(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

all i can think about at work is my baby.. i mentioned that she hates her tummy time.. yesterday i missed the first of her first.. she held her head damn high in the evening, and i missed it. wonder wad im gg to miss out today..
and i feel that she grown a lot during my absence these 2 days.. im so sad just thinking abt all these!!!!

3am pump dun have, but there is the 3am feeds! dunno why ever since i started work, she has been waking up in the middle of the night for feeds. but thank goodness there is the hubby who wakes up to feed her and lets me sleep...

hippo: i am getting paranoid with the fridge, constantly opening it to see if it is working!!!
miser jolly well go with me to look for a new fridge this weekend or he really gets it from me.. he okay-ed immediately.. stupid fridge working fine now.. darn.. i thinking of getting those small bar fridge and placed it in my room. but no place liao. haiz.. anyway..
yes.. gaurd the fridge with ur lives ladies!
ya.. the service man. i asked him if i shd remove the ebm. he says dun need.. then after a while. came and told me have to borrow neighbour's fridge again to repair.. wah liew.. these pple..

re flipping
ya.. a few days ago.. i placed bally on his tummy.. then he SLOWLY and carefully flipped back onto his back.. i wun called it flipping per se.. but he did it so carefully.. that i was amused also.. hahaa.. like 'slowly ah. i flip for u to see hor..but let me do it slowly slowly..'.. hahahahha.. but he is exhibiting some similar temperment of teng???? jialat.. two overtly cautious boys? i can die wor. i want more spontanity!!
BUT he really look very FAT now.. SO fat i think his tummy gonna to burst... scary.. :S
astro: haha, my son is more like i want it now and I want to get it done. If i don't get my way I'll just scream my head off.
glass: bally.. with feeds. he is like that. just this flipping thingy. he seems to do it in , erm what u call that?, 'delayed mode'.. u know the way u pause ur video.. and let it slowly play at half speed? whahahhaah..
This happened to me wif my son. And the best thing then was the fridge wasn't even spoilt!!!!!!!!!! someone in the family (my ILs & hb's siblings were stayg wif us then) 4got to close the freezer door properly and when i realised it - TOO LATE! the FBM were all half thawed. Though i don't need the FBM for my son (my FBM r all donated away), i still felt heart ache!!!! i pulled my hb there and let him see all the half defrosted FBM and walked away w/o a word. aft tt i think he went to find out who was the one who did not close the freezer door properly (i think it was my MIL). fr then on, nothing like tt happened.
then 2 mths b4 RN came along, my fridge died on me. i was so super glad there wasnt any BM there then and promptly got hb to service it. nowadays i make sure the freezer is wkg each time i open it. i cnt afford to waste the many bags of FBM which r all to be donated away.
And yes, its impt to check on the fridge!!!
hey u so funny lah... say YH is so round! u posted his pix in FB?

*Hands up* i am still doing the 3am pump. i hv no idea how to drag the timing and my hb is getting a bit irritated tt i am storing so much FBM in my fridge which r all ultimately donated away. he asked me to cut down on the quantity and i simply refused! i said RN might suddenly b a milk monster one day and tts when my ss will b used up by her.
daytime i am still doing 3 hrly pump and night time its like 5-6 hr interval. am "training" my boobs and brains to identify tt its night time and thus i dun pump 3 hrly.
i alrdy donated out my 1st batch of FBM last mth. My freezer was running out of space and i think i hv nothing less than 70 bags in there. nw my 2nd batch is filling up oso and i am gg to send it away soon. do u feed Min the FBM? u got another fridge juz to store the FBM? mine is a 2-door fridge liao. so freezer space quite spacious alrdy.
i juz know i will die big time if i keep up doing this when i go back to work. night feedings + expressing once - suicide! but my boobs cant tahan >6 hrs w/o pump or latch. and RN cant even empty 1 boob, so the other boob is def to b expressed at nite.

my EBM is for my son & RN. now tt i am sick, am giving my son more of my EBM so he takes in the antibodies. but sigh, everyone is sick now lah. RN is the latest prey as of tdy.
and to think i was hoping she cld b spared.

yes, RN shld b over 5kg next wk. but now she's coughing, i dunno if she still can b vaccinated next wk. sigh.
and RN is oso in the ikan bilis gang. she shld b the smallest ikan bilis lah.


