(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


yah average bb weight gain is 20-25g per day.. dont compare ur bb weight to others cause all babies are different de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dont stress urself up.. ur bb got poo and pee everyday then shld be okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi BBdust, now i bottle fed her with EBM my CL say she got urine more. I feel so guilty now making her suffer previously with all the spoonfeeding..

i think as long as ur bb drinking well n pooping well shld be fine? anyway u due for vacinnation soon right? y not wait till vaccination then ask doc? but if u really worried then go see doc, at least buy peace of mind...

Hi gbh, bb born on 29March. Can I go for her hep B dose on the 26th April or must be exactly one month? Or can i go later on the 3rd May?? Cos' my hubby going overseas on 25th April and back in 3rd May. Thinking better to wait till hubby come back than go for vacinnation..

Can I bring bb to normal GP for assessment or must go back PD?

Last time with my son i never have to worry about BM supply. This time round so different.

lucida..nt too sure if its related ...my boi born a day earlier than yr bb...th hep b jab appt i was told to fix it one month later at least & also no jaundice then can take the jab at polyclinic.

Hi woofmeow, Oh.. okie.. if like that can only take the 6-in-1 jab lor. Cos' Hep B jab is to take a month later. Maybe i bring bb to assess jaudice on the 26th than decide. 26th CL still with me so can help. 27th she will leave already.. only me and bb at home.

At first wanting to put my boy at my MIL place. We just told him about this and he kept saying he dun want to sleep at my MIL place. I just hope he will cooperate else i dun think i can manage a child and a baby together..

Hi i am back.

My bb boy was born at 7.25am on 14 Apr 10.

Natural with Epi. Wt 3.07 kg. 12 hrs of labour.

Will update u all when i am settled.

Boy was still in hospital as Jaundice was 15. Missed him a lot now.


no worries abt weight gain once their jaundice gets better they start to drink more and they gain weight very very fast de. my boy was very underweight cause of the jaundice episode now as he slowly recover though still got, he drinks more and is gaining weight now.

the hep b jab i think its better to stick to the original date unless ur doc advised otherwise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


almost all the mummies here got jaundiced babies.. we are all asking the jaundice to BE GONE... mine also kena hospitalised a few weeks back sob sob.

hi BBdust, there wasn't a date given for Hep B. They just say one month. so plus minus a few days not sure ok or not..


my boy born a few days after urs, we are scheduled to go back on 3rd may. maybe check with ur PD? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no problem to take hep b jab, a few days after bah. call polylinic or pd to confirm depending on where you want to jab.

i think you are stressing yourself up over your baby's weight gain. just make sure she is peeing and pooing well then should be ok.


my pd just said the hep b supposed to take when bb is 1 mth old but i think ok to +- a few days one... u sound very stressed n lost.. relax... i was very stressed a few days ago then when my bb got admitted to the hosp a second time for jaundice, i got my mother to go to hosp with hb... i was too physically n emotionally tired to go thru the process all over... during that time i took some time for myself n get a good night sleep... felt so much better after getting rest...

u shld let ur cl or family help u now n u get some rest first..i aso got BF issues... now i fear that my gal getting too used to teat n rejecting my breasts, she like dun seem to like to suckle at my breast when i tried to offer her... now trying to latch her once a day so she wont forget my breasts...

take heart that u r not alone in the same issues that u also face... we r all in this tog... just learn to relax now so that u can take care of bb better with a positive mindset...

No matter how much we had done for HB, their mum also more important to them... And dear MIL always demonstrate this fact during times when we need our HB so much...Sick & tired of all these nonsenses...

1sttimepapa, congrats! U must be over the moon.

Ming, all the best. Hope u can talk ur bb to get moving this weekend.

Lucida, heard the same abt 30g increase wt per day. Generally bb shd regain to their birth wt by 2 weeks so think ur bb sounds ok bah.

Ashleybb, what's happened to make u so upset?

Mummies, I'm so tired n sleepy all the time! Struggle to stay awake most of the time.

Hi Celynlee/gbh, Thanks for all your encouragement. Yup. It's nice to have this forum. Really appreciate the comments and advice given. Actually now i will latch on every time for feeding and than followed with EBM. Will continue to do so as long as i got BM till i go back work.

Hi Maddie, Actually the weight is estimation. I weigh myself on the digital scale and than minus off the weight with baby.. with cloting etc.. so actual might be lesser. anyway, will monitor for the weekend than decide whether need supplement formula or not

GBH: I am more emotional than my wife when i heard my boy is not going coming back with us due to Jaundice. Eyes were red when bid him good bye...felt like letting him behind... I know guy should not be so soft-hearted..but really can't help it..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ashley hopefully u felling better now.

