(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Today is the 3rd day of my menses and my acne and pimples are back - with a vengeance! Darn ...

Heard some birth control pills can treat acne rite? Anyone tried? Any side effects?

u want the bags? u pm me ur address lor..can't remember how much i bot it though..lol..only remembered i collected it myself..
Thawed milk will turn yellow if leave it outside for some time..usually around 30mins will become 'smelly' already..then he'll stop drinking! Already tried many days, and now dun dare to try cos he'll 'boycott' milk for a few hours after tasting the yucky milk
Yup..sometimes if he poo a lot i'll put some on the wet wipes to clean his butt too..somehow it's cleaner leh

hahah...yeah...trained my breast to last longer without pumping too..longest so far 8hrs..but super uncomfortable! And i find it takes a longer time to pump the same amt leh..last time takes me only 15mins per session..now around 25-30mins!!
Think i heard 1 mummy said her #1 dun want to drink BM cos it's yucky..lol..
yup i want both lansinoh & blue egg. oh! thawed milk will turn yellow ah. i thought it already taste metallic once it is thawed. wah! he boycott milk!! then bad idea to let him try.

yeah, when i use wet wipe, no yellow color. use physiObebe and the cotton ball turn yellow! oh yah about using it sparingly... sometimes i cheapo lol before bath, clean his face with it then use it to clean armpit, back of knee then add a few more drops and clean his butt hahaha... my hubby was like "OMG!! throw it away and use new one!!" when he saw it. lol

try not to so long dont pump and becareful of plugged ducts. i think the only reason why now it takes longer to pump the same amount is because some milk are turning plug ducts and slow down the flow (what happened to me during 1st few days after giving birth).

maybe u can pump before work, around lunch time, reach home and before sleep? 6 hrs interval in the day & 8 hr interval at night cos sleeping.

anyway, from what i read. the fuller ur breasts are, the slower ur breasts produce milk. good to reduce supply. http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/milkproduction.html
my boy will wake up at 3am and the next feed is 5-6am. I will try to feed him lying down but he dont drink much as I will doze off. keke
same as mine...so tiring...but mine will start at 5am then 6am, 7am and 8am...every hr once...i only feed lying down in the daytime...cos i scared at nite, i will squash him if i fall into deep sleep...hehee
i din bf my #1 so i think she kind of reject bm so i tot i can add half bm and half bm and she can't taste the different. hope she can take some of the nutrients too. *guilty*

ya lor...very uncomfortable. like carrying two big rocks. i still pump 20min sometimes 30min while surfing net. supply still enough for my small drinker. she still drinking 90-100ml per feed. gotta train breast early less pressure when back to work.
i heard the pill will cause us to put on weight. my colleague took it and she has nice complexion now but we realise she 'bloated'
oic. so not necessary to give her since solid food can give her the nutrients ...unless i have extra. anyway, thawed milk sound yucky to drink so the extra can go into my gal's stomach.
My baby rejects the bottle too - but mostly in my presence. When I m not around and she is really hungry, she will still take the bottle. I find that getting someone else other than myself to bottle feed her usually works.

I am beginning to store EBM but not much. Thawed EMB smells horrible ( did not dare to taste it) and am apprehensive about feeding my baby that. Will probably aim to give her "fresh" EBM and resort to thawed one when desperate.
hi mummies..

ylang, read about the 'white tongue' issue ur baby has.. my dauhgter also., very thick coating. and this is despite me cleaning twice a day..

recently, i wipe more often and a bit harder.. eh works leh... her tongue not as white liao.

guess must continue a few more times b4 u see results.. it took me a few days of 'harder' wiping b4 i notice the coating getting lesser.. but too hard or too far in hor..

how do i prevent blocked ducts ah? its the 2nd time in 2 weeks that i got blocked ducts(on same side) and i hate it cos it hurts!!
ylang ylang
yeah lor...will try till feb then see if should continue a not!

Felt stressed thinking about going back work lor!! Can't imagine having to wake up an hr earlier to pump and pump before i sleep..i normally need 8hrs of sleep lor! Otherwise will get super sleepy at work!