RE: FLipping
wah ur babies r all fast... i am not too eager to let her flip so soon. else will hv headache when i put her on my bed... my mum largi best, keep telling RN the later she flip the better. once they start flipping, chgg diaper is a huge challenge! I am not lookg fwd to tt. my son is a slow flipper. others flipped at 4 mths usually but he only did it at 5.5 mths. so i think RN might b slow too.
HI Mummies! Helping my sister to spread the news. There will be a Fun in the Sun Bazaar this weekend Jan 16 - 17, 2010 at East Coast Park Big Splash area. There will be over 70 stalls ranging from baby/ kid items to face painting. There will be new and preloved items for sale. The bazaar starts at 10 am on both days !
i can understand how you feel. *hug* i'll be in your camp pretty soon on this. but just gotta accept it lor. for me, i think i will definitely appreciate Min even more when i go back to work. so just keep consoling myself that that's for the best, for both her and me.

so Qiqi also a bit same channel as Min huh? haha... eh, same name bbs behave the same ha?

yah feeding Min with FBM for the 2 night feeds. same lor. we have 2 door fridge where freezer has its own separate door. so its quite spacious. somemore there's an old fridge outside for all the meats and stuff. dun worry about RN, we welcome her to ikan bilis club. but she's quite a few days younger than Min & Audrey ya? so no real worry there lah.

ya man. time for a new fridge. your FBM and chilled EBM are priceless!!! comes from hours of hard work. so if it KOK UP again, i'll be pissed beyond words if i were u. and if miser is smart, he better kuai kuai just part with his $$$ hahaha...

eh, equilibrium? cant lah. i gotta be super kiasu about this. going back to work and having a baby at home without enough milk is not funny to me at all. but now have some stash, i can breathe easier.
Hippo and xoxo: Be glad that your babes are not heavyweights like my woman! These few days have been looking after her on my own (cos my mum's on cruise...shiok) and have been going through marathon latching and hourly latching (suspecting it's mega growth spurt) and marathon carrying and patting in the afternoons!!! My flabby arms are aching (not toning yet) and my epi-damaged back is aching again...MING KU AH!!

Re: Flipping
I think my YX will be darn slow in flipping too...havent been giving her tummy time and her head can't be held high during TT yet (although when carry her upright...she will hao lian hold her head high high). Not forgetting her big fat thighs..hahahha...that will be what's stopping her...kekek

Astro: My goodness...sorry to hear about your fridge..hmmm..havent been returning back to my own place..I just hope my fridge is ok. Been freezing my BM in my mum's ikan bilis storage freezer...really have no freaking idea why she has sooooooooo many packets of ikan bilis???!!! Now I damn scared that my ebm will be ikan bilis-flavoured...

Hippo: I think it's normal for babies to be talking to non-living things. My YX has also been talking to the stairs at my mum's, the shou xing gong ornament, my pooh bear slippers, the window grille and not forgetting the sofa. I think they are exploring their voices...maybe my YX is also bored lah. I can't talk to her cos been wearing the stupid unbreathable mask when I am with her. My sister is basically 'mute' when she plays with her....the only person now who can talk to her in the day is the burmese maid...

