(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

my wife has around more than 50 cents areas of water in her panties. Is this waterbag burst? But she didn't really hear 'Pop' sound? No contracion at all. Do u all encounter this?

I thought water bag burst is continuous flow of water...??


Ming, i was induced. The beginning contractions were manageable. After abt 2 hours of it getting worse I opted for epi. This was planned as I didn't feel the need to go natural all the way. I don't know if it is more painful than natural or not.

My baby has finally come home after almost 2 weeks in hospital. Now I have to figure out how to take care of her. And how to manage the TBF thing. Not sure if to pump in between or not as prev I was pumping 3 hourly.


my bb also like this... fed for almost an hr but wake up another hr for feeding again..

make me sleep only that few hrs...so tiring. so normally at night i bottlefeed her

Btw, I have a white spot on my nipple which is very painful especially when bb suckle. It's like piercing pain. Is it an ulcer or blister? What can I do?

1st time papa..

I got no contractions, no pop sound frm water bag, only big clog of blood drop out.

I think u ask ur wife monitor, is the water sort of watery type or ? wet on panty dosent mean is waterbag burst bah

vic ma, just realsed that my update is not in the list yet.

Here is mine updates:

Bb born on 1 Apr 2010,

born weight = 3.23kg,

delivery method - natural without epidural

Thanxs Celia.

I think is not waterbag burst lah. After that dry oredi.

Morning she felt crampy feeling with back pain but only a while.

Hopefully this is sign labour is imminent.

Tomorrow, wife is staring ML loh..

Here is my updates and story:

BB girl 05Apr10, weight 2.346kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Natural with epidural/vacuum

04Apr 3am to 4am Felt contraction and decide to monitor first

04Apr 7am Decide to procedd to KK to check as the contraction gets stronger

04Apr 8am On CTG checking and shown contractions

04Apr 10am Send to delivery ward for further monitoring

04Apr Afternoon Time unknown/forgotten Decide induce as contractions getting stronger but never dilate much

04Apr Night Time unknown/forgotten Decide for 2nd induce as contractions getting stronger but never dilate much

05Apr Ard 12am Not much progress, think only 2cm. Decide to monitor further (in case need emergency c-section)

05Apr 2am to 4am Dilated to 4cm, finally have epidural, and water bag burst on its own!!

05Apr 7am Dilated to almost 10cm. Nurse preparing the necessary staff and start pushing for 1hr plus till almost 9am? Decide to go for vacuume.

05Apr 9am Gynac came in and do the necessary and baby arrive at 9plus. Fyi, my gynac dropped by every 2 to 3 hr from the moment I stepped in to KK. So pai sai!

Maddie: Thanks for sharing. I keep talking to baby to ask her to help me have a smooth delivery. Hope it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd better start early, bb come as they like.

its time ur wife hav a gd rest n prepare herself.

i start my nopay leave 6 wks before ue date hahahaaaa


y a sad face ? u shld b happy to see ur bb.


share wif u, i alwys tel bb, b cooperative n giv mi a smooth painless & fast labour. indeed painless lei, nv encounter contractions, no waterbag burst, onli bleeding.

in the end heng i go hospital.. realise my placenta filled wif blood n need emergency csect.

the nurses in delivery suite say my bb naughty want to come out fast.

ya we've been talking to bb to come out when he is ready n give mama smooth delivery.

Ok.. going to Tampines Ikea to have famous chicken wings for dinner...will continue to read forum when i come back

My baby was small, even gynac was surprised.

Normally 2.8kg to 3.4kg is ideal for asian.

Mine last scan shown around 2.6kg and 2 weeks later, I gave birth to her. By right, it should be 2.8kg to 3kg.

Celia: Yep, I believe the baby can hear us. We asked her to help move the placenta up and she did!

XJ: Don't fret about the birth weight. My cousin's daughter weighed 2.7 kg at birth but by the time of man yue, she had put on so much more weight and is thriving. My gynae said so long as baby is more than 2.3 kg, the weight is acceptable and won't be considered low birth weight baby.

Ming, thanks.

