(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Loke: I also have pigeon cooler bag n it says can keep cool up to 12 hours. So tot conservatively 8 hrs shld also be fine? Or m I wrong?

Tien> yes! Charlotte does that also! she will place her hand there and squeeze it lol. sometimes she also tried to put her fingers into her mouth while drinking milk =.= wahaha..

hippo> nikki recommend me this nasal spray thing call sterima it can be bought off the shelves at pharmacy. so we just spray it in and she will sneeze it out hah.

loke> CNY gathering ? wahahah bring bak kwa? sounds interesting hah.

Wondering if any one of you interested to get these animal print diaper covers? Can wear over your bb's diapers.


I'm clearing stock from my earlier BP.

Lelong to you all at $10 per set of 5 (incl. FOC postage)
PM me let me know hor!
hi mummies,
my girl's milk intake has still been decreasing... so stressed about it! now she takes only 400ml a day. brought to PD and was advised to syringe feed. she just spits the milk back out though. any mummies still going through this?

what's ur girl's average intake now? has it improved?
PY>> the nasal spray works for hard pi sai or not? coz digging her nose and cutting her nails are 2 bigs projects that are so time and effort consuming...
xoxo>> at least your mum and family can see where you are coming from.. my parents will take such talks as 'lectures' and will get damn pissed with me
HI ladies! I couldn't help but laugh when I read Ting's description of the funny noises. For those of you who hope for a 2nd pump to put in the office/try out an electric one, I can loan mine out, because I don't use anymore. But must highlight that this is a very old Medela PIS, not the new one with different phase. Quite loud too. My colleague passed it to me and I used it while I was still bfg. You can get your own spare parts and just use the motor, but must caution that the tubes have some milk stains from my colleague. She pointed out that it's only for air, no milk touches it so I find it ok. If you are interested, pls PM me as I may not always have the chance to check the Forum.

As for storage of milk, I used to put it in the fridge in the room for mummies to pump and then bring home in a cooler bag. I guess I am more easy-going, didn't even use ice packs, hahaha! And to clean the pump, I brought a small bottle of the baby dishwashing liquid, and then wash with cold water followed by a hot water rinse, also using a lock and lock. My baby was fine drinking all the milk.

My baby has also been exhibiting more fussy behaviour the older she gets. And recently, she has been getting up at 3 or 4am, even though she used to sleep so soundly all the way till morning! Sometimes she is hungry but sometimes she is just awake making sounds. Today, hardly finished her feeds.

She hasn't shown any signs of being able to flip over (only can roll to her side, not onto her tummy). And certainly has not tried to sit up! And I think she is older than most of the babies here coz she is 4 months today! Hope she will catch up soon. :p
hahaha... yah its your OLD office i'm going to. ;) seems like u'r gaining some traction with the pumping? great to hear!

tks for opoening your house up. think now that we have Min, there's no excuse NOT to visit the other side of the family already. sigh... they're on the other side of the island somemore.

hahahaha... actually that what happened with Min. she sneezed and this little gold nugget flew out of her nostrils. hehehe... so i think if it gets big enough, it'll find its own way out of there.

shugar's diaper covers -
BUY BUY BUY you all! i already hve 1 set. they're very thin n not hot at all. Min wears them cos she doesn't have many bottoms.
shugar: absolutely tempting! but not sure if the babe will outgrow the covers very soon! if not, you may count me in.. $10 nia.. treat is as CNY gift for Angel! btw, u still renting the pump? or u bought a new one? medela lactaline costs like $700+ right?? i'll buy only if it is really taht good.. cos not gonna stop at one baby.. will be ttc-ing for #2 after june.. keke.. u have any idea how much is the symphony?

we should buy.. then when we gather, all the babies will each where a different cover. hahahhaa...

vodkarib: yeah. but if i start work at 9am and finishes at 7 or 8pm... the FTG won't last that long. then must include travelling time? don't wanna take the risk. so i think i'll buy a small fridge.. gonna check out the LG bar fridge that siangjiao has.

hippo: haha.. we have retired from the old buildling except to get some lunch from there.. cheapest along orchard. ur mum getting novelties? what's there to get? hehehee.. jason is the only decent shop.. and a few travel agencies... if u are a bit more free, u can pop by my office at international building before 2pm. might bring angel along... :D

py: yeah.. but i dunno which day is good. any suggestions? most likely after the first three days lor. how about 21 feb? sunday?
seems like Kait's appetite has improved a lot! Yesterday 10.30am (220ml), 2pm(120ml), 6.30pm (150ml), 9.30 (140ml) - got to break into 2 sessions cos she got fussy.. Maybe last week, her body got some changes or something.. Maybe she wasn't feeling greedy.. Maybe just feeling temperamental.. Maybe her mood not good.. Duno also..

