum as well, but I guess the difference between our mum and MIL is we can freely tell our mum "off". I noticed that after delivering my son, I have a terrible temper! Worse than before!! I have become very picky and have zero tolerance. I remember my friend once told me, "buay si eh lah" aka won't die one lah, juz close one eye and tahan. But sometime come to think of it, we would be at more ease when the caregiver of our child is our mum or MIL, cos our child is in safe hands. At least our mum or MIL will not do harm to our child.


my bb no nd to carry ard v often.. he can guai guai sit on my lap while i use e laptop or lie on e playmat.. but he looks so bored.. so i try to acc him and do some activities but im running out of ideas!! i think his daily walk (twice) total abt 1hr lor.. my arms are breaking coz he's like 7++++ kg.. =.= im thinking of bringing him on a LRT ride tmr! ride one round west loop! haha..


oh my gal fever went quite high the first time and she looked so sad after took like 2 weeks to recover her happy face so this time I wasnt going to take any chance doc dont say I also will give panadol.. I was so sad to bring her to PD to jap!


wah your bb sure can sleep... mine hardly sleeps in the afternoon.... my mil said only like 30 mins about 2x that's it.. she sleeps more in the morning

baby fair

I wanna go too.... but cant make it at 11am but I read some mummies are going about 1plus? cos I going that time after I leave office about 12 plus


the dentist I go to is in SK.... he is very "fast" my tooth extraction done by him was so fast I didnt know it was over I was still opening my mouth.... let me know if you wanna give him a try... I need to go dentist soon too.. keke must claim from co last year I forgot...


hope your dentist does a good job and take away this pain....

eh... my baby can drink 200ml!! he loves his milk but I always try to control 180ml. however, lately, he still seem hungry after 180ml so sometimes I will give 200ml.

Limbox: I dont think your baby is sleeping too much. Just nice in fact. Babies now need around 15hrs of sleep in total

Raleigh: apply oil on back, chest and stomach is okay right? cos if apply vapor rub also those areas

tersher, my baby also. keep on talking nonstop and wailing and crying and making all sorts of noises. so noisy leh her! i wonder why she like that

Jusus, may I check how much your dentist charged? The dentist assigned to me@NDC is a very young lady, now I'm having second thots to let them extract out my wisdom tooth. I intend to do all 4 together.

amoroux, my friend told me there is another baby fair @ expo in november. organised by motherhood. i havent checked it out.

Re Pigeon/NUK Teats

i'm using pigeon teats. hv tried to upgrade to size M as my boy will suck size S till the teat get flatten. still monitoring it. side track..there was once when i didnt pull the teat out from the bottle enough and when hubby was feeding bb halfway, a sudden pop sound and the teat just dropped into the bottle! both father and son looked stunned. Then, next was the crying. LOL. clumsy mummy.

Btw, i hv an unopen sophie that i can let go. bought it from BP that one mummy here organised =) my friend happened to buy one for me too. pls pm me if interested. thx!


Ya don worry. Only tummy chest n back is ok. I think he won't go beyond 200ml cos my #1 used to be like that too and yet will still wake up often at night, so my mil suggest to add a small teaspoon of cereal into his last feed of milk. And then after that he will just drink 200ml max. I think as long as he is not regurgitating the milk should be ok.


I understand ur frustration. Baby wants to walk ard, don't want to lie. I think it's just for a while. When they are 5-6 mths will be better. Hang in there.


Is it that ur mil worried that bb will only want to be bf n not bottle feed? Ignore her comments. One side got 5 oz is super! I'm still struggling with my 100ml in 5 hrs pump. Somemore combined only get 100ml. Continue to latch, don't be discourage.

Raleigh, when u say whole body, I imagined it to be torso hands legs n neck!! Actually chest tummy back shd be ok. Of cos using small amt of oil only. I will apply on tummy n feet. Lazy to apply on the other areas.

