(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

haloo mummies :D me back home after lunch with ex colleagues :D

hows everyone? i am so bloated since my yoghurt breakfast yet i finished most of my lunch :p wow...

i just heard frm my preggy mgr that caffeine actually bad for us and not bb leh.. coz she said its absorbed our calcium and if we drink too much caffeine.. nxt time we will suffer low bone mass after bb is born since bb will absorb all the good stuffs frm mummy's body :D

reenie: i heard frm my mum tt children's prediction is most accurate! Coz she said most #1 who point to their mummy tummy and call didi or meimei is almost 100% accurate! wahhh.. meaning u gg to have a bb boy liao!! congrats!!!

and hor, coz of tt my mum so funi.. make my niece point to my tummy and make her say didi... 0__0 my niece is only 6mths old lor.. hw to say didi.. so funny...

ayukie, my gynae told us we have to wait to know the gender too. dun be too worried about the bb size. mine was also small to start with but gynae say healthy then ok lor. now at 12w3d bb is 6.47cm liao. compared to 1.52cm at 8w3d. and i din eat much and even lost weight. bb will grow one. dun worry ok.
Wow. So early can detect the gender liao. I thought got to wait till wk20. Anyway, I'm gg to do my detail scan end May at wk15. Getting excited to see.
jolene, haha..... u know what? we tried that on my girl but we found out that..... when we ask if it's didi or mei mei she will say mei mei but if we ask it's mei mei or didi, she will say didi so i told my mum... if you want to hear didi, then u say didi last.... haha....
ariesgal, your girl so cute.
swanston wah... your bb is big or if not, my bb is small..... that's how i interpret from the report and i tot 6cm would be the normal range so that's why i feel my bb is slightly small..... maybe girl so petite cos my #1 is quite petite.....
jolene - haha my brother also did ask my nephew if mine is gal or boy but my nephew seems consfused and keeps on insisting got mei mei in my sis in law tummy which my bro says he told them my sis in law got a mei mei before the gynae told them its a gal ...
ariesgal, ur gal so cute leh... maybe she too young and can only rem the last mentioned word...kekeke...

wow.. ayukie: meaning ur nephew very zun4 wor!!!

swanston: think no need worry abt bb size k? my bb oso of the smaller size but as long as is healthy then ok le :D
hahaaa..thanks for sharing
it was meant to be a guessing game only, but if it turns out to be real, then she must be very very sensetive to the baby! Nowadays she will say "shhhh...baby inside, quiet", sometimes she will point to my tummy and say "that is baobei #2".

You must have a very delightful lunch
Good to have a great appeitie! i envy those that can eat as per normal. Honestly i been drinking caffeine, especially coffee :p i try to limit to 2 cups per week, sometimes sipping coke! i cannot resist it when the weather is so damn hot.

guess your girl is expecting twins from you...hahaaha...one girl, one boy
reenie... haha...... my girl doesn't really understand i guess.... she is now 21mths..... so will only follow the last 2 words said.... then i told her bb in my tummy but she assume tummy = baby so she always flip up her top and flash her tummy and say bb and will want to use her tummy and touch my tummy and will do that to my hb, my mum and sometimes my mil! but i will always ask her to kiss my tummy and say sayang baby....
i see, she is pretty young!
mine is much older, coming to 4 this year
your girl is so sweet and innocent at this stage!
ariesgal, i also dunno accurate anot seriously speaking. coz at the oscar test i tot i saw bb at 5.74cm at 12w1d. but my gynae measured 6.47cm at 12w3d. grow so much in 2 days? but i saw my gynae measured on the screen so cant be wrong i guess. maybe coz i am big size so bb big size too. hahaha. ur girl very cute worr.

jolene, no lah. i m not worried abt the size. gynae say healthy then i am contented liao.

reenie, ur girl so sweet wor. btw my appetite seems to have gone worse.
reenie ya so that's why i now trying to find a school for her to go to cos i can imagine her being very excited when the bb comes.... she will be acting like a big sister trying to boss around...... from the way she is starting to boss my younger nephews when they visit... she is so busy trying to get the small boy to drink water lah, sleep lah, play lah etc..... end up i busy trying to stop her from being too enthusiatic.....
hey swanston,
hugs, no worries...my appetite is not very good too. But as long as baby is growing well, and getting nutrients from our body, it should be ok.

thanks for helping the mummies here updating the spreadsheet, thank you

maybe one of these days, when we are all feeling so much better, we should meet up!
so we can put a face to the name we often chat with in the forum.
jolene - yeah and he is now utterly jealous of his sister and erm saying bb and mei mei will only agigate him these days ...
right now, does she goes to weekend playgroup or weekday playgroup? i started mine at 18th months for weekend playgroup only, i put her to daily pre-nursery programme at the age of 2.5 yr old as the school is very strict. So i think it would be really good to have your girl attending a few hours programme in daytime so you can have time for baby no.2

at least for me, i hope i can spend some quiet time with baby when she goes to school, otherwise i will pull my hair...hahahhahaha.
ayukie, how old is your boy?
i guess girl tends to welcome bb more?
my niece very funny... she is coming to 4 this year but darn protective of her young brother... when me or my hb tried to carry the boy, wah, my niece will scream and cry and insist that we return the boy to her mum.... but my girl on the other hand will cry when i return the bb cos she want to play with bb and wants me to carry the bb so she can touch.....
Hello, I had my ultrascan n result from blood test. Everything is ok, very very low risk of down syndrome. Baby at Week 12 day 1, 5.66 cm. At week 9, only 2.79 cm. Doctor said size is good.