I managed to pump once today didnt bring adaptor vertical pin! Hb went hm to take. The black green poo so gluey hb complain boy so hard to clean !


ya... i know that too... i cried in front of the nurse... saw my bb in the cot doing the phototherapy n naked like that make me feel very gek sim too...

my hb asking me pass bb to nursery so i can rest. I said u ser de ar? Then he comes back w bb cos most of the bbies in nursery cryng haha!

i gving bb sips of water. wet his lips and hoping it will prevent j lvls surging.

pumping again. patetic cow wannabe.

gbh, maddie, vicma... My MIL came over yesterday (Fri actually) to stay over the weekends supposingly said to help out... While I was trying to latch my bb last nite, she kept saying I make life difficult for bb and why don't just bottle-feed her... I tried to tell her Im no pro at breastfeeding yet and it will take time for things to get better but she just nag and nag... When my HB got back from work, she dragged him out for dinner obviously know I can't join them... Ok nevermind, come back after her dinner asked me why I waste money on epi... Cont to brag how she take labour pain to give birth to my HB... Just now complained to my HB say I no good at taking care of bb coz bb cried for milk I take my own sweet time to breastfeed bb, stubborn dun wana bottle feed... Said better to let her take care of bb next month on...Kept coming to our room, can I put a "MIL out of bound" sign outside my room??? Wa piang buay tahan...


even my own mother also nag n nag at me for my effort in BFing lor... not to mention MIL... can totally understand ur frustration... just ignore her if u can lor... hmmm.. close ur door when u r inside so that she cannot go in? i think most pple wont ask to be let in if they see door closed right?

lucida : regards to jab, you can actually opt to take 6-in-1 which is taken at 6 weeks old.

ashleybb : do not give in to your mother or MIL negative comments abt BF. when i had my 1st child, i could not tolerate these comments n surrender by offering formula. My girl later refused to latch on my breasts. hence, i cld not build up a gd supply via pumping. This time round, i shunned away from all these comments n insist on TBF. Most imptly, HB support is very crucial.

up to moo moo


just ignore her loh. my mum also will complain that i bf but her complain is not that i starve baby but hurting my own health.

lock your door when you bf loh then she can't come in

gbh, the door closed but she knocked on it... I latched my bb for 15mins each breast then if bb still not enough then I try to latched longer or if bb not suckle le but still as if not enough, I will bottle-fed her with EBM... I don't know what is wrong with that lor...

Moo moo time.

1sttimepapa...congrats on yr bb boi *-*.

Jaundice will go down slowly so not to worry too much...start getting your wife to pump bf slowly ..will help in bring the dreaded jaundice lvls down.


i dun see anything with yr method also...contonue to bf ...sometimes pple pass comments w/o considering that we are still hormonal even after delivery .

I lock the dr when i let bb latch on so its a clear signal to stay away to my mum.

Gbh, 1sttimepapa, I thot I was the only one to stand at lift lobby watching my bb under the photo light n crying away. I guess now it's quite normal reaction.

Ashleybb, my sympathies! Mother behave like that already cannot tahan, 10x worse if it's MIL. I would ignore n lock the door too. But for me I don't dare lock door in case I need someone to come in n I can't get to the door.

Just now was also upset with hb for taking out the most recent ebm in fridge for bb to drink simply bcos it was the only bottle with the 'correct' amount to feed. I was like why can't u add fr the earlier bottles. He said not convenient. Prefer me to pump into feed-friendly amounts. Argh!!


hope u r feeling better now.. Just ignore her negative comments.. Do what u deem fit. My mil lagi worse, my mil came in my room without knocking when I was having my massage.. Can u imagine I was almost naked, only with panty. The ML was massaging my engorement breast, I was in pain, yet my mil still can said I got bad engorement because my breast is too small.. @$);@@"& Sigh! Really lost my privacy! But I just let it go.. Take things easy..

up moo moo again


you got to educate your hubby on how to treat your ebm loh. what we are doing is for baby's health not convenient. if he wants convenient then FM is very convenient loh.


there is nothing wrong with your method.

I had popped on 16th April, Edd is on 18th April instead. Natural with epi/vacuum. Bb's weight 2.84kg.

#2 shares the same birthday as #1 . What a coincidence!!

Currently at TMC now.

congrats xiang!

oh then they can celebrate together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope you are feeling better now. like celyn said, your mtd is perfectly fine.

u wanted just to vent or advice? most impt is to get HB onside. everything else falls into place after that. sayang.


one word - educate educate educate... or even brainwash. haha.

up to latch then pump at 530am. then C1 woke up and wanted time alone w me... sigh. refused to let go of me till Mr C brgt him out to the supermkt at 9am. double sigh.

and threw tantrum when i was latching C2.

triple sigh.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sigh so much, but only internally la.

morning mummies

back from kk for jaundice check, baby's jaundice level had come down liao.


congrats. nice to have both kids having same birthday.

Hello mummies,

I juz gave birth on Wed night. Now currently facing engorged breasts. Can mummies here advise how to reduce engorgement and get a smooth milk supply soon? Now when I pump or hand express, colostrum comes out drop by drop. Is it due to blocked milk ducts? How to open more milk ducts? Desperate for some quick solutions. Hope mummies here can help me. Thanks in advance.

