(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

ur milk bags used finished liao ah??


By family/relatives (at your home)

Happy with current arrangement?
How is your baby taken care of? Hope our babies are in good hands! =D

By mum at her place.

Happy with the arrangement?
no lah, thk i just need 1 more 50 pcs.
cos some need to put at work place, some at my house, some at my in law
cos sometimes pump n need place to keep


its ok, thk i buy from someone else for 50 pc.
any idea how to not to let bb form a habit n fall asleep during latching?

i thk my bb got monday blues yesterday, an hour after fetching him from nanny place n back to my place, he cried n my hub cant do anythg. when bb saw me busy at home, n did not carry him, he cry even louder.
so end up, i carry him, he quiet down...but latch him, he dun z...rock him n pacifier, no use.

end up, put him on sofa with pacifier, with a few pats, he sleep for 4-5 hrs! even can skip 1 nite feed!
did anyone try to change bb nappy when he wakes up for feed 3am?

duno if would get nappy rash easily if din change nappy for some time
Stacey, I was a SAHMTB but after baby is out, I wanna work.....I'm very weird hor? LOL!

I guess my savings has run out so I better work for my own money again! I could be a SAHM if I want but I think it's better if I work because:

1. with baby in the pic, expenses are going up and relying on one income is not easy.
2. even though my hubby is ok with me being a SAHM, I prefer to go out to work and feel "normal".
3. I didn't do a good job being a SAHM and since my mum is a much better caregiver to the baby, I rather go out and work.
4. I think my hubby prefers that I work too so that I can help chip in financially for big ticket purchases as such upgrading our car or house.

I don't drive
I think it's high time I pick up driving! Was looking at the SMRT map just now. With the circle line opened next month, I may be able to save some time on travelling to Ubi...takes not more than 1 hour and 20 mins! Hhahaha...

I really envy those who can find work near your house. I can't seem to have any luck with that!
yeah, its quite mind boggling to stay home 24-7 with bb. Air outside seemed fresher! but then the grass is always greener on the other side! haha..1hrs20min still quite long leh..

Im not sure abt yours but i dont need to change from 11pm till 10am coz like very little urine during this time..I usually dont change the night diaper till the morning bath..gross hor? but i guess quality of diaper impt too to prevent rash ba. wee hours change diaper v sian. risk of waking baby some more..
sporty> oic. thanks for the info

tanly> alamak! i know that isetan was closed today. (staff annual day) shld have told u. yes yes, lunch tog! i now lunch with ariesgal weekly. come join us!
congrats again..

re: poll> my bb used to be taken care of by my mom at my house then after cny, becomes her hse :p

i am very happy with arrangement because mom stays 5 mins from my place and i would rather my mom look after than my ils.

Ashley> yea u shld drive! but ur pl is near ur husb;s workpl rite?
i also haf to work for all my erm wants and big ticket purchases.

yayy it's 530 but i pumping now. going to rain. will be on leave for the next 2 days. yippie! *i need a break
momoko> how come ur mommie on 1 mth mc? hope she's ok.maybe i go collect from u the stuff next 2 days,. will call u first
thks again
Melodie> (almost missed ur msg) No the trip to US is cancelled cos RW cant open US on time. so dumb rite... so now it's go either in April or June...but lookin forward to see all of u on Sun @ ur place, after that, Mon is my daddy's first birthday with his grandson. hehehe

Rachelle> sorry, i jus saw ur post on the vaccination months time table. thanks so much!
mm6j: huh? sianz... yah, u hv many other thgs to look forward to!

tanly: thot of going to isetan later, heng ah... managed to see ur post here...

repost: anyone seen transparent bumbo tray before?

oh yah... can anyone offer to bring a big playmat or bumper mat for the gathering this sunday so that our babies can play on it? I dun hv, if not I will bring one down...
<font color="119911">bearycue</font>, where u buy ur clothes? clothes these days cutting so small...

<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, alamak! ur mum very cute. lucky i decided not to join u girls although i was at suntec attending course. ended at 1pm lor.

<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, my girl also auto adjust on weekends. very cute hor.

<font color="119911">min</font>, i agree. the lil ones are like growing so fast! when i see new borns like so small, my girl like big girl liao. hee.

