(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

sg_sc, I feel very hot leh.. so keep drinking water lor.. Now better, abt 2-3l daily..in addition to that, i drink alot of milo due to ms coz cannot take other foods...


oh no..now im realli worried for my oscar test 2 weeks later...

im in no position to advise but jus something to share - have heard lotsa stories on net that their test results were not ideal but they remained +ve thruout and firmly believed tat their bb would be fine, n true enuf they delivered healthy bouncy bbs....so i guess though its gonna be difficult, our minds must remain strong too!

Oh wonderland, milo very heaty lei. then u shld drink more water but no need so much also la. Tink everything in moderation is best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae told me amnio is $600 cash $200 $400 medisavable.

actually we tortured with the needle facing the foetus i saw a picture of needle away from foetus just to take the liquid in the womb - it just seems less risky than the TOUTED scariness lor.

the picture was the baby one side & the needle went far away from the baby just to draw some fluids.

alternative is it the placenta extraction? They take some placenta instead to test. I was told this is less popular just as risky as amnio but harder to perform apparently.

zbabe i tot maternity paid leave is your employer's prob what.

The company receied mine like few mths after i came back from maternity leave.

the company still has to pay u your pay as per normal.

sg_sc, ya but my mummy told me everything is heaty just have to drink more water.. coz she does not want me to take cold stuffs now.. gynae also said so la....

so I must kuai kuai now lor...

hi all,

Have been feeling very sad, worry and cried for the past few days after i did my NT scan and blood test.

I started the test at 8.30am Monday and baby not cooperating so scan at least 8 times. Finally able to get the baby to be at the right postion which is 3.30pm already. Hai i thought at least it ended liao.

As i was waiting for payment got call in my the doc in charge and say that..i am in the high risk of Trisomy 18 and 13. T18 from 1:1100 become 1:70.....was ask to discuss with my gynae for further test.

So after discussion with hubby we finally decide to go for amnio test next month on Oct 21 to get the 100% accurate answer whether the baby will be normal or not.

Now trying not to think and worry so much and hope for the best...

Pinky: me too; 1st trimester went thru peacefully , now at week 13 i vomit everyday and very puky feeling , plus nausea. so sad.

zingzing: my turn do oscar at TMC is this coming monday, however, the nurse said must come there at 9am to Q???? why must Q i also dont know.congrate on your result, so fast ya. make me very excited and lil nervous as well.

Joelle : all test are just test, dont be so down, the final conclusion is not there yet, so cheer up and stay positive. many times ppl in your situation come back with a good result after all, so the best is yet to be. pray for you.

SG SC: i'm petite but normal size, not skinny but usu in the morning and at night when i havent had much to eat then tummy not bloated, i can feel a harder little bump just below my lower tummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zbabe, europe ok la. paris and switzerland was nice, austria and amsterdam ok, germany didnt see much of it. i wish i didnt have my ms then then maybe i'd enjoy the trip better but am already very grateful i didnt puke during the trip at all except once while brushing teeth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and cannot drink beer lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wat to do...

did my OSCARS test yesterday - at first bb also sleeping, until the sonographer keep prodding until woke up and change position, turn head, move hands, i thot i saw the mouth moving - seems to be sucking thumb. and he did a little salute pose which my sonographer quickly captured and said baby very cool. hahah.

how quickly will we know the results? i got a call last evening from the centre where i did OSCARS but i missed the call and nobody could tell me what the call was for. very scary leh. i completed the test at abt 3.30 and got the call around 5. so fast? let's all pray for the best ladies...

Dee: before u do the oscars, do to Dr Kee clinic first. The nurse need to take a urine sample from you and she will pass you the form to go to the diagnostic department for the oscar scan and the blood test there as well. i will be in TMC on 5/10 too .. seeing Dr Kee at 1010am. Mabbe i will see u there? all the best .. it's exciting seeing baby moving around. baby is now about 7.1cm already for me. =p and my tummy is very obvious that i am pregnant. i was buying mooncake the other day and the auntie asked me when i was going to deliver ... haha ...

hi vic ma,

i dunno, one of my colleagues told me about it, so I went to check online..maybe i ask her more?

she claimed from govt lei...

wonderland, i know, i put some honey also..think i like sweet drinks recently, and salty food...weird hor...

HJ, ur tummy so so obvious??? omg, mine is still not obvious at all..is it any cause for concern??

me already 13 weeks plus...

zbabe ... yes my tummy very obvious le ... i thought there is a cause for concern for me since it's so obvious lol ... i don't think there is a cause of concern for u ... mabbe ur baby is better at hiding? lol ... i am 14 week exactly today.

hi all,

its my 1st child n duno wat I should take note of eg wat to eat n wat not to eat, olden superstitious etc..

i onli got to realise tat im carrying my bb when I in 11 wks, now I in 13 wks 2 days. coming 9 oct going to see gynae which is my 2nd visit. what supplement should I ask from him ?