Did u tell your mil y thawed bm cannot refreeze? Maybe if u scare her with the germs n bacteria n LS fall sick stuff, she will stop her funny acts? Afterall, I'm sure your mil will not want to put bb's health at risk rite?

Mummies with pigeon bottles, is anyone using the Y hole? The packaging says for 2-3 months+.

Amoroux, pigeon M is for 2-3 months plus also irrc.

Zinc, I so envy u. Able to spend quality time with your boy. I think u r doing great. How abt maybe bb also need some ME time? Haha!!!


if bb can sleep a lot it's good! let them sleep lah. then you can enjoy more me time. haha.


the teats being sucked back into the bottle - that used to happen to me with #1! while it's q funny, it's also damn irritating when u want to feed bb, so i switched to avent after a while. i think it's because the non drip teats dun let enough air into the bottle, so it creates a vacuum...

Hi Jenn,

Baby still on BM leh. No FM. At infantcare (IFC) he gets fridge EBM or frozen EBM. Saw another kid with red patches on face but IFC insists that it is because that baby is allergic to food. Apparently there was another baby who was also like that when she first went to the IFC, but has since recovered. Can't be due to the vaccines (6-in-1, Prevnar, Rotarix) right? Since he has also not quite pooped since Saturday night.

Hang in there Raleigh.

I've been feeling stoned as well at work. And company is not very supportive of mothers pumping too. It is quite difficult to get a room to pump every day, have to see face color and hear many comments. I have just carried on being thick-skinned and continue to 'beg' for a room to use each day, just that the most I am 'allowed' to pump is every 4-5 hours. My supply has dropped very significantly as well these 2-3 days, by about 60-70%. Not sure why, whether it is stress, lack of sleep or the laosai/feeling feverish since weekend (though I'm recovered already since yesterday). Hope my supply picks up again, though not sure how to make it - taking my 6 fenugreek tabs still but NN been feeling super soft.


My baby when he latches drinks from 1 side at most 10-15 mins every 3 hours. I think it is alright, PD mentioned that baby should be getting enough as long as weight doubles from birth at about 3 months.

We went for baby's 4th month jabs on the recent Saturday, baby weighs 7.775kg now and 69cm tall. But he has not pooped since Saturday night! Only once yesterday (on day 4) finally but not much. No poop again so far today. He used to poop like at least 6 times a day. Now just stinky farts. Any other babies experiencing this?


does your boy cry for more milk if you feed him only 180ml? or can he finish 200ml completely?

coz my boy now drinks 200 ml of milk also.

old folks like to feed them water but i guess she shd not have done it after a milk feed. anyway, think about it.. not a bad thing to start them on a lil bit of water at least can try to can them to get used to it at an early stage.

she is the main care giver during the day so you have 'ren' and also close one eye lor


My bb gal was like that! She used to poop so so many times a day. Then suddenly she never pooped for 10 days. during the 10 days she had alot of stinky wind (now still got). At the end of the 10th day, she finally pooped alot alot alot of poop. Since then she only poop once a day.

Heeh read somewhere this means that bb digestive system is changing... not sure if it is true...

Anyway doc told me that for breastfeeding bb, no poop for 8 days is normal... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for your assurance babygabby.

Still waiting for my baby's daily poop, hopefully soon! Got my hubby to go buy prune juice and yoghurt so that I can pass it on to baby via the BM.

just now i drive her out to fetch hb and kor kor, she sleep thru the car ride from 5pm to about 8pm!! reach home start to whine again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

suelynn, my girl used to poo daily but recently she will not poo for a day or two.. but after that will be MEGA poo!! and ya her farts is stink

tml not going for the bb fair, i will bring her out for a walk

raleigh, with inlaw takecare for u, no choice one la...but at least u know that she wont harm your bb

jenn, your jake sleep thru liao? mine still wake up around 3 and 6am, sleep thru the nite still very far from me... wao lao imagine last time i can sleep till the sun shine on my backside...now hor everyday wake up earlier then the sun


perhaps you can try to either

1. massage her buttocks

2. bend her legs against her stomach for a few seconds, then relax. repeat a few times.