Today also almost the same except might miss the 6.30 feed cos she drank at about 4+pm.. We feed her on demand so she sets her own timing.. So far it's been quite predictable ba..

I will update u if her appetite changes again.. Hope your baby's appetite improve..
shugar: u rented lactina select or plus? i need one that's really efficient in emptying the boobs. can't manual pump in the office. i'll collapse!

hippo: the milk.. today managed to have three letdowns? is it possible? i didnt care much just pump and pump.. and do my work at the same time.. with one hand.. hahah.. then i felt the milk coming out.. took a peep and there was lots of squirting.. i was almost elated! haha..
hippo: wah thanks for promoting leh
ya my other buyers also like the light material. one mummy said got dual purpose... used it to teach her older kid the animal names! hahaahhh
Loke: Hahhaha... you want can get the bigger size, can wear longer. can also wear till angel is bigger and not using diapers leh.

Re pump: I'm still renting leh. Lactina Select. Hehehhe coz find it too ex to bring myself to buy it! heheh... its $1500+ i think. 0_0 Not sure how much is Symphony retailing for leh!
So far I find Lactina quite good leh. Does it good job in emptying.
hi pearly,
wow kait's feeding has indeed improved! so good to hear that. my girl is still so hard to feed. i am thinking of introducing some cereal diluted with milk to see if it will increase her appetite... desperate already to get her to drink well. hehe. thanks for ur update, it helps to know that we are not alone in this...
I think it's best to consult PD regarding the feeding of cereal at 3months ba.. Cereal only fill up her tummy, not improve her feeding times.. It'll prolong her feeding cos it keeps her fuller.. I was also scared at that point of time but luckily she went back to normal..

One of my friend's baby girl also drink so much lesser at this age.. She was so stressed and her baby girl's weight was dropping.. I'll help u ask her what she did ba.. She also did syringe feeding, I think.. I do hope it's just a passing phrase..

6-in-1 : Any mummies here took 6-in-1 for your baby? I'm taking her to polyclinic tomorrow but I forgot the payments.. It's broken down into few parts de right? Can advise?
shugar: hey.. i got the medela electric pump funnels and filter and tube and bottle leh.. is it compatible? can i try on ur lactina? if good then rent...

btw, bigger size still $10 for 5? hahah...
Loke: yup, it's compatible! then when you rent you won't need to buy those Liao . Oh u want to come n try? Can ah! Wait I pm u my mobile no.
Hahaha.... Aiyoh u so cute! bigger size still same price lah!
Lactina pump: I used it when I jus gave birth- fir two weeks. Think it's gd. I still have the spare parts.
Am also considering whether to rent for use in office cos my hands getting sng from using avent manual pump. Jus that I find electric pump a bit more painful on the breast.
whoa the thread is moving too fast for a slow coach like me :p

pi sai >> i use a cotton bud (for ears). at first, i used the bb sized one..then realised, it's too small and u run the risk of over extending the bud into the nostril. so i use the normal sized one. just rotate in the nostril, the pi sai will gather into a convenient ball and u can just tease it out....whatever area that the adult-sized cotton bud cannot reach - just don't touch. bb might fuss initially so u may want to try this when they have fallen into a deep sleep. my babe used to be able to tolerate it only when she is sleeping - then i'd usually give her a full grooming session - pi sai clearing, ears clean-out, belly button dig out, "manipedi"..muahahaha..i used to run the risk of waking her up midway but no choice..very gian to see the build up of pi sai etc. plus i suppose it makes her more comfy esp with the latest episode of flu...

miemie >> tough to get our views across when pp are not aware that sometimes, they may not always act in the best interests of the child..even if they thought they were..keep trying though..u've my support!

