(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Xiao xin, u very cute! Use your doggy to try.. I shld mayb use mine to try as well.. Imagine next time I hv to bring them to grooming: 2 doggies, 1 toddler, 1 bb, 1 helper, 2 diaper bags.. Will sling my doggies 1 back, 1 front.. Sounds like army training!!!! Hahaha


Mikojade, u have a big family!!

Ergo is like bjorn rite? My cl says that one not suitable for small infants. Think must wait till they can support their head themselves is it? N it's so expensive leh.

I just ate kellog's special k yogurt n berries. Taste good!! But once it turns soggy, I eat until wanna vomit. Next time I shall just eat it dry n crunchy.

Xiao xin, my house is like a mad house nowadays... I can have my toddler screaming, my bb crying and my 2 doggies barking!! LoL!!

Ergo can take up to 18kg so can use longer but bb cannot face out. NB can use but must use infant support first[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haven't had anything to eat yet cos wanna bring my girl go tui na... She has been crying this few days[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


u stay ard tiong bahru area rite? u wanna try the ergo? i haf 1.. =)

my bb carrier im switching inbtw ergo & MIM sling. both are easy to use but of cos ergo is more bulky.

Bjorn wanted to get it but i haf a fren saying ergo is better as bjorn cause her backache when she carry her kid.

Cath, you are welcome. Although Im staying RedHill, will always visit Doc Yeo when my kids fall sick =)


I called healthtrends to chk on the price of the vac. 5 in 1 is cost ard $566. This include Hep A & ChkPox. 6 in 1 is $768 or $1500. These come with other med also. YOu may wanna go down and chk out the detail. I intend to hav my bb vac in polyclinic. Think much cheaper =)

cath he took it for awhile last nite but mil ask me to take out and feed him.. after feed he dun take le.. now i very scared next time when i need to use it he wun take it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bluberi u sleep 8 hrs breasts not engorged? ytd i pumped at 10.30pm, slept at midnite.. then 4am woke up coz of painful breasts.. faster went to pump.. my baby also blocked nose and have green mucus.. i brought him to PD on tues.. they suck out the mucus from his nose got 1 big big piece..

Thank you Sheryl. I hav make an appt with them =)

You ladies are go lucky, can BF bb. I totally hopeless, no milk at all. By the time my milk came, i already ate all kind of nonsense so cant bf anymore =(

Morning mummies!!

Panda eyes today cause kena tortured by my boy!! he din sleep from 11 plus to 2am.. keep ngek ngek and "contort" his body, burping position cannot, over shoulder cannot, lyingdown cannot.. everyting also cannot lah..super irritated with him. Feel like beating him liao.

Re: Outing

Sorry if i miss out who is interested in the outing.. very blur liao.. thread runs too fast and i cant remember. Why not put our names down if interested, easier to follow. I understand not all finish confirnement, its ok.. we can have more gatherings in time to come. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lets just plan for short meetups since we cant stay out for too long with a bb.

2nd Mini Meetup (19th July or 22nd July?- I just pluck any dates)

Location: Town (paragon/ taka/ PS/ IKEA Tampines)

Time: 2- 4 pm or 1-3 pm

1) Genice- fine with anything

Can you all indicate preference above -copy the whole thingy, if got suggestions feel free to add in.


I using pouch sling ( painful but convenient) and ergo and fisher px. Heard ergo is very gd so i bought a 2nd hand one for $80.

Xiaoxin.. u very funny.. test the sling with ur dog.. haha

Mikojade.. u really have a "large" family!! Actually its gd to have pets at hm, children seems to be more caring towards animals when they have pets. But i have never own any dogs or cats so dunno how to start and i think my hands will be super full if i have another "baby' to feed and toilet train.. ;P

Re: vaccines

Bliss.. paiseh.. i din noe the ans so couldnt reply u.. just now wwnet to check.. we pay $268 + $18 ( consultation) for 1st time when we take 6 in 1 . Subsequent other vaccines will be dicounted px and no consultations

Re: velcro binder

Mezzo, i pm you my hp no k.. or u cna post on fb so we can all see the binder. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Time to feed bb.. c u all later

Hi ladies,

I am from the Jul 10 thread. I would like to ask if someone would recommend a good massage lady? I had engaged Siti Hana, she only did 2 massage and went missing in action. I rang her and sms her for a few days but she refused to answer nor reply to me. Sensing something is wrong, my confinement lady tried to ring her on my behalf, upon not recognising my CL's HP number, Siti answered the call, but when my CL asked about my massage appointment, she slammed down the phone and switch it off. I am really disappointed with Siti that she lives up to this bad reputation. Previously I was warned about her this type of irresponsible attitude, however, I still chose to use her, as I thought I should give someone a chance unless she proved herself unworthy. So now, she is really unworthy of my trust.