<font color="119911">veryfatmum</font>, my girl sleeps in aircon room since day 1. at night she generally sleeps more than 8hr in a stretch. max 10hrs i will wake her up to drink milk liao.

<font color="119911">chris</font>, dun be sad ok. u r doing wat u can for ur boy, tatz more impt. jiayou! *hugs* i salute ur perseverance. some of my frens stop after 1-2 months coz low supply.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, my girl sitting and walking in walker liao. she dun like to sit anymore. wana stand all the time. my mum said yest she walked in front of the orchid plant and was staring at it for soooo long then her hands like wana grab it but still dunno how to grab. hee. hmm.... maybe i should stop her from walking so soon.... dun want her to have hard life.

<font color="119911">stacey</font>, my mum looking after at her place, very happy with the arrangement.

<font color="119911">babylele</font>, wat ebook is tat? my girl always bully my parents. day time dun sleep always wana play. then dun like my dad to carry, within 1 min will cry, but love to play and talk with him.

re: sucking hand
some times i see my girl suck her hands until so gan cheong and so jing jing you wei very bth. lol.

re: watching tv
she is a tv addict. even if it is not switched on she will stare at it! like her daddy, super tv fan. *faint*

re: routine
i never put my girl on routine worr. she has been sleeping thru since week 3 and asking for milk every 2.5-3 hours in the day.

re: in-laws
i see my mil always pretend to be interested with baby in front of others i damn sian lor. tat day first day of cny she some more ask her god daughter quick quick born one baby give her look after. wah lau eh. she tell my hb she dun wana look after baby b4 baby is out and now she go ask "outsider" to quick give birth to one give her look after. i close 2 eyes and 2 ears now. no eye see no ear hear.
Wah so many posts! i was trying to read all haha.

lucky din go isetan today. was at paragon and wanted to head down to isetan but cos need to rush home to pump, din go. i'm actually waiting for taka baby fair. wanna buy baby monitor liao

as you gals ah. for those of you who store FBM. when the FBM is near expiry, do you let baby drink FBM even tho you still have enough fresh milk to give baby? i always think tat it is good to give baby fresh milk but then i will waste my FBM. so thinking of letting baby clear the FBM while i freeze the fresh milk. but then more nutritious to drink fresh milk rt? aiyoh so dilema. if i let baby drink fresh milk, then i have to throw my FBM away?
Had a great lunch with the gals n babes again! Thanks bidosoh for sharing the zoophonics demo - really interesting!

We took some babies group pics again...will post once my bb goes to bed.

Organising lunch for coming tues again
9 march (tues) lunch in town (please suggest)
1. Superwalker
wahhh.. so many posts!!! i will try to read as many as i can wor :p

mich: i transferred the money to u le "D my initial is jolene428 :D $36 rite?

ashley: i know how u feel wor~ I was a SAHMTB also~!!! Though i joined property last april after my job contract ended, I didnt do much coz my pregnancy wasnt very smooth
Very bad MS for first trimester and Cant walk much coz of low blood pressure for 3rd trimester.. and worse.. the super horrible heartburn~!!! Anyway i was supposed to go and get a full time job for the same reasons as urself...

But hor, after some thought, i think i will continue with property and get a maid instead. So i can still go out and also run property in the daytime when only grandma is around. Coz if i go and work full time hor, by the time i get home, i maybe too tired to play for long with my girl, and worse if i do OT, she may have fall aslp.. whereas, doing property i will be working OTOT... sooo i can plan my time according and watch my girl grows up :D Hope I can still help with the hsehold financial strains after the biz pick up..

swanston: my girl loves her thumb~!!! Hahaha she also always suck until very shiok like that~!! hahaha i was a thumb-sucker til 9mths when i grow teeth myself :p

is it okay to let the baby start walking so soon? my girl loves sitting up and standing up now leh!!! she hates lying down unless she needs to drink her milk~

woooo~ do u all bring ur babies for the lunch meetup ah? Heehee...
nicole: i also dropping hair
botak soon!!! my fren in july forum said some of the mummies there were practically balding~!!!

answer for the poll:
- initially i wanted to put bb in infant care centre coz my mil working (though i staying with her nw) and my mum cant handle two babies (including my 16mth niece) herself. But changed my mind later coz it doesnt solve the problem of me coming home from work very tired already and yet need to caretake my own bb. And worse, my hubby said later affect our marriage coz cannot go out and pak tor.