See? AS I am typing now..she is having her own conversation with her rattlers....i am just soooooo tired to entertain her now..
jrrt: ya.. photos ( i think two/three weeks ago) up on the facebook.. the gathering ones. go take a look. then u know why i call him bally liao..

ya.. he takes 180 lei.. just now i thought maybe he drinks too much liao. gave him 150ml.. cannot s4ettle.. latched him.. then he slept. pumped out.. short of 30ml.. freakingly accurate.. :S the onli feeds which he dun take 180 is for the 11pm feed and i suspect the 3am latch on..

hippo: what i meant is. ur ss is not ending yet mah.. u will still pump at work right?.. so a stash of 3 days is very safe liao. coz u will still continue to bring back EBM!.. and u will feed the freshest milk to the bb.. so the FBM.. at most touched one day ss nia.. right?

tien: uare darn cute.. ikan bilis flavoured.. yahor. how come keep so much ikan bilis ah?!

hahaha. the ikan bilis club.. so cute.. in my other thread.. we used to have a CAR.. the acrocoymn formed by the three smallest bbs
Jrrt: Goodness?!?!! 70 packs of fbm? And 2nd batch finishing? Cham now I stress? My house plus my mum's side only have at most 13 packs of 80-130ml! I'm too lazy to wake up to pump so only pumped in the morning. I dun do 3 hr pump too.. Lazy again..maybe should start haha.. Since staying at mums n there's a helper. Yet reluctant becos yx still can't suckle well n so if give her a really 'lim bait' breast, she
will sure fuss, pull n tug...not forgetting she is still not lasting
long bet feeds! Can't figure out why? Maybe she's feeding to
sleep thro the nite.

Astro: I hv no idea why so many packets of ikan bilis lor! Shall
ask her when she's bk tml.

Anyway I'm sooooooo tired (like everyone else is not but I
just want to rant ). Been latching on yx hourly today since 9am!! Can you imagine? That's 13 feeds! Tried getting her
take both breasts but she fell asleep after one side. Her naps
are like after every feed but nv last beyond 30 mins. Wants to
be carried and rocked (all thanks to my mum who gave this
bad habit then happily go cruise!). Yesterday also like this!
Thus better be growth spurt only! If long term I sure die!!!

Then this yx has this strange habit of clenching her fists tightly like some boxer. Normal?
Annette: yep have been blown by the fans. Suspect that's the reason for my blocked nose too. Also it doesn't help that I have been sweating a lot!
annette >> 7kg!!! think M can wean early. i understand that is the magic number + he must show other signs...hehe..better get yr recipe bks fast..hmm..my classmate had a baby 6mths ahead of us..she's like me in built..the baby at 9mo is not even 7kg yet. heh..think i better revert to my heck care attitude and not bother with the weighing scales anymore. this constant monitoring of weight is giving me palpitations. i am just not cut out to read numbers like a hawk.

astro >> therefore, i reckon audrey will be an ikan bilis. forget abt being heavy and tall :p i wanna check out bally YH..how bally can bally be? :p

hippo >> once min is flipping abt, you'd wish she could stay still! hmmm...hmmm...*xoxo is thinking whether hippo shares these queer tendencies* muahahaha... you mean her old man likes to talk to inanimate objects? damn the day i bought the digital scale home. in the past, i never bothered abt my own weight. now everyday, i am bringing the babe up and down it to see how many miniscule grams she has put on or shed. this is not at all a good thing to be indulgent at. think i shall banish the weighing scales from my household tomorrow morning. xoxo shall accept the babe for who she is - weight, height and all. i don't wanna care if she is 5,6,7 or 10kg.. hmph! anyway, she started to cough and cough today. gave her med shall see if she gets better by the morning. breast milk had better prove its prowess! stayed up to pump..ss is hitting a limit nowadays despite all that constant latching..fenugreek has been maxed out..what comes next? sigh.

mie >> i am beginning to think...pp of the same name do have the same habits! :p haiz..inevitable for you to feel that way abt missing up on stuff! kudos to isabelle for holding up her head high though! maybe ask yr sis to record whatever she can on a camcorder? tummy time can be uncomfortable ~ leads to crying or fussing initially. try elevating cushions and lay her on them, rather than flat on a surface e.g. mattress or mat..idea is for her head to be higher than the rest of the body but she is still on her tummy...once she gets comfy, take away the cushions..this might make her enjoy her tummy time more eventually.

jRRt >> hehe..ikan bilis club has a healthy membership..don't worry, small but fiery..like the chilli padi..or maybe we should rename this club! too bad i cannot subscribe to your recipient list for EBM...since i must ensure that the breastmilk is free of dairy, nuts and eggs. you are right...after flipping, diaper changes are hard to handle. "come back, come back"..that's what u keep hearing me say at each change cos the minute u lie her flat, she wants to roll.