I need to find a new massage lady, appreciate if someone would recommend.

Thank you.

xiao xiin,

i also bought kellogg's k fruits & yogurt liao, yummy with HL milk.


can email me how the binder looks like? im keen to buy but don't want end up not using it.

[email protected]

lime cream is meant for?


why can't bf? even if u ate food not meant for bf, after few hrs can liao ma. my supply is very low but still, im trying plus these 4mths @ home nothing much to do, so can bf lor.

2nd Mini Meetup (19th July or 22nd July?- I just pluck any dates)

Location: Town (paragon/ taka/ PS/ IKEA Tampines)

Time: 2- 4 pm or 1-3 pm

1) Genice- fine with anything

2) missbluey (keen but still have other dates?? 19th bringing #2 for jab, 22nd hubby bday)


My bm feels sticky too. But my hubby when washing the bottles with the ebm commented tat it feels oily. Think cos of the fats contents in bm.

Xiao xin,

I used to sling my dog too! LOL! I scared I drop bb so I use my dog to testing :p


ok so unpaid 268 + 18. I get it liao. Cuz I thought package must pay the 6 in 1, rotavirus, prevenar, MMR jab etc all in first visit then got to ask my hb to go with me to use medisave liao..

Miko, didn't know u have 2 dogs! I have 3 but not in my house.. I didn't shift them here when I moved.. Can't handle 2 with 3 dogs!!

Re gathering

I wanted to join but how to bring my #1 along with #2? I think I can't even sit down for a sec.. Unless mummies is meeting for breakfast :p

2nd Mini Meetup (19th July or 22nd July?- I just pluck any dates)

Location: Town (paragon/ taka/ PS/ IKEA Tampines)

Time: 2- 4 pm or 1-3 pm

1) Genice- fine with anything

2) missbluey (keen but still have other dates?? 19th bringing #2 for jab, 22nd hubby bday)

3) sheryl 22 july ba 1-3pm (19 mum's bdae)

I'm planning to get an electric one. I'm first time mom so not sure whether my milk flow will be great. But just in case can you recommend a good electric pump not so costly but around $200..

ok mommies,

there u hv it...the binder..1st pic is the frt of binder...the back of the binder is the one with flowers...


the lime cream is to rub our tummy and thighs so tat effect is better...bt personally i feel the ginger cream effect lasts longer...binder works better when cream is applied and hv to wear for at least 8hrs daily...


Mini electric i personally find it not so bad. but compare to swing, i like swing more cos of 2 phrase expression.

If u're on budget i can sell u my mini electric at $100. Warranty expire le. I hardly use oso cos on manual pump

jojo, i went to avent's website and 'chat' with their online help agent and the person asked me to bring back to their customer service to check. the customer service is normal office hour, hub is working and i still doing confinement. sighhhh... dunno how.

i timed the steriliser and it takes 18 mins which is far too long.

Hi peace,

You may try my massage lady : Hui Ling ( 96944564) She is a nice lady and quite helpful. Her binding is not bad and reasonable pricing as well.


ya.. but i dun think worth the price sia.. =\

cuteness is dera.. but.. =\

i dowan to spend a bomb for something i think its worth onli like $8 .__. hahaha

sparkle, i tink i'll call them to ask also le.. mine also takes very long to sterilize.. duno if its ok to just off it after >8min.. since the pump already being steamed for so long, shld be ok ba..

jojo, my BM supply pathetic lor... so even i sleep 8hrs oni feel abit engorged.

for the mini meet-up, bring babies or just mummy along?

Xiao xin,

I used to sling my dog too! LOL! I scared I drop bb so I use my dog to testing :p


ok so unpaid 268 + 18. I get it liao. Cuz I thought package must pay the 6 in 1, rotavirus, prevenar, MMR jab etc all in first visit then got to ask my hb to go with me to use medisave liao..

Miko, didn't know u have 2 dogs! I have 3 but not in my house.. I didn't shift them here when I moved.. Can't handle 2 with 3 dogs!!