- hence thought of getting a maid and put at my mum hse so can help her with hsework while she takes care of the two babies. But then... she said if i do property then she won't be helping me out le since my working hrs more flexible.

- hence the final decision is to be a Stay-At-Home Working mum with a Maid~!!! Hahaha... With my more flexible working hrs, I can plan my schedule according so I can spend time with baby whenever I can. Yet there is someone to help me with hsework or baby whenever required. At the same time, take care of grandma if required.

Not sure if it will be a good option coz i m still choosing my maid. Hope i get a good maid or else i think i will be more stressed!!!
Haha, my boy has finger sucking problem too. Plus he likes to scratch his face. Do you guys substitute it with pacifier instead"? I'm against its use but both in laws and hubby think it calms baby down and is better than letting him such his fist.

Btw, how long can I store frozen breast milk? Some say 2 months, others say 3 months. Rachelle Ling: I've the same dilemma as you too! Sometimes my refrigerated milk expired by 1-2 hours. I hope it's still ok to give baby?
stacey, once u decided to quit for bb's sake, dun sighz liao...cuz at least u get to participate in bb's mile stone!

tanly, so u have 1 more mth to be with ur gal...treasure the time

mitsy, ic no wonder...i thot u were supposed to send ur boy to infant care...

kimifin, its natural tha bb will fall asleep during latching....my gal also do tha lor...but sometimes after i stopped nursing when shes "high" to prevent her from being hooked to my boobs... i dun change nappy between 9pm to 5am even if sometimes my gal wake up for milk... i am using pampers for her and so far so good

ashley, weigh the pros and cons before u accept the offer lor...if u wanna spend more time with ur gal, i'm sure u can find other jobs nearer to town/home...

melodie, never see transparent bumbo tray before leh...

swanston, wahh...u put ur gal in walker liao? i dun think my gal can cuz her neck like not strong enough leh...

rachelle, if i were u...i will let the bb drink fresh milk cuz its more nutritious lor...then the fbm use to soak feet or whta

superwalker, saw the pics! seems like u gals had a great time!
if the lunch is ard city hall/marina sq area, i shd be able to join

jolene, thks for ur trf...will check later

rhapsodyrach, i juz let my gal suck her fingers :p i didnt intro pacifier to her tho... frozen bm can be store for 3 mths...
rhapsodyrach, if you keep your bm in normal freezer which is together with your normal frozen food, can keep up to 3 mths. but if you buy those deep freezer which you seldom open, can keep up to 5 mths - 6 mths. How long do you keep refrigerated milk? there was an article which says can keep milk in refrigerator for 4 days. but i usu keep for 2 days then freeze it.

Sporty, i have the same sentiments as you. i feel like giving fresh milk to my boy. but then a bit worried that fresh milk won;t last for 6 mths (want to bf him for at least 6 mths) and i will not have fbm by then....
rachelle, if u keep pumping...sure can last for 6 mths one...dun worry
bb's coming to 4 mths liao so another 2 mths to go!
ashley: i agree with sporty wor... that time when i intended to get a full time job... I thought of it too. Only when i work near my home then i can get home before bb slp...

sporty: rachelle wana let her bb gets used to fbm so when she started working and lose ss, he still gets the bmilk for another few mths :D

so envious of those who has bmilk.. my bmilk has always been 5-10ml, max 20ml.. hahaha... so i gave up after 1.5mths...

hey hey :D shld we organise a bb fair trip together ah :D heehee...
ohh.. i gave bb pacifier after his first mth coz it helps her to fall aslp faster...

but hor, suddenly she stopped wanting her pacifier and suck her fist and now her thumb...but lately she likes to put her whole fist in her mouth n scratch her gum... is she teething?
I started this since Sun bedtime so today is the 2nd day of training.
Baby can slp by his own since last night feeds, after his feed, basically i jus leave him on the bed while i wash the bottles and by the time i went in, he is slowly drifting off and fall aslp within 5 mins.
Its the same on the 2nd night feed too and his naps.
Suggest including "feeding" as your last bedtime routine, cos i realise baby is calmer and easier to drift away when having a full stomach.
Good luck! =)

