(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

anyone of yr kids still haven't start to walk yet?

My girl still refuse to walk, only can self- stand up then walk few steps only, she prefer to crawl instead. coming to 16 months still refuse to walk...headache..
Ler Ler Mum, that is considered walking already. Since your gal can self stand and take a few steps, is the intial stage of walking. Just give her more time to be more apt in walking and then she will forget about crawling. Actually crawling is good. I have read an article that the more they crawl they cleverer they are. While children who don't crawl at all may have learning problem. I guess your girl must be very fast in learning new things/words.
Haven't bring my gal for MMR too. Hb and I are down with stomache flu this week so don't dare to bring her in case we have pass the virus to her. Then add on to her burden if she were to take mmr.
hi mummies,

its be a long time since i login.

Any mummies intending to send their child to cc when they turn 18m?
thanks bidosoh, at least i'm not that worry now. Can see all the Nov 09 babies start to walk & run & my girl still happily crawling around.
Ler ler Mum,

My DS was doing the same and he walked independently probably 1-2 weeks later so you just wait patiently.

Mommies that go to GUG class, do you remember the lyrics to the Good Morning song? I always seem to forget the lyrics once I leave the classroom. :) So I just make up the lyrics when I sing to him. Kekeke!
morning ladies!

<font color="119911">raerae</font>, my girl also about 9.5kg only. she take 300ml of milk a day and 4 times 14 tablespoons of porridge everyday lor. problem with them is they move too much so they burn off the energy very fast. as long as they are still growing and fall within the 50% range i guess should be ok bah?

<font color="119911">bidosoh</font>, me very long never bring my girl go swim liao coz keep raining everytime i wana bring her. :S ur girl so sweet. crawling is good ar? interesting... my girl recently go back to crawling again. but after awhile she realize walk faster then she will walk. lol!

<font color="119911">ler ler mum</font>, my girl also small drinker but not frequent lor. 150ml in the morning and before she sleeps. even then she some times also cannot finish.

<font color="119911">kimifin</font>, my girl takes rice, bee hoon and mee sua. she dun like pasta though. and she hates durian. lol!

<font color="119911">adelynn</font>, hihi!

<font color="119911">rue</font>, oh dear. poor thing. abt the talking bit, my girl also not really talking yet. when she is happy she will say ma or ba but she is not calling us. only thing she is very clear abt is mum mum when she wants food but she dun say every time also. my cousin's god daughter 4 yrs old le still not talking. she has a speech problem. she gets very fustrated and will clench her fists when she wants to speak. they are seeing a doc now.
morning all,

I wanted to let him try a full rice meal instead of porridge, not dare yet.
anyone try to cook macoroni? Is it easy and soft to chew? I read the instructions need to pour away the water and add in soup base. The size i bought is the standard half donut shape type. need to cruch it further?

Cos i could be bringing bb out for swim b4 dinner and most likely after dat wont go back home cook, if go out eat, if no porridge how? cook macoroni is fast, so if go parents' place, can cook fast. maybe put some of our gravy and that's it.

Recently I bought healthy times mixed grain. all the while he is taking cerelac.

Then, when he ate, he nearly puke, cos v bland..
:p very funny though, but have to ask him swallow by watching tv or give bread or let him play with the bowl.
Thank-you swanston.

During my son's time. I remember discussing with my friend whose son is the who have speech problem. According to her she had alot of ultra sound done during her gynae checkup. She had read that ultra sound may affect speech development. But then I had more ultra sound compared to her.

I have another friend, she literally don't do ultrasound at all. Except for the 2 details scans. Her girl really speak well at very early stage. There again, it could be the gender difference.
kimifin, you don't have to crush it further. After cooking it will be soft. So if your boy cannot take the whole piece at a time, you can use the spoon to cut it further. When my boy is young that time, he takes a piece of the standard size macrononi per feed initially. So a bowl may take sometime to finish.

Also it takes a while to cook until the macoroni is soft. Maybe 15-20minutes, i use low fire.

