(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


hahaha..... i also never prepare puree before leh. time flies by with baby loh. we are all talking about morning sickness, then birth story, full month and now weaning liao. soon we will be on sitting up, crawling and walking.



sorry bz all mrg till now only 10mins break. I gave Tristan puree and brown rice cereal and bellamy rice liaoz.

Yest he took 4 scoops of rice.. so greedy.

If I slow abit he look at me and kick his leg mouth open big big.. lol

so unlike my dd!!

puree just 35ml is not enuf so I made more this time.

My dd also not puree person and she is porr all the way till now one too. What abt urs? She is lazy to chew rice and only takes abt 10 spoonful or so?

Yest I made: Peas, Pumpkin, Apple and organic carrots and potatoes. 5 types in 16 cubes. shld last 2 weeks.. sweats


no leh. i don't know how to train him. he is in cc whole day on weekdays. when he reach home, eat dinner and bathe already 630pm liao. then 8pm, he go to his room for last milk feed and bed liao. so definitely wear diaper to sleep. every morning, his diaper sure full one loh. such a short period at home, i also scratch head wonder how to train him. weekends, he wake up at 7+am. then change diaper and drink milk. 8+/9, we go eat breakfast. then 11+/12, eat lunch, bathe and nap at 1pm. he wake up from nap at 3/4pm then 5+ eat dinner liao, 6+ bathe again. so very short timing to let him go diaper free loh. i don't know how to work around it.

Hello Mummies..

Super tired today.. Last nite help my hb do paperwork until 3.30am.. 6am wake up liao.. Now cannot keep my eyes open and brain not functioning liao.. And just now pump 120ml only.. Less than my girl’s 1 feed.. Arrgghh!! Dunno how to survive until Friday =(

My girl has been chomping on my nipples lately.. Anyone of u face this also? Super painful I feel like screaming can.. And she’s so bad tempered.. 1 min smile and giggling next min scream and cry like as though someone just pinched her.. hmmm.. Temperamental? Or cos she’s a baby tigeress? Haha.. Now I cannot breastfeed her outside liao cos she only will latch on while lying on the bed beside me.. Cradle hold or any other position she will scream and refuse to latch on =( So only can bring expressed breastmilk out..


I feel so sad for your fren’s baby. I’ll pray for him and hope they find him a suitable doner soon!!

Thanks for the sharing how your MIL treats rash.. It really works!! Though not totally cleared yet but it’s sooo much better liao.. The calendula cream is very good, no wonder so ex.. haha.. Xie Xie Ni!! MUACKS!!


I feel sad and heartpain for u also.. Once I was alone with my girl in Tampines one nursing room (super small and not nice one) I poured milk from the milk bag into a btl cos it was too much for 1 feed.. The btl got abt 70ml and I just left the btl at the changing area and turned to throw the milk bag into the bin.. She was screaming and then she kicked the btl and the btl with all my milk fell onto the floor.. =( Super heartpain also.. esp now supply not like before liao.. I really hope to breastfeed my girl as long as possible..

Vic ma

Re: mega drool.

My girl has been drooling big time also.. We need to change her bib like 3 times a day cos it gets soaked in saliva.. Before that we didn’t put bib thought ok then she started having a lot of drool rash, on her face, neck and chest so poor thing.. I think at least 2 months liao still have but thanks to Cellow it’s getting better =D

zz, think i'll drag till Oct then feed him ba. though i have everything ready liaoz. wahahahha. Not sure how true about "start earlier, more allergies" so i think beta be safe then sorry.

TodZ like to eat fishball noodle and rice with "lor chup". So whenever i stew pork ah...add some gravy to the rice, and he can eat it like that. wahahha.. but i still got add other stuff in it la.. if not, no nutrients. There was a period when he fell sick, his weight and appetite dropped. After he got well, i gave him appeton vitamins to eat and i felt that it has helped in his appetite too. You wanna try giving your gal that? he is not that into porridge now maybe because he ate too much of it last time. wahahahha... if not you try make macaroni soup or pasta for her?

