(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Forgot to tell u all

I itchy backside go try to drink fresh milk again

This time no LS problem!!

Happy leh cos I felt deprived of my milk


Thats why don't dare to buy too many bras now. Scared later buy liao increase in size again have to re-buy lor. LOL! My DH so immersed with my boobs he never see me with such size of boobs before 0.o

pinky, they deliver to house but i not in, and i dun want them to deliver to my office. you can also arrange for delivery another day with singpost so up to you.

from A to C, i think i also o_O my own boobs - haha!

ok, checking out gapmaternity =)


I also never expect to know the bb gender so fast. I only got to know the gender of my #1 when i went for my detailed scan which was at week 20. When i went for the scan this morning, dr asked me whether i want to the bb gender, i replied yes. Then he proceed to show me the genital part, i can clearly see a 'thing' protruding. Dr said its a boy but not 100% confirmed. Anyway, gender of the bb is not important to me, what matters to me is the health of my bb cos i had non-stop bleeding for 3weeks. Luckily, now only slight spotting.


no lah, won't have that kind of size one lah. i only get to see the 'long gao' when i got engorgement last time leh. so you can imagine how small it was.


i like to wear dress. actually, i don't really need to buy any maternity clothes cos can still wear my old ones. i bought baby doll dress last time to wear, all s or xs size somemore. no need maternity dress at all. but i hiao lah, just bought 2 more dresses to wear. hahaha.... for maternity wear, i only buy from modern maternity cos i can't fit into the smallest size from spring maternity, etc.

oh ZZ, thanks for your recommendation - gapmaternity quite nice and got some nice sale items too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesyes Cottagefry..we worry abt bb since get preggy - every single day like so paranoid. So long as bb grow well n is healthy, nothing else really matters [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lucky u, bb so co-operative so fast let u see...hehehe..(maybe he wans u prepare nice clothes for him liao!)

Celynlee, At least u r small sized n skinny type lor, stil justifable. Im quite big-sized so not proportional lei..whahaha. But HB also neva complain, at least not in front of mi, so i shldn't bother too much. Jus let it be...me n mine xiao long bao ;p

yo mummies, i am interested in oldnavy and gap shopping too... though of getting some babywears from there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but their maternity sizes are different from asian, quite hard to choose..


Went to check out the IFC near me, seems not bad, but most likely consider hiring a maid instead


Look at their chart size for their maternitywear

I got L size for mine even though I cud wear M cos I had to accomodate for the tummy in the last trim.

I know M will not fit me for last trim

They indicated over there.

For babies stuff np.. just buy as u like it

Chris, dunno can start drinking so early anot? heard they say best is from Mth 5 onwards coz now drink v liang. Did u also drink so early for yr #1?


I don't think it's liang ba.. I started drinking from week 12th. Same as my #1. When I gave birth to #1, her face was so rosy till now.

Really?!?! Like Jap bbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I noe its good for bb complexion. Will become very smooth n fair n soft.

hmm..But the lady at Hock Hua advised to drink aft 5mths. Yday was their last day of promo, so got 1 liang from her but tot will keep till i 5 mths then brew. My family n internet research also said same thing too..Maybe i shld ask my doc...but i guess she will most likely say "in moderation" again!

So wen's the best time to take? nite or morn?


I started bird's nest before reaching week 12 too.. 1 pcs every time i cook (1 liang got 7pcs - got from hock hua)...

Bird's nest is good to take in the middle of night like 4/5am when u wake up to pee... i know this from my mil, she always wake us up in the middle of night to take it...

Tks Chris for the link..seems like many diffnt versions to it lei..some say can, some say cannot. Some say aft 7 mths, some say 5 mths...

Then u and Celynlee started taking aft 1st tri...confusing..haha. Prob start wif once a mth bah, then slowly increase wen bigger then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah, Celynlee, trying to hide my sorrow beneath tat cute phrase...sob sob...

OK , ciao liao. Super headache n tired now...MUST sleep early 2 9! Bye LAdies, have a good nite...shall con't 2ml!

I started taking concentrated birdnest from week 13 onwards, 1 teaspoon each(morning and night). I took lots of birdnest for my #1, his complexion is very fair and rosy.


u can have facial massage just dont massage the behinds of the shoulders & the hard PAT from the back when u sit up my beautician also didnt do for me when i was preg.


i also like the daily 1 scoup ones easier to take & more cost effective too! i started only 3rd trimester for my #1 girl after i found out she's girl - i just asked my hb for some lor.

yday my hb asked me need to buy or not. I told him can he pay more for my holiday instead - I still too nauseating to want to take it lor.


wow!! wake up at 4/5am to eat birdnest? its like preparing myself to feed baby at that kind of hour leh. anyway, i only eat lo hang ka one cos i find cook one very fishy.

sg_sc, cottagefry abd vic ma,

i like the concentrated one cos easier to eat. i only take 1 spoon at night.

