(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

agreed.. that time i 36wks.. SQ dun let me fly though their webbie say can take til 38 weeks.. my dr cleared me even.. sigh...

eeeks.. i dare not hv bb inflight siah.. the pain n no dr! OMG

can help mi test out the forum and tell me what u wan?
reira hb helped to create the folders n stuff liao (THANKS REIRA N HUBBY)

T_T nope. only the one i want increased price. anyway, usd is going up. now $1.59 le...

you are welcome :D

for the forum, is it like page cannot be found or u cannot see the content? cos only registered member can see only.
Taslyn:cannot go into the website le.....

HUAXIA:humm been there and done tat...dun like the place....cos actually we just need to buy the ring float and maybe got o soem friend's condo pool
choose late afternnon.....not too hot and nto cold too for our babies

cos i feel their service is too ex and super china style le.....

zen:massage~sure we can i massage throughout my last pregnancy and even now(body and foot) just need to go to ones that do pre natal massage (alot does it in sin btu not hkg though )

HONEY 4 Babies:ya best is after one or 2 la....can cause sensitivity

BabyS:aiyooooo pls rest ar my friend

STRETCH MARKS:me dun hv le.....like wat TASlyn say.......its in the genes la

fjm:heeee think maybe me the oldest here le........35 loooooo
hey ladies..i just "woke up"..going for my detailed scan in less than 2hrs time..didnt slp much last night,guess i was too excited..haha..pray for me ya?

Btw,bb some sort of did a somersault in my tummy last night in its most active timing around 2am plus when i was half asleep and got me all woken up cos the movement felt like my whole tummy turned to 1 side! I was lying on my right side and bb went up to my left side!made my tummy lop sided..i scream a little and hubby tot wad happen n i ask him to put his hand to my tummy,but bb went back into hiding..lol...

Dun be sad, I think we're the same age lah. Haha I also got the pink & gold ones. But my clcium pills are round & light pink in colour. Sigh.. just popped 3. Later gotta take my cough syrup too.
Tas, if you need help with forum, let me know. I and a couple of friends used to run a forum called teaching your children chinese.
I hate taking 3 calcium , 1 iron and 1 DHA supplement everyday... makes me gag !!
My girl is 3 years old . ya , me and my hubby are consider young as parents. but young also means no $$ . hahaha
JUL:aiyaaaaaa too bad closed already......me wanted some stuffs from there
.....if organised again let me know can tks tks

Taslyn:already registered la

i saw dr liao... did v examination and scan.. baby was ok, moving.. the v check was ok, he didnt see any bleeding... but hor.. the v check very painful!!! he put that spectrum in (for pap smear that kind) then he open it up gently.. but still painful!! i kept lifting my butt up in pain but nurse keep pushing hip down.. hahaha...

I asked if this is what i will experience during VE during labour, dr and nurse both say yes... but my dr considered very gentle liao.. haha..

Dr says the placenta is low, but nothing to be worried about now, its low as in most pple at my stage have lower placenta, it will travel up soon..

Taslyn, u throw the brick ah, must still be careful... wait suay suay hit a guy with rare blood, then he got head injury, bleed so much need blood transfusion but dont have cos so rare!!! hahaha.....

Yeah I went to check the email. Will reply u later. But hor, dunno why the brown swimsuit I was interested in seems to have disappeared! I will look again..

U can still try to place order. Coz she might have a 3rd batch if there's demand. But hor, I think she has a spree every 2 days or so one. The last time I wanted to take part but closed, then 2 days later got another Old Navy spree.

U keep a lookout lah, very fast one.
too...i also sign up for the forum already...

me now at my place that's why can access to internet...kekeke...

anyone wanna add me to facebook?
[email protected]

i am not a nurse lol...
i am just a normal office worker...
but i am interested in all the first aid things (except the "cutting up") cos i am a St john member in my sec school times...
Jul: What helper? the part time help?didnt get.... we will try to ride it out and save the money.. haha..

CLoudme: i'm going to add u to my facebook ok?

Aiyoh i am so angry with OCBC now.. i have those monthly savings account and i accidentally transferred from my savings to that account.. meant to transfer to someone else's account..

I couldnt transfer back over the atm, cannot wihdraw, internet transfer also cannot. I called OCBC, they coldly told me cannot withdraw if not i lose ALL my interest on whatever amount i have in the account (not the amount that i just transferred)..

My own mistake, my own money and my own account.. true human error. And i am not allowed to rectify it.. and kena penalized some more..

OCBC also as stiff as a stick when it comes to other policies.. eg, ask them to deduct payment at certain time, like when pay comes in... they say cannot. BUt all the other banks can!!!

So disappointed with OCBC now man... so angry!!
Went for my check up today... baby is fine.. =)
Gynae will make arrangement for my FA scan during the next visit... He told hubby that i might be having a baby boy... Dont know how true.. Haha!
Harlo gals..

glad tt everything is ok..

i went for my check up this morning.. everything is fine will be doin my FA on 6/4 cant wait manz...
btw my gynae say 99.99percent mine is a Prince!!!! yippee so happy can see the birdie v clearly keke..
Pink, i nv ask abt the gender coz i'm ok with girl/boy.. But Dr Chew told me hubby might be a boy.. I will do the scan in early April too... What abt u? U know how much will it cost? I forgot to ask the nurse just now..
thanks hahah got a shock actually cos pp ard me all tel me got hunch mine is a gal so sort of expectin a gal liao so when my gynae show me the stickin out birdie i was v surprise

btw the chinese prediction calendar say gal also...
Actually he said the genetic scan that I did earlier this week is detailed enough so is not necessary for me to do the FA if I don't want too. But I kiasu so decided that I will do another genetic scan, which the other doctor suggest to do at wk 22. I think the normal FA scan shld cost ard $200? U can check with the nurse or call the xray dept direct.
congrats piggytoh & jermaine on yr princes.

u gals are making me gan jiong. i've to wait till 27th mar for my detailed scan. by then confirmed will know the gender liao hor?
hey piggy, thanks.. =)

wah, two more potential boys!! is anyone in this forum even expecting a girl? dont think so right?
v soon will be 27th Mar

now i cant wait for my detailed scan in Apr worse...

keke i tink usu boy can confirm earlier maybe upcomin 1 mostly gal? i remember ther r 1 gal expectin gal but cant remember who..
hi mummies,
wld like to join in too. i'm expecting my no. 2....in aug too. Likely to be a gal coz can't see the "brother". keke....
Hi ladies

Baby S, are you feeling better?

I will only now gender on 9 Mar. Seem like our thread is expecting more boys than girls.

Hi Piggytoh & Jermaine

Congrats on having a prince. This thread really more prince than princess hor....

Hi ino

Welcome to this thread.
