(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi All,

I see that u all were saying leaking on avent milk bottles, may i know where's the leak as when i'm feeding my boy, the handkechief also always wet, I thought is he's sucking prob... so is it the teats that is leaking??



wat bump? u mean u saw it moving???!!! What's that!!! Mayb go PD to check on it if it's still happening?


oic. I'll apply when bb keeps crying and I can feel hard hard lump beneath his gum rite? Heard that teeth will start to grow from lower gum first.

Re: mamy poko

Not sure the length is short wor. Didn't encounter any wet back yet for bb. Guess L too big liaoz?

Hi mummies

There's a Children’s Day Warehouse Sale at Downtown East from 8-10 Oct. Carrefour and Toys ‘R’ Us. 11am – 10.30pm

Feel like gg down to look c... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Too bad not NTUC member... can go down on 7th Oct liaoz.


Sucking fist when they are bored... Wide awake.. Nothing to do.. They are exploring.. Babies explore using their mouth... This will carry on until the are toddler... Cannot stop them one.. By then they can even put shoes in their mouth!!

Sucking for comfort mostly sucking thumb... N they will fall asleep sucking them... If u realise, he will auto put his hands to his mouth when he wants to sleep..

My boy does that. But that's his pattern since day 1. He needs something to touch his lips and he will sleep!! I don't stop him cuz that's the way he soothe himself.. Every baby got their own way to soothe themselves... Either thumb, pacifier or breast... Sometimes we can't choose what we wants... Bb doesn't want pacifier, I don't want it to be breast and he don't suck his rhumb. Now his habit is pillow on his mouth... LOL!!

Teething gel is to numb like area for awhile...


Is the ring screw that is leaking... Not the teat..


Yup apply a tiny amt on their gum... Starts from lower gum..

Re many poko

Bb using M size... I find it quite short for him leh..

Anyway what's most bb height now???


today my ss like not so good leh, compared to yesterday. perhaps today im more tired bah.


er, i never notice that my boys' testicles leh.

Sharky siak

Normally one tiny amt is enough for me to rub across the front lower gum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n my bb will stop crying n zuk the teething gel -.-

kaoru, got one point i tot my gal got speech problem! my hubby sure going to scold me if i told him.

sherly, that time i went to LC, she said that SS will drop slightly when returning to work.. takes abt 2 weeks to resume back.

xiao_xin, haha.. tell your dh to interact with bb more lah.

abt sucking fist..

i realised my gal will keep staring at her fist.. at times, she will put 3 fingers into her mouth! haha..

Tesher, my girl oso shaved Botak over the weekend on sunsay.. Was sad as I have been seeing her with hairs since born.. But I dunno y after her cut, ppl can guess her gender correctly, whereby previously ppl will doubt her gender even I dressed her with pink! Anyway her hairs are dropping and her hairs will be thicker (more) after the cut, else I wun cut!

Not too sure about the change in behaviour as now my mum helping me to look after. Previously when I'm not working, I took care my girl most of the time. My mum will help me Tc if I need to be out as well as play and feed her on off. So maybe that y she's fine without me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but what I lurve most is she will give me her wide smile whenever she see me returning home, the bond with her..

Bliss, I faced the same problem!! Mine was poo lo.. Dunno why change to M then have such thing happening.. I guess is the "poo hole" for nb and s.. It is still crucial for us cos we are bfing.. Poo still watery.. Another reason I feel is our bb thigh top big, thus the length become very short even though we still faster to "1"..

Re: sucking fist

I will normally replaced her fist with Sophie whenever she do that or just pull her fist away.. But den she will start sucking my shoulder or arm after that if I'm carrying her.. -.-

Soothe teething

I heard can rub Jing Feng San on his gum to relieve teething too. Is this ok?


Haha xiao xiin u v cute. My boy still dun know how to bite the Sophie. I always intro to him n he will just push it away then suck his fists.