Usually if I bring my kids out, 3-4hours. I will cook the porridge in slow cooker with auto setting. I will put lots of water so that it won't dry up. We cook the ingredient separately. Then I will store the cooked food in the fridge (the food will definately be consumed within 12 hours, I will discard if longer than 24 hours). When time to eat, I will pour the food into the slow cooker which contain the porridge for 10minutes with high setting. Then serve.
my gal will also crawl around for fun occassionally.

i will send my gal to cc ard 20 mths cos no one will be free to look after her then

great, I will try to cook the macaronis soon.
cos v boring to cook the same porridge.


mine will be going to childcare soon too. I am very anxious how he will adapt as his nap times will be affected...
hey all,

just to ask how many of your kids are taking pacifier? My gal keep on asking for her tutu almost the whole day... almost drive me crazy...

Any way to stop them from asking? Im sending her to cc maybe in June and hope she kicks this habit by then... if not, she is the only one taking it.
Hi Cljl,

My gal also taking pacifier..but she would only ask from it when she wanna slp.. However, she love to eat titbits..so when i think it is enuff for her to stop eating and she still ask for more biscuits..i will pass her the pacifier to suck...

To stop them from eating pacifier..i read that some mummies cut a hole in pacifier so that they dun feel so shiok when sucking. But personally, i haven try that..dun know if it's safe to do that..
<font color="119911">kimifin</font>, i used the abc pasta. ya, have to boil first then drain water away before putting in soup. whether need to make into smaller pieces anot depends on ur boy.

<font color="119911">bidosoh</font>, izzit? i had the standard dose of ultrasound scan but my girl still not talking yet leh. oh well.

<font color="119911">rue</font>, very cute to see them crawl now hor. diff from when they were younger.

<font color="119911">cljl</font>, my girl also asking for pacifier very often now but not to suck. she chews on it. we suspect her molar teeth is growing.

I didnt do any detail scan during my preggie days and my gal also haven really start talking..she only can say few simple words...if there's someting that she want..she will point instead..

Is their molar teeth growing? Mine starting to use her fingers to chew..i didnt realise it until u mention the molar teeth..so that makes sense when she remove her pacifier and start to chew on her finger..Hmm..
yanyan, i duno if its a habit leh.. coz my hubby used to object frm giving her the pacifier.. then once, she was in e car seat and she cry non stop, so whenever, she's in the car, her dad wil pop in into her mouth.. then now, i think it becom a habit.. when i put her in(haven strap seat belt) she ask for it! faints....

oh.. maybe i shld try to cut a hole.. haha.. n she is stil using pigeon step 1(0-3 mths)!

swanston, sometimes she chew on quite hard.. when she slps, she chew till i hear sound.. n very fast the line of her biting is obvious...

now mine, only have 6 teeth... don't seem like its growing more...
Oh.. Why not change the pacifier? i change to 12-18 mth.. Initially she dun like it so i thought can give up the pacifier le but nw she get used to it..

Ya.. They juz cant sit in the carseat.. I hv resorted to get a portable dvd player, put in car and on hi5.. Only with this then she can sit quietly.. Haiz..
swanston, I think 15mths not talking well is still ok. But when 3 years old and not talking will really be a case for concern. But your gal knows how to call papa, mama and mum mum, right? So not much of a concern. My friend's son can't even call mama clearly at 3 year old. That is worrying.
<font color="119911">bidosoh</font>, ya. she call occasionally when she feels like it. so i'm not so worried coz i know she can talk but she is not willing to. my worry is it becomes a habit and she refuse to talk only. oh, cant call clearly ar. then tat's worrying.
yanyan, i tried to give her avent one... when i put in her mouth, her tongue stick-out and refuse to take and she ask for tutu.. faint..

as for car-seat, sometimes i don't care.. if i drive alone with her, i will let her cry till she stop.. hehehe...

swanston, not also chewing but her pacifier is always in her mouth lo.. like her comforter...
Ooh.. Think she too used to her tutu.. I used to change the tutu every 3 mths &amp; increase the size.. So she hate it when i change.. She will ask but i say no more.. Take or throw the new one (i hope she choose throw) haha.. But she still take..

I cant drive with her screaming coz she not only scream.. She struggle &amp; kick.. Scary loh
yanyan.... i tried to increase the size a few times but end up she doesn't want... haiz.. then the father will return her e old one lo... i even ask her to throw but she refuse... sian...

oh.. i don't care leh.. hahaha...
swanston, talk to her more lor. She may be influenced. Or it might be their nature. Actually I find that at this stage, they don't talk much. I noticed it during my son's time. They are more on observing how we talk. So the more we talk the more they learn. Then when he become confortable with talking, he talks non-stop. He can talk for 1 hour non-stop when he goes walk with me when he is around 3years old.
how about singing songs?

mine mumbles a lot, so far, the latest one is Happy birthday, but he only sang "birth" and "to", the rest of the words, no clear...but i understand.

