(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

baby s,

Hahaha .. ya lor .. the tummy is really in the way. I tried to hold my tummy but without much success oso .. only managed to wax the top part, and i was already perspiring like hell liao.
dun know how he will handle...up to him...
cos it's him who is going to take care and my #1 is a daddy's ger...
everytime will papa papa...so no way he can escape from my ger...
but i think he will look after #1 ...
cos nowadays after i reach home i just "stone" there and let him handle my ger...
only come to changing diaper or wipe her, i will be doing...
otherwise all the rest he will do lor...

hmmm,yesterday night he made a remark to my mil(cos mil going to visit my niece)...
he told her he can't handle sil's #1 but able to handle the bb and our #1...
i can imagine..

that day i had an itch below my belly button.. at the base of the tummy there.. wah lau, just trying to lift tummy up, to see etc, got me breathless ah!!! ahhahha... gave up, just continue scratching and dont bother liao. haha
same can't even see below w/o a mirror...

my gynae even remark during my appt that i have a tummy which look like i am going to go into labour anytime ...
hey gals

read somewhere that fisherprice having sale tomorrow at lok yang - can anyone verify this info?

heard that whenever they have sale, is worth while to go...cos prices up to 70% less..thinking to get a jumperoo or a bouncer. anyone keen to go together?
Confinement lady -- is anyone looking for a CL or you know anyone who might be? I know one that comes highly recommended, with excellent cooking skills. $1900. I've already got a CL, so thot I'll check if anyone needs one. PM for the contacts. Thanks!
Thanks for the advice. I think I will probably end up with PISA given that the suction is stronger and I am not sure what my production will be after delivery
Morming everyone!


I got the top liao. Thanks a lot for helping me buy & then posting over. But.. very sad.. it's a bit small for me. I under-estimated my bah-bahness when I bot it. Sigh..


The antenatal classes also kena cancelled? Wah, sian leh. Luckily the TMC antenetal classes are still on-going.
The itch you have may be cos the skin is stretching. If possible, apply some cream or oils to relieve the itch and hopefully reduce stretch marks.
I had a lot of problems recently with severe itching of the belly. Changed my belly cream to a super-rich one and now no more problems.
jul, thats what they told me. the whole aqua fitness program cancelled and the antenatal classes too..

my classes are at Mt A, heng never cancel also..
usually, these kind of warehouse sale is by handouts...
unless got mummies working around there then maybe they can verifiy?

Jialat if the antenatal classes kena cancelled hor? How to last min find a class, esp if someone is already in 3rd tri?
re : Breast Pumps

I am thinking that b/w PISA & Freestyle, I will get Freestyle. Coz I will need to bring it ard, & Freestyle is half the weight of the PISA. Plus, if I buy from US spree, the Freestyle wun need a transformer.

Anyone knows how light & portable the Ameda Lactaline is? Thinking whether shd get that since it's like so much cheaper.
Yen, it was a bump, so was trying to see if it was a mossie bite or not.. =) gave up..

stretch marks wise, i dont really bother, cos i already have alot b4 i preggie... heee...

going to see dr and see baby tonight, hopefully she's gained weight till a healthy weight.. (dont waste my durian effort..)
how u all count the weeks that u r in now?

from the LMP or 2 wks after LMP(cos of conception)?

if from LMP then i am offically in the last trimester liao...
<font size="+2">JUST TO SHARE: KIDZLOFT 50% for pregnant mummies</font> Just have to print out the voucher.

Thanks for helping to check out the reason for the numbness. Yday while Im abt to sleep, the numbness feeling was kinda distracting that I have difficulty sleeping.

Im at 28 week now, 3rd trimester ?
Must check if the mirror gets cracked/blurred easily.
Some plastic mirrors, after a while, become very blur. Just like the plastic mirror on the Haenim play yard. But I think Daiso can get the replacement mirror sticker.

U are welcome.

thks for the tip. will check it out.

either go for the fisherprice toy fair or the kidzloft to have a look at similar type of toy.

reading gymboree 'play' book...seems like mirrors is a good way for babies to 'interact' with faces - their own faces.

re: KKH antenatal class
they resume the classes last week when the alert went down to yellow.
<font size="+2">Papaya fish soup recipe</font>
From this website: http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/milkrecipes.html

1 white fish tail or fish bones or fish meat ~ about 1kg
100g raw peanuts ~ 1 handful?
(I use black beans now because the pediatrician advised me to avoid peanuts due to my baby's mild eczema)
1 raw or half-ripe papaya, about 1kg - cut into cubes/wedges
1 piece tangerine peel
4 slices old ginger
1.5litres boiling water
2 Tablespoons oil

Heat oil &amp; fry ginger slices, then fry fish in oil until brown.

Then put all ingredients into the slow cooker and simmer for about 2 to 3 hrs - generally until the soup smells really fragrant.

Then enjoy the drink!
argghh i work ard there... goes to the canteen besides it for lunch sometimes..

but thing is boss is ard this week... dun expect the director to help to carry 2 heavy weight rockers back to office
and if i go frm home, it soo far from sengkang..