Now my boy loves to flip everywhere he is. Including the car seat. This makes it difficult for my hubby to send bb to nanny on his own. Will always try to turn in the car seat then cry n cry if he can't turn becos of the belt. Anyone has this problem too?

My girl need pacifier and something to hold if outdoor. Can give her handky or blanket to replace her bean spourt pillow. But at home she wants her bean spourt pillow!!

hair cut..

is it a must to shave botak? me bu she de shaving my gal's hair leh.

i going back to work tml! sure going to miss my gal alot!

Teething Gel

I also use Dentinox for my #1. can get fm Pharmacy/Watsons.

Sucking of Fist

some suck thumb or fist to self soothe to sleep

i think no way to stop them

what i did is to look at him sternly.. then remove his hand.

if he put it in again, i will smack him gently ..

so whenever i see him eating fist, i will just remove them.

surprisingly at 4months, when he see me coming near, he will sometimes remove the fist himself..haha coz he scared kena smacked by me again

my boy don't seem to appreciate the atas Sophie toy. did even bother to hold it

so when my gf bot her boy whom is 5wks older to my place, her boy saw it and immed put into his mouth.

in the end, i gave him the Sophie since i think he can better appreciate the toy!

Rainelle, your gal so clever. So fast know how to ask for Chou Chou already. I have three bean sprout pillows at home. Alternate them so that they will not develop into Chou Chou!!

Rabbit, my hubby thinks tc of bb is very mafan. My style of looking after bb has too much details for him to follow. He only Interacts with bb over our dinner for a short while. Then I will bathe bb n put him to sleep. That's all. He dun like to bring bb out also. He thinks it's too mafan. But I insist. If not bb will become suaku.

Cath, I think bb will grow out of this auto flip phase. Hope your nanny's plc is not too far away from u. I bot ergococoon, hoping that it will solve my boy's auto flip problem at night. But my hubby dun like my boy to feel too secure n snug. He wants him to sleep with arms open. Bullshit lor. He himself also like to curl up under the quilt at night. Still expect bb to sleep with open arms?!!

Bliss, I also think pillow in mouth seems like the "best" choice.

xiao_xiin, I have 3 pillows too!! lols! one was brought during nb when I return home I ask my hb go get one. den the other 2 was made by hb's aunty after bb was 1mth plus liao.. but the 2 cover is of same fabric.. so I start to bring the one hb brought out den at home just use the one hb's aunty made.. which are pink in colour.. so now if u wan her to slp.. throw her the pink color one, and pacifier then she will soothe herself to slp.. unless she really dun wan slp!!


actually i dun really know what's the problem that makes the bottles leak. just that it's v v troublesome when it does! so annoying.


so avent will only exchange the honey coloured BPA free ones? they won't exchange the older clear ones? and they also replace the ring and cap or just the bottle? i want to chiong down to exchange already, haha.


i also got notifications from threads i dun even post in!!


abt your boy's testicles, better to have the pd take a look??

Dear mummies,

I am letting go of 3 new Avent (BPA free) white bottles, 260 ml (9 oz) which I bought it at Kiddy Palace. I've switched to NUK teat last saturday thus I have no use for Avent bottle as I realised that she dont like to suck on Avent teat

$10 for each bottle.

Kindly email at [email protected]

Bliss, Gitz,

if i smack him, he will cry out loud! Anyway when he is sleeping at nite, we cant be there to stop him putting his thumb in.. addicted liao!

Mamy poko M is definitely shorter than Pampers M but wider n thicker. I tried the free Huggies Dry M samples, dislike it big time.. so will stick to pampers for now since bb poo once a day now n i dun hv to change so frequently.

Sucking fist

My girl not onli suck her fingers or fist! She licks too! Like eating ice-cream. Wahahaha.. Ytd she flip her beneath her was pillow, straight aft flipping she starts to lick e pillow


Haix.. Dunno lehz . I haf tots to stop bf but anotherhand bu se de..


