(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

kiki:those GPs will hv those syringe for panadol feeding

cograts to u happi

i jus realised tat my tailbone is abit protruding. anyone experienced tat? it's very suan at the tail bone too.... cannot sit n stand for too long.

weishy.. can see ur Lucas tmr! jia you!!!!!
my mil also said that i got no milk yesterday (2nd day after delivery) but luckily today my milk came in le. I just pumped 60ml in 10 mins and said it so loudly infront of her and put it in freezer for her to see (i live with in laws). so when your milk supply came in, do that to her then she cant say anything le!

my CL cook for me lots of longan red date tea, black bean soup, milo, anmum milk, fish (first time we spend so much on fish!! expensive!!! somemore have to cook for in laws)

did you try stroking your baby's chin or massage ur breasts? when my boy stopped sucking, i just stroke his chin or massage my breast then he will suck again. if he stop and sleep, i will break the latch on and move him to the other breast.

somehow, my right breast leaks a lots of milk even tho Zachary loves my left breast more due to slightly longer nipple. then today, i use my breast pump to try to make my right nipple longer and he suckle it without refusing it!

Zachary got nipple confusion too. but i insist on total breastfeeding even at home. altho heart pain to see him screaming at the top of his lung like this but much easier than pump out... sometimes i dont even clean my breasts and just let him suckle leh. now worried wonder if there will be any germs or not. *lazy*

if i put my EBM in a bottle and store. how do i note down the date i pump it?

then for sterilizer, should i use cloth to dry it or just let the sterilizer be wet wet throughout the day? but i dont really use the sterilizer whole day. sterilizing is so troublesome...

you are very brave!! still want #2. 1 is enough for me le...
opps! paiseh hahaha

why not try epi natural?

sore nipples & leaking milk
if i have sore nipples, i need to air it. but my breasts are leaking milk so i need breasts pads. what should i do? the sore nipples is really painful and leaking milk make all my clothes dirty.
the problem is there is no major signs, etc. contraction pain, mucus plug nor bloody show...hw to try? Dr. also din check if I got dilate...

he says im small size but my baby big..
Birth Story - very loh soh~

10:10am » Dr Wong checked cervix dilated 1.5cm & inserted first induction tablet. CTG detected contraction - 40. Went to eat lunch at bukit merah view, Bukit panjang plaza NTUC & then finally back home to shower. suppose to go back to clinic by 1pm but we drag until 2pm.

2:10pm » 3cm dilated. Was told to go down to admit to the labour ward

3:40pm » In observation room. they insert some solution for me to be able to clear my bowel

4:20pm » 3cm dilated still. Dr Wong broke my water bag and it wasn't painful at all. Felt a gush of warm fluid. Felt very mild contraction but was still asking hubby to take photos of my tummy and my smiling face.

4:50pm » Was given Oxysomething drip to speed up contraction

5:00pm » Given strep b antibodies in my drip

6:00pm » Got pushed to labour ward. Somehow when I reached labour ward, I start experiencing strong contraction but still bearable thinking it will be over soon. However, this contraction pain just come and go, come and go... Thinking it will come back again, I couldnt take it and screamed for epidural. Was told that the Dr is on his way.

6:40pm » Screamed and asked why the Dr who will be doing epidural for me is still not here? Then screamed for laughing gas.

6:50pm » Screaming that the laughing gas didnt work and the breathing technique is much better and it is FREE!

7:00pm » Finally Dr is here to give me epidural but I was asking the Dr not to do it when I am having contraction pain because I am aware that I cannot move when Dr is giving me epidural. The Dr was very nice and told me to let him know when he can continue.

8:00pm » Start to get side effect of epidural - Felt very cold and top part of my body was shivering. Was told to sleep for a while till 9:30pm.

9:40pm » Nurse check I am 9cm dilated. Was told to wait till 10:30pm and to inhale pure oxygen.

10:30pm » 10cm dilated. Staff Nurse taught me how to push and I was very confused cos I don't know how to push out baby like pushing out poo...

11:49pm » Tried to push a few times again and getting better. Staff nurse told me that Dr Wong will be assisting me using vacuum when she arrives... so during that time, I was pushing even harder because I don't want Zachary to have any bruise due to the vacuum.

12:15am » Dr Wong arrived and told me that she don't have to assist me, should be 3 pushes and Zachary will be out. Tried 2 pushes and already almost fainted. Stopped for a bit to inhale pure oxygen in between the push.

12:25am » One last push and Zachary is out! Dr Wong put him on me immediately and I don't mind his blood.

He was a bit purplish in color and when he cries, I was so heart pain that I ask him not to cry. Dr Wong said he must cry so that his blood will circulate. The nurse cleaned him up and let me hug him again. After a few mins, the nurse wanted to take Zachary away but I refuse to let them. Dr Wong told me that the nurse need to weigh him so I let her.

