(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty: My MIL warned her to tie her tubes after this twins..if not cfm got #6 & 7 de... den SIL told me she will tie it after this birth lor..no choice..if not MIL will cfm be super super angry.. and nope, she got no helper...

tanly: the money tt u put inside CDA cannot withdraw in cash le.. Only for children born b4 Aug 2008 den they got opeion to w/d in cash at the end of 6 yrs...

shirlin, wow...1 yr apart? shiong leh...how old is ur sil? she really damn fertile lor...cannot imagine leh...5 kids!! gosh!!

tanly, juz now shirlin did mentioned whatever had been banked into cda cannot be within via cash but can be used for medical institutions, educational institutions etc...
sporty, u sms dreams see if she is ok with irish pub??
She's 30 nxt yr lor.. and ya..i always laugh at her being super fertile..every yr I just hear her telling me tt she's pregnant..hahaha~~
For the experienced mummies, when do you bring your child to PDs and when do you bring them to polyclinics/GPs? I know for jabs can go GPs cos cheaper...but what about skin prob or fever?
Shirlin, actually it's a good thing to be fertile and healthy like your SIL....many ppl would envy her, especially those childless couples. I have some friends who have to go throught lots just to have one baby.
i bring my kids to PD.. for jabs or if they're having fever or skin prob.. cos my PD charges are pretty reasonable and cos they c him from baby.. so he has all their records there.
shirlin, either she super fertile or they super active in their XXX life :p

superwalker, she's ok with irish pub
so set la...next week...same time

ashley, for jabs i will go GP (healthway) for their 6 in 1 jabs
skin prob/fever, i may bring to PD cuz i can claim from my company mah :p but jabs we cant claim la... but sometimes i will go GP first lor, unless condition worsen or serious condition then will go PD straight!
Ashley: Thats true..but i personally think its too much for her le.. Her hubby not earning alot too lehz..now may not be a problem providing for 5 kids..but as they grow up..expenses will blow up de..by then i scared she'll have difficulties lor...
dingdong: ACCIDENTAL! that's the thing.. everytime u will come tell me.. 'Girl, I think I'm pregnant again..' den i will go ' AGAIN????"
wow, it's nice to work in companies that pay for your kids' medical bills hor.....next time I better open my eyes big big and look for such companies..heheheh...welfare is impt.
I checked with MOM on the child care leave entitlement for 1st kid. They replied saying that we entitle to take 4weeks ML prior to delivery. And that we are to clear ML 1st then claim CCL. So if our bb born in Nov, coy might calculate your CCL from Nov 09 to Nov 10. So i think we are not going to enjoy the CCL if we give birth end of year.
I know she dun like Pill cuz may put on weight but i really dunno y they nv use condom lor....maybe they think they wun be so lucky lor.. Hai..
Shirlin, your SIL needs to tie her tubes or have contraceptives lah. It's true leh, in our society money is needed for everything, esp for kids!
sporty, okie
irish pub, here i come!
cannot wait! drool!

watching the stock market. wah.. this market is crazy.. one day up one day down....
ashley, yeah it sure is lor...cuz medical bills are not cheap in singapore lor... esp PD bills! cuz their consultation is easily 50 bucks liao, excluding medication...

haitong, maybe u can double confirm with ur HR? cuz ML must clear 8 weeks straight first mah...some gals here gonna clear 8 weeks ML first then tha 6 days of CC leave...to fulfil the condition of clearing ML first...
haitong: Wad my HR planned for me is... i start my ML on 1st Nov till 27 Dec..that will be 8wks.. den from 28-31 Dec will be my CC leave..den from 2nd Jan onwards, I take ML again..so I will only go back to work on 1st March...
superwalker, so in the end did u sign up for the SCBB? yeah...i can imagine u drooling at the shepard's pie...u gonna have it again? :p
hahahaha!!! hmmm... really curious where u working though.. hehehe... :p i think u can guess mine easily if u know the ulu place i work at... haha.. :p

ur company same policy ah.. i juz went to read my co's policy.. not very detailed leh.. anyway, seems like stat board all following the same policy bah...

dun panick.. i only figured out how to use the breastpump when #1 was hospitalised for phototherapy due to jaundice... :p

ur SIL power!! all accidental ah?? too active liao lah... mine all planned one... coz... hai... :p but i'm surprised tt aft 3 accidents, they still dun plan carefully wor.... :p
sporty, yes, i did sign up with scbb. will try to convince my hubby in the mean time. or maybe i keep quiet.. and then if he keeps quiet too, i just pretend tat he agress to donate liao :p this is the way i usually settle differences :p muhahahaha!