milk storage >> i have only recently managed to build a decent stash - for what, i dunno since she doesn't take the bottles..but ever since the feed at night got dropped by one, i still needed to pump..anyway..for experienced mums, can we use the ebm for purees and stuff? how much per ml if u can use ebm to mix? anyway, i was out for work till v late today. poor hb tried to feed bb the ebm i had. while she didn't cry, she clammed up and refused to take fr the bottle despite being desperately hungry (last feed at 6pm, i reached home near MN)...and it was great she didn't feed..cos i checked the date and it was an expressed feed from one of those days that i was quite sick. just a thought..that milk shouldn't even be kept right? full-of-virus-milk!! hehe...
bb gas :
er.. is there a way to help baby when they have gas in them?
- massage tummy
- cycling the legs.
- put ru yi oil
- give ridwind
anything else? if I take ginger will it help bb release gas/burp 'more easily/less painful'?
Morning mummies! Hahah my usual log in time!

YX got her haircut yesterday. Wah piangs! 20 bucks for like 5 mins???!!! Goodness! And she looks like Ah Boy now...

Vokarib: Ya I go Parkway like at least once a week! Best place for breastfeeding mummies! Super love Isetan nursing room! Hahah...and the building itself has so many nursing rooms! I dun mind meeting up on weekdays! Also not a full time SAHM but am taking no pay leave till April.

Hippo: I was at Parkway too on Wednesday! At the Toby's dessert place!! Met up with a colleague! Hahah...went there yesterday too...I really Parkway kid!

Next time walk to my place lah! Hahah...then Min can play with BB Kay! They can start screaming at each other hahahah...

PY: Very cute hor! Then yesterday she started another antic! She kept latching and unlatching herself. Why? Cos I was watching this super funny TV show and kept laughing while latching her. So she unlatched herself to looked at me, wondering why I was laughing. Then she latch on again. But I laughed again at the show. Then she did it again! And guess what, she started laughing too!! Hahahah...think this gong gong yx thought I was laughing at her latching and unlatching! And she did it like 10 times lor! My goodness! At nite, too! She decided to play that again! Think my feeds with her is going to be tougher!

Siangjiao: Wow a mini fridge!! My pathetic miniature work cubicle located in a dungeon can never accomodate this! Argh!!!

ah too late already. no more walks in the neighbourhood. cos weekends we go to east coast. unless next time when i'm on leave. hehe...

i ate pepperlunch in foodcourt, then went to M1 get iphone for my dad. then went coffeebean cos my parents having coffee there. where's this toby's dessert place??? never seen it b4.

$20 for haircut??? wah lau. nxt time u ask me k? i cut for her. give u frenship price $18 nice number. bwahahahaha...

actually we gg to your competitor. mum needs to buy something for my SIL so i go along kpo. hehe...
eee... u sound a bit twisted there! hahaha... gian to see pi sai. i'm the kettle lah. i like to squeeze pimples.

no worries man. i endorse quality pdts

no need get so big. later angel wear already "lau lau".
Hello all

Long time never posted!
I have started work since 14 Dec 2009. Took 3 months maternity first and plan to clear the 4th months as normal leave.

Been very buzy and veri disappointed with my Boss.

She held back my promotion when I revealed to her I was Pregnant back in 2009 March. Now she actually deducted my Bonus for I duno what reason. The only reason I could think of is I was absent from work for 3 months. Never expect she would go to this extent! Haiz.
those milk that u express whenu were sick are actually more precious!!!! Why? Because it contains not virus but probably some antibodies that fight your flu ah. That's why even when sick we should breastfeed our nb cos the antibodies generated by our body to fight the new germ will be pass down to bb. So next time dun throw away the milk ok?

I was very amused by the way u describe audrey's drinking habits now... got sound effect some more... "twang"! hahahaa...
since RN is part of the ikan bilis club, she oso has joined in this gang to become a fussy latcher nowadays. not only has she cut down her latchings fr 30 mins to less than 10 mins now. AND the best part is she still cant empty my breast, yet attempted to cut down her latchings to such a short period now. sigh! and yes she has started to play wif my nursing bib oso. she is so intrigued by my latching bib design (colourful polka dots) that she is staring at each and every polka dot that she 4got to suckle. and it often gets very messy as milk is sprayed on her cheeks and now she got milk rash!
and not only does she gets distracted during latching, taking the btl does not make it easier. she seemed to hv decided to rather forgo milk and sleep longer!!! my mum gotta wake her up for feeds and she is pissed tt her beauty sleep is disturbed tt she refuse to feed properly. i keep telling her, "U r still so small sized, u think u can go w/o milk???!!!" sigh sigh sigh!!!
yes u can use EBM for purees and to mix in cereals once they start weaning at 6 mths. in fact its recommended.