I bought my bras from triumph too. The ugly non wired ones, 2 cost me $80+! Now they are getting a bit tight already :p Shall go Wacoal to find the $25 ones..

My hubby is also quite impress by my new boobs..hahaha

How much Hock Hua sell 1 liang birdnest for? I don't know whether to get the normal ones or the lou hong ka one...hai...

Hi mummies, just wanna share this site when it comes to shopping for your little blessed ones!


Brand new rompers from $4.20 onwards, 100% cotton, soft and comfy.. perfect for babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do check it out and God bless!

morning ladies!

sg_sc, u had piles la.. datz y.. some women do get that when pregnant cos of the higher blood flow in the body and the skin ard the anus is thinner. so a little bit of constipation and "gek sai" will set it off.. drink more water ya? bo bian..

pinky, dun worie too much! but do continue ur water intake cos datz the way to battle the water retention. and cut down on salty stuff! dat will worsen the condition. elevate ur legs when u sleep..! =)

the no wire bra can also buy from market, or CK, if you are working near chinatown. I recently bought a few. cost only $4 per piece.

morning girls!

HB and I felt (and saw) bb move last night! woohoo. #2 already but still so excited... heheh.

We talked to bb for a while before going to sleep... soothing murmurs of how are you, are you well inside your swimming pool, mummy/daddy/kor kor loves you and we cannot wait to see you.

morning ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i booked a place at a nearby IFC last night! last place! deposit is just $60 so I can still change my mind if anything crops up *beams*


Happy for u find a IFC for ur bb

I also forget I'm pregnant at times


so fast??

I tot abt 6mths then dh can feel something moving in the tummy.

Sometimes I feel kicking sometimes not..

I see...ya, so i presume most of you all would have past the 1st trimester?

Does your tummies quite obvious? Mine is actually quite small bump only, below the belly button...just need some assurance, is it normal??

hey mummy,

Where do u all think I can get nice gown for attending wedding dinner ah?

I best fren's wedding eh, cannot escape...

cheerios, i m in ww15. Hmm.. tummy depend on individual, as I just delivered on Jan 2009 so right now #2 is quite obvious. U are 1st time mum? as long the bb is ok, big or small tummy does not matter & can check with your gynae.

hi ladies, i promised to update you on the bellysima products.

I bought this: http://www.bellysima.com/PRODUCTS/tops/details/eva.htm

Doesnt quite fit me altho i bought in S and lilac (colour not shown here). My bust too small =.=. guess i'll keep it for later to wear. material not bad - has built in inner bra.

I also bought this: http://www.bellysima.com/PRODUCTS/DRESSES/DETAILS/brigitte.htm

Fits me almost perfectly in S altho tighter around the bust area - still ok coz slightly stretchy. I dun quite like the material coz it doesn't seem absorbent and isnt soft but coz of the fit and cut, quite comfy to wear. still got some room for a growing tummy. $10 dress where to find?

happy shopping ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerios, belly size not indicative of health of baby. i heard some pp still have a small bump at 7 month! will be smaller if you are a first-time mom so no worries.

wonderland, must it be a gown - so long zhong? how obvious is your tummy? i managed to get by with lycra material short dress for the wedding dinner i attended on sunday. didn't buy a new one. i will have one more wedding dinner in nov, and another end jan! i will avoid spending too much i suppose...

You can consider renting a dress from http://www.maternityexchange.sg/ so you dun waste money if your tummy is already v obvious...

Hi yiwen, thanks for your reply. wow..not bad leh, trying for 2 kids within 3 years?

Yup, 1st time mtb...so got alot of things dunno / unsure. Tat's y till now, i haven buying wearing maternity clothes yet...

btw, have u all start using the stretchmark cream? i just bot Clarins Body Treatment oil but was wondering on the steps - apply after warm shower, followed by a cool shower?


thanks. my tummy is quite obvious now.. my dinner is on christmas... in a 5 star hotel ball room... actually i have 3 weddings to attend in dec... :p



we are all in this journey tog. so i imagine you might be sharing sm of yr stories as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] welcome

my bump is like yours, still not obvious. i went to an indian colleague's deepavali open hse and his wife asked me a direct qn - so any plans for #2? casual chit chat. so i told the truth lor, that #2 already growing in my tum. THAT's when she took a long look at my bump and said, wah, cannot really see ah.


wah i thot i was being foolhardy liao. 20 months gap between #1 and #2. yours even closer. 15 months only! *kowtow*

who booked CL and postnatal massage already? better move fast on these 2! MIL doing my confinement - yay! save $$$$