Oh, the recent tv ad on Mr Bean has a catchy tune too, I try to humm along ...
swanston, how about you let your gal watch your baby can read? i find it not bad leh... coz my gal watch n imitate most of the wrds and action...
My son suddenly picky abt food. He even reject cereal.. Anyone experience b4?
He shove my hand off when I try to feed him rice. Mayb rice too hard? His molars not out yet. V sian trying to persuade him to eat!
Normally he open his mouth to any spoon I fed him...
V v sian if he picks on food n I need to accustom to his taste.
Oh , he prefers to drk plain water n soup...

I read somewhere that it's better to talk normally to your baby. Don't baby-talk or babble when you talk to the baby. In this way, your baby can learn to speak the proper way.
kanelmo, that is what I was told by my friend. I baby talk (very slightly just for him to catch words like car-car, no-no) to my son last time too. However 90% of the time we speak full sentence. When he gets older like 2+ we stop baby talk and he forget those double words entirely.

kimifin, you recently change his cereal brand?
Sometime it is not that they are picky, just we change their food. So they got a shock to eat new food. In case taste different again. So I find that try not to change their main food too often.

If want to introduce new food, introduce in small quantity. Perhaps as a snack first.

As adults we also don't like to experiment different food right? Especially new food we don't like, we will not like to eat in large quantity.

BTW, actually kids don't get tired eating the same type of food everyday. It is the adult who feel that they are tired of the food and wants to try different thing for them. It is good to eat a variety. Like I change different type of fish, different meat (chicken/pork), different veg. However I don't change their food drastically, in case they are shock and become picky.
<font color="119911">bidosoh</font>, we speak to her all the time worr. i think for my girl is more of she dun want to speak. she blabbers a lot and "sing" along with any song but just refuse to speak proper words. the one time she said daddy loud and clear my hb and i got very stunned and asked her what she said. but she got very paiseh and refuse to say again. my nephew also started talking late, after he starts he dun stop. lol.

<font color="119911">kimifin</font>, we do sing to her and sometimes she will "sing" along too. but never in proper words.

<font color="119911">cljl</font>, your baby can read? hmm. i go take a look.

<font color="119911">kanelmo</font>, we are speaking to her in proper sentences for quite some time le. both in english and mandarin.
The rice is a new item. My fil prepare n din back up porridge. But bf n nn, he reject his usual cereal n porridge.
Or he testing my reaction?
Now I worry he reject his fm. He can't finish the usual whole bottle. Or is it their intake will reduce at certain times?

Thks for sharing.
swanston, no.. can't read.. her attn span very very short... watch dvd easier.. at least she hear and she can sometimes act it out.
Hi All! My boy just had his MMR on Monday and murse ask to monitor 5 - 7 days later to see got fever or not. Hope no fever.

On speech, my boy now 15 months still cannot even call papa or mama leh. He only baby talk alot. I bit worried. Wonder what's wrong. Doc say monitor till 18 months but ask us to try to keep to 1 language at home in case he gets confuse with too many language.

Yanyan - I brought my boy to cruise on SuperStar Virgo last year. I can add you to my FB so you can see the ship pic if you want. Its easy to holiday on cruise when travelling with a young kid as all facilities within reach onboard. Can ask for baby porridge and they provide Heniz bottled food if you want at all inclusive restaurants. Ask for baby bath tub &amp; baby cot when making reservation.
Velo, thanks! I'm not too worried abt food coz my gal prefef adult food then her own food! Yea.. I'm so looking forward to the cruise but also find the trip too short.. Haha.. U can ad me in ur fb.. [email protected]

