(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Mrsm - me me, i am ending my 39th week and stepping into the 40th week tomorrow and yoo hoo, my baby still comfy in me! She has been rather cooperative cos i asked her to come out on EDD i.e. 20 Apr or 21st Apr so that she can be a taurus like daddy!


I'm having milk supply problem. Does anyone knows if taking franugreek increase suppy? And how do we cook it? How often should I take it?


Thanks to all the mummies & daddies here!

Cellow, it's the first time that I am not home with her when she wakes. She is not used to my absence for so long, so she cried while talking to me on the phone.

A bit heartache but cannot be helped.

Vicma, paiseh! Can you PM me your contact for placenta? We decided to take the placenta this time. Thank you!

i jus read frm magazina- mother n bb, it states wk 40 average weight of spore bb is 3.2kg. Keep in mind tat bb due date is am estimate.. Onli 4 per cent of babies arrive on their due date, so make sure we allow for two weeks' leeway, either side.

to mi if late i wil wait unless got other medical concern.

Celia, I would also prefer to wait but in my case no choice... gynae says if these few days don't come out have to induce cos the fluid level is low. So now can only hope she'll come on her own. Today kept moving around cleaning my house. Hope it'll encourage her to make her way out.


U doin chores oh.. dun over tire urself, i think gd to b in aircon n 'soh' ur stomach talk to bb.. Better way to ask her out.

I on leave more then 1 mth before due date. Everyday morning talk to my boi n nite time before bed.

I tel my bb to develope watever is necessary, come out when near due date, give me signal also. Really before i delivered 2 days beforehand I dreamt i gave birth and following nite I cant get to slp. Next nite Bb come out liao.. Whhaaaaa

congrats to all mummies who have popped!

to all mummies waiting to pop, im also at wk 39 now and still waiting to pop. so far no signs other than my last contraction last monday...got to see wat doc says when i see her this wed. my last checkup last week bb was 2.7kg and water level still gd so maybe he still comfy inside me...

just come back from seeing Gynae.

Wife is 2cm dilation n gayne asked whether can go TMC tomorrow to induce. I said ok.

Kana scolded my wife why 2cm need to go induce. She want to wait for natural.

Did i make a bad decision?

Our EDD is 17 Apr 10.

induce is also natural what.

its enhanced waiting at the hosp. good and bad la. u hv professiomals to watch over u. if pain is unbearable can take pain relief. but ya maybe u just hv to pay abit more ba.

Delivery has no hard and fast rules. If gynae doesnt think its suitable they wont even suggest.


I feel that such decisions should be made by the both of you together. Discuss and come to a decision rather than have 1 party make the decision on their own without consulting the other.


Thanks, I switched on the air con while packing and cleaning the diff rooms ;p Will talk to her too to encourage her to come out.

actually should ask gynae what are yr options aka professional opinions and the pros and cons of each option before u decide as well.

He is afterall responsible for the delivery professionnally. Not both of u. U both can make final decisions when choices can be made.

Agree with Vic ma. If gynae is giving you both a choice then you both need to decide together. If his professional opinion is that you should induce tomorrow then it would be better to follow.

hi mummies,

thanks to all mummies who have helped me in my queries abt BFing... currently i start to feel that things more under control now that i got the hang of taking care of BB n not so galang gabor... prev 1 week plus was total chaos with BB jaundice n lotsa to n fro from hosp... but now all seem quite settled a bit liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re overdue BBs

i also agree that if BB wants to be late best to let BB stay inside till wanna come out but if i rem correctly, Mdm Wong Boi Boi said that theres a reason why we cannot be overdue much bcoz of the lifespan of the placenta... typical life span of a placenta is abt 40 weeks so if the placenta conk out before BB is out, it can post a very dangerous risk to the BB bcoz the BB relies on the placenta for oxygen n all other things when inside tummy, thats why some gynae dont allow their patients to go overdue by too many days... given this, i think if gynae said induce, then better to induce... dont overdue by too much...


