(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

smurfy, the maid costs close to $800 a month, and all kinds of potential trouble leh... so I'd rather do the p/t maid and cook on my own.

jul, if your ILs can handle two pre-schoolers after their 3 hours in school daily, then you won't need a maid. If not, then you still need. Like mashy says, unless you send them all to CC.


actually it's harder to get gd ones these days bcoz of the shortage. More likely end up with bad ones, or have to tolerate

Er.. mine got family, got 2 kids, say wanna work for family, but still attitude. In fact for this case, it's a disadvantage coz she thinks that she did for her family also so she's very clever


I will cross the bridge when we come to it. But I think most prob need a maid one lah.
yah, all the potential problems, as if we dun have enough headaches.i oredi got a bad experience. 4maids in 1.3yrs and call back my 1st maid. if tis time after her contract ends, and she dun wanna continue, i really dun have the courage lor.

very risky leh. There's no confirmation, no acknowledgement, no voucher until 1-3 days before check in date. I don't dare try this. Later it's a scam.
WA.. that is real bad right for the maid issues?
My parents is divorced so, left my bb with my almost 60yrs old mum. And somemore at 2008 she has a major ops and after that her health is not so good liao le. But im still keeping optimistic mind abt maids.
We kw one friend, he also single dad but crazy guy, always scold ppl one, than the maid work for him 8 years. Alamak..
And yearly he gave her go back Indonesia and he pay too la.
If maid wants to go back, not their $$ ma?
Joyful: i saw that too but dare not lah. Totally based on trust. Think never heard of the sellers name b4. And really how she get such deals and can see online.
I'm also tempted to get the hotel tics but abit suspicious .... shld i shld i not?

Actually my hubs share your point as he's the only child. And there was once i wanted to change my mind and hv a #2 when i watched a HK drama abt the son emigrating to other country and din bother his mum anymore. Lucky she has another daughter by her side. I actually thot wat i wld do if i were her and contemplate whether shld hv #2. But then suddenly ovann wails and i quickly banish the thought .. hahaa ... Also after hearing so many stories abt parents being abandoned by their children, whether by choice or not by choice, it's not a case of 养儿防老 already. Of cos there are so many filial children but it's sort of, hard to 'guarentee' :p

Hiaz .. so if hubby or someone can convince me or brainwash me, i might hv a #2
Hi mummies,
Anyone has Huggies pink stamps to sell or give away? Need some for redemption...pls PM me. Thank u!

Hi Donkeymami,
The gender is a secret..will know on bb's birthday :p

I m goin to book e rws package for my hub's bday cum our 5th anniversary..

After readin someone review on e thread, tink I m more convinced..

hahaha, I had #2 so that they can play with each other and stop bothering me! :p now the 2 will really entertain themselves together, whether chasing each other in the tunnel or playing trains. They hit each other a few times too. But ya, I think having 2 is better than one. Just yesterday, my boy pressed the wrong button on the tv remote and there's fuzz on the tv. I told him oh no, u spoilt the tv and so no more tv for u. He sadly turned and told his sis that the tv is spoilt softly. So cute to see them having a conversation.
pegs: or if ur husband (in bobo's explanation) jek tio and cannot get off.. hahahah..

i was talking to my colleague yesterday who has 4 children. #3 was a surprise.. #4 was a even greater surprise! but someone was telling her, maybe it was good that she had #4 so can be #3 companion cos her 1st two are much older and may not be a good playmate for #3... quite true..
hi ladies!!!
hw are everyone today? hehe... i temporary finish my work liao le. later afternoon than work again.
HI all,
long time dint login here..hows everyone??
PJ! u preggy?? sorry i just read then find out! i am abit late but still..congrats!!
Jul..congrats too!!!
I grew up with two siblings and even though we fought and quarrel a lot when we are younger, we're closer now that everyone's grown up.

Your story about the HK show reminds me that having a daughter is better than a son these days. Correct me if I'm wrong but most daughters are more filial to their parents and also closer to their mom as opposed to the older generation's thinking that daughters are "thrown out water". I can say that for my brother and hubby as both seems to take their parents for granted.