PY >> house dog taking human breastmilk..sounds like something research scientists might want to evaluate..grin..eh..u still latching charlotte? are your bottle strikes over?
astro>> bally is taking 180ml? wow, that explains why he is bally.. hehehe.. belle is taking 150ml per feed now, but she is very bally too! i think that is the difference between FM and BM.. FM babies tend to be more solid right?

xoxo>> ever since belle can hold her head up during tummy time, i've been flipping her over jsut to catch her holding her head up.. so mean of me ah.. hur hur.. but i think im trying to make it up for the past when she simply hates her tummy time. and my belle is also about 7kg now.. oops..
wah it seems that charlotte's weight gain has slowed down lol. she's only 5.9kg as per yesterday lol!

but PD says her muscle tone is very good. and her development is at the 75% percentile
someone fed Min the FBM at nite issit? I find it a real hassle to get up and warm up the EBM, not to mention the cryings of baby while waiting for the BM to b warmed up. so i rather b the one latching instead. moreover, since i need to wake up and pump even if my hb is willing to do the nite feeds, i dun see the need for both to wake up at the same time.
yep, RN is the youngest ikan bilis in the club. she's oso like wat xoxolight described - fiery!!! wahahahaha...

i went to check out the photos liao... but cant tell when was it leh. bally dun look so round leh... prob the pix dun show.
wah he is a milk monster! taking up to 180ml~! he is prob hvg high metabolic rate thus his size dun truly reflect his intake.
ur expressing is so accurate? mine is quite a huge range when i pump in the daytime at 3 hrly intervals leh. siao siao one. i realised the session ard 6-7pm has the lowest yield. dunno why... but overall if i add up based on 24 hr duration, the total yield will be right. so i dun bother lah. as long as i stick to 15 min expressing per boob, then its right liao.

pls, its not to stress u. nvr had the intention. like i said, my hb is getting irritated tt i am stashing so much FBM which is not used for our own children.
My son takes the EBM thou. the extras i freeze.
oh i am too kiasee to b lazy to skip the expressing session. so i will wake up to pump no matter how tired i am. now i cut down to 1 pump at 3+am only. tts the only time i stretch the interval to 5, 6 hrs. daytime its usually 3-4 hrly interval. even when i go out shopping, i oso lug the pump along.

for me its easier to decide when to pump coz RN cant empty my breasts. so at any 1 latch, i need to offer 1 boob only and so the other one is "free" for me to pump w/o worryg she got nothing to drink. aiyah this RN can only last 2 hrs if i latch her. when she takes the btl, she can last 3 hrs. i juz let her be lah. as long as she drinks and grow, dun worry too much things.

how come she's taking 13 feeds in a day??? tts ALOT!!!

i donate to my coll whom's son is 2 mths older than RN and her ss not enuff. else i cant find anyone else to give to. posted in the forum b4 but no one responded leh.
I am thinking to defrost some and let RN hv mild bath coz her skin has mild eczema and heard tt BM might help.
the dog takes the BM? hahahahaha!!!

oh yah since audrey is allergic to alot of things, so she can only take ur BM. hopefully one day she decides to take the btl suddenly and will solve ur misery!
hahahaha, so tts wat happens at each diaper chg now yah? RN is still quite contented lying on her back and i always 4get to give her tummy time. Now i am more laid back wif the 2nd child. I believe when its time to flip, she will flip; regardless of tummy time or not. tts wat a lazy mum like me wld like to think.
xoxo> hahahah yeah bo pian leh. coz charlotte dun like my fbm.. and if we nv give to the dog, they'll go down the drain too. haha...