That's good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And with you more relaxed with things under control then milk supply would likely get better.

ceila syz

i also kena mu hb say me do so much yday he said some things cn let the maid do. I shout back at him. I said i dont like pple touch my things can! He himself started packing my own stuff. Simple thing within 3 mins i can do. He so lechey bring dwn stairs pass maid and my maid will take another few days to do it.

Then after asking me what to do the things and bring dusty things into my bedroom to ask me this and that. So stupid lor bring dust into the room i just finished cleaning up.

Asked me if that was from which friend pass back to the friend wor. I scolded him. The thing our common friend gave me. She wont expect it back! And its 3+ yrs le she wont even need it lor. Wait she scold me ar. I know cos some things i give my sil. She give me back i am like huh? Dont appreciate ok liao still want give me back rub it in my face? I told him u want that friend to curse me is it?

Some things new some things used i gave and it got returned lor.


thanks for the encouragement. would probably be getting post natal blues if not for the advice n assurance from all mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Am thinking of buying the Medela Harmony pump first and to buy the electric pump later on when I finally decide on which pump to get for pumping at work. Was thinking a manual pump will complement the electric one cos manual one can be brought out easily if need to and can serve as a backup should the electric fail.

Any reviews on the Harmony from mommies in this thread?

Thanxs all mommies for your advice.

I asked Gynae some more questions n he called me n say we can wait till EDD if we don't want induce tom.

My wife stand is she wants BB to make decision when to come out and when EDD is over, we'll make decision when to induce if required.

I guess i am too anxious to see BB[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i yet to finish quarter 1 gst reporting for 3 companies. Jus,t finished one today.

I hv specific tasks i want my assistant to finish so i rather not ask her to do this lor. Cos teaching takes longer than i actually do it myself. She has things to complete of her own which is her own duties she can do wo my intervention.


i also lost my cool at my HB just now when he was moving all the BB stuff in the kitchen cabinets... he put all the liners n clean teats/parts n stuff on the counter without chking if the counter is clean, esp after my mum cooked dinner... sometimes she will put uncooked food there while cooking dinner n i very fussy abt what goes into BB mouth... so felt very mangzhang and just feel like throwing everything away... know im over reacting but sometimes its like u will feel like crying when someone messes up the place that u have just painstakingly cleaned... so i can understand how u feel when ur HB brings dusty things into the room u just cleaned..

Vic ma,

Your hb just trying to help. Prob see you so busy and thought could help. End up make you fed up. Somethings just have to do by ourselves ;p I'm like that too... very particular about how things are done. What I do is that if hb wants to help I'll get him to do all the heavy lifting etc... so I usually think of what he can help me with and let him know.


oops.. paiseh.. so ur EDD not past yet huh... the placenta conk out thingy i think is more applicable for overdue BBs.. in any case, discuss with ur gynae n see how lor.. y ur wife so against induction?


You are a very excited dad to be! Glad that everything's ok now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and k kiang want to be proactive pas the whole bag back to my friend. I put other things which i need inside also le. My 2nd tummy guard was inside. Image my slim friend get it will be wondering if i insulting her too fat to slim down with the guard.

And i need the guard some more.

I really dont mind him helping out. But he takes 3 times a long to get the same things done. But i cannot hiam la at least he tries. Right?


think when it is my turn i will also feel very lost and will come in here to seek help too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really glad there is a support network!

I would also rather not induce unless gynae says it is a must. Have the same idea as 1sttimepapa's wife... would prefer to have bb decide when to come out.

Vic ma,

Ha ha just thought of this... anything can get hb to do without your intervention can get him to do ;p

Can understand why you'd want to do the GST reporting on your own. Moreover after spending time to teach you still have to check. Even though only due at the end of this month but you wouldn't have the time to check with bb around.

Vic ma,

yes... cannot hiam... it is very nice to have hb offering to help! just have to find something he can help you with so that both will be happy

vic_ma, syzygy6,

i can understand the dilemma of getting HBs to help... u need extra pair of hands but at the same time u scared yue bang yue mang... at least i also feel that way...


its really an advance /retreat dialemma which we need to let go.