I got it too! I tot my acct kena hack. Lol


haha your gal must be curious about the taste. =p

mine also.

don't know how to stop those irritating notificatons leh. >.<

Ytd best! #1 was playing n talking to her. She keep cooing back n shout at #1. lolx!! Cute la!!!


Haha.. If u carry her while eating she will stick in n out of her tongue eyes open super wide!

sheryl, you try your best lor.. bf until last drop? keke.. my supply also drops by alot. though still enough for my gal now. i foresee slowly slowly not enough liao. i still try to give until last drops lah.. at least got to clear up my FBM.

i always ask my gal 'fingers nice to eat ah?' now got to do extra work.. clean her fingers every now and then!

oh... BK got free ice-cream tml fm 2-6pm.

Designated locations:

Orchard Cineleisure

ION Orchard

Orchard Central

Plaza Singapura

Novena Square

Raffles City

Esplanade Mrt Xchange

Hitachi Tower


haha, my boy also loves to suck on his hands. Love his drumstick and french fries.

Yesterday, he nom on Sofie like so tasty, today dun even want to touch her. So fickle!

Btw, I noticed a bit of blood on his diaper this morning, where the bcg site is. Looks like the blister burst liao. Is this normal? Or do I need to bring him to see the pd?

irma, i suppose they will mail a cheque to our house provided u have filled in a form which kkh would have helped us submit to cpf... just weird till now i still haven't received it...


Ya the ring screw. It leaks between the wrong n bottle.


They change the whole bottle but I'm not sure abt the White ones.. I only changed yellow ones before...


Same lor! Fasten till 1 but looks short! Then back will feel wet in the morning.. He is using M size but ridiculous to change L size right... Anyway I just use at night so just bear with it.. Pamper active he just don't like cuz don't hold alot of pee n he feels wet..

Just some huggiea dry comfort for day use.. Find the new version is quite good!


Why wanna stop bfing??

Bliss & Rabbit

Stopping bf is not wat i wanted. I oso caught btw decissions to stop or continue.

If gng to my MIL biz (wholesale sector) i dun haf time to pump. As i'll be on the road since early mornin 4am ~ abt 5pm den reach hm. No way to pump outside oso!

If i'm at market still ok. Cos half a day onli i can tahan.

lastly, i wanted the medi to SHRINK my BREAST! ><"


Agree. everytime i carry her sure will clean for her de. But now i clever, i dun bother! LOL wait until she's abt to slp le den wash her hands. BUT by den all my face, clothes all haf her drool!

Baby Fair Oct 22.

Its at expo isnt it? tat day i having off. Morning go vaccine den go bb fair! i wan stock on pampers.

TigerBaby- U mean e $450 for prenatal visits to gynae. Tat 450 will nt b refunded to us bt it will b deducted from ur total bill. U will oni get refund ifn lyk mine short n easy birth.

Re: Flipping

My boy oso start flipping today bt looks clumsy.

Re: Avent Bottles

I realised oni those BPA bottles gt tis problem. For my #1, I use those normal 1 nv encounter all tis.

Re: ChildCare

Juz to check wif mummies here which CC in

SengKang is better. Tot of sending my #1 there bt den coz he always gt episode of

Nose Bleeding n tat haf history of Fits tats y duno will teacher there pay extra attention if we ask them to.

Rabbit- its nt a must to shave botak. Both my kids oso nv shave botak de, think Bliss kids oso e same. No offends bt wat i feel is tat unless u say shave e hair along wif e roots of it pluck off den maybe new hair grow bt den now is juz shave to e most minimum leh.

Koaru- I oso dislike Huggies big time. Now I oso using Pampers n MAmy Poko. Duno izit i duno how to use or wat, it always leak.

Hi mummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My review abt e disposabke diapers - Mamy Poko diapers r low cut n hence shee-shee tends to leak n wet the back. Huggies/Dryers diapers r high cut, hence tends to cut e thigh easily unless on a size bigger n it leaks easily except for the ultra series. Pampers is ok, depending on e series too.