If i am you, i wont take up the job unless the pay is good enough to include taxi fares to and fro or if u can drive cos in the long run, 2hrs of travelling can kill and basically you loses all your life cos its jus too far to travel out and going home.

you made me feel sad to return to work next week cos i will miss baby as mch too! I hope i dun hv the impulse to quit my job man!

pls pm me so i can email you the ebook ya.

its a sleep training program for babies to advocate self soothing and slpg on his own instead of having to rock him to slp.
Invloves abit of crying thou, i guess if a few days of hard crying saves him fr crying everytime he is slpy is worth it in the long run.
Can read for information only if u are keen, pm me ya. =)
Very happy : )

b4 i gave birth i told everyone that i surely would continue working.. but in jan this year, i decided to quit.. couldn't imagine being parted from my bb : /
but haii the loss of financial independence is a big problem. Giving up my own extravagant lifestyle (expensive facials etc) is still ok, but i m so sad i can't buy all the nice things for bb!! : (

by the way, i will collate my poll by the end of this week :p

superwalker, next tue is my bb's 4th month birthday, so hubby and i bringing him to cut hair. hubby is on leave that day, so i won't be able to join u all. Enjoy!
I am also a sahm
very happy too!

Vfm, still can buy nice things for bb mah...nice things do not have to be expensive
sporty: i saw a pic of the transparent bumbo tray somewhere, but didn't manage to find out whr to buy from... so far i only know where to get the white one from.

babylele: check ur PM, tks!

veryfatmum: where r u bringing ur bb for his haircut? I also want to bring my ger for her 1st haircut, but dunno whr to go...
SAHM, very happy too!

vfm, yup, nice things need not be exp. And we need to upkeep our image, lest we become aunties... So continue with facial and massages! =)

This evening, my gal again refuses to latch under nursing shawl when time's up for drink. Had to do it without the shawl, but luckily we were already in the car. She just refuses to be covered! How do you gals train your babies to drink under the shawl? I can't go to nursing rooms all the time... sigh.
melodie, going hwa xia where he does his swimming.. it's $10 for members, $16 for non-members. I have no idea whether it's good but since we going there regularly anyway, just do there lor.

by the way they also do baby massage - $10 for members, $22 for non-members. I might let bb go for 1 massage just so that i can see and learn to do it myself at home.. i prefer to be the one touching my bb all over myself!! haha :p
FieDa, so coincidental. BTW, you son sleeps in the Yao Lan at night or cot? If cot our bb's sleeping pattern is exactly the same :)

My MIL says my daughter is so abnormal. But if I can find another baby like that, it means normal. BTW, if BB are not like ours, electric yao lan manufacturer would have closed down long ago!
haha.. accidentally hit the BACK button on the keyboard n re-posted my last post. pls ignore it!

It was a good lunch today with the mummies and babies.. so many cute babies!

superwalker, count me in for the next tues lunch pls.. lil Tim is so cute!

kimifin, i hv a pack of Lasinoh milkbags(50) to let go. But i opened 1 pack to take a look at the milkbag though i never use it. Bought it from BP, didnt expect such low milk supply so wont be needing it. Will let go at $15.

VerySkinnyMum... hehe.. :p
my gal sleeps in aircon half the time. She sleeps abt 4-6 hours max at a stretch at night before eh eh eh for milk..

Right now SAHM, also in property line like Jolene, will probably start again when i stop BF(target 6 mths)

Bought a yellow one from Spring Maternity at suntec today.. 49.90. They dont have the trays though... saw at Kiddy Palace the White tray 24.90!
Hi swanston, i dun specifically buy my clothes from a particular shop/place but as &amp; when i jalan jalan and see clothes i like &amp; can fit then i buy lor, hehe...but i do like dorothy perkins coz got my size and the material oso not bad

Waa....ur girl so fast using walker liao, my girl neck still not so strong dun tink will let her use the walker juz yet :p
VFM: icic... thot of bringing her there too, i saw the service at northpt but not member leh... 16 quite ex hor? yah, learn and do urself... bbs love massages from mummies!