3. let her lie on a tummy and her buttocks in the air. massage her buttocks and her back

4. massage close to her anus (my sis taught me this trick) - this will stimulate her to poop too.

heeh hope one of the methods work for you. in my case, i tried all of them. the last one worked for my bb and she pooped on the 10th day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies, been a long time!

calling all mummies who owns SOPHIEs or intends to buy one, please be careful. Vanessa has a Sophie with the colours on the SPOTs fading off after washing, so that also means that when your baby is chewing off or licking Sophie, there may be a danger of consumption....Another danger comes from Sophie's legs. One day last week, her son was gagging and choking on Sophie's leg, for a split few seconds, luckily we were near and turned around and found him choking. So PLEASE mommies, if you own Sophie, please only give it to your child with supervision as your baby may get it the wrong side in and is unable to pull it out themselves. With regards to the colouring....I'm not sure if any of the rest of you have the same issues after wash. These two reasons were enough for me not to buy one actually. Food for thought mommies.

bebe75, I agree and empathise with you. Stick to your guns and don't let your MIL sway your efforts to give your baby the best nutritient a baby can get, from their mother's milk. fyi, we have a very similar feeding pattern. 2-3 hours latch on still at 4 mths 2 weeks. No difference from before and I don't mind it as I know baby is getting the best. PD is not complaining and baby is also putting on good weight, so as long as PD gives you the all clear sign to continue breastfeeding, try not to introduce solids.

Hey, maybe your MIL is jealous of the bond baby have with you?

Btw ladies, on the topic of introducing solids, I've read and also know, from already having one other child, that the best thing you can do for your baby next, is to try to keep feeding breastmilk or formula till 6 mths as recommended and your decision can only means the best for your baby. Give her immune and digestive system that 6 mths chance to fully develop so that she/he can sustain solids and not be prone to suffer for things like indigestion pains, constipations, vomitting, allergies and many other complications due to an undeveloped digestive system. As oppose to many people saying to give baby solids "when they show interest" or "when they start to grab your plate/cups", just imagine this. At 4 mths, this is the milestone when a baby starts to first get interested in anything and everything! This is when they notice the food on plates, the movement of your hands from plate to mouth, the senses of grabbing something firmly in their hands, of course they will "look interested" and "grab for it".....it can be due to anything! If you put them at the dining table, what else can they look interested or grab, except for the food on the table? lol......so don't let the old wives tale distract your own want for a healthy baby.....stick to your guns if you believe at the 6 mths mark. I stand by you on this!


Refreezing of thaw FBM - old folks also tend to think that it is okay to refreeze thaw meat..I rem when I was having my confinement - I saw MIL refreezing those thaw fish/pork..but I could do nothing about it. That is one of the reasons why I do not want to keep frozen stash..I will keep my milk in the chilling compartment..and throw them away after 2-3 days.

Friends78 / amoroux

I can never send my kids to childcare ..I rem when I sent my #1 to halfday childcare when she was 24 mths..PILs made so much noise. Now I am SAHM, I doubt I will send #3 to childcare. The thing with MIL is that she comes to my house thrice a week and stay from 9am to 8pm. When she is here, she want to resume the role of caregiver for my bb. And I usu close one eye, one ear to what she does to the bb, cos I know that she means well for my bb. But when come to bfdg, I tend to be sensitive and defensive...

Imagine she is thinking of feeding cereal twice a day for my bb...I told her no..luckily hubby is on my side. I told hubby that I will let bb take in cereal once a day 2-3 times per week. MIL was not too happy when I told her I want to check with PD if BB is ready to start solid. She said "last time blah blah blah...." #$#%#


I also think that MIL is jealous of the bonding between me and bb. Come on lah..this is my last bb liao..and the last time I can bfdg..the first time I can latch successfully...my own bb..what is wrong with creating bonding by bfdg? Just because I could only give EBM for my first 2 kids..does not mean that I shd give EBM to #3. Just because SIL and other relatives breasfeed for 2-3 mths..I have to stop at 3 mths as well...

