(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Good morning mummies!

Baby was screaming so loud in her sleep lastnight, scared the hell out of all of us. It seemed she had a terrible nightmares. She was ok after we fed her water and when she woken up. My in laws said it was because she played too much with her cousins during the day. Really wonder what could be so scary for a baby in the dream... :p

Anyway, read this piece of sad news. A 8-mth old baby in Taiwan died after being placed in a drawer for more than 30 minutes at a baby care centre. She was put there by the babysitter to prevent her crying from affecting other children. The babysitter lied to the parents that the baby died from flu initially.


Very hard to trust others with the care of children . Can't understand how people can be so senseless. I don't know what I would do if I don't have my in laws to help with the care of my baby. Really grateful to them.


Luckyone: Congrats on your boy's crawling. Don't worry. 1 or 2 steps yesterday, could become many steps in the next few days. That's what happen to Chloe as well. Now she is practically crawling around after me. Started climbing too. Can stand and sit by herself with support also. Walking with support too. Very scary.

Hi May mummies...

just to check, will you run out of ideas of what to do with baby at home? what do you normally do or play with baby at 9mths old now? :)

babygi, pringles There was one case that the grandma killed her 10mth old grandson. *sigh* Even Dad killed child too... :s It's so sad to hear such news.

NHK, babygi, pringles what happened to this world!!

Teng, at home I play toys with my boy, tell story, show flash card, watch dvd with him, play songs, sing and dance to show him, teach him dancing by moving his legs and arms.

ChloeMum, Haha...Chloe very smart hor. Yeap can be quite scary if my boy started to make new move.

Have to stay beside him, if not he will just "pon" fall hahaha

Luckyone: don't think she is smart or what lar. all kids will learn to do them. Fast or slow only. And depends on each kid.

As for falling down, sure will happen. I just do my best to try to prevent. But cannot be 100% one. Cos we need to do things mah. Sometimes I just turned around to take something, then I hear, "BOM" and loud wailing liao! But she will calm down after I carry her lar. Den just check to make sure no bumps or blood can liao. So far ok.

Now she seems to take a liking to crawling towards the dining table and sit under my dining chair. hahahaha... else if she knows i am in the kitchen, she will crawl to the kitchen door and sit there. Quite funny.

Just like how she will stand in her cot, facing the direction where I will appear from, to wait for me to come back.

=> This is quite a nightmare. Especially when I am trying to make her go sleep at night. She will stand up by herself and refuse to lie down to sleep. And when she is super tired, she will sit herself down, and start twirling her blanket with her fingers with her head hanging down. But just refuse to lie down to sleep until I go back in to tuck her into bed. Looks very poor thing.

Hi mummies,

Michelle: Hmmmm...... I am not so sure where. I was thinking of your place. Looks like so many toys for the them to play. Or a picnic at East Coast? Or Polliwogs?

LucasMummy , can't do my place this Fri cos my mum has some friends coming over

How bout your place ? You stay Seng Kang right then maybe Little Tiger can join too since she stay Punggol . Picnic at East Coast will be difficult cos no place for them to crawl and scared weather hot. I am ok for Polliwogs

Michelle: My place should be ok if you do not mind. I'll try to keep the cleanliness to the max on Fri. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What time is good?

LucasMummy , ok let's do at your place then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can be there ard 2pm. Is your place near Seng Kang MRT ?

Any other NEL mummies free to meet this Fri ?

ChloeMum ,Fidgets caters for adult food ? And if it's $30 per kid ,means if 2 adults and 1 baby go just need to pay $30 altogether ?

Michelle, they can cater for adult food. i dun think the package price listed in the site includes adult food. they cater for kids' food. but i'm thinking 1 year old can't really eat all the sandwiches and stuff, so maybe can just call to ask them to quote for adult food only? and see how's the price like. Else, i am sure we can just make do with the kiddy food. and if that's the case, 2 adults 1 baby will be $30 or so.

Pinnky, yes quite nice leh.

My boy 1st month I ordered 1 day Neo Garden and 1 day PinSi. After compared, I found Pin Sin better..um alot.

Luckyone: Neo Garden received many raves that time I orered for my wedding. When was the last u ordered from them? Could it be their standard has dropped?

Can try YLS? Overall not too bad. Cannot expect all dish to be good. The yam paste was all whipped up. And reasonable price. Most likely be engaging again this time.

at first thought to order Neo garden too..heard from impulse41, she also disappointed with neo during her son's full mth..

lucasmummy, I was thinking abt YLS (Y.L.S. not yehlaisiang rite) also but then read some bad comments n not sure should I go ahead with this..but I like their package, where we can choose anything we like from same category..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinnky: i also got YLS for Chloe's 1 month party. Cos can choose anything from any category. And this is good for me, cos my MIL was helping to prepare some other food items.