jrrt> oic.. that's good.. at least they're not wasted. u really posted in forum before huh lol!

btw i'm looking for a pupsik pouch in M size anyone is selling? or willing to exchange with my sarong sling? lol!

someone offer me $28 but i think it's too ex leh. i have moms offer me $25 for a BN piece lor. tsk!
btw i checked with PD on the water intake. she still tell me that charlotte dont need any water. haha.. coz her food now is all in liquid form. if we wanna give, just give abit will do but dun overdo it.

so yeah she only take like 20ml of water per day and i think i'm fine with it. haha.

i also checked with her if can give barley water. coz my MIL keep insisted that she gave barley water to my husband when he was a baby. >.< i told her that i read the books and it says barley is a NONO.

PD says is ok to give too but normally they dun encourage anything other than water and milk during the first 6 months.

ha, i'm still going to tell her that PD says NO to barley.
yah at least not gone to waste aft spending so much time on expressing and not to mention money on those milk bags!

Yeah, i posted in nov &amp; dec thread in nov when i realised my fridge was filling up. no one responded and i asked my frens in the other threads if they knew anyone needed it. they said no leh. compared to 3 yrs ago when i wanted to donate, there were more takers. now i juz presume the mummies hv more ss so no need someone else's milk to supplement liao.

did u visit this particular blog tt is hvg a raffle to giveaway pupsik pouch? thot i saw ur name there.
i fell in love wif the confetti design. saw the actual pouch in mothercare &amp; its really nice. somemore the polka dot design matches my nursing bib which is in polka dots as well. hahaha.
u tried the WTE thread?
currently i am oso giving RN water. not a lot coz it depends on her mood. but i suspect less than 20ml. i juz wan her to get used to drinking water thou i know TBFed babies dun need anything till 6 mths.
juz b4 RN goes 4 her jabs, usually my mum or MIL will brew this pao shen water standing over the rice when they cook rice and let RN hv a few sips. says will not cause her to hv fever aft the jab. so far the babies in our families drink this b4 jabs so i juz follow lah. as for barley water n others, we usually only give aft 6 mths.

the elders all hv their own theories. sometimes my mum is skeptical despite me sayg PD says no need.
py: my mil also leh.. that time just 5wks old only! she said "actually i think she can drink barley water" can't remember if it was barley or chrysanthemum... i gave the "please dun do anything funny" look to her and told her that better not give... until she's at least 6mths old.

xoxo: y r u pumping at 3am? what would you do to that milk?!

hippo/xoxo: if u wake up at 3am to express milk, can you also call me to wake me up???? i'm only able to accumulate one feed per day.. how pathetic is that?! and that lump is STILL in the breast.. my boobs are lopsided most of the time if angel doesn't want to latch.. the pump is useless cos its still 20ml after mdm rokiah came to give me a milk bath.. the best i had was 50ml this morning. and 40ml if i dun hand express for 5 to 6h.. and angel wakes up for pacifier at 3am, not for milk!!!
yah my maid takes the 11pm &amp; 3am feeds and gives her my FBM.

u sure u want me to wake u up? dun think u'd hear my voice at 3am right? i'm damn super grouchy at that time lor!
i'm pissed and fed up that my mum is encouragingin those mini naps among my kids.. both of them.. then come and tell me they can't sleep long. then use the pacifier to tide them over.. for goodness sake.. encourage proper feeding and sleeping schedule.. want to sleep.. sleep.. for at least 2 hours.. if not feed.. dun keep feeding 60ml over the place!!! then come and ask m what time they will wake up?! wah liew. i not god leh.. mess up my schedule.. dun ask me to predict and pull it back. i can pull it back once.. but cannot keep pulling it back if u keep messing it up!!
i pissed.. bad mood today.. brought the whole gang tot he doctor.. stupid miser at work. itold him ellie needs to see the doc coz of her cough which hasn't heal since she returns from philipines two weeks ago,, come back in the evening to bring her there since monring she told me her phelgmn is thinged with blood! morning has fever when checked at gp.. also fever.. she's ok.. just coughing quite badly.. gp says if within another 5 days.. never recover. bring x-ray.. HAIZ.. always like that she.. dun dare to tell me.. only when 'serious' then come and tell me.. fed up!!! stupid miser can tell me.. why not in the monring.. when teng is away and mum is here.. stupid man!!! teng is also sick.. went see doc liao. byt the time he bothers to put his work down. whole family die liao lah!! fed up. pissed.. argh.. arrgh.. arghh!!!!!!!

