(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


you need to download the form from mom website and get her to fill up the form. total payment is less than $200 in all. i didn't get to do the last round. most CL won't want to apply pass cos i think they scare MOM will have their records once they apply once. so for future ones, they might need to apply too.

for me, i prefer them to apply cos i heard of stories that CL being bar from coming in with social visit pass cos they come very often. eg come for 28 days liao then come back again within 2-3 days time. sometimes, they will be stop and not allow to enter.

i didn't get to apply last round cos my CL went back for 1 month before coming again for me. so in this case, its very safe.


no heavy breakfast for me. maybe about 3/4 portion of usual only.



i m hungry now! even after eating tau hwey, 2 slices of bread + milo for bfast. no need to wait till 12noon. went for begedil break


i can recommend my postnatal massage lady to you. PM me! but... i booked her from 19-23 apr liao though, when is your edd ha?

fish oil

oops forgot this morning - again! only when pinky and xlh talk abt it, then i rem

cellow, mine 18th ley...heheh...but surely they can do more than 1 person per day rite? tats why i not so kan chiong to book unlike for CL...

cellow, yiwen,

yalor, like eating alot.. but my appetite is not good in the evining usually.. so always drink milk at ard 8/9pm...

Wonder what to eat for lunch and tea break later.. oops


the massage lady i go for usually does 2 pple a day for confinement ladies. max 3 if the timing fits. she will wait for you if bb needs to breastfeed before/during the session lor. and she prefers not to rush.

i got my waist back 4 mths after delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my edd is 20 apr, but judging fm prev experience, bb will b a week maybe even 2 weeks early.


i know wat i m having for lunch liao! malay food! bring the spices on!! hehe.

Feel like eating nasi bryani but scare will get heaty eh...

btw, those mummy who feel bb movement, how frequent is it ah.. mine one not very frequent eh... sometimes bb move then I feel like wanna poo or pee eh.. it is normal eh?



I dun feel it all the time.

Baby is still teeny weeny small.

I guess we wun be feeling it always unlike in last trim

I have yet to book confinement nanny, my mil said no need to book so fast. Dunno why my bleeding is back to haunt me again. So stressful!


ur mil is so WRONG

u better start looking for one now

I just found mine few weeks back thru sheer luck.

I went thru abt 6 CL before finding this one


pee/poo feeling??

Maybe baby is pressing on ur bladder which is normal.. wait till u in last trim..

Imagine baby is big!

Press on the bladder feel as if all the pee wanna rush out.


Hi celynlee/Lynn..

OKI.. thanks.. i will chk out the web.

Hi Wonderland/Zhuzhu..

sometimes i will feel that my tummy suddenly v tight and stretching.. wonder if my BB is doing exercise inside.. anyone got tt feeling?


sometimes i also feel very tight and stretching.. sometimes like got something stick on my tummy, not to say not comfortable but strange feeling lor...

the tight and stretching feel is the expansion of our tummy vs the womb mah

Our womb are expanding and growing so much in the 2nd trim!


when you reach 3rd trimester, you will wonder if your baby do sleep or not. my #1 is like forever moving inside me. i don't need to do movement count at all.


CL must book early. cannot wait till last min. if your CL is popular one, better quick quick book.


my previous confinement nanny was lousy so need to source for a new one.


$330 for 7 sessions specific for postnatal massage. that was as at aug2008. includes massage oil, binders, transport, everything la. no additional hidden charges on top of that.

this time, i din ask her the price... i just trust tis the same price like last time!

Hi Yiwen,

My details are as follows:-

Nick: Cheerios

Doc: C H Koh

Hospital: Mt A

EDD: 14 Apr 2010

#1 bb

Thx for updating! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd morning mummies,

came across this thread, and thought of seeking some advice from any mummies who had the same experience.

I am expecting my 2nd one now, and also due in April. I had C-section for my 1st one, and gynae advise it is better to go for C-section for the 2nd one. Natural birth may pose some risk. Would like to hear other mummies' gynae advice if you are in the same boat.