Xiao xiin,

I have 2 beannie bolsters, one for going out n one for home yse. I air the home use bolster under the sun daily if not in use. Once upgrade to norm bolsters, I will get them replace on 3mths intervals. Thatz wat I did for my elder too.

Re: Teething

I bought teething toys for bb to chew n exercise his gums. There is one (for 3mths onwards) which is of rubbery material from Pigeon hence will not be harsh on his gums. I juz got it out recently for bb since he keeps putting his fists in his mouth.

Fussiness during teething can be ease by putting teethers in fridge n then give it to bb to chew. It helps to ease e uncomfy feeling of e gums.

Jolene, ouch!!! Pluck off from the roots? My boy's "new" hair is indeed thicker n coarser. But I prefer the soft soft baby hair.

Sheryl, u sure u want to stop meh? Fm so expensive leh. Any mummies aim to bf for more than 6 months?


Itz not a must for bb to shave botak. My #1 shave when he was 4mths old coz my mum asked me to. Should not have done that as his hair is super thick now. Needs a haircut every 3weeks n I need to layer them, makes me very busy. Oh... I m his hairstylist since day 1as I dun feel safe for him to go out for haircut, I m afraid of e blades/shavers used. Maybe only when he is older.

I juz got bb shave when he turns 3mths last week as his geographical hairstyle is becoming obvious. So got him shave botak to get hair re-grow. Bb 's hair is so much lesser than #1. May be expecting to shave him again later stage if hair is 'not enough'. Haha...

I rather shave them now since they r still young.

Sharing for bb girls... Some bb girls r shave botak n as well eyebrows, to make them thick n nice. Provided if it's 'not enough' kind. When they grow up, they dun have to do eyebrow embroidery. Haha... I guess I will do that if bb is girl-girl. My mum did for my youngest sis hence she is e only one who can skip e eyebrow embroidery.


Yes... I agree that if u can continue, itz best for bb n u. But of coz at your convenience. Most imptly, both bb n u r happy. Dun stress yourself. If necessary, talk to hb/family.

Ya, FM is definitely more ex. Looking at one tin a week... Thatz my current cost based on my bb's consumptn of total FM feed.

For ur info, taking e pill (Dostinex) may not get breasts' size shrink. Itz not applicable to everyone. Few of my friends dun feel tat. As for me, I guess thatz not much diff.

tigerbaby: really ah? the only thing i knew that they refunded is the labour process thingy right? erm.. the one that we paid deposit $1278?

jolene: $450?


Huggiea ultra also leak leh.. Maybe my bb pee alot?

Pamper cannot wor.. If over 2-3 hrs my bb confirm make noise.

So no choice use mamy poke cuz more lasting till morning.. At least the back wet also not very very wet kind.


Same thinking leh... I don't shave my boys hair..

Cuz I seen alot of bb got hair shave Liao take a long time to regrow.. Like my SIL regret shaving my nephew. Cuz when he is born his hair is even more than now and he is 7mths...

I think must shave a few times for hair to be thicker..

Diapers: my mil requested that we stick to mamy poko cos it stays dry for few hrs. We have tried pampers, huggies, pet pet and ntuc. So far only pet pet leak. The rest still manageable but not as dry as mamy poko.

My baby also try to flip today. Still yet to be successful... Only managed to half flip... Ha... Ha. So cute!!!

BTW, any babies taking similac? I have two tins of stage 2 similac (400g) to be given away free. Expiry date is Dec 2011 and Mar 2012. But must self collect from my place (Sengkang) cos I'm the midst of packing and moving... Can't meet up..Sorry sorry

Sheryl, I took Dostinex to stop bf, the breast only shrink to pre-preg size, nothing lesser I think...