I also hope to have a #2. But can only start planning after 5 months due to the recent op. But if it's next year, dragon baby will face more competition in school and work subsequently.
hi all... hw's everyone?

im back to work today..on leave the past 3 days for the sam seng's start in CC. when there are fun..they're ok.. but they still cry darn badly this mrng when we left. im taking half-day, breaking into 2 aftnns (today n tmr)..so will leave abt 4pm to pick them.

sweetmama:: my girls dun sleep on pillow, so i bought extra pair of bolsters for them in cc.

yen:: bahahha.. dat wld most prolly be us u saw frm the train.. wah.. good sighting u hv arh! lol~ my girls enjoy watching the trains go by.. n good ting the track is juz near the cc. smtime familiar to them to keep them entertained!

babys:: yr way of describing yr delivery of Shayna is funny la... stretched beyond the way it was designed to... lol~

kiki/babys:: errrh.. actually i tot letting the helper eat in foodcourt while the emp'er eat in restaurant is not so nice. i mean.... but of cos, if u hv nasty gian perng maid..den suan le, ask her cook instant noodle at hm bah. haha.

re: 养儿防老
seems like in today's era... it's more like.. "你送我进幼儿园,我送你进老人院!"
looks like your girls r coping well in cc.
at least they hv each other, so not totally new environment with all strangers.

i wont ask the maid to go eat at food court also but I know a friend does that. our helper very good at ordering now, but quite 自动 lah, dont dare to order very expensive set.
kiki:: not really arh.. mrng they still shout n scream very loud....n esp when 1 start..the other will follow!!!! dat's double the trouble! hahaha. they still not taking much food leh..esp Mattea. they dun like the bfast there. lunch eating more gradually.. ystrday they finished the tea-break (porridge... smting familiar to them..but duno y..tea-break oso so heavy de?.. prolly the portion is smaller bah!).

re:: maid eating out tog
we oso normally let her choose her own food frm the menu..n she oso norm quite 自动, cheapest or reasonable priced de. if she doesnt understand the menu, then we will help her choose.

n we norm eat together.. or ask her to eat first. even with frens eating out...but i noe she oso paiseh la..cos i can see smtimes like those chinese shared dishes de..she paiseh to take herself.. smtimes we hfta keep asking her to help herself..or even dish for her.. but if to 'nag' at her to help herself until dish for her..is norm abit angry liao! LOL~ muz call so many times. kns!!
if only have #1, then no need voting to sending parents to 老人院. he decide on his own can already.
with #2, #3... then need to get all to vote for. so unless all your kids hate you if not yah still some hope!
for the shared dishes or even at home, my mum will put aside some food on a small dish for the helper. the helper always paisay to eat with us and eat so little, later she faint from hunger. haha! also not nice to let her eat our left-overs...
then again nowadays some foodcourts have indo or Philippines stall, so i think they will be quite happy to have 家乡菜, instead of restaurant chinese/jap food. haha!
Good for you, one girl, one boy. That's many peoples ideal I believe.

Interesting article that having two girls will have a more harmonious house

Need help
My girl has been rejecting her milk in the morning and I'm getting worried. I typically make a bottle of 120ml for her in the morning. She either takes forever to drink or just plain uninterested and drink about 50-80ml. For the rest of the day, she's given 150ml before nap time and 210ml before bed time. Read that for 20mths, recommended intake is around 480ml.

But good thing is she eats well in school and at home. But wondering if she's getting enough nutrients. A friend suggested I change FM. But doubt that's the reason as she has no problem drinking at night.

Oh anyone stopped giving milk in a bottle already? What are the other options, sippy cup?
Re : Having Daughters

Have you all heard about such thing?
Question : 男的nu 的?
Answer : 长大就是ni的

This is an answer I heard from my friend. Haha.. very funny right?
My colleagues also said girl better. Girl got more parents hearts.

Fatbobo :
now ur kids got cc and got maid than very xiong wor..
But yr maid like quite zhi tong. So quite alright lor.
The genting deal looks good. No breakfast also nvm lah. Its like a army canteen. Food cooked in masses and dining hall is a big big hall.
my boy is drinking milk from the magmag straw top in the morning and afternoon. take quite long also, sometimes I will just let him drink straight from a cup as its faster
my boy still drinks milk from the bottle.
he only drinks water from either mag mag or cup.
the first time he used cup, he pour all over his body cos quite fun. now at least he drink it without getting himself wet
my boy is very playful, if I give him milk in a cup it will be very messy as he insist on holding it himself. since his daddy showed him how to "pui" water out during brushing teeth, he had been holding the milk in his mouth and "pui" back into the cup!
bobo: good to hear that your gals are adapting themselves to the cc. How's the peak hr traffic ard IBP in the am & evening?

kiki: ur boy so cute, know how to spit water out. my boy everythg swallow. duuno how much toothpaste he eaten, although we use a pea-size everytime. btw, can give us the taobao links again? Thanks :p

speaking of genting, I am going tmw , morning flight..Yeah! Very suaku, my last trip there is maciam 7-8 yrs back. Is the weather very COLD? will a cardigan be enough for me huh?
Ha that's a good one!

