(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


My maid was a fresh new maid w/o experience when she come work for me, already 1.5 yrs. No off days as well. I try to bring her out during weekends if we are going out. Ask her if she needs to buy anything.

I think really depends if ur maid does have experience or not, if they do, they likely to compare with previous boss. normally ex-sg maids wants day off. especially if they have friends and relatives here.

Normally, only give off days after they finish servicing their loans. I feel depends on the maid characters, I know some friend's maid tt have off days as well, and they are doing a great job. Must really interact well with maids and alert of any abnormal behavior from them.

BTW, actually no off days also can do do weird things, my friend's maid only wash car also can get known to the cleaners at void deck and do her "part time" by disappearing for 30mins to 1 hr for car wash hor.


Crystal have very serious stranger anixety and separation anxiety. She refuse to walk in public area, cling on to me/helpers when other people (other than family members) is in the house. She cries when she find people looking or tries to play with her. very very bad.. I dont know what to do with her.


bw, will advise you to trim Jude's nails as short as possible and try to ignore/unaffected by his scratching of his own face. Buff the sides of the nail too. Sounds like this little fella is very good at manipulating mommy.

I did consider placing Heidi with her cousin at YMCA but honestly I felt that the curriculum there is rather weak. Everything my niece learns seems to learn from TV..then if I place her at another childcare a bit unfair if my in-laws have to go 2 places to pick up both. haiz...

ladyk, we have a Josiah here as well. Even more ex than Mindchamps! And my friend said they have school holidays too! But I am not sure how true is that. But their Playgroup ratio is 1:4. Quite good. Mindchamps is 1:5. Also very good actually.

thanks for sharing mommies.. Guess i have alot to learn to manage a maid.. wish me the best bah!!


i believe that you have give much thought before deciding on this new arrangement, as mummies, we just want the best for our LOs!!! good luck and if you encounter any problems do ask for help...


just sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend's IL fetch her girl to and from cc everyday, need to take 2 buses to reach and her FIL is complaining, she is looking for another centre which is nearer walking distance....it is gd if IL can help u fetch her earlier say ard 4-5pm feed her dinner, if not quite rushing for parents..the centre can close late but there is a concern for dinner. if the centre doesnt serve dinner, then poor LO will have late dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


omg! sch hols??? i didnt check out that with the Josiah at Suntec! i think anything related to Montessori is expensive.


thanks for your encouragement.

Can drag then drag, haha.

Hmm about dinner.. well, the "schedule" said 5.30pm for yum yum so i think got meals or snacks but Selene feeds around 2hrly routine, so she might starve a little.... however, i hope she will slowly adjust thru the days and up her appetite per feed and lengthen the duration

jmmabb, my hubby also mentioned that even if the centre closes at 7-9pm (depends on which), he would prefer someone to pick Lac up around 5+pm coz of dinner. Mmmmm....in this case, I might have to consider my PIL's area so they can help to pick up. Sigh....though I prefer to enrol the one just below my house. Thanks for ur advice!

haiz...my MIL will pick up my niece at 5pm. Bring her home, bath her and feed her at 6pm. Then feed Heidi at 6.30pm. Already Heidi taken a back seat regarding this. I kept quiet...imagine if there's one more baby at home...what time will they pick up my Heidi??? sad...i think I will just give her a bottle after picking her and then late dinner with us lor. bo bian...or buy bread or something for her...


i think sch holiday is for those in kindergarden not full day childcare.


i think seldom parents will leave their kids til so late...my girl previous centre open til 9pm, provides 2nd bath and serves dinner. after that is tv time til parents fetch them. hope we are not referring to the same centre. :p


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u want to know which centre ??

Re maid : Elise I made it very clear since day 1, no off day, no Hp, no long hair. Everything else can negotiate. Last sun she neg w me not to cut hair. I told her no way. Looking after baby I cannot accept that. Scolded her but explain n reason w her. Today she told me ok can cut but dun give those too short. Slighty below ear. I agreed. For maid stand firm. Else more prob will come. Just my view


hey im curious which ctr has such late closing time too! pm me leh! kekeke.


oh shucks.. what does Heidi have dinner anyway?


I did. Meiji with corn flakes but not too much cos wait she dun wanna drink her normal milk.

ladyk, my mil will cook porridge and heidi will have it for her lunch and dinner. heat up with the electric pot.

Lynn, BabeE,

do you guys warm it up before giving? same warming method as EBM right?


oic.. hmm... Selene takes vv early dinner around 4-5pm.. too, yes porridge.

Gotta ask a very suaku question,

Do we pass the disposable diapers to the IFC by pieces or whole packet? And also, do they help to wash and sterilise the feeding bottles or we need to prepare the exact number of feeding bottles huh?

OK... gotta sleep! goodnight mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now...can start giving fresh milk? I have not try before...but now he is very interested in any drinks with straw....he still don't know how to suck from the straw but he wants to drink the beverages...