novbaby: haha, i was still thinking wat u want to PM me abt... bumbo chair at 49.90 is a gd price, only got yellow colour ah? i can get the white tray at ard 13 bucks, but i want to find the transparent one!
hi ladies, sorry i can't keep up with the posts here.
btw, i see some of your babies can stand and walk liao?? so fast?
mine can only sit in her bumbo nia, can't flip yet.
neck strong la, but other than that nothing new lei.

i am also dropping a lot of hair, use baby shampoo can ar? should try liao, cos i am balding!

my bb still can't sleep thro lei, maybe cos she sleeps from 8 till about 11 or 12am. then after that she wakes up every few hours still. sigh.
i just latch her then go back sleep.

the hwa xia at plaza sing is the service good?
last time i go to their punggol branch but they close down liao, now dunno where to go.
thought it was 30 bucks, if 16 still can consider..

my bb head very small lei, only the 50th percentile.
weight 6.7kg and length 65cm.
wondering if head small is ok.

my bb can poo once every fortnight lei, pee also very little, like saving diapers for us cos mummy and daddy no money.
Funan TCM doesn't offer tui na only medication. Actually newborn can start to take chinese medication. My boy took chinese medication for bloated stomach at 1 mth old.

Is the book u read called Babywise? Wow ur baby very easy to train. When i started training my boy during confinement it still took sometime when he started sleeping on his own.

The book "On Becoming Baby Wise - giving your infant the gift of nighttime sleep" i read said some babies need to cry it out in order to fall asleep. Yah had to be hard hearted to let them cry it out but think on the bright side is that u r actually teaching them a skill to sleep on their own. The max i had let my boy cried was about 20mins.

I thought ur girl was taken care by ur mum so its ur husband. Ur husband ok to take care of ur girl? He must be very good with babies. My husband cannot take care of baby cause he's impatient and bad tempered. He still complained he no life due to us as nowadays he does try to help out with housework but at least he still have some time of his own. I even more no life cause there's no one else to help me with the baby. So sometimes feel very sian cause when i go out i still have to rush back to feed my baby so can only go out for 2-3hrs including transportation time which is very short loh.

SAHM, happy to take care of my children but lack of my own time so at times will feel down.

My boy now doesn't feed well in the day cause he's so easily distracted and will look here and there with my nipple in his mouth thus pulling my nipple here and there and sometimes just pop out of his mouth. So he feed lesser in the day. Still haven't really sleep thru the night, sleep from 9+pm to 2+am ~3am.
they hv turquoise n blue color too, n hv branches over sg not jux suntec. yes 49.9 is good price, share w mummies here. where to get the tray at 13?!?
melodie, i oso wana bring bb to hwa xia!! lets go together!!! n i want the bumbo n tray oso! do u thk taka bb fair gt discount?

novbaby: whuch agency u from? i was frm pn, nw joining my fren in dtz.

SAHMs, dont b sad! it's wirth it manz n u can try to do some partime job whn bb older like tuition or online biz... thn can earn some pocket $$$.

my bb like scratch her own face whn ANGRY OSO ;P
Yawn...so tired but enjoy reading all the threads here. So tired, had late meeting and only home for dinner @ 9pm.

Bottle feed my boy earlier at 1030pm and i totally exhausted as now then blow dry my hair after shower. Mmm...wish to get a 9-5 job where no late meetings or OT required. really dont get to see my boy much. Even at times my weekend is burnt
so sleepy!
nice weather to snooze but have to wake up to latch/pump and go to work!

babylele, ur sleep training making everyone very "gian" to kno! hehhehe... how was last nite? did he self sooth?

veryfatmum/xuanxuan/superwalker, the 3 very happy SAHM!

xuanxuan, my gal was trained to latch under the shawl...so she's ok...could it be ur gal's more kpo now and wanna see the surroundings when she latch? thas why dun wanna be covered?

bidosoh, ur gal not abnormal la...every bb is diff... juz like my mum used to complain why my son is like "tha"?!

myboyjovan, dun worry la...my gal also cant flip yet, maybe too bak bak already...as long as she's healthy, i'm ok

taurus, my hb had no choice lor cuz my mum cant help as she had to take care of my dad...even no good with bbs, have to learn la...so far so good
sahm w/o help like u is like tha one, u will feel very sianz if ur hb dun help and expects u to do everything in the house...

novbaby, i agree bumbo at 49.90 is a good price...

velo, *sayang sayang*
Morning ladies...