on the contrary, u shld feed her the milk expressed when u r sick coz it contains the antibodies! BUT if the med u took is unsafe 4 bfg then u shld discard the milk. when i was sick, all my EBM goes to not only RN but my son as well. so he can rcv the antibodies... he took 100% EBM for tt few days.

if u r worried abt ur hands hvg rheumatism problems later in old age, i will join u. coz for my son, i used avent manual pump for 14 months... and no, my arms did not slim down fr all tt intensive usage, which i was so hoping I cld!
if those eye covers will work, i will buy oso! but RN is v gd at yanking things off... and if she cant yank it off, she will cry and scream. so this method cant work on her. she is one super duper kpo girl!

my ss oso siao siao at times. i realised evening times i get the lesser yield. but overall if i add up, the total amt will tally for the rest of the day so i dun care lah. pump and juz b happy wif watever collected at each session.

i used to wake up at pump one boob at 3-4am while RN latches the other. since i started work early this wk, i forgo this pumping session but instead let RN latch. i am one super lazy mom but as long as RN latches and drinks some, at least my boob wun b so full when i wake up. so i managed to keep to this till i wake up and pump at 6am and then get ready to go to work. so last time RN used to feed once or twice a nite, nowadays its abt 3 times a night. which i hv no complains abt since i latch her and then fall asleep.
and this girl can tell when i wake up coz she oso wakes up shortly aft i do!!!! *faint* so every morning, she will send me off to work. i hope she dun wake up so early during the wkends!!!

Bally is chubby and tall! i love his chubby cheeks!!!

RE: Pumping at work
4got who was it whom suggested investing in button shirts and using nursing shawl to pump at work station.... coz tt was wat i did yest. i wore a top tt had zip in front and i brought my nursing bib to work. i expressed while sitting at my work stn and i think no one noticed. my ameda pump is relatively quiet. i lay the machine on a piece of cloth which makes it quieter. my male coll even walked over to talk to me but din notice wat i was doing.
I invested in a compact pigeon steriliser and left it at work. aft each pump, will wash and steriliser the btls and pump parts at my desk. now my desk is like a mini baby pantry. i am often seen "playing" with milk btls... some male coll even asked me, "U brought ur baby to office?" hahahaha
Hi Shugar,

I dont mind getting the animal print diaper covers too. $10 only.
But are there sizes for it? My gal is quite big now. She's wearing size M Pampers and already outgrown the size M huggies. She's 6.8kg. Can she fit the diaper covers?
Hippo: laulau... Ahahah! U vy cute!

ipheh: tried to pm you but cannot. got sizes... Sam is 6kg n can fit size 100. Maybe u may want size 110?
shugar: got ur pm! but i didnt bring my phone out today.. too rush in the morning..

vodkarib: electric is not a bit painful.. its VERY PAINFUL! haha..

sigh.. thinking of exclusive pumping. this girl making me very tired.. just refuse to continue latching when the milk flow gets a bit slower. that's y must get a good pump.. that can empty the breasts.. else i cant get enough feeds for her..

siangjiao: thanks for the photos! u use avent manual! how long u take to pump per session? the freezer compartment can freeze milk? looks flat to me.. haha..

hippo: haha.. who's my competitor at orchard towers? the one on 3rd floor beside the toilet ah? if the diaper cover too small, then she will outgrow very fast leh. but i think her bum bum not too big.. her thighs are.. long and fat.. my bro says it looks like durian.. @#%^#$%^&
ask u all ah...

do u all think i can talk terms with baby at this stage? cos i want her to latch when i'm around.. she can only take the bottle when i'm not around... (xoxo: i know u'd like to exchange seats with me) so just now i let her cry.. try to latch her while she cry.. then finally, i think she's tired already..so she just latch.. and falls asleep..but not for long.. 30 - 45mins only..
PY >> yes, can clean the belly button...u will realise that there's blackish dirt building up on the insides yeah? wah..twisted me buay tahan. use the cord spirit swab that they gave to clean the umbilical stump..i roll the ends of the baby-sized cotton bud on the swab to "absorb" some of the spirit on the bud's end..use that to clean. can't just use the bud dry cos u would end up agitating the skin and the dirt just lifts when u use the spirit...happy cleaning! i've got pics of those cleaning sessions. ultra gross! :p

hippo >> the babe's is probably cleaner than us!