PMed u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what brand of fresh milk ? how is ur girl's FM milk intake after taking 150ml of fresh milk, maintain or decrease ?


how much milk is your LO's drinking per day with 2/3 solid feed ? any guideline ?

Urghh when will my child be clingy to me!

Fresh Milk:

I give Dyl Marigold full fat milk. I leave it out for 10 minutes before letting him drink it.


i so wish i can be a sahm so that we don't have to consider this and that, that and this.

ladyk, personally i find the fetching pretty exhuasting, especially when it rains. I guess you really have no choice...so exp! Goodness. I pay $577 per month for my boy's infantcare after the $600 govt subsidy. But he is at PCF centre, not those private ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Value for money i would say but it depends on the kind of teachers they have...

toray, yes yes i do trim his nails regularly. You are right, he's very good at manipulating me. And my dad. Yesterday also, i told him, no more throwing! He was throwing out the stuff i've packed nicely in the boxes. He looked at me, stare at the boxes and continue to throw. I told him, last warning, cannot throw! He continue. I slap his palms and he started to cry. My husband tried not to go to him and told him you see, you've made mummy angry, cannot throw things! He flung himself backwards and hit the back of his head on the floor. My husband wasn't fast enough to catch him. Cried lor. For a full 30 mins while i applied ice & sambak on him. Hope he learns his lesson!

elise, you can do it!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But if can't manage, please please please get a part-time cleaner. I sian liao. Considering to get tingkat.

jmmabb, you are right about the late dinner if we can't fetch our kids earlier. Am on part-time so im able to reach his centre around 6-6.15pm. The teachers will give him milk at 5.30pm so that he can tahan abit longer. Sometimes i know i can reach earlier, i will call them in advance and tell them not to give him milk else when he goes home, he will refuse dinner and play with the food instead...

joelle, i know of this centre that closes at 9pm at Sengkang. Not sure if they are still practising that thou. Faith centre or something...

jenny, i'm considering to buy something to ease my backache from carrying my boy...from Niche Babies. It looks like those strap on stuff, you strap on your hip and when you carry the toddler, the toddler can rest on the protruded waistbag and you just support the back. Seen this before? http://www.nichebabies.com/category.php?id_category=7


Oooo... Looks interesting but we recently already invested in a new carrier for E liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw, Mummies in the vicinity of Bugis/Suntec/Raffles City - interested to do lunch next week? Other Mummies in this thread welcome to join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I give farmhouse whole milk. Take note of some fresh milk thou seems Ang mo brand it is pack Thailand or Indonesia.

My gal 8 am cereal with little fresh milk, 10 powder milk 12 lunch 3pm powder milk 5pm fresh milk 630 dinner 9 powder

Ladyk mum n helper w baby at home

bw, my niece used to do that too. Then when she start childcare, she outgrow the habit of throwing herself backwards liao. But she was quite a terror between 2-4 yrs old time and will have like 3-5 meltdowns per day. But recently something happened! She's 4 yrs old this year by the way. She was in the lift with my MIL after childcare and in the lift was a 3 yr old kid with her grandma. The 3 yr old kid was having a melt down in front of them. I think that shaken my niece and after that she stopped totally. There was twice when she was about to start and my MIL just say..."Remember that kid in the lift..." then she will stop. Wow...peace finally after nearly 3 yrs...I've lost counts of the mornings she woke me up with her tantrums.

Lynn, Meiji is packed in Thailand. The NTUC auntie told me she will chose Marigold if I were to ask her...haha


A takes:

3btls - 300mls

3full meals - breakfast cereal, lunch pasta/porridge 1chinese bowl full, dinner pasta/porridge and rice with side dishes portion if Chinese bowl full.

2snacks - yogurt, fruits or biscuits - 1 munchkin snack catcher serving.

Enzo takes about 800-900ml of FM a day. Occasionally pura/farmhouse milk or mac magnolia milk. 2 solids a day with snacks like apple biscuits.

I did not heat the milk up, just give it to him cold from the fridge.

I love Pura~ haven't try farmhouse. Haven't let Heidi try fresh milk yet. But I think I will heat up first before passing to her. Actually she can drink from cup already but I don't trust her...haha...