celyn, his cc is not helping to train him? TodZ started training when he was about 2y6m but the training came to a hiatus when bb arrived and we also shifted house. He enrolled in his new cc in Aug and they began to start re-train him last week. He managed to stay dry whole day. He can tell us whenever he needs to pee. The problems i have is that, he dun poo. He'll lun lun lun until i put on diaper on him at night. If he cannot lun, then he'll tell me, "mummy! i want diaper!" and i know he wants to poo oredi. He refuse to poo in the toilet bowl leh!! haiz.. am trying to think of a way to convince him. 2nd problem is, he sits on the toilet bowl to pee. Not facing door hor, is face toilet bowl seat cover. *faintz* i don't know why he did that. The cc didn't teach him this way, neither did we. Aiyah... headache ah. At home still quite ok, corz i know my toilet bowl is clean everytime. But when we're outside?? YUCKS !! =(


hahahaha..... actually hoh, i also don't know how to teach him to pee leh. should i teach him to stand and pee or sit on toilet bowl to pee loh. got close door or not? maybe he feel that facing toilet door to pee is shame shame if never close door.

he is just 25 months now. maybe that's why cc haven't train him bah. not sure leh, didn't ask loh.

i finally manage to upload the video.


i type type type type then all gone. stooooopid computers!!!!


good for you that ah gal's rashes cleared liao!

ya lor, my MIL super meticulous when it comes to bb care. it gets on my nerves when she is here, but hey, i gotta admit that it works.

so, you still need the container? i hvnt dashed out to buy it yet.


haha. think celyn and dazz and zz all in my camp for feeding solids to #1. porridge and cereal all the way. puree? wat is that? hehe.

i made avocado puree for C1 once, and i found it was waaaaaaay too much work.


LOL on todZ face toilet bowl cover to pee!

mine not even toilet trained yet. doesnt even want to go inside the toilet.


ya lor, dun know how to train my C1 as well. sigh sigh. think will just follow the child-led toilet training method, he tells me when he is ready. so prob abt 3yo bah, when he is more dong shi already. diapers are cheaper than my patience.

Celyn, oh.. YZ only 25mths huh... then probably abit too young.. a few more months than you "shang nao jin" lo. lolz.

Cellow, very dirty leh! My hubby once brought him to public toilet, ask him to pee at urinal, he oso sit~! *FAINTZ* =(


#1 hoh, want fresh food one leh. no cereal and instant baby food. all he don't like. so i got to cook porridge for him.

i also think i don't have patient to train him. hahah.... unless i keep him at home for 1 week with me then maybe i will try. but if still fail then i give up.


yah. he can't really say yet. he can only tell me after he poo. sometimes he fart he also say he poo but when we want to check him, he will say no no mean don't have.


Actually i didnt buy any baby weaning BOOK just this website.

only when older then i bot annabel Karmel's book for ideas for my toddler.


Some Commonly Offered Stage 1 Baby Foods:

Stage 1 Fruits:

Apples | Avocados | Apricots | Bananas | Mango Nectarines & Peaches | Papaya | Pears | Plums & Prunes | Pumpkin

Stage 1 Veggies:

Beans (Green) | Carrots | Peas | Sweet Potato | Squash

Stage 1 Grains:

Rice | Oatmeal | Barley

note that apples i think green 1st (apples & apple juices too much will affect appetite so best not so much of this.

papayas due to some enzymes best lesser for now too & avacados can give raw & bananas too as well

mangoes - we chinese believe in SI RE (heaty) so give in moderation too.

Pears - must COOK hor cos its quite liang COOKing does play down the liangness. - CUT out pears & mangoes altogether if there is cough & phlegm.

thanks vic.. i thought of going to the website to take a look too.. but u faster than me.. hahaha..

dazz: but i want to know which veg not so sweet, wanted to give those not sweet stuff to my girl 1st..

i also want to puree more and freeze them but my mum said since i'm at home, i can do fresh ones for my girl everyday.. true also.. so i didn't puree alot each day... just puree the right amount daily.. i love my handheld blender, even such small amount also can puree.. yeah..


i pmed u - u received?

Ya i am also going to do from bland to tasty. grains cereals veg then later mild fruits then sweeter fruits.

1st fish will be ikan bilis again must work hard -wash SUN & grind. else too salty

vic, check with you, for brown rice, how to grind our own? i know you mention before, sorry, have to make you repeat again.


u can buy cleaner more ex organic brown rice & just grind. the lechey way is to wash & sun then grind.

preferabily once a week cos once ground -any grain will have some "fat" which will start to spoil after a while. so i store in the chiller after i grind.

then my maid will take abit & steam for around 10 mins.

problem with brown rice is that its very HARD, usually we eat also need to soak overnight & small amt cook liao then puree not possible for 30ml for eg. so best way is to grind.

i am starting off with eys' brown rice this time.

last time i didnt wash my grains -super lazy but i bot better cleaner Looking grains la.