bally still having the sore throat and blocked nose.. which results in slight cough.. he is 6.255kg when weighed today.. asked dr ong.. how much he shd take.. she said 150ml.. i said.. he wun settle.. then she said then give more .. i am like.. duh.. like idunno.. as long as he dun spit up excessively. idun care lah. just give till he happy happy lah.. then middle of night feed still there.. i dunno what the chap is up to!!

wah. very pissed off. i feel like kiling pple leh..

jrrt: he putting on a lot. 300g within the last week. but he ani't spitting up excessively.. so i guess like what the PD says.. growth spurt.. ya. blame everything on growth spurts lor..

can i ask..? hoiw much u feed rn via the bottle for her to last the 3 hours? coz.. if that amt can last her 3 horus.. via boobs.. it shd also last her 3 hours.. but u been saying she cannot empty a breast.. but yet cannot sleep 3 hours? i am quite confused by this..
loke: dun say it is pathetic to be able to accumulate one feed.. some of us cannot do that lah..

yh crying outside. noone know what he is crying about.. they waiting for my instructions. wait for what? if i say liao. u wun follow! argh.. wah.. got anger-n0-meter..?? i think my anger very high now...
mie: ya.. trying.. ya. bad mood.. stuffing myself silly with donuts.. bingeing to keep cool! :S.. all chocolate somemore. yucks.. i bought all chocolate coz my colleagues coming yesterday. and the two silly ladies dun want to eat so many.. now i need to finish all the chocolate.. haiz.
anyone wants a donut?! :S
astro: i'm not sure who's in the same category as me here.. if so, this person can show up.. then i prob won't feel so irritated..

hippo: ha.. we might quarrel over the phone at 3am then i'll definitely wake up...

mie: i used to ask my friends to wake me up at wee hours so i can finish studying for my exams... most of the time i pick up the phone... n mostt of the time i put down the phone n go back sleep.. a few times i managed to keep myself awake.. cos my friend was disappointed that i didnt keep awake when she purposely wake up to wake me up...
xoxo: my mum said dun wean too early wo.leave it to her to decide.But i guess M is more to heavy bone, his body dun look fat to me wo.

Astro:gd wo bally careful boi. M is like, u wan me to flip, i flip n tts it type of attitude, dun even bother if will hit anything.he only give 1 flip the most, afterwhich he will just remain on his tummy if he put him back on his tummy.
loke: me la. If i keep latching, i can't pump boy excess to accumulate one feed for a day.

Py: ya i hope stupid virus evacuate my household soon!

Anette:careful is ok. If overtly cautious like teng = can die.

Teng is rejecting his fav auntie ellie and his auntie is v upset by it! She wonders how come she left for 2 weeks teng dun wamt her anymore. Duh. Like that last time, he only wants her reject me, shd i jump then? Duh.
astro: that's if u keep latching leh. if i dun latch also the same... i think i want to give up pumping liao. JUST LATCH.. and i'm gonna bring baby to OFFICE.. and insist on setting up the playpen there. in the name of BONDING. haha.whatever lah... very hungry now..
loke> so envious. you can have the best of both worlds! working + watch Angel grow!

if only i'm my own boss hahahaha.. or is my own family biz. =\
Morning mummies!
Super sian can't go bk to sleep. Breasts 'rockified' woke up to pump all thanks to my laziness last nite. Missed one latch cos of massage n yet can't be bothered to pump after that. Only pump one side coz scared that yx will wake up anytime for breakfast. She doesn't cry so waiting for her to slam her legs.