I also tried giving her milk in a magmag with straw but she also drinks very slowly. If I give her in a cup, usually have to hold for her coz worried she will spill and wet her uniform in the morning.

Have read that should encourage them to stop drinking in a bottle as they approach two years old. Guess not a problem for day time milk but how about milk before bed time? Till now my daughter needs a bottle of milk before sleeping.

When are u planning to go Genting?
Yen, when i went in mid march it was not cold, even at night out in the open.. We put on our jacket (that we use in aircon room in sg), sweat ah!

just a pair of jeans/ long pants, t shirt and a jacket will be enuf.
Haha.. my boy already pass that phase of pui pui back to cup.
He only pui when he wants to play the water. Or he pui when he accidently tasted the LU YI YOU.

But he still cant brush his teeth yet. Haha..
but he likes us to brush his tongue, don kw why.

I think they will pass the phase ba.
My son still drinking from bottle.
When he sees milk, he will laugh laugh, or sai jiao and eh eh eh, he will hold my hand to walk to room and climb up the bed and auto lie back. Haha..
BabyS: thanks for your advice. Ya, i dun wan to overload my luggage with those thick clothing. Tiger Air charge $25 or duuno $40 for one piece of check-in luggage *heart-pain*
I rather hand-carry my luggage.
I wanted to get more puzzles for ovann but hubby stopped me cos he said alot of the pcs are either chewed by my dog or being thrown out of the window! He's got abt 5 sets at home and none are a complete set.

Haha .. u confirmed the package already? I'm tempted to get the MBS stay but there's no indication which dates wld cost $270 or $320.

baby s,
When u went HK last year, which hotel did u stay? Now my year end korea trip is called off cos hubby said it's quite difficult to go with tour group with a tot. So we might change to HK instead. So now looking out for hotels that are really near the MTR.
We stayed at park hotel last yr. They refurbished all the rooms so very comfortable now. I stayed at prudential the yr b4. A bit more ex (i use credit card points to claim) but i love the convenience cos there a escalator all the way down to mtr station. If rain no worries. And right along the main road. Even to take bus to airport also very convenient, just cross road to bus stop opposite, direct bus.
Let me ask my husband which hotels r convenient and good price wise. He may have a spreadsheet for this. Hahah.
Pegsfur: u can consider prudential hotel. It's linked to the mtr via a shopping mall, but the shoppin mall quite lok-cok. But at least if it rains, take that route, wun Kenna rain. If normal weather, u walk out , it's faster to walk to mtr station via the main door leading to roadside.

LTNC! Thanks


Er.. I thought 450ml is recommended? But seriously, if Sophie's eating well, drinking not that little milk, shd be ok. You can give cheese, yoghurt etc to replace the milk if she doesn't want. Or how abt giving milk with her breakfast insetad of water/juice?


Spreadsheet for HK hotels??? *impressed*
Car Seats

Wanna ask mummies who have 2 kids on what arrangement do you do for car seats?

<font color="0000ff">Option 1</font>
I was thinking of getting an infant car seat that can take up to abt 9 mths, then upgrade Sam to a booster seat &amp; let The Bun take over Sam's present car seat. But not sure if Sam can manage to grow enough in time to be upgraded. And what if The Bun is another big baby &amp; outgrows the infant seat ahead of schedule?

<font color="0000ff">Option 2</font>
The other alternative is to get another car seat like Sam's for The Bun. Then when Sam is old enough, upgrade him to the booster seat &amp; thrash the car seat. But this would be more expensive than Option 1 right?

What's the min for booster seat - weight or age? And max for infant seat - weight or age?

And how do we disable the airbag for the front passenger seat? Just send to the agent?
Mrng ladies!

PJPJ, orh it's a secret then you update us again aft u delivered bah

I still remembered dolce tat time also keep bb's gender as secret right?

Jul, your "The Bun" make me laugh lolz
now my boy hate his car seat(dunno is it too hot for him)...so recently got a booster seat... and he is fine with it so far(crossing fingers)...

my girl is still not up to the recommended height for booster seat but we also let her seat in booster...

another mummy i know got 2 car seats instead...

as for airbag in passenger seat...sorry my car doesn't come with it in the first place...
so can't help with your question..
but i dun let my boy seat in the front cos he will play with the gear, hand brake etc...
very dangerous lor

that time i was asking if anyone want my infant seat...cos i wanna give away bcos ah boy outgrow it...
but no one reply so we throw it away...(aiyo...otherwise could have given it to you if u dun mind.. hahaha)

it's still in very good condition for the bb altho it's a 2nd hand item given my hub's friend...