BabeE, what carrier did you buy?? Still can use carrier now? I love my Beco Butterfly carrier, it really can withstand my boy's weight! I managed to use it until my boy turns 1, super good, can use for long hours. But he is really too big for carrier already, i just need something for myself when i carry him. I'm at City Hall! Lunch for me difficult...strictly 1 hour for me...

toray, i really hope my boy will grow out of it. I've been much stricter with him ever since he turned 1 cos i realised he can understand what im saying already but he act blur. So very strict now and my tenant shake head leh, ask me why ah boy cries every night. Your girl is steady! Mine still cannot drink from cup. I don't know if he is doing it on purpose. He will drink then when he stops, he doesnt tilt back the cup, he will continue to pour down his mouth until no water left. Then he will fling the cup away. Don't know when he will learn to drink from a cup PROPERLY.

re:fresh milk

My mum works at NTUC. She votes for Marigold, Farmhouse & Pura. HL is a no-no. Meiji, she say alot of sugar. Another one is organic milk but i cannot rem the brand. My mum buys that to drink when she is feeling rich (payday), lol!

elise, wow! Enzo still takes alot of milk like my boy! He can drink milk at 6.30am, then 1pm, then 5.30pm, then 8.30pm, then 12am. Each time i make 180ml of water...end up around 220ml of FM bah. But i try to give lesser for the 8.30om feed cos that's just after dinner but sometimes he will whine for more. I wonder if it's ok to drink so much...i think Ayden's intake of milk & solid food is more 'normal' and balanced to me ^^


Same same intake for our 3 lil ones. I just don't feed frequent intervals. Ayden drink 300mls per serving but he drinks soy not milk, think he'd be really built if he took milk.

wah almost 1L of milk....ok then i will give her 1 more feed of milk hehee...my girl is only taking around 400-500mL with 3 solids.


if ifc feeds milk at 5plus then what time will u feed dinner ?

Wow...I think my boy still taking lots of milk too even though on at least 2-3 solids porridge or cereals 1/2 to 3/4 bowl...n he still on 2hourly 60ml milk since 5-6mths till now...no matter how much more we give his max is ard 60ml per time...n he snack in between either fruits, bread or biscuits.

Carol, what??! 300ml is per serving and not per day?!?!?!?! i tried giving him soya bean, he doesnt like it hehe. Don't know when he will start to ask for other drinks. He hates milo too.

jmmabb, he takes dinner at 6.30pm. The centre has no choice but to give him milk at 5.30om but he really whines for milk de leh. Dont give he will create havoc. They tell me usually they only give milk once a day. But for him, they bobian! Sometimes, even give at 8am thou i fed at 6.30am because he just won't give up.

jenny, every 2 hour 60ml?!?!?!? how heavy is he now ah?

No worries BW. I can always pop over to Raffles City. I can't run away too long for lunch either.


Heeheee... You read 1st post wrong missed the "x3"

Ayden drinks a tall glass of soya bean(have a fresh soya distributor nearby) for breakfast that's why less one bottle late morning.

Its not alot, Riley takes slightly more if I remember ;) - lil milk guzzlers.

I've completely stop yaolan so A needs a tall bottle to fall asleep sometimes hence the volume.

Can't imagine how it'll be if E stops the yaolan. She can barely fit in anymore but yet she still wants cos she loves people rocking her... =S

When it comes to fresh milk, there are a few brands I simply cannot take. Farmhouse, HL, and Daisy. I'll throw up and keep having diarrhoea. Actually, I realise it's the same for Dylan too.

Bw, my boy still small sized lah...slightly more than 6kg...but given his birth weight, pd say very good already...

But his stomach too small ah...still regular night feed...wonder when will he outgrown the night feed...

I also wanna stop yao lan completely...not easy, still trying...aiming by 18mths...

hehehe Ayden is indeed guzzler! Envy!


so envious! $577 is so manageable and it should be lower when he hits 18 months for CC right?

I'm paying $1.5K after $600 subsidy... If she promotes to the affiliated CC at Millenia walk, it's $1.2K after $300 subsidy. But i quite like the ratio at IFC... 1:3. Nevermind lor, from July to Sep is about 3 months... after that then think again...

ohhh i didnt know Meiji got alot of sugar! i love the taste as compared to Pura.. how about Magnolia?


BabeE, if your lunchtime also only 1 hour and u work at Bugis, how to rush to RC?? MRT frequency during lunch hour sucks big time!

Carol, i see i see...i have never let my boy sleep in yaolan before but he also needs milk to fall asleep, even if he had eaten just a while ago.

serendipity, you lactose intolerant?!

jenny, jiayou jiayou...yaolan i heard not easy to stop but its possible. or sometimes, they outgrow it themselves!

ladyK, yeah PCF childcare is even cheaper. I think after the $300 govt subsidy, its about $350. But my boy is not going to PCF childcare. There is simply no vacancy. He's going to Cambridge in August. For now, its $550 per month after $300 govt subsidy. Next year, the fees will increase by $100. SIGH. His current ifc ratio is also 1:3, i think this is the standard. When he just joined the centre, even better, usually 3 teachers to 4 babies. Now the centre is getting popular, a total of 9 babies to 3 teachers liao! Hey, i like Magnolia leh. I find it not bad! But i still buy NTUC brand ^^ Or whatever is on discount! I avoid Meiji thou thanks to my mum's naggings. But i find the smell of HL milk sooo nice.