KK PD also never comment about her weight, so I guess it is still alright when I discharged.

hope my CL will be able to feed her well and be thriving!

I latched my bb 15mins each on both breast, but y she still cry after that... If I let her continue to suckle, she will push out my nipple.. I got no choice but to top up EBM, she will drank 10 - 30mls of EBM then fall asleep... Y huh?

Maddie, happy for u that you bb is back home... dun worry too much about TBF just try your best lor...I pumped in between feeds if not so tired but if that day happened to be super tired then I latched my bb during the day, rest in between feeds... If my ss that day can't met bb demand then I get CL to give FM... We got to have enough rest, relax and in good mood in order to improve ss de... As I mentioned earlier on, it will take time... I achieve max 90mls le...

Orangey, congrats on your 65mls ya... And i think its ok to nurse, just must apply some bm and nipple cream after nursing ba...

xj, during the last scan prior to giving birth to my bb, her weight was 2.7kg but when I gave birth to her, she was 2.5kg only... Think most importantly is bb healthy lor...


oh oh...normally the min he opens his eyes after a 3 hrs nap, i will immdiately latch him before he starts fussing for milk .. i will also unswaddle him during bfing, though he struggle it makes it easier to bf him cause he more wide awake

bbdust...yeah u can try doing tt..usually bb will doze off at the 2nd breast while latching...hehe ,,like a sleeping pill cos the bm got a hormone or something that makes one sleepy.


Yes yes! He's back home with me now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

His jaundice did increase v little upon admission and I was so freaking scared and I cried the whole day. Kept asking DH to pray to god (as in burn incense) cause me having post-natal bleeding cannot pray lah (Taoist) then today I called up to check and his level has drop and can be discharged as per the PD! He's been feeding well at the Nursery.. back home he usually drink about 50ml of milk but at the nursery.. the nurses told me he drank more than 50ml.. sometimes 60 sometimes 80!

Need to make my SS go up fast so got sufficient quantity for baby kwok. So happy that he's home with me now.. Kekek!

woofy my aircon is on! Its under capacity and only around 4 yrs only and yet not cool. We already scheduled new installation 2nd day i pop. So this new aircon easy to track when we buy haha.

note for myself Wonderland and xj to update

My baby also sleeps when latch on. Always thought she had enough already, but when put her down in the cot, she will cry again. Tried all sorts of method also can't wake her up during feed. So tiring, so now the CL bottle feed her with my EBM, so i'll have more time to rest.

Now average I can get abt 100ml, but don't know why just now only got 70ml, that's my baby's one feed.




BB kwok jaundice at 249 when admitted then rose to 258 that makes me so worried and scared. The next day it drop to 205 so dr says he is safe to be discharged. Tmr must bring him to polyclinic again. Hope the level drops more!

Btw, any male babies got swollen scrotum here? The dr at polycllnic says BB kwok scrotum is swollen but says it is very common among males babies (even female babies too) and usually will take up to 6 mths - 1yr time to get back to normal shape. Praying hard that BB Kwok scrotum will get to normal size soon.

woofy tomorrow i go thru the bag again. My hb just did major clean up of my room and bb's stuff. We going to take out play pen and day rocking sleeper for my maid to clean tomorrow.

HOT!!! ..can feel sweat dripping downwards ..piang!

orangey...swollen scrotum....tink i read that the sweeling will slowly go down one so nt to worry.

im still v worried over my boi's jaundice myself..sigh.

vic ma...yeah better double-check yr bag again...for me , i rechecked a few times myself..maybe 1st time mum...v kan cheong..in the end i still forget some stuff :p ...keke

Ladies, my D-Day is tomorrow.

Today, we went to Suntec to buy new camera (DSLR), but hubby and I don't know how to use the camera, so he is doing a crash course now, using the quick start guide.

He is also hoping to convince gynae to postpone the induce procedure to next week, on our older girl's birthday, despite all that I have shared with him about my condition.

Whatever it is, I got a feel that my gynae's gonna win the debate and the induce procedure will progress as scheduled.