sheperd's pie... ya... i really feel like having leh!!! so good!!! its either sheperd's pie or the brutwurst set. drooooooooooooool!!!!
shirlin, he thinks tat since people are spending $ to bank privately, it must mean tat it is more beneficial to the child!!!! sigh.... human nature!
Pengz..but true la..there are really benefits but when we donate to SCBB..we nv know who we gg to help ma.. its a gd deed too.. Lucky my hubby nv say much..everything leave it to me as long as i thk its good.. =)
shirlin, he usually stays out of the household matters and as such i usually get my way.. but too bad i big mouth went to talk to him about cordblood loh. Pengz! nvm... i show him the scbb brochure....and ask him to call scbb if he has more questions
my hb is diff.. as long as need to spend $ one, he will say: don't need la! LOL~
tt's why he's ok for me to donate the cord blood.
for my co, the other two mths are 56 days..

haha.. ya.. human nature.. if need to pay, certainly better than free one... :p but hor, like wat shirlin said, if our donated cordblood is used to save pple, we are doing a gd deed lor..
shihui, 56 days! that's good.
i've read up my HR notice, mine is 8 equivalent weeks of working days, which would be 40 days nia.
Yah.. Take it as we're helping our baby to do gd deed lor.. Try explaining to your hubby ba..but like you said..if he keeps quiet den take it as he says "yes" lor..Lol..
Anw anyone here got small tummy?? Mine is liek super small for 32 wks la..den tt day got 1 cust made me so angry.. She asked me I'm at how many mths le so i told her 8mths lor..den she said 'Are you joking?? 8mths still so small?? Like tt you baby cfm small size one lor..Not so gd lehz.." Den i was like shocked.. I dunno wad to say den i just smiled cuz i cannot say her back ma..she's the customer..but i was like fuming la..
i find it interesting leh... in scbb's brochure, it says tat:

"Data shows that it is most unlikely that donors should ever need their own cord blood unit as most Transplant Physicians may not feel that the patient's own cord blood unit is the best choice. This is because it may already carry the genetic abnormality that led to the blood or immune system failure or cancer in the first place."

I plan to use this as an argument for scbb. but he will sure ask "if that is true, then why are people still spending thousand of dollars to bank privately?". what should i say?
Shirlin, me me! I have small tummy too...and me also abt same week as u....alot of pple commented my small tummy...i dont care, just smile when they commented this? How heaby is your bb?
Shirlin, some ppl are very insensitive. Ignore her! Small tummy doesn't mean baby is small. Small baby doesn't mean it is bad/unhealthy.
We signed up for cordlife....hubby is the key decision-maker and I do think he is being kiasu and kiasi :p But he has his reasons lah...more as a precaution for health reasons based on his own childhood experience.
I think 2kg at 32w is considered good weight...so long bb healthy, progress on track can already..at least we know that next time after birth, we will be able to slim down faster.
haitong: tts wad my hubby told me too when i complained to him..he say I'm so scared of being fat..now I shld be happy that I nv put on much weight during pregnancy ma...
Shihui I think i know where u are..looking at the things u are doing.. haha i am hmm ...pretty far from u... But how come ur 2nd 2 mths are 56days!!! so good!! mine is 40 days only!! terrible! hahahaha..

Shirlin: I think ur bb healthy liao can.. haha for me is the opp..ALL my colleagues say how come ur tummy so big..sure abt ur EDD not..or ur baby super big..etc etc *bleah* i just tell them bb healthy..nothing more i wan so shut them up!
wahhh...suddenly so bz...arrgghh

superwalker, hahhaha...nvm la, keep quiet lor...maybe ur hb will forget abt it... wah, u really gonna have sherpard's pie eh...dun tempt me leh!

shirlin, my hb same as urs...he juz left the decision of donating to me! my tummy also not very big...but ur bb good leh, good weight and ur tummy's small!

Uh oh, today ctg not bery good. The contractions getting stronger. N I down with cough n block nose somemore. So many pills to take today, have to up dosage for the ventolin to hold my contractions.

N bb grew fatter even though I put on juz 100grams. She like absorbed everything, gynae says she's getting more chubby. N the cord still round her neck and not as loose anymore coz she fatten up n inside not much space liao ... hiakz ... I muz tink positive and communicate with her more now.