When she brings him back from weighing, she left us with Zachary and went to help other MTB's labour. So during this time, I tried to initiate breastfeeding. Took about an hr, looking at the breastfeeding book I brought along haha cos no nurse was free to teach me
when storing EBM, I will put a scotch tape on the container and then write the date, time and volume with pernament ink marker.
I'm also short and petite, so I'm always worried about BB's size. My dr always told me that our pelvic bones can expand and stretch, BB's head is also soft and can be squeeze. So you wouldnt know if your BB is too big until you give it a try.

one advice is that if you decide to go for natural, then you can consider epidural. in case if BB can't come thru and need emer c-sec. They can immediately do so with epi without any delay.
morning ladies me out from theatre LOO.Bb lucas was 2.58 kg only....mommy gained all e weight ho ho ho.so far Bb lucas healthy n a screamer unlike sister,Hayley.

lets see when's e milk coming in he he he.

ladies tks for all the jia yu ,best of luck for those awaiting mommies.

sBb 'will we meet up today in mt a,sms me ha ,good luck
Morning gals! TGIF!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Congratulations to all the mummies who have popped in the past few days
congratz to all mummies who given birth already and best wishes for the rest waiting to 'seh' ^^

happi, congratz!
Wah 3.8kg without epidual ah....

me very chicken hahaha, i asked for the epidual before the real pain come in. i worried later if really too pain but it is too late to apply epidual liao.
haha! I'm like you. scared too late for epi. and since I already 99.9% sure that I will take epi, so better take it earlier to make $$ worth!

re: EBM

for EBM i normally paste a post-it to note down the date time that i pump.

if is frozen one i will write on the frozen bag.

ya, in the admission ltr i already requested for the epidual :p

i dun want to think abt the pain.
Congrats weishy.... its was a LATEST update!!!!
have a good rest!

opt for epi... dun worry. my labour abt 4hrs.
CONGRATS - glad to hear you &amp; lucas doing well. Do post up pictures soon!

you can try using lansinoh cream - it works super well for my sore nipples.

hey gal, did you rec my email abt the box?

really envy you gals with smooth breastfeeding process - i'm still struggingly with good days and bad days..and that's with pumping/expressing.

BUT the good thing is Zachary is growing well with FM and his jaundice level is dropping quickly.

Went to PD for first time yesterday, there's bewildering choices of vacinnations and when to give to baby. BTW not all PD allow deduction via CDA.

Decided to go to PD for jabs as the PD handled Zachary very well, he didn't even cry when handled by the PD. that's a good sign compared to the doctors/nurses at the hospital &amp; polyclinic.
Congrats to weishy!

On the advice of Ah wong, i extended my usual morning walk with my dog for another 10mins cos she said i'm not walking enough. So I took doggie to buy newspaper and walked back ... took us abt 30mins.

Doggie was really dog-tired when reached home and she immediately went to rest ... hahaha .. but i must admit it's quite tiring lah, with my tummy hardening every now &amp; then. Even i had to sit for a while b4 preparing for breakfast.

This morning i tried with 3 slices of white bread with peanut butter + kopi-o with sugar. took my reading after 2 hr is 8.3 @.@

i dun know what i am going to do next, i have to go back of OGTT in 6 wks time after my deliver date.
Hi Kikilala,

Ya on the 4th n 5th days i used electric pump to stimulate but after tat i tried latching my gal on every 3 hrs to suckle..i dunno how much she has drank also lor..

Like Reira stated those drinks to take..my CL gave me all tat to take daily leh but my ss still low :-( later i try both liao..pump n latch and c if ss increase or not... Bf is not as neasy as abc lor..i really envy u all who has the ss leh...

Mmmm .. maybe not so fast hor ... i remembered the last time, i cleared it after a few weeks. No choice .. still have to ren.
Hi mummies

Sorry for interrupting. I’m an April 2009 Mummy.

I have a used Medela Mini Electric Plus for sale. This set was bought at Robinsons, warranty till Dec 2009. A BN new is retailing at over $300!


This compact breastpump provides the convenience of double pumping. Ideal for expressing breastmilk occasionally when at home or on the go.
• Single or double pumping
• Full range adjustable vacuum
• Gentle and efficient expression
• Electric or battery use

Have been using for the past 3 months only.
My own review of the set:
• get good suction
• managed to get very good supply from it
• double pumping really cuts down on the time needed to express, which is essential when the baby may be fussing!

Also thrown in for FREE:

Comfort Breastshield (also shown in the pic) x2 (original retail price is over $30 each)
For higher comfort while pumping.
• Close simulation of baby's sucking movements
• Made of soft silicone
• Massage effect

Bought an extra set so that I wouldn’t need to keep washing! Time saving! Can wash 2 sets at once. Very good if you intend to continue pumping whilst back at work and you don’t have a place to wash.

Selling for $170. Price negotiable. Pick up at Vivo/ Holland/ Raffles Pl.
I want to deal quick as I am going back to work in a week.
congrats to all mommies who already delivered.
i hope i can be next..
hee even though i hvnt had any sign.. jus only on/off hardening..

by e way i cfm with another massage lady le, hope she wont put me plane like e previous one..
thanks all who provide me with the contacts.
Hi Mummies,
I am from Nov thread. Have been reading the post to learn from mummies here. I just want to encourage mummies here to persevere on breastfeeding. I was having a very hard time with supply when I had my 1st child. Despite of what my mil tells me that supply is low I worked very hard. I was under a lot of pressure and was worried due to lack of knowledge on bfeeding and taking care of baby. After one month, I was able to fully bfeed my daughter.