Yeah..think some ducts got blocked..used to have more 'jets'..lol
blocked ducts can be prevented by clearing the milk by latch and pump when engorge. if got blocked ducts already, use hot compress to clear.

how we will know we got block ducts?cause nowaday my gal sleep through the nite..use to latch her during the nite,now she sleep through i also long hour did not pump ,morn then pump,


i went pd for jaudice check tat time when my gal is a mth old..the pd gt give me a tube of oral medicine to clean her tongue,now slightly better but still whitish,and the medicine is finishing,unity got sell ,but i wonder should i still use it for long term,after all is still medincine i feel.


but now your problem is yr boi dont want to drink frozen ebm ,so when u go work ,how u solve this problem...cause now my supply only seem just nice for my gal ,i dont have extra to store now,day time i feed her ebm,cause i want to know how much she drink,dont know juz feel more secure to know how much she take tho she gt no problem latching,then during midnite if she got wake up then i latch,too tire to warm ebm and ect.

ya me too dont feel good if i feed my gal frozen ebm,feel like it not fresh and yucky ,and i m feeding this yucky thing to her,if really no choice,like when going back to work,hope to give her not storing more then a week ebm...i try before giving her frozen ebm for two weeks de ,seem so yucky to see her drink ,and she vomited,she seldom vomite fresh ebm,i also not sure is just qian or is the frozen emb make her puke.

same here thinking when go back work ...must work ,must pump,must take care bb ,sure very very tire,dont know can handle or not...i m alway not enough sleep ,haha even i sleep more then 8 hours last time,and my job nature require inputing of figures,if not enough sleep ,input wrong figures,wah then hoh seh already...extra zero can make great different...stress!
ylang ylang
will just have to keep in the fridge instead of the freezer! Can keep for 3 days max in the fridge mah..normally i'll just store them in the medela bottles in the fridge, at night will sterilise all my 7 feeding bottles, pour the ebm in then keep them in the fridge lor

Actually now starting to leave him at my SIL's in the afternoons already, so he'll get used to her place otherwise when i go work he'll have to stay there for 12 hrs a day lor! So when i go over, will bring 2-3 bottles of milk let her feed him

I felt so bad giving him the yucky milk also! he'll also vomit a lot after that..so now dun think will ever give him that again!

Also dunno can handle work a not..sian..somehow will be working at a new place! dunno anyone there and have to get used to the place and people..double stress!!
is this abnormal or what???

8-10 am : nap after feed at 8am
10-12pm : awake, after waking up for feed at 10am & bath at 11am
12-2pm : awake, after feed at 12pm
2-4pm : nap after feed at 2pm
4-9.45pm : awake all the way. catnapped at most total of 15min in between 2-hourly feeds, crying after feeding, giving pacifier etc
9.45pm : fell asleep after pacifier (pro too tired) only to wake screaming suddenly 5min later, with red face, arms n legs waving madly in the air
10pm-12am : extra feed of 60ml FM in between 10am n 12am feed; inconsolable crying even with carrying n pacifier
12-2am : still crying until feed at 2am, then fell asleep with pacifier
2-4am : slept till feed at 4am
4-7am : slept till feed at 7am, surprisingly 3h interval; now he's awake when norm he is napping now!

Why the long waking hours??? In the meantime, he yawns all the time as tho he's tired. But he doesn't sleep! Or is he oxyden-deprived, so he's yawning?

Why the crying??? Colic? Hunger?
My boy doesn't sleep much nowadays also! Yesterday broke record..was awake from 8am to 7pm! Only slept for maybe 1-2 hrs in between!!

My boy's 'screaming time' is from 7pm..lol..i must carry him upright with his head on my shoulder and walk around for 1 hr at least then he'll sleep!

my boy also stays awake for hours during the day and no matter what time he sleeps, he'll definitely wake up for his 2hr feeds. What I did was rented a bouncer/take-along swing and let him sleep in it during the day. The vibration/rocking effect does help to put him to sleep. You may want to rent/buy one to try.

It may be a bad habit to cultivate as your baby might not be willing to sleep by himself at night but luckily for me my boy seems to know the difference between day and night and can fall asleep by himself at night without the need of the bouncer/swing.

Anyone has employed part-time domestic helper during your confinement?

Any recommendations for helper in Sembawang area or Ang Mo Kio area? Need the person to help in washing clothes for the family (abt 4 adults + baby), ironing and mopping the house. Thanks!
kyrie, think as they grow older they actually drink less. So think your ss would definitely be enough. You plan to bf for 1 year?

Peg, i mix frozen EBM with my older girl's FM, just to sweeten a little since frozen milk has funny smell. But she likes it anyway cos as a baby she is used to drinking it. She even asked my maid where did u buy my milk huh?

Where can I find flash cards suitable for my 2mo? I tried looking for it before at Toys R Us but they don't seems to be carrying it.
gave my boy tried thawed milk once..

he struggled alittle when he was drinking after tat settled down.. i tot it was fine.. until the next feeding, his back was all covered w "sai", diarrhoea man...

now got excess EBM, wasteful to throw yet he cant take.. duno what to do.. if i dont kip up w the supply, scare no milk when go back work oso.. sianz...
when I went to the pd for checkup. he told me that when bb reach 3 mth, their brain will be more developed and can sleep longer at night. My boy now will skip his 12mn feed, but will still wake up at 3am.