after a while i will mix millet, flax seed, quioe & other grains in so the porridge base will be multi grain.

oic, when you mention steam, just pour the powder in a small plate then steam it like we steam fish rite? no need add other things? need water?

where can i get mix millet, flax seed, quioe, and other grains?


my #1 also porridge and cereal all the way. I have never made puree before. Now for #2, dunno to make puree or just stick to porridge or cereal. hmm.......


the point of puree is convenience.

cos when i buy organic for my baby during 7-12mths. i dont eat it myself mah - so i will Steam immed that meal is Fresh. then the rest i freeze. its cos bb eat so little abit hard to Cook fresh all the time i personally feel.

maybe for non cook fruits u can give fresh or say u happen to have carrots for family give bb some also. then you can do fresh.

dont say you at home means very free lor - there is alot of work to do as well for a sahm. housework & baby work.

vic ma,

my boy eats this multi grains from taiwan call ma yu san if i didn't remember the name wrongly. sell together with the rice section. its our babysitter who started him on it and told us so we follow and give him that.

do you know how long can we keep brown rice? i bought a pack during #1 time which is 18 months ago and still there cos #1 don't like. still can eat or not? or must throw away liao? its organic brown rice.

what i did was i puree veg say carrot or brocolli then fruits say apple or sweet potato or pear.

then breakfast (10am) i will steam ground oats then add in one cube of sweet potato or pear.

then lunch 2-3pm I will give steamed rice/brown rice or barley a cube of veg.

later when i intro meats i will have frozen chicken stock -deskin & neck & inner organs - can remove flesh for family COOKing or just buy bones put in onion & garlic & boil soup stock & make frozen cubes.

then breakfast can be simple cereal from boxes add in a steamed cube of fruit for a twist or steam oats add in fruit fresh or frozen cube

lunch will be 3-4 cubes of soup stock, ground rice mix, throw in some lean pork for further flavour & a cube of puree veg. (this is a way to mix frozen & fresh too)

i always buy lean cuts of meat to mince myself or ask uncle to mince infront of u when u buy - alot of pple do that cos bb u dont want any TOXIC meats like necks head of the pig going into the mince.


there should be expiry date right - if not adults eat buy fresh batch for bb ba

u know my childcare hor i really very grateful. they toilet train my girl for me!'

cos she goes my dad's place often my maid train but my dad will spoil routine cos he will forget.

but at the cc all toilet trained so no one wears diaper at all taht time she went in 2.5yrs old la.

if i were at home all the time i think maybe could have trained earlier -we tried since 18mths lor but cos sometimes here sometimes there hard to enforce.

now nap wo diaper also can. but sleep still must lor.

what i want to add also is

i start with 1-2 purees. lasting for 1 week but i use it over 2 -4 weeks cos want variety eventually.

then every week i add in 1-2 more purees. once frozen i tip out of my covered ice cube tray into zip lock sandwich bags & label say carrots 1/10/10.

so my ice cube tray is FREE again for next food type. so i only have around 3 covered ice cube trays.

that instant i make a fresh batch i make it a point to give baby immed so that they will at least get that meal FRESHER!

i make it a point to COOK myself once a week at least for baby so it fits in my full time work schedule too -i only do this during weekends.

Fine tune a system that best fits your lifestyle - there is no one best way.

toilet training

my 2 years 6 months son also haven't started [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I also don't know what to do.. he just refuses to tell us when he wants to poo! Even after poo he also don't want to tell us. Rather sit and play with his shit coating his backside. Should i start with peeing first? I am sure he is clever enough to tell us when he wants to poo. He is just not willing. Don't know what to do....


i found pull up pants good for training & everytime i pee (That time preggy so best training cos i pee often) i will make her go pee with me too.

this is a good way to start.

vic ma,

i am quite sure my son will refuse to go toilet with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] don't even talk about pulling down his pull up pants. But i agree. Easier to use pull ups when toilet training.

vic ma & runningmuff,

as you all know i just had an op last mon right, so my left hand still not very good lah and cannot exert strength. then just now i was alone with my boy and he poo poo loh. sigh.... so i got to bathe him straight away cos easier mah. after bath, i ask him to wear pull up pants hoh he refuse leh. he wants his petpet and he guai guai lay down there for me to wear diaper loh. how huh?

holidays with baby,

for those of u who want to go vacation but worried about baby food, traveling etc can consider going club med! I just came back from club med bintan and is totally impressed with how family friendly the resort is!