Thanks for your advice. I have more or less decided not to take up the job. It's a pity but I need a job with sustanability. The long travelling time will affect me sooner or later.

Jolene, our case really very similar leh....my MS for my 1st trimester was bad too.....and I also had low blood pressure! You know what, we share the same birthday...maybe that's why our "life" so similar! LOL!

My hubby did ask me to consider being a property agent cos the flexibility is very attarctive. But my preference is still to get a full time job with good childcare benefits.
just keep looking! good luck!

yah, agree with you. once i decide to quit shd juz bite the bullet and don't look back! haha..quite a no. of SAHM here..im joing you guys! But would be ideal if i can find something to work from home =)

mine show no signs of either. still like to lie down.

Mine doesnt have pacifier so started on thumb. but a few weeks back she prefer to suck her lower lip..very cute when you see the sucking momentum there. anyone bb also suck lips? think its a lazier options since you don't have to even hold your hands up! hahaha

Is there a gathering this sunday??
yesterday try a bit of the sleeping training for my gal. Wah very hard to train leh..
think i started wrongly liao.. she cranky i still put her in bed...
after feeding.. put her in bed.. she cry n cry.. carry her n calm her down then put her in bed again.. she look look see see for 15 min the start crying... i give in to pacifier then she fall asleep.
Yesterday mission fail but at least i didnt rock, bounce n carry bb to sleep...
Going to try again tonight... got to be firmer and hard hearted!
my bb also suck her lips yesterday coz i didnt want her to suck her pacifier...
she suck n suck her lips for abt 10 mins then cry for pacifier liao.
Ya v cute to see the sucking momentum.. i keep laughing when see her suck her lips..
rehi all!

ashley, dun worry, i'm sure u will find another job soon! so qiao u have the same bday as jolene! juz like me and tanly, same bday

stacey, yes there's a gathering this sunday at Park Green @ Seng Kang... yes, dun worry...theres a good no of sahm here to share

starrz, jia you on sleep training for ur gal...ur ILs never come and kpo why ur gal kept crying ah?
Good Morning Ladies!!!

Taurus: Thanks for the advice..i am now deciding whether to bring my gal there. She has been coughing for the past 4 days with phelgm.. so i am kind of worried! BTW tat TCM pl, can we go just to strengthen body..no sick oso can go?

Sporty: Was it good weather at ur pl?? haha i soo wanna sleep everyday..like havent get used to waking up like tat!!! duh rite??

Stacey: My gal is coughing too..first episode so far..she seems to be taking along time to recover ( now day 4 already) i am hoping she clears up soon den i will bring her to TCM to strength her

Swanston: Wow ur bb can sit in walker already? She is a fast one ar..my bb neck is only semi steady le =) means if she walk faster haha u haf to run around earlier to catch her! haha

Thumb/hand sucking: My gal has taken to "forcing" her whole hand into her mouth too!! i gave her pacifier at abt 2 mth coz really cant stand her wailing..nowadays only b4 sleep i give to her..den when she is in deep sleep i will pull it out..although somedays she die die wan her hand..but i die die refuse to let her suck..so we both juz fight hahaha

Bidosoh: Is it ok if u PM me the contacts of the Tui na, or send to my email [email protected] thanks alot!!

Poll: Taken care by relatives; Mon-tue=mil Wed-fri= Mum Nites + wkends= myself so daytime is all at my relatives hse. I think so far i am happy, though i will be happier if my mil dun take care simply bcoz it is easier to say things if i dun agree with way they do things.
i told them i going to start training...
got kpo a bit when she keep crying and my mil say want to pao milk for her.
I say milk time not here yet mah... and then my fil also shou bu liao then carry her.
They are not firm enough leh...

raerae, it was very windy last nite so very shiok to zzz... normally i juz sleep with windows open...also yesterday my hb went to sleep with my son as my son was sick so i had the whole king sized bed to myself lor...whahhah...thas why dun wanna wake up ah! i'm used to waking up la...but it will be better if i get to zzz after i latch my gal...hehe

starrz, older pple dun like to let bb cry la...thas why they bth!