The yam paste all gone! But don't bother with the prawn paste chicken (not very fresh, got oil taste). i think can drop the prawns also. Most of the guests too lazy to peel, and the prawns were also over cooked. =(

The other items were ok.

My office uses fourseasons catering. not bad. but more expensive i think.

Yeap I heard fr my friend Neo Garden is good and fr SIL Neo Garden not bad too so I ordered both since I want to celebrate in 2 days. But after tried Neo Garden food, really can't made it...

As for PinSi, I tried at my SIL house again 2, 3 months ago, standard remain..ymmy.

But price no vrey reasonable...

pinnky: ya, Y.L.S, not yehlaisiang. hmmm... I think if we pay for a better catering doesn't mean that all their dishes are good as well. So it has depend on your cut off expectation, different taste bud and other priority. How about ecreative, orangeclove?

Chloemum..tat's d point i like YLS..cox only they allow to choose anything from any category. Okay, will tk note of d prawn if goin to order from them..how abt curry chicken? Nice? My hubby said is must to order..aih..

Lucasmumy, yes..u r rite! Thanks for ur other suggestions..will go n read the feedback n made the final decision..getting closer n closer now..hehe..

I never order curry chicken. actually i usu try to stay clear of coconut dishes. cos spoil fast. so if the food cannot finish, most likely all must throw. Very wasteful.

Michelle: Alrighty! My place is 1 LRT away from the main station. Will PM you details.

Any mummies who are keen on the Friday 25th Feb playdate?

Hi Michelle and Lucasmummy,

Wah this fri playdate sounds good! And lucasmummy's place so near to my mum's place at sengkang (2 lrt away fr mrt)!

Alas bb is a little unwell these 2 days. I hope she gets better soon. If she is well, i definitely hope to join. If not, she better stay at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I update u guys again!!

Catering: glory food or glory catering got nice food. They have a retail outlet at 4th floor isetan scotts. I love their food.

My neighbour engage peach garden catering like 3-5 times during cny period (I saw the van many times) so I guess that's nice also??!!

Opps sorry there is no peach garden catering. My mistake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I just did a search...

Lucasmummy, can Meagan and I come too? But I can only confirm on Thursday cos' I'm busy packing for house move. Would very much like a breather though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies...

Mattsmummy and Little Tiger: yay! Just update us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies... so fun with playdates. Wish i were SAHM! Have fun!!

Luckyone, YAY!! That is a great weight!! Your great pains cooking those delicious meals have paid off!! I can imagine he will enjoy every meal and wipe your plates clean. Heheh... Any new meal ideas? How much milk does your baby drink now? I keep hearing people asking me to reduce (Now 180mlx3 at infantcare) and switch to formula. Is your baby eating stuff other than porridge? Mine seems to prefer porridge alot more than pasta/potatoes. i started giving mushrooms, zuchinni and celery. So far so good... But he lost 600g when he was down with bronchitis so went from 8.65 to around 8 again so I don't think he's even 9kg yet. Haiz. Feel like bad mum. Thanks for letting me know about bananna, is cheese ok? One mum at IFC told me cheese & apples are not allowed too so now i only give papaya + fresh apricots.

Mrs Teo, agree Glory is good, we did for full month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My office uses Purple Sage and Kriston. I prefer the former but I think more expensive but Kriston is not bad too, some menus are better than others (i think teh one with western stuff seemed nicer).

anyone has idea when the March Taka baby fair starts?

Lucasmummy, cannot... Thea very long never meet all the babies already. Especially Lucas!

Any mummies going for any trial class this weekend. I so want to bring her to meet other babies, can feel that she's quite deprive of interaction with other babies. Or anybody interested to go gymboree freeplay? But I must check timing.

WanderLeibe, My boy drink 320ml (120ml & 200ml at home) , 180ml x 3 (IFC) per day. Yeap after 7 months, if baby is taking solid food well, can reduce to 700, 800ml milk intake per day.

Oh! so fast you started muchroom ah! I will start next month + beef!

Cheese and apple should be ok lah.

ah yeah to me, as long you're not giving too much, I think any food should be fine lah. I bo cham one.

Next month I will try new menu.I will cook/ boil dish/soup with little bit of olive oil, light soy sauce and organic salt.

So me and hubby can eat too. As for my boy, no more chopped solid foods for him. I will use scissor cut, cut, cut.

Taka baby fair, I working in Orchard area. If I heard any news, will update here.

Edie: I am ok for gymboree free play on weekends. Let me know when.

Baby Fairs

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011

* Dates: 9 to 28 March 2011

* Time: unavailable (last year’s fair: 10a.m. to 9.30p.m.)