ariajo & jRRt >> too late! i promptly threw all my ebm from my sick days..anyway, she woke up with a blocked nose again! i am not sure if it's to do with the sickly ebm
but it's cleared up now..hope it stays that way for the rest of the day.

duracell >> talk terms with bb..u cute lah. maybe angel is sweet and nice..she might agree to compromise/negotiate with u..mine's too much of a stubborn cow to manage. :p
xoxo: aiya.. i dunno leh.. after she latch ah.. always still got milk one leh.. then i think she's getting smart.. everytime i'll latch her.. she'll guai guai suck.. then it reaches a point where the flow starts to get a bit slower, she starts to fuss.. then she'll refuse to latch... until i always comprromise and make 100ml fm for her.. after she finish the milk, she'll pause a second and then wail.. i'll have to sayang her and pacify her and then continue to latch...

today even better still... her cry is not the crying cry.. no tears.. just very loud "EH!" then stop and check.. "EH!" again, and check around.. like checking if the bottle is coming.. so i decided that if i'm around, she has to latch.. no milk bottles at all.. only when i'm not around then she'll have the bottle. will she hate me for that ah?
hahahaha.. Loke, angel is clever one ok! so better dun play play, and i think you should talk to her and tell her she has to guai guai latch..
hey all i'm going crazy soon.

my girl has been waking up every 2 hour at night! last night i put her to sleep at 11pm. then woke up at 130am, 4am and 615am, and 830am.. it has been like this since the past 2-3 weeks! Initially i tot it was growth spurt.. but i think more likely she's into this habit of waking up and fuss, hoping i will give her my boobs.

Cos she suckle abit, then went back to sleep again.. i'm so so so tired.

And i already forgotten how her hungry cries sound like .....

think to solve this problem i gonna stick to a 4 hourly feeding routine. not sure if it'll work.. but i'm so desperate to let her sleep longer at night.. tried all ways...

Talking Terms with Baby

My hubby did that. Whenever my girl started to cry, she will wail very loud and scream. At this point of time, she only wants me. Few occasions when she started to wail when I am bathing, hubby placed her on her baby cot and talk term with baby..
He was like : I carry you, you cry cry izit? then daddy dowan to carry you.. after a few seconds (maybe 10sec) he will say, ok daddy carry you, u dun cry ok? u cry I put you down.

Funny enuff, baby stop crying when hubby carrys her. But that lasted only for 5-10 min and she started to fuss again. So nowadays hubby did that to her to drag the time while I am not available to handle baby immediately.

PY: Same here, my baby also keeps waking up last night. Normally she would sleep at 9pm and wakes up once at around 3am+ for feeding. But I duno what happen yesterday, she keeps waking up every one hour. Refuse to latch while lying down (this position used to be her favourite), only manage to latch her with me sitting up. But the latching only lasted 5 min and she stopped sucking. when I pull out, she will keep fussing.
Baby feeding (Direct Latching)

My girl is into this habit of pulling my nipple to as long as she can stretch while nursing.
Nowadays she is not concentrating while nursing. She will tends to be aware of the surrounding, and if she hears any sound behind her, she will tends to turn her head ard to check what is happening. So imagine when she is latching on, and my hubby happen to walk into the room, she will bite on to the nipple tightly with her gums and at the same time turning her head around.

Its very painful.
First time she did that, I made a OOOuch sound, and I think she find my "ouching" very amuzing, so she released and smile at me. After that she continues to latch.

So nowadays, I dare not make any noise, just endure.. but she still continue to play the bite pull release and smile cycle thruout the nursing.

Anybody encounter this?
Rooster & Moo >> yes yes!!! my girl previous routine was sleep at 9pm then ard 2 or 3am then will wake up..

she has been like this (every 2 hr wake up) since 3 weeks ago!! and i'm so desperate to find a solution!

and yes she pulled out alot of times and it's painful. sometimes she only latch the nipple part OUCH! ...

Yep mine oso latches n pull nipples. Frustratg... Nipple alrdy huge liao, she still pull somemore... At e end of my bfg career, my nipples r distorted liao.