I am relieved to hear that my feeding pattern is "normal"..cos sometimes I do not look at the clock..will just feed BB when I think he feels like drinking. But MIL will say that I am not feeding him properly..hiaz. My boy only poos 2-3 times per week..and each biz is very stinky. PD said it is normal..esp when bb is breastfed.

BB fair

I might be going but not sure when..cos I will be bringing my bb along. Now I am worried to leave the bb with my in laws..cos I do not know what they will do to the bb behind my back. Hubby said I am being paranoid. But I am very very worried that PIL will start to give BB solid food...esp FIL, who is fond of tempting bbs with food like coffee, curry, sugar etc.

Anyway I am consider to get the following items

- playmat (Is the LG/parklon playmat worth to invest?)

- carseat

- Walker (??) not sure if I shd get one cos MIL said I shd ..but my current place is quite small..

bebe75, my mil is of w bf.. cos my sil bf her son till 10 months! it's ,y parents.. they try to b supportive but e comments theey make r skeptical.. esp if i latch.. though can last my bb abt 3.5hrs but by 2hr my mum will nag me to feed him cos cannt see hw much he drank.. n after i latch she always ask hw much he drank.. sometimmes i wan to tell her my nn nt transparent n dont hv markings!

sigh.. last night my hub big mouth comment that nw bb improve alr.. only wake up at 4am fr milk.. in e end bb woke up 4 times!! zzzzzzzzz =.=


for normal cleaning is about $60 so far the cheapest but if its wisdom tooth extraction then I not sure cos I did it some 10 yrs ago liao I remember 4 teeth pulled out in 3x was about $500 in total I dd it over a 1-2 yrs not sure if that is considered $$


Nuk bottles are slim n long type, I'm not sure if it fits avent bottle!!

My boy slept thru , maybe bcz he drinks more in the day aft changing teats.. Hopefully its not jus one off!!

Las night my boy fussed b4 sleeping, I tote he's hasn't got enuf milk but my nn ardy soft soft liao, so I got him some EBM, but he oso dowan!

Then I reckon he might hv pain in gums and I applied dentinox on his gums!! Put him down in his cot and lights off!! Off to la la land


May I know which IFC your baby goes to? If there are signs that other babies have the same problem, maybe you wanna start calling other IFC for standby.


I remembered Joelle mentioned that Sophie is painted by food ink. So I think the color fading off is safe. but yah must watch the choking.


I also missed my sleep so much!

Last night my baby sleep thru till 6am this morning. But it was my #1 who woke us up! Since his daddy's block leave, he has been waking in the night, calling out for daddy. Now this week daddy back at work still continue. So I got up and scolded him. I even threathened to stop his trip school's trip to underwater world. He was so upset but dare not cry. I was so mad. Told my hubby off to quit giving in else we all cannot have a good night's sleep.

Zoie, gitz n Raleigh, ur kids drink 200 ml every 3 or 4 hrs? How much milk in total per day?

I hope my son can increase his feeds leh. He only take like 130ml every 3 hrs , he seem to have poor appetite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] lost wt Liao.


I wish my girl would consume 200ml too! She's still stuck at 100ml since 2mths old.. Sigh! PD says she slightly underweight muz drink more..

FM she dun reali like now too.. Maybe use to fbm le?? Lolx

Hubby ytd gave her 130ml FM she drink until left 40ml..


Will choke? Hmmm... Need to supervise when giving den otherwise dangerous


2 solid food per day? Tooo much! Heng my MIL says 6mths onwards start bb cereal!! *phew* bought happy bellies brown rice le!! So ex to get frm stores.. $9.50


Do any mummies knw scallop muz be introduce to bb aft 1yr old?