Also, heard that C-section can only limit up to 3 births the most. Is that true ?

morning ladies!

Wow! So fast some of you already know the gender of your baby, and so far all are boys! Making me excited to find out watz my baby's gender too hehe...

Yoohoo! Morn Ladies!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Its Thurs liao, weekend here soon again...so happy. Hey, yday my mum told me tat Jaime Teo & Daniel Ong expecting their bb in APr too...Wonder if she's in this thread as well??? hehe...kaypoh only la...

GLHK, i cant advise much coz i 1st timer, but have heard my boss say usually 2nd kid also via C-section unless there's a lapse of a year at least, if not the womb might rupture or something like tat...stil quite dangerous if via natural soon aft.

Yah, max 3 C-sects.

Maybe more expert mummies can advise? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can't comment much cos I intend to csect for #2.

The age gap by then will be 32mths.

3 births is ok with me since I dun intend to have more than 2

morning ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] seeing baby this sat - yeah! it's also pinky's wedding rite? she must be very busy. i know someone's going to see gynae tmr also. yeah yeah...

i booked my massage lady already so now quite settled already. coming up with a to-do list in case i forget things. also just told one of my colleague abt my pregnancy...cant tahan anymore coz i feel it's so obvious...but she said only those who know how to see then can see and i'm like o_O

gd morning!

i m still hoping agst hope that mine is a bb girl, and what gynae thot ws a penis during the last scan is just a finger.


Yes yes. I saw Jamie Teo and her hb at TMC during my oscar scan. She was there doing her OScar test too.

heh, so it's u pinkzee.

my taste buds have changed to want bland food now. good for my baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm eating healthier. previously, it was always spicy strong tasting food like laksa and chicken rice.

just had teochew porridge - yummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cottagefry! Oh Really??! So both of u were at the 4th level waiting area huh? So coincidental. u noe who's her gynae anot anot anot??? heeeeeeeeeee

I am seeing my gynae next wed...So missing see my bb's movement in my tummy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cellow,

can pm me the massage contact too?

did u chk the chinese calender on the gender of the BB? hehe, alot of my colleagues said tt it's quite accurate...

hi new, if it's accurate, i'll have a baby girl same as in my dream =) wonder if i'll find out on sat...hmm..i'll be 15 week only tho.

So good, so many of u seeing gynae soon...was tinking of getting the bb HB monitor, tink quite fun lei. at least cannot see but can hear...anyone noes hw much n buy from where cheaper?

Lynn, i same as u lei..these days i also eat soup soup foods, perhaps i had curry overdose on tues nite, then tot of it irks mi now, or issit unknowingly trying to be more health-conscious coz super guilty so far or simply taste buds jus changing...watever it is, im also happy wif the chnage coz curries n spices so high in cholesterol n calories...very bad.

normally, when can we see the gender of our bb??4 mths or 5 mths?? Any ppl here can feel ur bb in ur womb moving?? I can feel that now even though I am going to be in my 15th week...Every nite, I can feel that my bb is moving towards the direction where my husband sleeps...

sgsc, i've seen on ebay but tat's if you are comfortable buying it online.

ya, now i get very very turned off by chicken rice!

gender usu week 20 but can be earlier. your baby so cute, like to be close to daddy issit?

i thot i felt a light flutter in my tummy this morning on the mrt, then i tried to feel more carefully but very hard to feel when my heart is beating so hard....

hi lynn,

by the chinese calender, mine is also a girl.. but most are ppl guessing tat i am having a boy.. hope that when i go for my next scan next week ( which is my week 16-17), the gyn can tell.. anxious, anxious.. keke


ya lor..that's what I am fear of...scared that my bb more closer to the daddy then me how?? I will get jealous..Heehee..the other last time I did the scan, I saw my bb jumping in my womb..so cute..