So amazed to see the fingers n toes. But the feet was curled, so cannot see the gender. Baby was sleeping with left hand on the forehead, then got burped or hiccupped twice. So cute.

Still has ms a few times a day. Breakfast confirmed come out. Jia you, everyone!

I heard that if your tummy seems to grow more to the front, means baby boy. While rounder tummy (grow to the side also), means baby girl. Do u think it's true? Cause hubby said looks like I have baby boy from the shape of my tummy.
reenie, yes she is now attending a playgroup every sun at united sq..... she started attending at 12 mth and till now.... then she is on waitlist for playgroup for weekdays so hopefully that will come soon in june and she will get adjusted so that when #2 comes, she won't feel that we are throwing her there cos of #2..... and yes, some quiet time to spend with #2.....
your description of the baby is so sweet!!!! now i cannot wait for my turn next week!!!!! congrats on your test result

are you still drinking ginger lemony tea? i am still drinking leh.....
agata, that's what most pp use to say and it seems quite true lah but i got a colleague who has super round tummy and all of us say confirm girl but who knows boy....... and then another one so sharp like pointed to the front and from backview, she like not preg kind but then it's a girl..... so..... heee..... for me, my #1 is super round and it's girl.... for #2, still can't tell yet....
Whoa, now everyone eager and excited to know the gender of baby huh? I'm no exceptional myself!! =P I really hope this time will be a gal...

Hmm, my next checkup will only be on May 15th. Will be at my end of 13 weeks, going into 14 weeks liao! I wonder can know by then or not? :p
hello ladies!
my ms still bad.. lost another kg in 1 wk..
have to wait for 3 more wks for the next scan.. sooooo long!
ariesgal: ur #1 so small and cute!!! i thk young children are always so cute!!!

kekeke... both my july MTB frens are round tummy but both are boys lor.. and my preggy mgr who is pointed tummy is gal.. aiyohhh... so confusing...

reenie: actually my MS very irregular one.. some days i eat like a pig and some days i feel halfdead the whole day
V sad.. i wonder why lor.. today actually i feel v bloated but then i still can finish 80% of my food... just need to eat slowly lor.. now is my 10th wk..hope first trimester over soon...

Hehe, ya...quite sometime didn't post, but I'm following closely, keeping track everyday on the postings tho.

U seem still have MS huh? Mine already subsided altho still have vomittings once in a while. Less stomach discomfort as well so can sleep better at night. How many weeks are u in now? Hope ur getting better from the MS... ;-)
actually i told my hb i don't want to find out gender this round.. but he said he can't wait to know as he's hoping to have gal!
my MS is everyday one....sigh. i can nvr eat like a pig, i am losing weight also based on the last checkup. How sad....

Jing hui,
yah...u bet, the MS is sticking to me. I am suppose to be in week 11 this week? Plus minus..otherwise week 10. But never seems to improve. Night time can sleep awhile, wake up to pee as usual and when approaching 5am, i will normally tosss around.

Last time when I had my boy, my tummy was quite small, rounded like a soccer ball and quite high. I saw most preggers carrying gals tend to have sharper, lower pointed out tummy. But I really don't know how accurate by looking at the shape of tummy tho LOL

Well, let's just wait till scanning bah! Most gynae will confirm gender at least at week 16, more accurate. Last time I know my boy's gender by around week 17th or 18th, before the detailed scan. But anyway, boy is usually easier and earlier to detect.
huggies...plenty of huggies. do drink some warm water or stuff, keep yourself hydrate, i keep a bottle with me now, to keep drinking.
reenie, dun be sad. i lost weight too but my gynae din say anything. he just gave me supplements.
i hate eating pills. i am already 12w6d le but still not eating well. been waking up quite suddenly in the middle of the night too, esp 5am. so irritating right.

hmm, i heard that ladies with boys will have higher tummy.

My appetite is back to normal, at least can eat and can keep my food down. But no super big appetite tho, can't really take more than what I needed. Otherwise will end up in toilet bowl. I'm at week 11 now, Thank God my MS eventually subsided starting from week 8 to 9. So I'm quite relieved and glad...else miserable. U keep hanging on there ya! Praying hard MS will going away soon!...
my gynae insisted its normal to be like that in 1st trimester, so he didn't give me anything. he said its ok. yah..the waking up and tossing around....i hate it. Sometimes i fall asleep ard 6plus but i need to get up very soon later to prepare my daughter morning routine. I usually have to nap around 11plus again to 1pm if i can, that's the only time i have peace when she goes to school.

Yah, waking up in the mid of night is REALLY irritating, I can totally relate to that! I had trouble getting back to sleep after waking up, usually take at least an hr + and more to get back to sleep. If I don't, will be terribly sleepy later in the day. Sometimes will feel giddy and dizzy, then will feel unwell and tend to vomit. Need to get sufficient sleep.
reenie, ur gynae is right. it will be like tat for some pple. as long as u dun lost too much weight or water it is fine. lucky u, can nap during the day.

jing hui, ya. by the time i fall back to sleep i have to wake up and go to work liao. then i will feel terrible for the whole day and cannot focus at work lor.
hey babes,
i need to go off to prepare dinner very soon for my family. i hope to get more chances to sit by the notebook and chat with you all when i am feeling better

have a great evening and hope everyone has a sweet dreams tonite.
reenie, yes I'm still drinking those lemon ginger tea.

I woke up at night n took some time to fell asleep again. Will see gynae in 10 days, but prob won't be able to see gender of baby, until the next visit when it's nearer to week 16. Oh so based on tummy shape not that accurate...

Actually week 16 able to know the gender already. But must depend on ur luck on baby's position.

Tummy shape is not accurate whether to tell is boy or gal. Of cuz the most accurate is scanning la!