Re gathering

I wanted to join but how to bring my #1 along with #2? I think I can't even sit down for a sec.. Unless mummies is meeting for breakfast :p

The binder look good and very tempting! I Like the back of the binder, it's cloth material i suppose, better for our skin... Too bad i have 3 different types of binder... can't buy anymore, sure skin alive by hubby... Whenever he sees parcel in letterbox, he will start his 'chanting' again...

Sheryl, the romper so cute. I bought so many rompers online/BPs until I lost track of it... I think below $15 is okie but having said that, babies grow up very fast wan... I think wear 1 or 2 times sure outgrown very fast...


BB not staying with me now therefore its too late for BF le. My MIL is helping me to take care of him.

Guess what, today is my official full month date and I have returned to work. Good or bad thing?! Honestly, i hav no idea...

Hi Ladies, sorry to disturb.

I'm selling Ameda Electric Dual Pumps for $220. In good working condition. BPA free version. Warranty ends in Oct 10. Collection at cck/yeww tee mrt stn. Can also meet up on sat afternoon along Yew Tew to Tanjong pager mrt route stn.


Pumpin Pals handset and shields

Pigeon Fridge-to-go

Preloved BPA free standard bottles with caps for transportation of bm

Breastfeeding pillow

Mothercare breastpads

Half bottle of fenugreek

The First Year Nursing cover

Ameda Manual Pump Equipment

Pls PM if interested. Thanks.


depends whether u wan to bring ur bb along lor. i don't have confidence to bring mine out, somemore by myself.


ur hubby same like mine! haha. he always 'chant', i like the sun wukong, lol.


how come u only took 1mth ML?

re: velcro binder

any idea can wash? im buying!

too bad i cannot meet u ladies for meetups.

Xiaoxin: i tink cobwebs is oredi growing on my head and i feel like i am in prison. mushrooms will also be growing too. turning mouldy oredi. i have only gone out to do Birth cert and PD visit 1 week ago! i feel like i am going crazy soon. if i cannot go out soon. confinement will only end in around 2 weeks time! arghh

2nd Mini Meetup (21st july?- I just pluck any dates)

Location: Town (paragon/ taka/ PS/ IKEA Tampines)

Time: 2- 4 pm or 1-3 pm

1) Genice- fine with anything

2) missbluey (keen but still have other dates?? 19th bringing #2 for jab, 22nd hubby bday)

3) sheryl 22 july ba 1-3pm (19 mum's bdae)

bluey n sheryl.. we chnage to 21st? better?

Jenn.. the date is as above and venue to be decided again.. shld be town (more central)

mezzo, peck, irma and other mummies can come??

bluberi, if u got confidence then bring ur bb, if not mummies only also can.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elise.. watch drama serial.. i watched a lot of tvb serial during confinement.Confinement is boring one.. take the time to read some books?

icey.. how come u go back work so early?

bliss.. what time does ur #1 goes to school n what time come hm. For the jabs, only prenavar can use medisave then must get ur hubby to print cpf statement to show medisave acct and bring ic k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sheryl and icey.. u may want to go Healthway for vaccines.. cheaper than polyclinics leh. And there are many branches.


Kelly.. thanks for the pics. So its actually 2 sets of binder right, 1 large piece and 1 small piece.

Erm.. if it is so, then what a coincidence, i also have this binder and showed to mdm ida before, she also helped me use it and tighten for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When she did my massage, she only uses bengkong and i din buy the bengkong cause i already have a cross binder from origins and showed to her plus a velcro binder which is exactly the same as above but i dun have flowers one. She was quite intrigued by the binder and say its very gd but she nver tell me she got sell the same binder leh ( maybe she saw i already have). Hehe.. i got use the binder leh but still flabby.. must be more hardworking lor..


heh heh, 21st should be ok. my 6th weeks checkup is on that day but 9am.


ya, like genice, i also watched alot of tvb during my confinement. luckily the starhub box is in my room else i super sian.



the binder is jus one piece with 3 big velcro at the front...hmmm..imagine a one large piece of cloth and u velcro the 3 straps at the front??

i tink they jus got the binder recently nia...cos tat time whn mdm zaliah did for me..and whn i told her the binder tat i am supposed to get was cancelled...then she told me tat they jus found another binder which was quite gd and asked me if i wan or not...i immediately said YES, i wan i wan...hehehe...