This article i read i never forgot. Its for new parents.

Yr hb is still the most important person around u after the newborn comes along. I think the basis is if the marriage is going well. Bb's needs will just fall into place.

Getting hb involved is an art. (1sttimepapa is those extinct kind haha) a slanted diaper wont affect bb. Let them try. Its better than screaming at them that they got it wrong and push them aside. Which hurts the marriage, yr rs with hb and poor baby doesnt get that fancy slanted diaper aka love from daddy.

I am not as good as u all think. I also get scolding from the same things that u all had with your hb. Reading all your message doesn't seems to be new to me at all.


totally agree with that! i still rem i made HB so guilty when he gave BB the first bath n freaked her out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. now im the guilty one...

haha sorry ya. U still hv to bite yr teeth and lunz.

I only realised this later.

My hb and i had a talk abit it after bb was 1+yrs old. Everyone around me esp my parents and my aunt who adored my girl would go out on saturdays with us.

I bfed &ery long and was very tired out even though nite feeds were less freq. Interrupted sleep really sucks.

My hb said everyone just put up with my foul moods and i will 'bite' everyone and it was eally nasty hving me around in short. But out of love they put up with it.

I apologised to my hb and mum and started to bear in mind more to be more pleasant. Least i drive my marriage up the wall or my hb into another woman's arm eventually.

It was a big turning point for me.


i can so understand the talk that you had w your hb. i had mine when C1 was 5 months old... and i remember it was over a diaper. we only brgt out 2 diapers when out for dinner.

i freaked when C1 pooped twice, no more diapers...! and made dinner unpleasant by asking the waiter to serve our food faster. in front of his younger sis who came to visit.

interrupted sleep and general resentment that HB is doing less (actually he is not, he just doesnt have the eqmt to breastfeed so he gets his 8 hours uninterrupted sleep lor) just overflowed into that moment.


the mrs will be v emotional during this time. if she gets too much, just lun for a while, rem tis not abt you... then wait till she calms down... and of course reassure her that you love her!

she prob feels tt you made the decn to induce w/o her input, so you kena scolding. good that things are settled now btwn you and the mrs.

mine hor, can tell me in the middle of whispered and hissed argument (bcz dowan to alarm C1 and also the maid, so we dun shout at each other anymore), i love you but i dun like you v much right now. haha.


glad to hear that things at home are more settled now

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that sounds so familiar - "i m the guilty one." take small steps to patch things back.

went for checkup alr just now.. gynae checked my blood pressure n asked if i want bb to be out early or wana wait till edd.. i said i'd rather wait.. then he did the scan n suddenly asked, "can u giv birth tmr?"

i was like, "huh??".. he said cos bb still nt growing since past 3 wks so better to induce.. was told to admit to mt a tmr at 11.30pm.. he said it'll be cheaper if admit overnight rather than admit in e morn or aftnn.. so i guess bb will be out on wed, 14 apr..

super nervous alr! hope i'll have a fast n smooth labour w/o e need for epi!

mrsm I was also told to admit tml for induction same time at mt A tomorrow. I'm not the lest excited in fact paranoid.

Never expected to be induced [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good luck with yours tml too!

Congrats hippo, Jas and ranting...

I agreed men not so xi xin like women, my hubby needs constant reminders to wash hands before touching sterilized bottles and teats...

GBH, glad that you are feeling more orientated... And thanks, I will try to burp bb when she pushes out my nipple before latching her again and see how...

maddie, my nipples are sore too... I continue latching and pump in between feeds as well... Its so tiring, besides washing pump and bottles, got to sterilize them as well...

BBbust, hope your boy get better soon... Take care...

mrsm, armadale, good luck and wish both of you a smooth and fast delivery...

I've got this aversion to episiotomy ever since I witnessed how it's done on one lady while doin attachment. Never like how operation is done too. Kudos to all of you who's done it incl Csect. It's probably my personal fear I guess

Thanks for the wishes mummies