Jrrt: hmmm I see..since rn can't empty the breast no wonder
you hv something to pump. For me, I try to offer her both
breasts in the day since she doesn't wake up for nite feeds so
even if I pump will be miserable output so dun waste
electricity n water. Thinking of reverting to giving her just 1
side now. Cos I notice nowadays she doesn't empty the 2nd
breast n since I'm at mum's the helper will help me wash the equipment hee...

About yx's 13 feeds, I suspect it's growth spurt ( yes blame everything on it) Anyway her 2-day feeding frenzy has
ended!! Yesterday she is bk to her 2 hour feed... Phew! She
also took bottle cos I went out n mum is bk. But not before
she wailed n screamed. Mum gave her 90ml she also couldn't
finish. I think maybe she's not so hungry. Which could also
mean that maybe she can stretch longer now? Super want to
knock her head... Why can't she learn to cry when she is
hungry? She only knows how to suck fingers when hungry,sleepy full, bored... she really thinks the bondingincludes reading her little mind?!?!?? Now can only
gauge when to feed by looking at the time so hv no idea if
she can now stretch longer bet feeds.

Astro: my goodness... Sounds bad at your household. Hope everything will return to normal soon. Take care.. But hor got a question. How u know that yh has sore throat and blocked nose? Fever? Me worried cos hv been sick mah n I'm primary caregiver dunno if I passed the virus to her or not.

Super hungry now.... Arghhhhhhhh
wahpiang eh.. i need to vent!
been burping E since 7 and got 2 burp. still have gas!! he not finishing his milk due to gas! argghhh!!!!!!!!! stupid gas. i tried shoulder, tmc style, armpit style, bouncy bouncy, rock left right, bycling legs....he still not wan his milk...because of GAS! ARGGGHHH!! stupid gas. is there an expert burper to engage. I'll engage!!
i shld have come post earlier. was so fed up of burping i put him @ cot w mobile. until he fuss then pick him n straighten him. lo n behold the @$#@%$#@ burp came out n he finish his milk. sigh......
loke : tink ur IL would be okay ba. good wut..no need extra equipment (bottles, teats, steriliser)

astro : oh dear.. take care. get well soon.
looks like your babies are drinking a lot! My son is still drinking 100ml there about. Doc told me to give more, but he isn't drinking them. I think my ss is dwindling. Then my FIL likes to pour away the milk if my son stops drinking for a while. Can't he just wait another half an hour? Wah biang.

I had 8 packs of EBM in Dec. (super big deal for me) Now zilch. Think if I go back to work, it will disappear.

Re barley water or what
Wah piang!!! which MIL is spreading such things? Must be some MIL conspiracy. My MIL just a few min ago (after talking on the phone) told me that her sis, also a grandmother, and her granddaughter is around the same age as our babies, is going to give barley. Lucky I just saw the earlier postings. Straight away I told her cannot! Too early!
Glass>my BB also drinking very little. Infact he is losing appetite. Been wasting my milk cos he can't finish the 120ml
I always prep just incase he regains appetite.

Btw, he has been passing super watery stools twice a day. Is this norm? Been haapening past 4 days but he seems oknot sick though.
Re barley water or what
my baby develop a mild fever during her first dose of DPT injection. After giving her syrup paracetamol, she recovered. When my MIL know about it, she say i should have given the baby "pao sheng" water to drink a few days before the injection so that she won't have the fever. and continue saying that if she knew earlier that baby is going for the injection, she would have prepare the water for her. her tone is like blaming me for the fever. then she say for the next dose, must give baby drink the pao sheng water. i just smile and in my heart thinking how to REJECT her when the time is due. there is no guarantee that after drinking pao sheng, baby will definitely NOT get a fever right?
i asked my mum, she say not necessary. and my mum jokingly say i'm a bad DIL, everything my MIL says, i say no and reject. haha...
astro/py/gal: haha.. bringing baby to office is my own wishful thinking lah. i got classes to teach.. dunno if i'll be distracted or not lor.. so if got classes, think i'll play safe and put her at mil's house. when no class, then i'll bring her to office. and SLING her...