I feel real terrible everyday giddy n keep lying down, everyday drag myself to n fro from work as im stil on probation.. haiz...



dont worry so much. I have a friend who also did amio test...but it turned out fine later...

By the way, thought usually above 35 has a risk or i should say a higher risk.

Ok update from me

Visited gynae yesterday. 10wk 4dy - 49mm (about the size of 12wk2dy). Neck thickness ok. Saw moving around.

For my case, not sure if the days is correct coz i didnt take note of my last menses.... so as long as baby is fine,thats fine for me.

Will be doing Triple Test 5weeks later to test for DS.

For my #1, after this triple test, i will be doing my FA scan where i can see the bb face hands legs etc and a cd will be given. its only 2d. Understand my friend took a 3d scan so may opt for it this time

jingzjingz: you mean Dr Kee clinic at TMC? the nurse that day call me to report to TMC at 9am, without further instruction so i also blur, just know must be there at 9am.

wow, mean you are in your 13th week already. so cool ya, me and hubby are excited to see baby again, my baby at previous visit did not move much, only the hands and the legs for a while then rest. 3 weeks ago it was only 3.08 cm in length.

hope to see you there as well. but how come you must come to TMC to see him? i thought you follow at his Jurong clinic, i mean, dont mean to be rude, just a bit wondering. feel a bit scared le...

hahahha, its sweet right, to see ppl really concern abt pregnant women...my tummy still very flat, dont know why le...

shop4stuffs & Teng_family,

Thanks a lot for your encouragements...will hope for the best and keep you all updated...

Dee .. Turn up at dr kee clinic n say u got oscars appt at the frontdesk .. Then the nurse will pass u a form and show u where to go .. Oh I only saw dr kee once in jurong. I stay in the east so thomson is more convenient unless I happen to go to my mum place in jurong or if no choice at nite cos can't take leave .. My baby is 3.1cm at week 9 and week 13 at 7.1cm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] grown alot..

Hope to see u in the clinic tmr den [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all the best.

super busy packing house as I am moving house on Wed. Just started packing on fri nite! :p We are always super last minute, so now panicking loh. Can't bend too much or carry hvy things or bb will protest and give me a tummyache. so hb has to do most of it.

going for blood tests and scan tmw. scary...always hated and feared needles. hope not so painful bah. Now at 12 weeks...a bit of tummy (but i guess it's largely due to being bloated or left over fats from #1 and 2.) Hope to see tummy bigger soon but also worried abt putting on too much weight cos i am overweight to begin with. :p But got craving for sweet stuff and always hungry at nite leh..like tt sure gain weight de. how leh???

slaky, i nv look whenever they give me a jab...heheh...the pain is ok one la, a small prick only. i think the pain from bad shoes is worse! haha...

leave the packing to your hubby la, ask him to take his time, you shouldnt be carrying heavy things whether bb give u tummyache or not.

Dear Mummies,

I have an almost new Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump for sale.

Bought in June 09 at the price of $230, selling now at $150.

Breast Pump under utilised (only used 2 times due to no milk supply).

Breast Pump still under warranty.

Can operate with Battery as well.

***Free 3 storage bottles and 1 pack of disposable nursing pads (48pcs).

Pick up at Yishun area.

Pls email to [email protected] or call 93653199.

I called TMC to book for Oscar myself. No one ask me to come early to Queue leh. and also the staff was very friendly. My appt was at 9.30. Then i can go off at abt 11 plus 12 already. Cos baby v cooperative. 1st attempt scan ok already.


FYI - My friend who also received her OSCAR screening had a 1:6 ratio which put her in very high risk. She's of 36 this year. Her scan looks perfect and she is not very keen to go for Amnio cause she is having twins. She went to SSR for Prof Anadakumar for a genetic scan which JTHan has recommended. Turns out both her babies are perfectly normal. Prof did told her that BT isn't much accurate esp in multiples so I'm going for his opinion as well. During my 6 weeks scan, there were 2 sacs but when I went for a follow up the next week, the smaller sac w/o heartbeat has vanished. I was kinda sad but happy on the other hand that my other sac survived and has been doing very well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not too sure if the twins vanishing syndrome could have cause an inaccurate test in my BT as well. But I read many many false positive in BT so let's just pray hard that both our babies are very normal and healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feels like shit today. puked 3 times in the last 2 hours. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elmoo, are u back to work? still having ms?

me still puked out my dinner last night, and I am going to be 14 weeks in 2 days' time liao..still puking...sigh...

my ms seems to be subsiding these couple of days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i still get stomach discomfort and still no appetite but the nausea is barely there. i'm 12 weeks. i feel bad for being so sulky all the time to my hubby. but i dun feel well most of the time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] having no appetite sucks.

zbabe, hope urs stop after 14th week like my sis's. ms really quite hard to bear.

any of u ladies booked confinement already?

