(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

u ladies talk abt going out alone with bb.... hmmmm..makes me wonder.. if i can sling 2 at a time?
so.. means.. either bring 1 out at a time.. or muz drive liao lor.

haha.. tas, u really did arh? but ok bah, she oso din mention the price.. so it's ok to tell her (n rest in advance) hw much outside selling nw.

btw tas.. u decided on the pump le mah? the latest brand u were saying.. izit ameda or something?
TAgging of baby:i was thinking to use my own recievign blanket and ask the nurses to use it,maybe bright red one kakakakak cos whenu look thru the glass.....all babies looked the same

Tired her during my 1st pregnancies. Find her not bad. It all depend in individual preference. Had booked her again for 2nd baby.

Yes PM is to your email but u have not activated it. So u can PM me so that I can provide u the no....
SL, piggytoh:

just finish 1st portion of the "tong xin fen"...later going to eat the 2nd portion...
cos scare bb reject if eat too much at 1 go...

settle my cravings for nachos on friday by getting the GV 1...
but the cheese is not that cheesey at all cos think they add water to it...

but i am still craving for the trotters...
At my current state (close to 19 weeks), sometimes i have difficulty managing my laptop, handbag and getting off the bus. So, i wonder if i will be going out alone with the baby and stroller.
nope but he goin for some training for 6mth n will be leavin either nex mth or May.. so when he is back baby alr 2-3mth old... so i be alone...

wow ice-cream!!!!! i still had some yogurt ice-cream at home goin to eat them tonight keke...

Me also craving for durian leh. Ate it last week feel like eating it again. But worry will put on weight leh...


Had PM u the contact no....
My durians have arrived! It's cat mountain king ! Have to control though....cannot eat too much.

I see. My dh travels a lot for work too....I always feel sian when he not around.

U are most welcome.


U don't accept PM. U can PM and and will provide u. Yes had booked her since Feb. Cos her schedule is normally quite pack. So is best to book early. Cos her price is quite reasonable compare to the rest I have heard.

hope you're feeling better. Yah, managed to get the daytripper. They're going to deliver to my place this Fri.

Good for u. Maybe the spammer bought from OG and then resell it at a higher price for a profit?

Yes, they have but not sure what exactly they're selling. I got a flyer with a $5 discount for members if spend >$30.
tas.. u reckon it's good n more value for money huh?

im a super idiot on doing such research de.. plus, seriously no relatives or frens who recently like use any of such gadgets.. hmmm.. paiseh.. so tap on yur research n all. heee~
congrats on knowing the gender.

i have nightmares in most dreams, couple of times, i dreamt that someone shot me in my heart and I was dead. :S

i'm also carrying my laptop and handbag to work and sometimes really hard to manage up and down the bus/train.
saw my msn???
a mummy recommended this pump to me.. after i research, i found this to be cheap n good

yeah i get all the weird nightmares too..
my HB travel 3-4time a yr las time so i quite used to it but this time round longest 6mth lor worse rite.. sigh.. he quite sad cant witness his baby born but cant be help

carseats are definitely necc if you're driving. Coz it will protect your bb if you have an accident. Never leave to chance or compromise their safety.
Hi everyone,

I'm on mc today.. My toothache is back.. Sigh! There is no decay but i dont know why my gums are inflammed.. My GP doesnt allow me to go to the dentist as well.. I must tolerate till aug.. Tried to gaggle with salt water after every meal.. Luckily the pain subside...
hi Mashy,
is there any car seats that you will recommend. Frankly there are quite a few options in the market and i really wonder which one is good.

Hi Joeey,
totally hate the morning crowd at the train station/bus stop. people around me fail to notice my existence. guess will have to live with it. usually i will wait for most people to get in first before i board the bus/train.
Oh no... toothache is quite difficult to endure.
If there's no decay then could be due to heatiness? For me if body too heaty, my gums will be swollen one.
Have a good rest.

there's a few reputable ones ard such as britax (safe n sound), maxi cosi and graco. Most importantly ask where they're made in. There's quite a few cheap ones that're made in china which frankly i don't really trust. Price should be at least $200. Taka was just selling a made in Aust Safe n Sound model over the weekend. nOt sure if it's still on sale at $189. That's a convertible and can sit from infant till 4yrs old.

I had received your PM and had replied to above mentioned email address.


Is it too heaty? Sometime too heaty will also have toothache. Tired drinking more water.


I'm using the maxi-cosi car seat. Find it quite gd and v quite safety.

Singaporean is liked that. I alway face the problem in the train. When ppl saw me they will faster shut their eyes. Can't stand it but what to do.
thanks for your recommendation on the car seats. may i ask if anyone will be putting 2 car seats in the car ?

yah, me. Just bought a safety first carseat that can sit till 36kg for my boy. His current safe n sound one will be given to bb. Going to be tight but no choice.
mi... i will be putting 2 car seats.. coz #1 still too small..

dentist visit are okay.. jsut need to tell them u r preggy...
my gums oso recently abit sore.. ya.. muz b too heaty... my lips oso peeling.. so buey lun..ystrday went to those liang cha shop n bought a bottle of ginseng ju hua. (the auntie at counter say it's ok to take that.. so i did)

ya.. i tot we can go dentist de? juz make sure the dentist KNOW we're preggy..
Hi everyone!

Wow forum very active. Read many pages since I joined this page hours ago.

Hi weishy, my girl is currently 21 months. Very active and wants me to carry her a lot. Guess its insecurity?

RE: Constipation
Read somewhere someone has that? Just try to make sure you dun have piles. I had piles cos everytime didn't pass all the motion out. So when I gave birth, the piles was the one that caused me to be in pain for four hours afer birth even though I had naturally birth. So pls try to prevent piles if you can.
SL:i itried activating already le.......haiz......or can send her details to em via e-mail ?????[email protected] tks tks

DURIANS:anything of it sure put on weight
over 35 mommy hv to cut down more....sugar mah

pink:aiyoooo u so lucky!!!!
I also think it's due to heatiness.. I am using this as an excuse to drink bubble tea.. Haha!!

Pink, Even doctor Chew dont allow me to go to the dentist.. He told me to take painkiller if pain gets very bad.. Sigh.. No choice.. I must tahan for the time being..

I cannot tahan the taste of mouthwash nowadays.. Think i will stick to salt water gaggle for the time being..

phy, is me having constipation..i guess i hv piles also lo..cos on & off if my stools is hard i will bleed de..but so far yest was the worst experience i had.
