(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


oic, so u get it too! I'm just a bit concerned.. wondering what's causing the pressure, and if i need to sit down/rest immediately once i feel it. Will try not to exert too much.


ryne, for work, i always wear a cardigan because the aircon is pretty strong. Thou i don't feel warm, i feel 'stuffy', very pek cek lor. When i go out, i still wear sleeveless but i try not to now because the pigmentation on my armpit areas is quite bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm quite sad about it...I used to have fair & pigmentation-free armpits. And now the areas are so dark, it's abit gross. I told my husband about it and he said he noticed that long ago. I asked if he feels grossed out, he say abit lar but he takes that as part of pregnancy. Haiz.

Actually, i'm not exactly sure is it pressure or the urge to pee. Sometimes when im standing, i can feel the bb kick downwards and it's so low i had to keep myself from going eeeks! Then i'll cross my legs abit tighter because suddenly, i feel like peeing.

butterwaffles: dont be so depressed if the pigmentation came because of yr pregnancy then it should dissapear after yr pregnancy.. mine has darkened too but not that bad, it looks like i didnt shave... :/ i used to know someone who had it when born, and had it in between the thighs too.


He is 22 mths now. Just when i thought his fever had subsided for 2 days, it is back again with cough! *sigh* might have to let him go for blood test tmr, Doc mentioned if his fever don't recover by tomorrow. He will need to go through the blood test.

My hb is around to help, taking child care leave. Still I had to cook lunch/dinner for ourselves and my boy. Can't go out with his condition.

I had to take glucose test because I had gestational diabetes when I had #1.


I even had some pigmentation at my chest and breasts when i had #1, fortunately, it does disappear after I deliver.

dawn, quite sad about the pigmentation because my wedding is in a few weeks' time and all the gowns are strapless/halterneck types. I must remember not to raise my hands too high when i yam seng...exactly, it looks like i didn't shave!

icy, good to know the pigmentation will disappear after giving birth! My friend told me i should be thankful the pigmentation is not on my face.

jules, her massage is good.. i feel very good after the massage, slept very well but too bad she couldnt exert much pressure... and bad thing is she is soo badly packed for post natal massage, i think she cant slot me for anymore massage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

re : Wong bb class

It's very informative with some exercise.. quite fun and enjoyable

hey mommies, ask u all something.

is there any mattress protector for the baby cot mattress? dun seem to see any around.. what if bb pees and peaks.. how to protect the mattress?

butterwaffles: I guess u have to be more 'ladylike' lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yam seng only raise halfway..i also just had my wedding less than a week ago. Lucky no yam seng and i kept my arms to myself. i was more worried somebody will say something about my bump to be honest!

thanks ryne, think i saw it at the JP expo, was wondering what it was for. it felt and looked like those anti-slip rubber mats, wondered if its breathable and comfy enuff for bb? hm.. but the cot sheet seems to be built for the function, shall give it a try. thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies!!! it's monday again but luckily there is a long weekend this week.

tiga, i bot the mattress waterproof protecter at robinson.. babysafe brand as well. U can take a look there.

Rcently i have frequent or intense urges to urinate, even when i have little urine to pass. Most likely suffering from Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Still waiting for my urine test reports, meanwhile doc have given me antibiotics, but i have difficulties swallowing. Any remedy to cure UTI? Tired of going toilet!!

miracle tiga

yeah i heard of mr Wong you are in good hands... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope I can learn from her too but its ok if i dont... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for quinny stuff I went to a mummy place on sat and she has a quinny buzz for sales... are u looking for that? She got it for 800+ and selling for 700... almost BN...


i feel constant pressure just above the private part area..i think its muscle(not internal pain) under pressure or something... esp when i lift up my legs to wear pants...


congrats on yr wedding!


do you feel esp hungrier in the last trimester compared to the 2nd? I'm concerned as I gained quite a bit during 2nd and I seldom exercise cos always feel tired.

tiga, the mattress protector is 27”x52” and cost$23.80. You can get it during Robinson sale at 20% off.

tiffany, yes drink cranberry juice.. it helps...

Re: Cordlife

Hi lyn,

I am going to do the same thing as carol =)

Re: massage

Hi Elise,

Thanks for sharing =) I think i am going to book one soon =)

RE: weird taste

Hi all,

Me too got this weird taste but i take sweet to cover it cause I am abit of low sugar in blood

Re: Pigementation


I dun have that but I have pimples around the chest area and neck!! Will that also go of after pregant any mummy got any experienceon on that?


I have that too afew week ago, I drink alot of water and i bought myself off-shelf the femine wash then I have been quite well now. *TOUCH WOOD* I also try to get yourget also =)


yeah its the "chinatown babystuff" store. Its at Blk 34 hdb flat right beside OG chinatown. Thirdlevel first store. It doesnt carry many stuff so u shd go babykingdom or hypermart or somewhere else to view the prodts u want first. Once decided then you can call them for their price, if u like it then u can go down to order. I'm not sure whether they accept phone order. They sell most baby stuff, I saw cots, bouncer, toys, mattresses, yaolan, a lot of small babystuff but then again, they dun carry a lot. Mostly people will go there to view their stroller/items catalogs and order from there.

Ladies, check with you all...