My room has a steam steriliser, bottle warmer, baby tub and playpen all prepared when we arrived. The restaurant has a baby corner with jars of heinz baby food, and if you want, you can even choose some fruits and ask the staff to puree for you on the spot.

They have programs for toddlers and kids too. If you want, can drop of your older one and pick him up whenever you want.

I thought it was really good so share with all of u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


same same... i am quite sure he will refuse to. but yours still young lah. Just turned two only. Mine in more "critical condition".

My boy got HMFD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shld be kena from his school. Haiz... I was asking my PD I thought Breastfeeding babies are lesser prone to sickness and viruses and he told me it's not true. He said BF babies still do fall sick but less often and if they fall sick, they usually recover faster.

I got the thinking that BF babies dont fall sick! Cause when Im sick, I still sleep with my boy and he also nv kena from me.

Anyway, he said HMFD is one that cannot be prevented as in even if you are very strong but u can still contact HMFD cause its air bone. My sch centre manager told me some of their childcare kids also kena HMFD and a few of them are still on BM too. Gosh.. She was telling me this mother is very inconsiderate cause her elder daughter in Pri 1 kena HMFD from her student care and spread to her smaller bro and she knowing the bro has HMFD still send him to sch cause she cannot afford to take leave. Good thing is she confess early cause I think she's guilty. Haiz.. where got such parents!

Really heartpain leh cause my boy can't drink cause I think the ulcer is painful.

Poor baby Orangey,

i got a HFMD scare for my number 1 when he was 2 months old too. So can imagine how u feel. Take care... Breastfed babies should recover faster.

Anyone wants to buy First teeth toothpaste by Biotene? I'm ordering from supplier. Outside selling about $11 one tube. I might be able to get it for $9.50(still in discussion). No brush included. No stocks with brushes at the moment

For regulars in April thread only. Tks!

If interested let me know?

oh orangey ... Hope baby orangey recovers quickly.

I've started baby on semi solids. He loves his organix baby rice. I bought organic pumpkin that day and used my avert steamer and blender. Very good purée results and he loved it. I'm starting off with all these low risk food first. Gonna try sweet potatoes and avocado next.

But take note food like pumpkin carrots and papaya cannot

feed too often cos will get yellow due to the pigments in the food.

Been quite busy so missing for a while heez


#1 haven't start brushing teeth leh except maybe in school bah. how do i get him start huh? he opens his eyes in the morning, is to drink milk. before he close eyes to sleep also drink milk leh. if i don't give him milk first thing he wake up, he don't want to drink liao or drink very little.

HJ try for less cos if there is 20% off say robinsons (but i have yet to see it at raffles city la so far & JL at marina) say $13.90 less 20% $11.12.

so far i seen at unity the last time i searched & also guardian sells.


ask him to lift his own butt.

if u have to discipline? i dunno it will sure be a tug of war sometimes i offer alternative my girl will quarrel with me as well

Now is I dunno how to feed him. He struggles alot when we syringe feed and he kept yelling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


re megabloks...

dunno when can start leh.. but i think once can sit can play liao.. just that gotta watch over bcoz they might take the block n "kor" their own head! plus blocks r square n got corners... so i wont leave my gal unattended with the blocks... i like lego n stuff bcoz i find tt helps in creativity... i straight away jumped at that big bag from my fren sale bczo i know megabloks not cheap... just tt day i recce it at OG sales n saw tt one bag cost abt $60 and just mixture of blocks... the one i got from my fren was a much much bigger bag and somemore not just bloks only but got the bus n stuff too! heehehe! felt like im saving $$$ bcoz whole big bag only $40 (although in actual fact still gotta spend $$$ to buy lah)... hahahhaa....

i just made 2 portions of rice cereal for gal n hb feeding her now n she is finishing it liao!!! oh... big eater!

celyn ... night brush more impt than day brush. must start brushing now ... try to get him to finish his milk and brush his teeth before he sleeps. habits need to be broken ... if not milk decay sets in alot of work to be done at the dentist.

vic_ma .. i will try for less ... but will have to see quantity of toothpaste too ...



i realised my rice cereal bcomes very watery after a while like porridge chu chwee... but i think only with bm or goat fm.. if i use the normal fm then wont chu chwee so fast...


saw ur post tt u might wanna make avocado kiwi ... for urself or for bb??? bb cant take kiwi yet leh... read it tt kiwi might cause reaction so best to intro kiwi later when bb older...