Reserve for mi! When u shifting ar? =))

If can shrink i ok! even if its a little. i cannot stand big boobs! ><"

Pampers VS Mamy Poko

I still prefer Mamy poko. Thicker and i like the pooh prints. hahahaha!

Shaving hair

i juz shave my girl on her 4th mth! hiping it will grow to be thicker and full head instead of half here & dera.

sheryl, my fren who is my mother's age told me that during her days got no pump, when she went back to work, she continue latching after office hours. during office hours, milk will not be produced if constantly never stimulate.

i dont exactly know the details of this but u might want to consider so that ur baby can still have half day on bm.

Bliss, i got same problem with mamy poko size M.. my gal poo n it leaked!! so far oni one time though, keep fingers crossed. but i suspected when she pee sometimes leaked too coz ever since we switched to size M, sometimes her rompers at wet at the butt. size S leg area too tight n size M leg area abit loose (dats y leaked??). problematic leh.

pre-natal refund:

my KKH bill not oni claimed $450, it seems to claim my total pre-natal+scan cost coz i see deduction was $1.8k. my total bill was $4k+ n we claimed medisave $2.6k (forceps delivery) n the $1.8k.. cash payment ard $300 oni coz we got back almost $1k out of our $1278 deposit.

my gal super crank since last fri, suspect she shd be teething. drooling lotsa n lotsa n can feel those buds at her gums. she even grabbed my sis's fingers n sucked!!

Hello mummies!

pampers vs mamypoko

sumhow prefer pampers cos it's thin and easier to put in my 'diaper bag' cos i bring out two kids..two kids, two different diaper sizes..hehe..


try pampers? cos it's elastic and stretchable at the top..

Sean lau photoshoot

anyone knows wats the latest update? sorry cldnt come in as much as i want to..hope still have..hehe..

c-sect wound

still pain a bit..my #1 loves to move ard me so much tt sumtimes she go on top of my tummy. when sleeping, accidentally kick my tummy..damn pain..anyone still feelin the pain at the area?

bliss,yaozi, iso and bluey.. today i checked again but the bump no longer moves.. heng so scary.. will observe a few more days.. but the scrotum will shrink and expand one rite? Under different temperature.. sigh.. 1st time c boy's one also dunno what to expect.

Re: sophie

My boy likes sophie leh.. or perhaps he got no choice caus ei only give him either sophie and nespapers.. hehe but so far.. he quite happy choomping sophie and gets pretty excited on seeing it.

Rainelee, my boy also looves his beanie bolster but he only have one.. made by my mum.. i take it everywhere he goes , he just need to grab something wen he sleeps either towel, hankie or anything and suck pacifier.. think he wants "an Quan Gan"

Xiao xiin.. i will bf for 8 mths at least... think u can latch for 1 yr or even till 18 mths leh.. if i can latch well i might continue longer.. too bad i cant.

Sheryl.. i hate my big boobs too.. waiting for the day when i stop bf.. but i love the fact that i can maintain my wt while bf or perhaps even lose more.. plus fm is expensive plus BM is good for the bb, these 3 reasons kept me going!Jia you k.. when is ur last day of work?



Different baby fits different cutting of diaper. Bow I think if it my bb not suitable huggies leh... N I even bought 3 dry comfort!! I think he fits huggies L size more!

Pampers fits him perfectly but then too thin liao....

Diapers is always a problem... My #1 is thin but need to wear XL size cuz L too short... Then when his diaper too heavy will feel like dropping! If I buy L will cut his thigh! Luckily now he manage to go diaperless in the day.. No need to see red thigh or dangling diapers!


That method works too... Some mummies latch in the morning and night as well. Our breast will work accordingly to our needs but of course must be constant and not happy latch busy dun latch kind... But then this kind of feeding normally is for comfort sucking...


My sect wound also still painful.. Sometimes will have stinging pain..


Yes will shrink... Actually boys easy one... But cannot pull their foreskin back...

Re latching,

U can always try to latch everytime.. Some babies take longer to learn how to latch...