During pregnancy, my hb can shift furniture in the house or not? I thinking of swopping bb cot and a kid's bed between 2 rooms...

morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

was wondering if anyone has a good dentist to share, yesterday while eating my fav. beef pie...chip my front tooth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] - lucky it's a chunk at the back so from the front i still have a whole tooth.

was thinking it's about time to take daughter to dentist for check up too.

am worried if i don't fix it it might chip more and pain will start *sigh* my front tooth!

Chocpockie, depends on your beliefs. SOme pple are more traditional, and say cannot do anything moving the furniture. If do early in pregnancy, bb will m/c. if do late in pregnancy, bb will be delivered prematurely. some pple say it's okay to do but preggie must not be in the house at the same time.

Hi chocpockie,

I am not around when my hubby was moving the thing in the house cause my aunt got dc when my uncle move stuff around the house. As what cactus say, it depned on your belief =)

Hi carol,

I have one good dentist but he is in west. If you want I can recommend to u

Hi carol,

That good! hope u will get it fixed. cause I also have toothache recently =)



pregnancy causes some gingivitis so need to take extra gentle care. Had my teeth cleaned, scaled and polished when i was about 11weeks so i don't need to sit on the dentist chair...jajajaj, that was my wishful thinking...sigh..

Miracle Tiga,

Mothercare sells the waterproof mattress protectors as well. I'm just using normal cot sheet.


My dentist on Tanjung Katong Road is not bad. If you need further recommendations, lemme know.

joyful, really! u were in the q?? so many mummies so i didnt really see..

How is yr class? Quite funny hor she..

ya, was in the queue.. ya lor so many mummies right? we also ended our class late.. like at 530! you were picking up something and then walked so fast so i didn't have a chance to say hi hehe.. but glad to see u!

She's quite funny la, but the room is v hot and stuffy and the toilet is making so much noise couldn't concentrate.. i was also v uncomfortable sitting on the floor for 2.5 hours..

hi mommies.....whole morning doing online retail therapy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Carol,

I think in that case, i must go and see a dentist soon =) cause have the toothache for quite some time but i ingore it =p


Elise, i bought the same babysafe mattress protector as you. U bought the full size or 3/4? i bought the 3/4 one cos one pack got 2. Hahaha. I like it because its ultra thin and somehow i think more cooling.

cactus, hehe was buying leg warmers, carter bibs and shoes (for my nephew)

encountering some problem so whole morning back and forth emailing the seller, troublesome! anyway so exciting coz don't do this very often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joyful, ya ya, my shoe the stupid button came off.. so i was picking up.. yes, the room very hot!! thats why me n hubby first to dash out...

1727, i bot the full pc one..

dawn, whole world know i'm pregnant already, so i don't worry about my bump, lol. I'm married for more than 4 years already, so this wedding is just something to please the elders :p I hope you've enjoyed your wedding!

Tiffany, drink loads of plain water and cranberry juice. I kenna-ed UTI once, i peed immediately after i finished a whole litre of cranberry juice! Works wonders. Try not to hold your pee ya? Heard that can cause UTI as well.

chocpokie, i used to sleep on a mattress laid on a platform but because i'm pregnant, my husband bought a new bedframe. The guys installed that in my MBR when i was 4 months preg. There was abit of drilling and moving of stuff around. I was in the living room that time...ok leh. If you worried, just don't be physically present in the house when they move the furniture.

skysilver, i have pimples on my neck and chest too. Even my arse & armpits so i can't shave as regularly anymore. I apply teatree oil on them. I think for pimples, they SHOULD go away after delivery? Once our hormones stabilise, should be ok...i hope!


thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just got back from the tooth doctor. they did a filling, wow, looks REAL! *smiles* with matching color too :D

daughter saw her 1st dental appointment too.. did ONE tooth cleaning then didn't want to continue ...hee hee, finally did the other tooth before leaving.

just bought 6 bibs and 3 leg warmers online [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] going for the rompers in the afternoon......now going to popular to get some assessment bks and NTUC to do some shopping.....

btw haven't got my royce yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jonjosh, would had guess you'd be shopping heee hee..

phew! lucky me, didn't know if they could fix my front tooth but came out all good and better than new! Well, dentist these days - thinking of getting those invisible braces too, wear 2 hours daily for a yr and you'd have a great smile - no metal braces needed.

didn't get my Royce fix too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] scared i'd be putting more weight than i can imagine. Don't mind giving birth to a big baby and all else fats are a no no!

btw, can lemme know whats on PWP at NTUC when you're there later? thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bw, just wondering, how come you have your customary now? Hope you don't mind me asking. cos 4 years is a long time. at that time, you already staying together with your husband? in the same house?

Carol, I just came back from NTUC Tiong Bahru. I saw Persil on PWP. but didn't take note of the price. Sorry! Couldn't help staring at it when I was making payment at the cashier. those big boxes!

Elise, Skysilver & butterwaffles,

Thanks for the tips!! Hopefully UTI will go away soon with the help of cranberry juice.. Find it annoying to urinate so often.. *Sianz*

I have been putting on 10kg since pregnancy. 12 more weeks to go till my delivery! Hopefully don't put on any more weight. My BB gal is 1.2kg at 27weeks! Heehee slightly overweight according to gynae, but still within the range hence i dun have to go on diet..