Somehow 3 mths is like the magic month... colic / reflux issues also improve around this time, so you should be able to feed more.

your bb is relatively younger than most of us here, so just hang on for a few weeks more.

I need help.
Will be travelling to bangkok this coming weekend. I am still feeding my baby with BM,and will be expressing it during my trip but my baby will not be with me. So would I be able to use those storage bags to store the milk and bring them back with me using ice packs in the plane ?
Or would using bottles be better ?
I need to get hold of milk bags or bottles and ice pack within these few days.
I would also need to get a box or bag to contain 4 days supply of EBM with ice packs.
Does anyone know where to all these ? Or have recommendation on better ways to transport EBM back....

THanks so much :D
my boy doesn't mind thawed milk currently phew! my heart goes out to you, kyrie...

as for sleep habits, he currently takes his naps in the sarong (yaolan), and usually need pacifier as well to get him to sleep. at night, when we take him to the cot, we'll switch off all the lights and he can go to sleep by himself. usually feed at 10 pm then he wakes up around 3 am for next feed.
Just back from review with the pd.

seems like sam's reflux problem is the main culprit, n not really phlegm which my mil keeps insisting he has! he does have some lah, but it's mostly the milk reflux causing 'blockage'
in his throat, thus the rattling phlegmy noise.

did the suction thing again to clear away the mucus caused by his milk reflux. he seems to be able to drink more comfortably now, n there's no more funny grunting noise from his throat. of course it'll come back, but at least he's feeling better for now.

worse.. pd said sam has colic. apparently the wake up n scream suddenly with arms n legs jerking madly is colic! super sian
i just gotta 'tong' n feed him ridwind n babylife n pray that the 'colic curse' lifts by the magic 3rd month. arghh.. 3 wks 3 days more to 12 weeks!

thanks, tzen, kikilala Really hope this period will pass soon.

My sale price: $100 (Negotiable if self collect at Seng Kang)
Condition: Excellent (Assembled but never used. Comes with silky blue sarong. Washed but never used.)
Bought from Kiddy Palace.

Please PM if keen. Thanks.


Thanks so much for the link.
It really does seems like a big project. Lucky im only going to Bangkok and does not need to express in the plane but the details on how they store the milk back really helps.

Thanks so much !

Now I need to get those stuff ready for the short trip. Though troublesome but I think its all worth while

One more qn, are we able to store EBM, chilled for around 5 days ?
omg...i just bent over to pick up something..with my pumps attached! now the whole room smells like milk..the floor is sooo sticky..stupid me...my chair cushion kena also!!!! gone ah..how to clean?
kyrie, never do that unless u just started pumping. i just use wet cloth to wipe away the milk so that stuffs wont be stains there. but still got a bit milk smell. i am used to it already hahaha else i will go ki siao everyday wash this wash that!
Hi kyrie, yes I want 2 Lansinoh packs and 1 blue egg pack can? are you able to post out to me asap. or where do you stay? Thanks!
Dolce:ermmmmm i know some airlines dun help pax to stoer their food stuffs already so u may wanna chk first b4 u ask them inflight.

I will check in my EBM. So have to make sure its packed properly and wont leak or the bag wont burst due to the air pressure.
Stress...hope that all the EBM will make it back safely....
ya lor. think after all the comments here, won't give thrawed ebm to my bb.

haha. u lucky. i dunno wanna try my luck on my #1. let see...

very stress indeed. gotta practise 1 mth b4 hand. would u able to pop by ur new office just to say hi to ur new colleagues, check out the fridge, space for pumping etc. thi is to mentally prepare urself for ur pumping. need to let ur boss know u will be pumping? mentally prepare him also?

think unless u can wash the cover if not, air it under sun at the balcony area etc?? i always smell like milk.

hang in there. u are half way there. jie you!!!!

u still have many frozen one at home. only use for bathing & shampooing? now dunno wat to do with the frozen one. u continue to freeze?
wow, it seems that there is a lot of to be done in order to bring back EBM. I will also have to travel the first week i get back to work..sigh. but i don't think i will be able to do all that is required, so i most prob will have to pump and throw. so wasteful..

yah lor still got 66 bags (13 litres) frozen one at home. but still got space to freeze cos using lansinoh now. atfirst i wanted to use to fill swim tub one. but hor... really wasted. also will be difficult to wash the swim tub if i actually fill it with BM.