* Venue: Takashimaya Singapore

2. Baby Care Festival 2011

* Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011

* Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.

* Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B

* Organiser: Mother & Baby Singapore

* Website: Facebook event page here (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=184365588248133)

3. Baby Expo

* Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011

* Time: (Fri & Sat) 11a.m. to 9p.m., (Sun) 11a.m. to 8p.m.

* Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

* Organiser: Vivacious Media Pte Ltd

* Website: Singapore Expo events page here (http://singaporeexpo.com.sg/category/events/upcoming/?eventDate=2011-04)


Ash also very deprived of socializing. I am also looking at the gymboree class. I've seen Sue's pic of bb CAlly. Looks like fun.

Wanted to go fidgets but i think got mummies say not much for 9mth old to play.

When do u wanna go gymboree?

Edie, Mrs Teo:Ya, after seeing Cally's, I have called to arrange a class for Lucas on this Thursday. Aiya.. I only have weekday off.

If it has to be weekends.... How about a playdate on 19th March as well?! I am off that day! Whee.........

I think Gymboree can start a class even if it's just 1 baby. Maybe we can make some arrangement and form a class.

lucusmummy, i can do weekdays but this thur i alrady hv an appt. plus ash has been feverish + runny nose and coughs sicne last friday (on and off). also wanted to join u for this fri playdate but cannot already lor.

19th March sounds fun. I am curently trying to find bicycle pump.. or pump of any sort to inflat her ball pit.. I hope to be able to get it up by then, we can do a playdate at my house if u dun mind.

edie, 19th march is a sat - u can?

any more mummies can make it on 19th?

Mommy.. Fever virus in the air.. My girl kena le.. Got call up by IFC to fetch her home jus now.. Sigh..

19march playdate: I'm interested.. But can I cfm our attendance later??

I was planning on bringing Nat to Gymboree Tanglin for free play this Sunday either 6/630pm , in case anyone else wants to join in

Mrs Teo , I should be able to make it on 19th Mar

Hi Mummies!

Count me in if you guys are going for Gymboree trail class or free play k!? I'm free on most weekends but not free on 19th and 26th March, coz I'm conducting some classes myself. Is it possible to arrange on a different weekends? Hope my baby can get to meet her fellow May Tiger babies soon.

Luckyone, wow your son is great... Mine still on mostly blended stuff, he seems to gag on food that is harder but is ok with rice crackers. Is it normal?? Other mummies also stopped blending? I want to start chopping foods instead of blending but he doesn't chew much and gags during meals. How how?? I mix abit of mushrooms only cos i'm afraid the taste will be too strong (i roasted them). What type of beef to give? I'm thinking of starting beef too but mince seems to have fat. Hmm... i think i asked some mummy before but i can't find the reply. *me so blur*

Chloemum, wow you are one super info-packed mama. Thanks thanks! Any good deals at baby fairs? Me need to get high chair....

gymboree free play - dun need to book first rite? - i can make it for 6/630 pm on sunday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs teo, i can make it on 19th march too and i have a manual pump - u staying at northeast too rite?

Hello mummies!!

We finally booked a chalet for Raihan's 1st bday. Initally wanted it at home but hb's side alone 50 ppl! definately not place so the next cheapest alternative was a chalet! :p

ALoha Loyang has playroom near the pool so added feature [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckyone-- *Raise hand!* Me want!! How to register for the free play gym class?

19 march playdate-- Can Raihan and I join in?

JTS-- the Baby Singapore 2011 is on islandwide in most CCs. For Tampines side its on 5 March 2011 @ Tampines North CC and 16 April at Tampines West CC. Reg fees is % $10 to $15.


I entered Raihan for the 5 March show at Tampines North CC! :p So hope to see some Tampines mummies there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Free play time at Gymboree this weekends


Sat nil (got birthday function)

Sun 1:05-2:05pm; 6-7pm; 6:30-7:30pm


Sat 7-8pm

Sun 6-8pm

Edie & Michelle, I might be able to join you this weekends, let u know soon (slightly complicated coz my parents are visiting from overseas, need to know their itinerary first).


19 march sounds good to ethan and myself..can ethan and myself join? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*sigh* virus is in the air. pls do take note...my bb also having running nose and fever....have to rush him down to a&e...plus hubby not in town...*stressed*...luckily no impact on his lungs and any other major organs, doc suggested for him to be hospitalized for monitoring but i rejected...both of us have enuff of hospital..so now resting at home...

hopefully all the babies who are sick get well soon! and those babies who are not sick, do take extra care!

btw juz a qn, anyone brought their babies for flu vaccination??

the a&e doc advised not for babies below 1 yr old...but some other pds/gps recommended.

