(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

have you confirm the caterer? I check out a caterer can waive off delivery charges if hit minimum qty.


If you order for 50 pax it will be free delivery and its less than $500 too! U can use the extra $$ to buy other stuffs...

I saw it when I was surfing for my own bbq caterer.
thank you for all the coordination work for the National day bash!

I dun understand...even maid who are renewing also kena?
nope we haven confirm caterer we chose gd luck cos the food is nice
can waive delivery charge 1 I know a few too but food not nice...
Thanks for your concern ladies. Sophie still having on off fever and looks like blisters in her mouth are re- appearing so no appetite. But when I had macaroni this afternoon she wanted to eat, so shared with her. I guess any food better than no food.

Blessedcyn: chalet, club's function room, cc, depends on how much you want to spend and the no of guest you expect bah.

Same here, no preference for the food just looking forward to the company. Thanks to all coordinating 
piggy...can i dun wan orh nee? hehe.

celine.. liangfood sucks de... dun order frm there.

i tink donkey's suggestion is good.. s like.. get some snacks for the little ones.... prolly we dun hfta add satay or watever.. n use the excess amt to get snacks for little ones?
my boy sleeps at 11pm, wakes up at 8plus, 9plus. if i sleep wi him, he can sleep until 10am.
lazy boy.. liked mummy likes to sleep. :p
My Baby's First National Day!

Mummies, i have just sent out the info.

We got to meet at 9am..
pls bring ur kid's birth cert for redemption of Aug Babies gift.

Claire n BBnGG,
Pls sms me your number.
piggy.. sorry arh... i tink the dessert..order those cold de? eg.. almond jelly longan or smting?

prolly can gv out anti-moz patches or those little battery operated fan for the little ones? hahaha.

arh.. joyful, hfta bring b.cert arh? photocopy de can mah?
ok can no worries... oh i agree can buy mozzie pack and gave the kiddo now many cute mozzie pad

wah 9am ah... hahah... hope i can make it in time:p time for coordinating
joyful, ok meet 9am tmr. so we jz let our kids wear our own red top & white bottom will do hor? birt cert photocopy can or not?

goodies bag
can give ball? those soft ball can play & chew de..& some rice rusks for them to eat? as we oli hv $90 for 31 babies.

piggy, the one liz gave on alethea bday is good le
oh i din get tt ball wor cos i left early... if wan i can check with her....

btw for goin to stage both parents go up together or only 1 required? btw which Mr GOh huh?? :p
oh cos i left slightly early :p ya i saw from the pic v cute i tink Kyler will like... maybe if the rest of the gal ok i will check with her..
GOH = Guest of Honour

Guest of Honour for the event is
Dr Ng Eng Hen
Minister for Education, Second Minister
Defence and Deputy Leader of the House

ehz.. i tink is both parents go together since u are sitting together ler mah.. family pix looks nicer anyway. haha, tml can ask Serene (organiser) during the briefing..
morning mummies...

i am so happy cos shayna finally said papa and mama last night!!

its the sweetest thing i've ever heard.... heee...

see you ladies at 9am tmrw!
lol ok ok i misunderstood hee.. ya family nicer cos i thot i can stay behind n take pic haha nvm i ask my BIL take for me...
Gosh .. finally finished my slides ...! So happy that i could finally sleep early last nite, since i'm sick.

In the end i used another software, cos i can't seem to convert the slides in picasa to DVD, and i dun hv a lappie, so can't bring any there. Hope everything goes well this sunday

Btw, how early did u arrive to do the set up? The party's at 1, was thinking of going there at 12 since we din need any deco, just wait for the balloons to arrive as i'm gonna put them free floating in the restaurant.

Baby S,
Hahaa .. u must have been very happy when u heard that
Ovann very cheeky de .. when asked to say papa, he will say mama. And ask him to say mama, he will say papa. Or worse, sometimes he will say mapa and give us a grin. *Angry*
wow.. really gona be another big event for our little ones (n us) tmr.. hooo~

ya.. 9am really early... -.-" hope my 2 little ones will be coorperative.. n yes, no pongpong for them in the mrng liao.. bueh hoo! hahaha.

joyful.. den wat is "HT" n "Ed" leh?
pegs: haha! ovann so clever, come up with mapa to satisfy u both at one shot! heee..

donkeymami: shayna used to call me "aahh mmm" hahah... only recently then occasionally hear her go "ma"...
Fatbobo, ya vy BIG event haha..abit nervous luckily hubby can on the stage wif me

BTW, remember we are not allow to wear shorts or slipper tmr..
hahahha.. joyful.. nvm la.. im sure they will say tmr de.

btw.. adults need to follow the red + white dress code mah? i dun tink my hb has white pants!!!
same here, i also dont have white bottoms.. nursing uniform only lor, but cannot zip up. hahaha..

will just wear red top and jeans.
huh? red top for parents too? i thinking to wear white polo top wif jean le..can? my red top is crew neck tee nia.

I dun thk my husband got red top too.

if all wear red top i need to buy one liao..else not nice :p
ok ok i check with her... aiyo i only got white short so thinkin of wearin short until i saw u write no short lol~

hahah ya i know got PG but no harm takin some with own cam mah cos i wanna capture all kiddo tml
Maybe after the stage we can have a group pic of all the Aug kiddo not only the 10 tt go on stage? heehee....
piggy, i thk the 1st email said no short le..i got white short too

The email said red and white is encourage tat's why i thinking to wear white wif jeans.
haha.. babyS.. ur funny!

donkey.. i tink red or white is ok bah huh? like this yr's theme.. red, white n ..wat's that? fun? or wat's the word? but i tink it's black.. anyways.. red or white is owas our colour?

my 3/4 pants can mah? else i oso dun hv white bottoms le.

oh btw... whr will the helpers sit? anywhere at the back? the rest not allocated seats de rite? as like other families who had signed up for the event?