Haha, lynn

I ks booked confinement 2 weeks ago [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cos that aunty very popular, my #1 also she did for me.


Im back to work, just now lunch ate 2 spoonful also throw out, still got ms on and off. Do you gals got mood swing? Just now i kee siao, duno why mood so bad start crying non stop. Like got depression, am I crazy? Why like that? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cried twice today, siao liao...

icic, i booking thr agency - the one my sis recommended - trying to get back the same nanny - see if successful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my mood quite calm ley...other than sulking due to the discomfort, i'm generally quite ok. it's prob the hormones la. try to distract yourself. your moods and stress baby can feel one. poor baby so young only dun stress him...heheh...

Now it's me kana stress by ms if not I'm okie 1...After cry now feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then ok lor...ms is really quite hard to bear. i wonder how come women in the past can have so many kids. i'm quite traumatised alr, and to think my ms isnt the worst of the lot...

we're all reaching 2nd trimester soon - tats the best time! after that, we'll be complaining of all the aches already...

Aiyo, if no ms i will want #3 also. But this ms makes me think twice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi elmoo, i can understand how u feel la..very xin ku mah...cannot eat, no appetite, then some more puke, dun feel well, of course will cry, cos u feel so helpless like that...

i am worse off, my hubby chicken pox last 2 weeks, i wanna sulk to my hubby also cannot...then like lynn say, i just focus on other things lor...at least now he recovered, can bring me out last sat for dinner..

i dunno cry how many times already ...wa ha ha...but i always have to tell bb to be happy...scared i cry, then bb also can feel it...

by the way, my fren passed me the earpiece and microphone, to speak to my bb one, also can let bb listen to music...u all think bb can hear already or not huh? ears developed??

lynn, me already have backaches sometimes...

i think i read week 24 then can hear...but no harm speaking to bb early.

i also have backaches la, but i think those in 3rd trimester will be far worse!

any of u ladies can feel baby moving? me felt it moving earlier just now.. it's like a sluggish kinda movement.. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so early? earliest i read is 15th week and tats for not first time mummies. supposed to feel like butterflies fluttering... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I feel few times leh, but that day the lady did scan for me said not so fast leh..Very tickerish, hehe..They said #2 can feel earlier dont know is it so early like now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elmoo, i'm expecting #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I tot it was my imagination ... the movement was actually very subtle ticklish-sluggish feeling.. hehe

ya, i thot also i told my hubby he said where got so early feel..Thot my xin li zuo yong also.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha! Monday bluez almost over! so damn bz all day finally can take a breather liao...

zbabe, tink by 4 mths bb ears develop liao, so can hear us tok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so nice, can feel bb movement liao, mi like Pinky. Sometimes i rush here n there in flip flops, also forget i preggy must walk slower n gentler...

Tengfamily, i dun tink am hiring CL. Tink my MIL more than willing to take care of us, but i feel weird lei, imagine HB go work then i all alone at her house. Somemore i anticipate that i be hot-tempered during that time coz 1st time mummy + cannot bathe + all the pain...sure flare up easily one. Wanna avoid conflicts.

Am tinking of moving back to my mum's house. Prob rely on my maid to take care of us lor, coz only she be at home 24/7. somehow i feel tat easier to instruct her to do or wat not to do than instruct my MIL. Wait she tink i rude...

Dilemma. Still dunno hw....

guess I could feel it now coz I'm already 15wks 2days... and also factor in that it's my 2nd one.. some times I also forgotten that I'm preggy, especially at night when I sleep, I tend to stretch here adn there.. any of you feel that you're more prone to backaches and or felt stretchy ard your hip bone?

wow...pinkzee, u oredi well into ur 2nd trimester liao..envy envy...

i have backaches n neck pain all the time since early weeks of preg till now. not getting better..like u, everytime i stretch a little in bed always got the "crack crack" sound. very shiok..


sg_sc, pickzee,

I always get backache and headache too.. I don care to stretch myself but sometime did it when fall asleep....then can feel pulling sensation at the hip bone area lor...

I also wish i can feel the bb movement sooooooonn....

