(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Envy u all...at least ur HB all care... my HB always so bz dunno bz wif wat. Once home will face his lappy...

On the contrary, wen he takes food for mi, i will tell him " tis i cannot eat lei..." then he wil say " oh, issit"...buay tahan lor...bloody hell.



In fact I tried to post after SG_SC but they kept saying there's error. Probably they need to restart the server.. keke!

Aiyo, i thot my internet got problem.

I keep login here to see, too addicted to this thread liao, hehe...

Anyone ms has stopped? I hope mine can stop at 16 weeks, means 2 more weeks for me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My MS strike occasionally. It doesn't stick with me throughout the day but rather mainly in the early morning period. Sometimes feel so sian taking train cause feeling nauseous and sleepy at the same time. Plus you know ah, nowadays Singaporeans all like "eyes stick stamp".. We stand right in front of them, they just simply pretend they didn't see and ignore us.

when my ms confirm chop stamp stop, then i'll make a big announcement here. haha...still feeling queasy this morning. I ate quite a bit today so not feeling as queasy right now. looks like the trick is to keep tummy full. but i hate the constant burping.

Ya loh like blind, hehehe..Wah those mum can take train really hero, my ms start til now hubby been fetching & sending me home. Hehe, he went out station then i took mc cos cannot take train to work, so jia luck. Now my 14 days mc full liao, die [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

orangey, i stay towards end of east line so i take backwards to get a seat, and sleep all the way till my stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my tummy not too visible yet so when it comes to going home time, nobody will give up seat to me. i dun really care la, standing up or sitting down still feel queasy.

mornings i practice my deep breathing which i learnt in yoga last time - seems to help with my queasiness. then i slowly nod off - heheh...

i salute my sis - her ms so bad, and add to that giddiness too. she said she had to squat down a few times to prevent from fainting (obviously that means nobody give her a seat) and she had to keep her legs moving so that blood circulation gets better and she doesnt feel as faint. i dunno wat i would have done if i were her.


Aiyoo, rest more okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ms will start to go off around 16 weeks. My GP says most of his patients peak their MS ard 12-14 weeks then went off 16 weeks.


Actually I also stay end of NEL so can take 1 station down to Punggol so confirm can sit but problem is hor.. I always so sleepy in the morning that I can doze off while bathing :p

Thus, have to rush for work lor.. Plus need to walk from Chinatown to my office in Raffles place that will take around 10 mins. Every morning when I looked at myself in the company's lift, I got shocked why I looked so haggard!!! The fatigue and pregnancy hormones is making me looked pale and haggard!!!! Lucky DH says not yet "huang lian po" LOL!

i read this article today on these two ladies who were 'trapped' in the NEL line when it went to the depot instead of going backwards - SBS apologised for it coz their usual manual checks for passengers wasn't done. they were stuck for 1 hour ley! one lady was sleeping, the other couldnt understand the announcement and saw the other lady so thought it was fine to be staying in the cabin...

Oh,ya do you gals feel sleepy after lunch? Now i always cannot OPEN EYES after lunch is it because still in 1st trimester? But I'm already in 2nd leh, 2nd should be more energy mah..Now like sick cat! Wah from pregnant until now hvnt go town, now become suah ku cat.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone knows how to post ticker here? I saw march mummies doing the posting very cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I wanted to go for Amnio test because I am not very happy with my BT ratio although the overall risk is Low but.. borderline kind.

The Genetic counsellor told me that why they don't suggest Low risk (no matter borderline or very low) as long as low risk they dont recommend is because..

Suppose your risk of having is Down Syndrome baby is higher, that means the risk of you doing an Amnio is lesser. On the other hand, if your risk of having a Down syndrome baby is lower, risk of you doing Amnio is higher.

Actually most of them would recommend doing a level 2 ultrasound (sometimes with the help of doppler) to check for soft markers if you are in high risk but not those very high kind like says 1:250. This is what I heard..

Anyway, I'll be seeing a Prof at Camden Medical who is an expert in fetal assessment. He even published a few medical article on First trimester screening for Down syndrome. He specialised in Genetic scan where if you research online, is known to detect up to 93% of Down syndrome babies.


You can't use normal Html codings in Motherhood forum which is one of the biggest flaw. Most forum allows banners and image upload with just a code but not here.

What you can do is..

1. Save the image from the ticker website to your PC/Lappie

2. Type /image{my picture}

3. Click "Upload Attachment"

4. Upload the picture from your PC/lappie

5. You will see the codes /popping{XXXXXXXX,my picture} appearing. Click preview and you can see

*Remember to delete away the "/image" when you see the "/popping" codes.