Wisdom tooth

Y u all extract so many?? I onli haf 2 .. Extract 1 wic cost $480 including consultation n medi. My 2nd wisdom need surgery to remove cos grow inwards. Thinkin wan to remove anot.. Cos dentist say the growth of it will affect the teeth in front of it.


Happy for u now! Bear wif e pain it will all be over soon.

For our kids, I guess all mummies will bear wif anything n everthing to haf wat it takes for little ones =))


Refreeze bm? Zzzz.. All these actions reminds mi of my melted fbm.. Sigh.. Y all old ppl .... Heng my confinement food tat time r freshly bought otherwise... MIL ok, but not ahma. Defreeze n Refreeze.. U can imagine my freezer has 2 black chicken freeze for nearly 3mths?

xiao_xiin, i using pigeon Y teats already. so far so good.. seldom choke and can finish drinking very fast.

Genice, you are not alone.. my gal is also drinking between 100ml to 140ml.. she good mood, she will finish all.. not good mood abt 100ml.. for every 3-4 hrs lor.. sometime can give her 6 feeds.. at times 5 feed only.. still gain weight though, but slow down liao.. weekly abt 100g

bebe75, saw from somewhere that LG playmat is better than parkon but i'm going to get parklon as it's more affordable for me. my bro bought a saftey first carseat for me but it's still sitting in my hse. hubby doesnt want to help install in the car yet!!! arrghh

Xiao xiin I think I nd more me time too!! Haha

Anyone has any idea whete to buy those long stick w giap?? I dropped my laundry on e ledge n can't retrieve it!

Rabbit, hi 5 same lor, do difficult to get him to finish so now at night I just feed him if he wants to drink, just want to fatten him up. I think another reason is my bm getting thinner. Anyone experienced that? My bm seems to be more liquid not as thick n oily as b4.

Re: playmate

Cherish, parkland is gd enuff, I using parkland for my 2 kids.

Rabbit, it's ex but parkland is more affordable , I paid 109 . But I think more worth than buying from mini goons, cause quality is diff plus better than abc foam cause 1 piece will nit break n water proof. It's one of my best buy baby items . U will no regret it, really ! ESP now they practice flipping plus gonna learn crawling.

jenn... envy you, I can’t really pump for more than 15 minutes in office. bosses are very supportive on the surface but I think they are quietly watching. at home, I can’t pump for long unless both kids are asleep… usually 20mins max. then again, i dun really like to be stuck at the pump for so long :p

the day before, I was so tired that I slept after bb fell asleep and only had 3 express sessions that day. felt soooo guilty and tried to make up for it the nx day by having more express sessions but still ended up with only 4 sessions cuz slept early. hahahaha.

my colleagues tell me to take more fish or papaya soup. it helps. i took fenugreek for my #1 but it din work for me. the surest way to up the supply is to be hardworking again :S

it’s a love-hate relationship. wanna give BM for as long as I can but sometimes am so tired! I always lament to hubby to ask him to invent some machine that can extract the milk at regular time intervals even while we are sleeping w/o us having to wake up. hehe!

genice, thanks! i'm going to get one this sat. heheh. can see my bb wants to flip but it's dangerous to leave him alone on bed nowadays so i better get a playmat and let him do whatever he wants on the flr.

genice, same lah.. my bm also watery.. i thinking if is because now we not taking red dates tea or seldom drink soup.. thats why? replacing with water.. maybe becoming more watery..

ohhh.. i thinking tml go robinson check out the playmat price.. i got 25% off.. plus additional 5% discount from credit card. dont want to waste such good offer.

btw, bb can sleep on the playmat? i thinking to place the playmat on my living room platform..


genice, me! my BM is more diluted now. esp those that i express in office. i wonder is it a natural transition for the BM quality or is it due to us being stressed at work?