Will update once I have rested after birth. Btw, induce appointment at 8am. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wish u have a smooth and safe delivery.. All the best! Bb will be in your arm v soon.

just chose a pair of crocs and 6 jibbitzs for my girl after going to the shop omg $48-53 each pair. My hb said my girl was holding a dora gibbitz. I felt so bad.

She didnt go for the shoes in the marina shop but the little decorations instead.

Just chose a pair from bp for her . So much cheaper. Maybe i go try the similar pair adult size match hers? Its like $35 for hers and $38 for adults le faints right? Its her 1st pair of real crocs. After buying cheap one $7+ the sole wear out so fast and i scared slippery lor saw her slip once when raining. Then i told my hb lets get her a real croc from bp. Since she need to go in and out cc to playground. And walk home from cc. Slippers not so suitable but felt a pair of crocs wll do fine.

So testing out 1 pair see quality and how long can it last.

Dunno is it cos #2 coming along my hb and i been really close to her of late. For me is spend more time with her to make up for time loss soon.

I really hope i can tahan let others carry or leave #2 alone as much as possible and give #1 more attn since the older child will be the one who can feel it.

hi ladies!

just dropped in for a sec. just scanned thru the thread. hv been busy juggling my 2 boys. i popped on 8 apr at 1015 hrs, super short and super intense delivery. bb was 2.5 kg at birth.

he just came home today after staying a day for jaundice. bb is latching well so i might hv a good chance at tbf. BUT...my breasts are hard like melons!very painful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i tried hot pack, cold towel, latch bb still like that. i pump also get miserable 20 ml at most though i know i hv more. i must really suck at this pumping business.

wat to do my dear ladies? pls gimme advise.

my massage lady's mum is serious in hospital. another spanner in my plans. need to call another. i saw mdm ida's no any of your massage ladies who are good and got slot available lemme know pls. my body pain and my breats pain i need a super good massage!

will drop in soon! congrats to all who popped! and thanks for the wishes ;)

yas pump like crazy. Stop hot pack just cold toease the pain.

If u want quick relief get yr hb i squeese yr nips for u to open up milk ducts. Keep massage to minimum and pump pump away.

30mins both sides every 2hrs till u find relief then every 2-3hrs.

i had durians more than 4 hrs back and the room still smelt funny. not trusting my hb's nose. he supposed to check my girl's diaper before she slept. she was in pain and psing away before bed time. 2 days no ps lor.

zan i just checked cos i smelt a hunch!

diaper full of shit man. and she cried alot in her sleep just. must be discomfort. mother's 6th sense or sensitive nose.

heng very tired and didnt fight me much and i managed to clean her up. put on a new diaper, sprayed her pee pee part with a small water spray bottle i use for my face to make sure clean clean. she should be sleeping thru till 7am now phew!

Vicma, cottagefry & Ashley

Thank you all very much!

Fell asleep at about 2am and woke at about 4am. Feels like Deja vu... Cos what happened for #1 is happening again. Fell asleep and woke at same time. Just no contactions or broken waterbag this time... Going to be induced... Will not know if it's going to be more painful than natural breaking of waterbag. Went through a lot of strong BHCs before I slept and hubby kept talking to me about new camera that we bought yesterday. Think his attempt to take my mind off induce was quite weak, but still appreciates his efforts cos n the end, he just held my hand and we prayed together like 2 years ago...

Re: Malay massage lady

those looking for massage lady, maybe can try mine her contact is 97987240 rose. She charge $50 per session, using baby oil and some Ginger cream..

Morning mummies,

Finally my girl recover from chickenpox n my bb boy also recover from jaundiced. :)

Vicma, I'm able to do updating, u can email back the to me. Thks :-*


Now in delivery suite and strapped to CTG for 20mins... Very hungry despite of 2 chix essence, 1 hardboiled egg and a small cup of Milo...

I want food!!!

Felt so sad to leave my #1 at home... Kiss and kiss and kiss her a lot before leaving the house.

All the best ranting!!

I had exactly the same breakfast n was damn hungry so finished all the lunch they served me. After that puked it all up thanks to the epidural. Be careful if u go for the epi.