Not tupi lah.. you know lah some forum set up very strict restrictive cause don't want members to spam. I think the help file doesn't help much either. I was reading it and find it so er... confused so I just trial and error.

Btw, I found a ticker that is so cool! It's flashed based one and can see baby moving also!!


Ya loh, duno when times goes by will the baby picture in the filcker also grow can blink eyes & scratch nose,hahaha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Kekek.. I think the image we uploaded won't be updated cause its not web-based. The web-based has a timer to track for us and update but the file we save is just an image. Maybe must write to forum master to add in more functions like can include banners and tickers.

i used to use lilypie.com yet to make my ticker since i made some while trying so silly!

i have now on my blog for how long i & hub been together, 1 counts down to my girl's next birthday & one pregnancy ticker 200 days to go!

hey! finally can post again ah...so pek chek. in fact i've been wanting to post right aft my last post lor...been trying day n nite still cannot. Tot i try one last time...

Orangey, we'll be awaiting ur good news on Tues k! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah, the ticker belt v cute but must self load n refresh everyday...i lazy...hahaha. So see other mommies one can liao since all ard same time...;p

Seems like i dun have much nausea liao, but freq bouts of slight fever lei...anyone also like tat?

its normal to feel warmer just make sure its not something like caught a chill or what.

your basal body temp increases abit during pregnancy due to the extra work the body needs to do.

yah n i read tat high fever during 1st tri can be dangerous to the bb...luckily im jus low n the irritating part is i cant tell the pple ard mi y im always feeling so sick n haggard yet!

So end of 1st tri is 12 weeks or 14 weeks? still confused lei...diff pple say diff things..

i thot 12 weeks = 3 months can tell pp already? i havent tell my friends and colleagues - i'll wait till my colleagues ask - heheh...i still can get away with wearing loose fitting clothing. see if i can hit 4 months without my colleagues knowing!

wah seh...4 mths! hahaha...y u wanna hide so long? my boss n partner been asking mi wif tat look la,(coz i always wear loose dresses these days) then i always deny. damn sianz, if i admit earlier, maybe can inherit her bb stuff coz she been giving away since last mth wen another colleague's wife give birth. My heart so pain lor...

erm coz i wana stay slim for as long as i can... :p if they ask i will say...i'm still waiting...

but i think i cant hide for much longer...today i ate more..tummy bloated like mad!

during my 1st pregnancy 1st 4 mths cannot really tell 4-5th mth inbetween SUDDENLY GROWTH SPURT.

I start to work hard with stretch mark cream - too late the more I applied - more came out! - internally already stretching before it bloat.

only a class SQ chief steward approached me to ask me. (4+ mths) some one swopped places with me gave me business class seat so he could sit with his wife & child.

the steward they call u by name in business class & want to attend to your every need.

yayaya...wonder y my tummy gets big n bloated so easily esp aft some food intake. Burp n fart freq too...whahah.. v gross hor?

Okie la, leaving liao. V V tired 2day...Guess u have ur wish fulfilled liao, Lynn. Time's upz! Have a well-rested weekend all! Ciao...

Hi, sorry to disturb.. I've received a brand new combi miracle turn TJT-350 as a newborn gift. But I've purchased a peg perego stroller already. Willing to let go at $420. Price negotiable. Please pm me if interested.

yoohoo girls, back from perth/western aus.

I read abt all the MS and think wah, I m really lucky. Only puked when I went on a boat ride to whale watch. I was mentally and physically prepared only for a 2 hr ride, but the whales werent v cooperative, so ended up at sea (literally!) for 4 hours. #2 is a good bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] -mummy sayang-

Ameda Lactaline Pump to let go - 10 months local warranty left

Sorry to gatecrash this thread.

The set comes complete with box that contains the pump, shields, valves, bellows and tubings. Has an extra valve in case spoilt. Instruction manual also included. Am also throwing in a pair of pumping pal shields so that there's no need to lean forward when pumping which causes backache.

The pump is in very good condition coz used less than a mth. Has local warranty of 10 mths left.

Do PM me if interested. Thanks.

morning ladies! i had a call from my gynae on sat and had a shock - i thot got bad news regarding my OSCARS - but they said normal. No details though...

Haiz, on urgent leave today cos mil not feeling well i need to look after my gal.

Been taking too much mc & annual leave cos ms now scare boss not happy.

Some more NOV going holiday (9 days)

Now ms better abit but morning & afternoon still got er xin feeling loh. How abt you XLH?