Gd morning mummies, haven post for a long time liao...hope all is well for u &amp; ur lil ones

swanston, hihi...my gal oso dun wana speak but whenever she dun wan something, she will say "mai..eee.." and if good mood will babble or babytalk but her favourite phase is "daddddddd"...ohh..i'm so jealous...hehe :p

ardenz, yup...my gal had finished off her pneumococcal jabs

velo, my gal oso juz took her MMR on sunday..been giving her barley water alternate day, hopefully can prevent her from fever lor :p
@yanyan - I'll add you tonight as my office block FB.
When i cruise with my boy (i think he about 10/11 months old then, he only loves the cabin so we ended up rolling around the cabin most of the time)

@ardenz - my boy havent take pneumococcal yet. The nurse just told me now if under 2 years old need to take 2 jab instead of 1. new ruiling oh.
My gal has taken pneumococcal last year when she turn 1year old. Then after 2 weeks she is down with a very bad flu which lasted for 2 weeks with bad cough. Almost wheeze. Don't know if the flu is connected with the P jab or not. Or the jab actually temporary weaken her immunity as her body is still fighting the virus. Then contacted people with flu virus and added on to her burden. So I think maybe should try to avoid crowded places for at least 3 weeks after this jab.
Bidosoh, the flu and cough are due to the P jab... The GP told me so cos my gal also kena very bad flu, running nose, cough and even wheeze after the last P jab. Very bad... She lost all her appetite during the 2 weeks. Now I'm trying to delay the MMR, but just gotta know I had actually scheduled it for this Sat. But she's having a bit of cough now, might use this excuse to postpone it. See what the doctor say on Sat.

Re: talking
My gal also not speaking yet. She will prefer to point and say 'eh'.... But she does babytalk like saying 'ball ball', 'mao mao' (cat), bubble, pa pa, 'mumm mumm', 'mil mil' (milk), bye bye (when shes happy)... Anyway, I'm not that worried as she's like her daddy, doesn't say much one. Haha...

Re: teething
All her 8 front teeth are out. Now I can see half a molar out. Think one of the 'tiger' tooth also coming out soon... I hope she wont suffer too much for the growing molar...
Hi ladies

P jab + mmr: I haven't send my gal yet coz she got abit runny nose heeh plus she teething leh.. Dun wanna worsen the situation!

Cruise: I brought my gal when she was 1 year. Nt bad for young kids .. She loved the swimming n cabin slot heeh sleep till no day no nite!!

Speech: my gal is quite ok wif this partially coz she has my niece( 4yrs old this yr) to interact with. Plus I read to her everyday bah. She could say papa at 10 mths n now she can say 2 syllabus things like ah Kim.. Guitar but but i know some kids at our children age who can speak as well as my gal but she started walking only 13 mth. My god bro started to speak when he was 2 yr old! So I guess now monitor n see bah..
Hi everyone,

The thread is finally alive with discussions.

Re: talking
My boy also still baby talking "mum mum", "pa pa", "ta ta ta" and recently "zzzzzzzz". Think is still alright that at this age they haven't start talking our language. Actually is best that 1 parent speaks english and another speaks mandarin. Kids are fast learners so dun worry they will be confused (but of course we shouldn't speak mix languages to them), this is a good age to expose them to different languages.

Re: teething
My boy is having 3 molars. And recently dunno if its due to i wiped his gum too hard that cause his gums to bleed (the area where the molar is erupting).

Found this mummy blog who is very good in teaching her children reading and phonics. http://tamarindphonics.blogspot.com/2009/10/first-step-teaching-b-c.html
Hi..yes!! Thread is alive again! Wanna ask.. Do u let ur bb watch tv?? Mine love tv.. But i used to only allow her watch once a day but recently.. She stick to my mum sooo much that my mum juz on tv for her so that she can sneak away to do some hsewk.. I cant comment much coz she's helping me take care of her as i am working..

Usu my mum will on hi5 or wheels on the bus for her..
Yan yan, my gal loves tv too!! Whenever she's home from IFC, she will point to the tv or pads me the remote control. So everyday when she's home at night, we will have the tv on. She loves Disney playhouse channel, esp Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Also she started watching Baby Signing Time since she was 7 months, now and then I still let her watch the DVD.
I also let my boy watch tv. At times no choice had to do chores and tv can make him quiet down. But he only watch certain programmes even when the tv is on for few hrs. Commercials definitely will draw his attention.


Yes Yes, my gal loves commercials..Whenever tv program is on..she will disturb us when we watch tv...when commercial starts..she juz stay still and watch...