I would like to recommend 2 books that is very good. To better prepare me this time, I am reading them now and wish I'd read them in preperation for my 1st child:

The New Contented Baby Book by Gina Ford

Breastfeeding Made Simple by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC

All the best!

oh, still need to wait for a few weeks ah, this could be the reason why they only want me to go back for OGTT 6 wks later.
dear all,

i have delivered too

my son weighing 3.7kg arrived at 9plus pm last nite natural delivery with forcep help.

Had a long labour process:
- checked in to TMC at 5.30am due to painful contractions at4pm at home. cannot continue to sleep at all.
- started on epiduaral at 8am and dilation was 3cm.
- gynae came to chk dilation at noon time, not really dilated 5cm.
- then 3pm, chk..dilation still slow.
- 4pm, finished 1st bottle of epidural, nurse top up 2nd dose of epidural.
- 8pm, dilation was 8 to 9cm. midwife helped me to do some pushing to speed up dilation.
- 9pm, gynae finally came to help, and used forceps to help me deliver.

Overall, it was a super numb process, lay on bed since 6plus in the morning, until 9plus at nite.
Not allowed to eat...so hungry, no strength to push..only drank 2 cups of milo and some sips of water while waiting to dilate.

- then i now at TMC. the lower part and stitches part is still VERY SORE. whole back and buttocks still numb.
happi *salute* to you.
i wish i can tahan without epi too..
my 1st child i gave up half-way and beg for epi..
I hope this time i can pull through hehe..

hey mummies when you having contractions or when the tummy hardens up the bb moves.. is it contractions or becos of bb movement? i am due on 28 aug.. but i have been having this on-off pain since last nite. can someone advise me?
<font color="aa00aa">congrats happi!!</font>
sorry missed out ur post...wow, 3.8kg without epi!
how did u do it??
hope i can do it too....

<font color="aa00aa">yen2008, congrats too!
you are in week 36 ordei?
im in week 37 now.. Today is my full term. i dun know if this is false alarm as my 1st experience was 7YRS ago.. all forgotten oredi.. i am so nervous.. any idea how should i count the contraction?
Congrats to yen


Today just reached week 36. In fact, yest evening I sort of had a false alarm. Tummy tightened, with BB moving, every 5min.. lasted for nearly half an hour. Panicked for a while!

The gals here were saying count contractions from the time it starts.. for eg, if it hurts at 500, stops at 502, starts again at 515,...

then u shd count as 500, 515 etc. I also not sure, coz me first time, lagi blur :p
congratulation to all mummies delivered!

hi all mummies,
i'm very new to the thread but previously was in 2007 thread. bcos of my busy work schedule, managing with pregnacy and my gal so din chance in till now. my edd is 22 Aug so now in my week 37. waiting for the d-day to come. this is my #2 bb gal. My elder one is 2yos- an overdue induced bb.

hi cheryl,
i was like you when i had #1. ended up with fm.

but this time, i very persistent (maybe will give in later on, dunno hee), i bought the ferngreeks pill from GNC, teabags from bp to increase milk supply and is going to get the pills from gynae when i delivered and also plan to drink tons of fish soup, black bean soup. please avoid pig liver. told will decrease milk supply. jia you jia you. i think we need many encouragement from family to be successful. i was told can mix the bm with fm if u dun have much supply but bb is hungry.

before u pump, can drink some hot milo, use warm/hot towels to massage and going to get the massage lady to help as well. seem like i very well prepare hor...haiz dunno will i succeed or not. still early to say. heee
salute u for 3.8kg bb w/o epi. i can't do it like u...this is for sure. i am goin to take epi before the pain kicks in. i know my bb is going to be big manz knowing at week 37, bb is 3.1kg now.

congrats yen!!!
Hello mummies
Congrats to all who have delivered

I am like u, still struggling with breastfeeding. I also have good and bad days with latching and pumping. Think Joshua already prefer the teat. Also he is a screamer and will cry &amp; scream very loud as my milk flow is slow. I tried pumping more, some times can get 90ml, sometimes 50 or 30ml even. I will continue trying but think I may give in to total FM soon......
hi all mummies,

I will be having my c-sect on 9 Aug, 2pm as baby's weight already 3.5kg as per U/S last evening. And I still have 2 weeks to full term.
Only 5 days and baby gained weight fm 3.1kg to 3.5kg. Haizz...

Very excited, anxious and scared now..
Wow .... dat's quite fast &amp; alot your bb is gaining! What have u been feeding him?

How did your westie take to joshua? Did u introduce them outside?
When I first reach home from the hospital, I give my westie a toy. Then I let him smell joshua. After that ok already. But sometimes I think he felt left out, cos I have no time to sayang him like before.... Really feel bad, but Joshua is taking up all my time. U going to prepare a toy for coalie?