Doc just called. BB jaundice only dropped from 15 to 14.

So can probably be back from Sun OR Mon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Will be going down with my wife to visit him at 2pm next feeding time. At least to show that we care abt him n wife can latch him. So far latch without much success cos he likes to sleep. He only sucked quite a lot on third day before wife discharge.

Today is 4th day after delivery (14 Apr 7.25am), still no sign of milk from wife yet.

Hi mummies,

My princess has arrived too. Just too busy to update cos both C1 and C2 are sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

12th April, girl, 3.4kg, natural with gas

still not much milk. in fact had no milk (not even a single drop) till yesterday. gynae prescribed some medicine and couldnt see any effect till yest night when my breasts suddenly became hard as rocks. terribly engorged but up to today, still only less than 10ml. did massage etc before pumping. cl stared and laughed when she saw only so little. feel like whacking her.

v sian. even hb asked why i bother to pump since so little and we r giving fm (cos bb was starving and had jaundice). now she also rejecting breasts liao cos too little milk, too much effort and prefers the bottle. haiz


just locked the door, tell your hb to keep the key 4 emergency only. then sms/call your hb when u need him in. that's what i do with my cl/kids around and i am pumping.

i am quite fierce lah so my mil nv dares to bother me or give me her stupid comments. i WILL tell her off and my hb and fil know her pattern of talking rubbish/non stop too so i have their understanding in that sense. lol

For philip Avent steam steriliser.

There are 2 modes, Mode 1 - 6 hrs and Mode 2 - 24 hrs.

If we put 4 milk bottles to sterilize, after finishing 1 bottle and wash, do we put back the milk bottle in steriliser or need to wait other 3 milk bottles used up, washed and press mode 1/2 again?

Before pumping, try using a warm cloth to massage ur breasts, have a warm drink during pump. This is wat I usually do. When latch on bb, try to squeeze ur breast at the same time if u have low ss.. After latch, must pump out milk, initially there may be no or little milk, slowly ss will come.. Must be diligent in pumping..

After 1week of hard work, my ss come in, now I can pump close to 180ml in total.. Still doing pumping every 3hr to achieve more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] everyone jiayou!!!


i always set at 2 to sterilise.


i think you are super engorge and ducts are blocked thus you can't pump out well and baby had problem latching. i also face the same problem recently till i get a LC to clear a bit for me. back home now, i always massage, hand squeeze a bit out before i pump. initially, i also pump only like 10-20ml due to blockage. now i can at least pump 30-40ml each side.

as i massage, i use the bottle to collect those leaking bm.


if i sterilise 4 bottles, i will assemble all and put aside when i want to use the first one. then sterilise all again and press mode 2. cos i use breast pump every 3 hours, so everytime got to wash and sterilise right. so each time when i pump things inside, i will press mode 2 to sterilise.

RE: Breastfeeding and alkohol intake

hi mummies, i remember got discussion about alkohol and breastfeeding. So what is the advise? how long sld i avoid breastfeeding my bb after taking dom or henessy?

also, if taking boiled soup with alkohol, can i still breastfeed or how long should I stop breastfeeding?

Please advise as I can't seem to find the information from the forum anymore.

RE: Breastmilk storage

I realised that there are different expiry date from different website or even PD for storing breastmilk, some said 48 hours if storong in fridge, and some said up to 8 days.

Any mummy can give me advise on this? I am now practising 48 hours and make milo with those more than 48hrs and drink it myself... kind of wasted coz EBM is meant for bb mah... so need ur advise. Please help!

RE: Latch on and bottle feed EBM

I let my CL to bottle feed EBM after latching on for 10-20mins. is this a common practise ah?

Doing this coz i wanna know how much my bb take and also i started this practise due to photo theraphy as bb cannot effort to latch on for too long without under the light.

Please advise. Thanks.

GLHK,celyn, woofy, maddie, cottagefry, cellow & sflaky, am feeling better now... And I can't locked my rm door de, can only close the door, if not she will complain to my HB say I shut her from her grandchild wor... Now when MIL at my house I got to sms my HB whenever I need to talk to him about bb things or she will make all sort of comments... If my CL also complain to me about her then think I am not the one with problem rite??? Guess I just have to really ignore those negative remarks in order to stay positive towards TBF... The thing is when MIL not around HB supportive but when his mum nag, he agrees with what his mum say leh...

Maddie, my HB also do the same thing la... Now my EMB all stored in feed-friendly amount...

Sflaky, Congrats... Regading milk ss, u got to keep latching and pumping to increase ss de... Initially I also manage to get 10-20mls per 45 - 60mins pump, then slowly ss increase to about 130-150mls per 30-45mins pump... Jia you...

Wonderland, I also practice bottle feed with EBM after latching 15mins on each breast and bb seems not full yet... However I do try to latch longer and if she don't suckle le then I bottle feed her EBM coz think breast no milk for her already....