thanks to xoxo! Angel is now quite comfortable getting slinged even when she's wide awake! btw, xoxo's description of Angel "Blossoming" is nice!

cat: when the next injection appt comes, just bring her for injection first.. come back then say.. haha.. if mil ask y never tell her, then say u forgot. if mil keep asking when's the appt, just say dunno need to check.. pretend pretend.. hahaa.. everything also dunno.. so u don't need to say NO!!
Ur mum comes in the day to help out? Oh dear, encouraging mini naps is not a gd idea. Juz like latch on demand – drink a bit then stop. Then latch again 1 hr later when baby cries etc.. it forms a vicious cycle and u will not b able to predict when baby is really hungry.
Why wld she wanna juz feed 60ml???
Ur household like mine…. Almost everyone sick. 3 adults, 2 tods + 2 babies. Argh! Lets hope the virus will quickly pass. RN’s condition seemed to hv worsen this morning. Gg back 4 review later. Its really heartwrenching to hear her cough.

Whoa! Bally is 6.2kg now!!!
wah then when u saw him hitting 5kg and now 6kg, u muz b euphoric!!! I am waiting to see tt on the weighing scale till my neck is so long liao! Growth spurts???!!! I think it does not exist yet, not wif RN as yet. None at 3 wks, 6 wks nor 3 mths!
I dun get ur qn: ‘but yet cannot sleep 3 hours?’ To answer u: RN takes 120ml via btl every 3 hrly in the day. I give her 3 btls a day. Other than tt, I latch her at all other feeds. I was saying she can last 3 hrs when she takes EBM but when she direct latch, she takes 20-30 mins to feed (1 boob only) and it will last her for 2 hrs only. So meaning when she latch, she def dun take in 120ml, which explains why she cant last for 3 hrs and my boob is not emptied. One of my boob gives 120ml every 3 hr, so which if she latch, she shld empty it. But if I empty tt boob aft she latch, I still can get some milk. And this quantity varies. Sometimes 50ml or more. So see??? She is not efficient at the boob at all.

Which pouch u bot? The confetti one???? I am not willing to buy a pouch coz I alrdy hv 2 slings leh. Doesn’t make sense to buy a pouch thou I love tt one v much!

Most of ur babies, in fact I think all the babies here can empty breasts except RN. I dunno why. She is not the smallest baby at birth but she is def the smallest baby as of now. If I din give her EBM nw, I think she still wun gain much weight. I still cant resolve this issue of her not able to empty breast. Think there is no solution. Juz gotta wait till she learns the art of emptying. Sigh.
I get wat u mean abt wasting time &amp; effort to pump if the amt pumped out is not a lot. Yeah, since got helper to help u wash the equipment, might as well juz pump!
btw wat pump do u use? Its troublesome to wash &amp; sterilize huh? Last time when I used the manual avent pump, it got many parts and always v oily, so hated to wash. But now wif ameda, its lesser parts and thus easier to wash.
But it doesn’t means she is hungry when she cries rite? For me, I more or less know RN’s cues now, so it’s a bit easier.

Poor u! Took so much time to burp E.

Mummies who hv gone back to work, I am in a similar boat. Started work this week and miss my boy to bits at work. Plus hubby on reservist who cannot come home, I am the only one doing night feeding. Maybe it's nothing for some mummies who hv been doing night feedings all along, but for me, it's tiring! Maybe I hv enjoyed gd night sleep on most days when hubby was around. So now that he's not around, I am still adjusting to managing the boy all alone.

I am also expressing milk at work. Bought a fridge-to-go so that I can transport my milk to and fro without worries. Can last about 9 hours.

On our babies milk intake, mine is still hovering around 125ml.
